vg|A EC 2011 Semi finals - teams OPEN,1_2,I,1,14,Monaco A,0,Bessis,0| rs|4HN=,4HN=,2HE=,1NE+1,3DE+1,1NE-1,4SN-1,4SS=,2HW+2,4HW+1,1NN-2,2HS-2,4HS+1,4HS+1,5CN-1,3NN-1,4HW+1,4SE=,3NW-2,3NW-2,2HN+2,3DS+1,3HE-1,4HE-2,3NN-1,4HS+1,5CNx-1,6CNx-2| pn|Quantin,Smirnov ,Bompis,Piekarek,Bessis_M,Allavena,Bessis_T,Frey|pg|| qx|o1|st||md|3SAQ52HKT96DAJ5CQ6,SK9864HDKQ743C753,S7HAQJ854D9862CK9,SJT3H732DTCAJT842|sv|o|mb|1H|mb|p|mb|2N|nt|Walddk2: Natural systems for both pairs|pg|| nt|brolucius: We are certainly hoping for some great boards to grace the occasion.|pg|| nt|Walddk2: So this should be pretty easy to follow|pg|| nt|brolucius: Jacoby 2NT to show a strong heart raise.|pg|| nt|henryb: g'day|pg|| nt|Walddk2: EW play a variation of Polish Club but that is also rather natural|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Hello Henry|pg|| mb|3D|nt|brolucius: The strength of Jacoby lies in the follow-up sequences, which require a fair amount of work in a partnership. You have to know which bids show extra values.|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|Walddk2: But the follow-ups are vulnerable to interference|pg|| nt|brolucius: West bids to suggest an opening lead. He has not shown his spades, so he cannot hope to win the auction very often.|pg|| nt|Walddk2: As are all conventions|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: we had boards we wrong dealers, so we had to close this room, but now is ok :)|pg|| mb|3H|mb|p|mb|3S|mb|p|nt|brolucius: 3@H forcing, of course, and inviting a cue-bid.|pg|| mb|3N|mb|p|mb|4C|mb|p|mb|4D|mb|p|nt|brolucius: North shows both his second-round controls. No reason to be ashamed of doing that, with such good trumps.|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: with wrong dealers*|pg|| nt|Walddk2: No need to correct obvious typos, Maria|pg|| nt|henryb: South might have done better doubling, although 4@c needs careful defense|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: ok :)|pg|| nt|brolucius: Now North can limit his hand, perhaps. (If the pass over 3@D did not do that already).|pg|| mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|brolucius: An accurate, controlled auction that investigated a slam and then allowed the right decision to be made.|pg|| pc|dT|nt|vugraphpl2: running scores|pg|| pc|dA|nt|vugraphpl2: information|pg|| mc|10|nt|vugraphpl2: and North claimed after 1st trick :)|pg|| pg|| qx|c1|st||md|3SAQ52HKT96DAJ5CQ6,SK9864HDKQ743C753,S7HAQJ854D9862CK9,SJT3H732DTCAJT842|sv|o|nt|blum1956: hi all|pg|| nt|hedyg: good afternoon and welcome back to the 5th European Open Championships, Poznan, Poland. A Swiss teams ,Round 5/7, 10 boards / round|pg|| nt|jfaria: hi all|pg|| nt|kiwibridge: hi Bob and all, yes what a treat|pg|| nt|bigtrain: good morning all|pg|| nt|kiwibridge: hi Kit|pg|| nt|kiwibridge: and Walter|pg|| nt|hawe45: hi|pg|| mb|1H|nt|roswolf: std pre-empt|pg|| nt|hedyg: great!|pg|| nt|bobholl: at least one dutchman going trolugh in this match :)|pg|| nt|bobholl: trough|pg|| nt|blum1956: hi all|pg|| mb|p|nt|hedyg: good morning and welcome back to the 5th European Open Championships, Poznan, Poland. A Swiss teams ,Round 4/7, 10 boards / round|pg|| nt|hedyg: welcome Geoffrey Wolfarth |pg|| nt|glen: hi Hedy, Geoffrey|pg|| nt|hedyg: and Glen :)|pg|| nt|roswolf: hello:)|pg|| nt|roswolf: action bd to start|pg|| nt|3for3: Hi all|pg|| nt|jcomyn: what a horrible 2d|pg|| nt|rmb1: Hi and we are off|pg|| mb|1S|nt|jfaria: hi John, they are jrs :)|pg|| nt|jcomyn: I really hate that weak 2d system it is pointless|pg|| nt|jcomyn: hi joao - well thats one reason but they shouldnt learn bad habits early|pg|| nt|panja: hi all|pg|| nt|bobholl: peacefull @C partscore|pg|| mb|2D|nt|hedyg: our operator is Tadeusz|pg|| nt|roswolf: hi all|pg|| nt|hedyg: welcome Geoffrey Wolfarth |pg|| nt|hedyg: hi Danny :) ty for joining!|pg|| nt|roswolf: hi danny|pg|| nt|3for3: 4|pg|| nt|jfaria: Meckstroth playing 4@s x in open room|pg|| nt|rmb1: Interesting shape for 2|pg|| nt|rmb1: @H|pg|| mb|2H|mb|p|nt|hedyg: good afternoon and welcome back to the 5th European Open Championships, Poznan, Poland. A Swiss teams ,Round 6/7, 10 boards / round|pg|| nt|hedyg: our operator is Tadeusz|pg|| nt|hedyg: welcome Geoffrey Wolfarth |pg|| nt|roswolf: hi all|pg|| nt|hedyg: for BBO TV since BBO mobile is not working|pg|| mb|3D|nt|roswolf: :)gm hedy|pg|| nt|hedyg: our operator is Tadeusz|pg|| nt|granguru: hi all|pg|| nt|granguru: hi hedy|pg|| nt|glen: what should S lead?|pg|| mb|p|nt|ntmon: hi to everyone|pg|| nt|MolvaM: hello all|pg|| nt|hedyg: hi John|pg|| nt|glen: hi Murat :)|pg|| nt|MolvaM: hi Hedy, John|pg|| nt|MolvaM: hi Glen|pg|| nt|hedyg: Murat :)|pg|| nt|roswolf: hi everyone|pg|| nt|glen: S attacks the 6-5 suit|pg|| nt|glen: only 6 stoppers since suit splits|pg|| nt|granguru: I feel Jxxx is the worst lead to make in a 3NT contract|pg|| nt|hedyg: for BBO TV since BBO mobile is not working|pg|| nt|panja: if it is 5-5 per system, E should perhaps have tried to play in 5m|pg|| mb|3H|mb|p|nt|jcomyn: that seems daft with 5h makeable|pg|| nt|jfaria: first board... W stood quiet|pg|| nt|jcomyn: do u bid 4nt w?|pg|| nt|hawe45: 3 NT is the spot here|pg|| mb|4H|nt|blum1956: 5 nj 6 tricks probably|pg|| nt|roswolf: normal contract|pg|| nt|hedyg: i feel 4th from longest and strongest works best except from an ace|pg|| nt|3for3: 4@C will find hearts, but at the cost of being too high. Meck likeds the double fit potential|pg|| nt|roswolf: feisty bidding|pg|| nt|mdgraham: good morning from London|pg|| mb|p|nt|roswolf: a very sharp double|pg|| nt|hedyg: system summary for EW:|pg|| nt|dburn: that was pretty well judged by East|pg|| nt|roswolf: seems pretty normal bur the play is the thing|pg|| nt|hedyg: fficial website is :|pg|| nt|roswolf: yes david - pity he is still anonymous|pg|| nt|hedyg: for BBO TV since BBO mobile is not working|pg|| nt|3for3: obvious singleton lead.|pg|| nt|roswolf: finis|pg|| mb|p|nt|Walddk4: Good morning everyone|pg|| nt|mdgraham: and a good close match in prospect|pg|| nt|MolvaM: hello all|pg|| mb|p|nt|granguru: partner must have around 8 points so my first choice is @d10 then a small @C|pg|| nt|Walddk4: Commentators are Mike, Murat and David|pg|| nt|hawe45: But also 4 @H, naturally|pg|| pc|dT|nt|ntmon: Open teams, 3rd round of Swiss just started|pg|| nt|athene: hi good morning everyone|pg|| nt|roswolf: always lead a major against this bidding :) mind you i would have led a spade:(|pg|| nt|dburn: mind you, he may wish he had a spade higher than the eight|pg|| nt|jfaria: chances are to play for A@c onside ...|pg|| pc|dA|nt|hedyg: and i strongly dislike leading from a doubleton if pd didnt bid the suit|pg|| nt|glen: small @C would produce -400|pg|| nt|blum1956: A simple board just for the start|pg|| pc|d3|nt|hedyg: BBO mobile is still not working so pls use:|pg|| nt|hedyg: hi Bill|pg|| nt|roswolf: hi bill|pg|| nt|roswolf: north thinks safety first|pg|| nt|roswolf: poor raise imo|pg|| nt|roswolf: even with a 20 hcp hand the bidding suggests a lack of tricks|pg|| nt|roswolf: but the cards are kind|pg|| pc|d6|pg|| nt|blum1956: 5 to 6|pg|| nt|bobholl: won't work indeed :)|pg|| nt|bobholl: may be now :)|pg|| pc|h6|pc|c3|nt|roswolf: so we would have all let this through:)|pg|| nt|hedyg: results and running scores:|pg|| pc|hA|nt|roswolf: now that is a dumb lead @sA is stand out|pg|| nt|leao: hello all from são paulo, brazil|pg|| nt|MolvaM: hi mike, david :)|pg|| nt|ady: good morning all|pg|| pc|h2|pg|| pc|hQ|nt|jcomyn: no problem with this but brave bid|pg|| nt|hawe45: My grandmother would have claimed|pg|| mc|10|nt|hedyg: running scores:|pg|| nt|jfaria: so probably -1|pg|| pg|| qx|o2|st||md|4SJ876HQJ7DQJ52CK6,SAT9H82DAT763CQ52,SK53HK94DK8CJT974,SQ42HAT653D94CA83|sv|n|nt|henryb: Quite right. Save the time for when you need it|pg|| mb|p|nt|vugraphpl2: bulletin|pg|| mb|p|nt|henryb: A "perfect vision" hand. 20-20|pg|| mb|1D|mb|p|mb|1H|nt|brolucius: A certain type of declarer feels entitled to tire the defenders out by playing each deal through. They are not the most popular players...|pg|| mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|nt|henryb: Sounds like Secretary Bird rather than HH. HH would want to claim and get as many hands in as possible|pg|| nt|brolucius: If West had not found a third-hand light opening, we could have been spared watching this hand.|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Welcome to Michael Rosenblum|pg|| mb|2C|an| |nt|blum1956: hi all|pg|| mb|p|mb|2D|mb|p|mb|2H|mb|p|mb|p|nt|brolucius: 'There's always a chance that they will revoke!' hissed the Secretary Bird.|pg|| mb|p|nt|brolucius: West is a bit unlucky to find a passed partner with a hand that merits a game-try.|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h2|pc|h4|pc|h3|pg|| nt|henryb: with both black kings well placed, declarer should come home|pg|| nt|brolucius: South chooses what he rates as the least awful of four pretty unattractive leads.|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: running scores, which are not running yet :)|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: information|pg|| pc|cK|nt|brolucius: It seems that Maria has more than the normal number of arms and hands, since she can type messages at the same time as entering all the plays and bids. (Jan Martel of the USA has ...|pg|| nt|brolucius: the same magical ability.)|pg|| nt|blum1956: the diamond lead followed by the club switch could probably help the defense, still the declarer succeeds|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: in 27 boards we will know, who will be a winner and will play tomorrow in Final Open Teams :)|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c4|pc|cA|pg|| nt|henryb: This hand was opened at all four tables by West!|pg|| pc|d9|pc|d5|pc|d3|pc|dK|pg|| pc|cT|pc|c3|pc|c6|pc|cQ|pg|| nt|Walddk2: We now have French commentary in the closed room - Nous avons la salle fermée en français maintenant|pg|| pc|h8|pc|h9|pc|hA|pc|h7|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: it's my little secret :)|pg|| pc|h6|pc|hJ|pc|c5|pc|hK|pg|| nt|henryb: three opened 1@d; the other two who opened 1@d played in 1N. The fourth, Mahaffey, chose to open 3@d, down 2|pg|| mc|8|nt|Walddk2: Si vous avez d'autres questions ou besoin d'aide supplémentaire, s'il vous plaît n'hésitez pas à nous le faire savoir|pg|| nt|brolucius: North must have been entertained by the 3@D opening, since he had no prayer of a bid over a humble 1@D. or a pass.|pg|| pg|| qx|c2|st||md|4SJ876HQJ7DQJ52CK6,SAT9H82DAT763CQ52,SK53HK94DK8CJT974,SQ42HAT653D94CA83|sv|n|nt|hedyg: 3@H X in OR|pg|| nt|granguru: declarer saved 2 potential tricks|pg|| nt|hedyg: E thinking, has not passed yet|pg|| nt|hedyg: results and running scores:|pg|| nt|jfaria: well bellow 50% :)|pg|| nt|jcomyn: of course|pg|| nt|jcomyn: n might get excited here|pg|| nt|bobholl: against @C yes :)|pg|| nt|ritong: hi there|pg|| mb|p|nt|hedyg: EW CC:|pg|| nt|hedyg: and EW landed in 5@d|pg|| nt|kit: likely 4@H bid|pg|| mb|p|nt|ntmon: @S partscore to EW|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 27+5 = 32 teams will qualify for the knockouts. members of the eliminated teams can enjoy the open pairs event starting tomorrow|pg|| nt|dburn: but this match will be fast - both teams are sure to qualify, there is no carry-over, so they will save their energies for the knock-out stages|pg|| nt|hedyg: NS CC:|pg|| nt|jcomyn: not now he wont|pg|| nt|panja: this must have gone too fast to record|pg|| nt|bobholl: 123 @H ?|pg|| mb|1D|nt|hedyg: NS CC:|pg|| nt|roswolf: is that supposed to be a rubbish multi?|pg|| nt|hedyg: 2@d= multi, 2M= 10-13|pg|| nt|roswolf: rdbl =diamonds?|pg|| nt|hedyg: so this is max 9 hcps|pg|| nt|dburn: well, rubbish is as rubbish goes - that's pretty sound, not vulnerable in first seat|pg|| nt|hedyg: i never consider a 6-4 hand as rubbish anyhow|pg|| nt|roswolf: ok bid your suit is the consensus for rdbl|pg|| nt|hedyg: pass would show @ds, not XX|pg|| nt|dburn: but I would be surprised to find that redouble showed diamonds|pg|| nt|dburn: some play that redoubled means "I don't want to compete" - they would bid 2@s to mean "I want to compete in hearts, but not spades"|pg|| nt|roswolf: americans have a marked weakness against the multi -i t is extremely discouraged in the state|pg|| nt|3for3: that is how we play the redouble. not sure it is best. since they are often in trouble when they enter with balanced garbage|pg|| nt|hedyg: there is no carryover to the round of 32|pg|| nt|roswolf: you would hope meckwell at least have sensible methods|pg|| nt|3for3: they do play sensible methods. but doubling 2@D is not free, especially when the partner of the multi has some diamond length|pg|| nt|hedyg: to pass with @ds is normal i believe as E|pg|| nt|hedyg: with 6+ @ds|pg|| nt|roswolf: i would ignore the rdbl and bid 3@C SHOWING VALUES + clubs(going via leb would be weaker)|pg|| nt|3for3: meck usually isnt this slow|pg|| nt|roswolf: hmm is south choosing between 3@C OR 4@c?|pg|| nt|dburn: he may be asking questions of West, of course|pg|| nt|roswolf: OK seriously declarer failed to heed the significance of the diamond lead|pg|| mb|p|mb|1H|nt|woozle: 6NT has chances with a spade lead - four spades, three hearts, three diamonds, one club and a squeeze on south|pg|| nt|jcomyn: but ns might get busy in h|pg|| nt|hedyg: EW CC:|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 2s was intermediate?|pg|| nt|hedyg: specs tell me XX used to be bid your major for EW|pg|| nt|3for3: it might be west who is thinking, but i doubt it.|pg|| nt|3for3: usually these auctions are fairly automatic for the multi side.|pg|| nt|roswolf: i had assumed that rodwell's dbl showed 12-15 bal or very strong -does anyone know for sure?|pg|| nt|dburn: doesn't look as though redouble was diamonds, at any rate - West would have bid if it did|pg|| nt|3for3: i would bet with you |pg|| nt|hedyg: for sure|pg|| nt|jfaria: Mahaffey probably thinks he conceeded a swing in previous board..|pg|| nt|jcomyn: as long as s passes|pg|| nt|rmb1: 2H was 5H + 5other|pg|| nt|roswolf: which basically would be totally ludicrous unless it was a singleton|pg|| nt|bigtrain: meck had a 2@H intermediate option also|pg|| mb|p|nt|ntmon: but higher suit probably wins|pg|| nt|dburn: but 3@c was obviously value-showing, given North's 3NT|pg|| mb|1S|nt|woozle: Fiona Brown is very cautious with her barren 11|pg|| nt|roswolf: aggressive reopening by north|pg|| nt|panja: that 1Nt is a risk VUL|pg|| nt|ady: part score hand 9 tricks in diamonds for n/s|pg|| nt|mdgraham: if South tries 2NT though.....|pg|| nt|ady: 3MT poor hearts well placed but very poor contract|pg|| nt|ady: 3NT|pg|| nt|MolvaM: even 3nt seems to be making|pg|| nt|MolvaM: everything is well placed|pg|| mb|p|nt|MolvaM: 10-13 I am told ok|pg|| nt|roswolf: some may have doubled as east-t/o of course|pg|| nt|MolvaM: or 11-13 I am also told :)|pg|| nt|roswolf: well 6@C here on ice|pg|| nt|hedyg: i have no CC for NS, soemthing between SEF and 2/1|pg|| nt|roswolf: 6nt from east cold as well|pg|| nt|panja: 5 other including @S?|pg|| nt|bobholl: a lebensohl misunderstood ?|pg|| mb|1N|nt|jcomyn: not yet|pg|| nt|hedyg: lead 4th from longest!|pg|| nt|dburn: and I suppose he might make it, if East doesn't lead a diamond|pg|| nt|jfaria: after N said he has got the blacks there is no great deal about bidding @c|pg|| nt|roswolf: the dutch will get on the board here|pg|| nt|roswolf: looks like it|pg|| nt|roswolf: at least it is nv|pg|| nt|ady: need great luck with all suits outside diamonds|pg|| nt|MolvaM: for NS of course|pg|| nt|mdgraham: somehow you feel that South wants to bid 2NT |pg|| mb|p|nt|3for3: 3nt is reasonable spot. the diamond stopper looks weak, but as long as the clubs run, you just need AK@D in one hand or no @D lead|pg|| nt|hedyg: 9 tricks|pg|| nt|3for3: they got the latter...|pg|| nt|bobholl: small or @SQ ?|pg|| nt|roswolf: Q would also be my choice|pg|| nt|kit: this makes like difficult for Mech|pg|| mb|p|nt|ntmon: .. now :)|pg|| nt|Walddk4: Wikner/Kamras:|pg|| mb|p|nt|roswolf: this may not play too well|pg|| nt|kit: he must go up, but then no sure entry|pg|| pc|hQ|nt|rmb1: Yes, any other. (But only in some events)|pg|| nt|panja: well, in that case, dbl must have been negative...and W should have taken out...or was the double penalty?|pg|| pc|h2|pc|h9|nt|woozle: four rounds of spades now will put South through the wringer|pg|| nt|athene: bocchi knows his side has a fit - if opps have a 9-card fit you are guaranteed an 8-card fit at least - but that doesn't mean you will find it|pg|| nt|hedyg: some might bid 4@S with the W hand once he knows about 4 card support since he has no valid defense vs 4@H except the trumps|pg|| nt|roswolf: this can be defeated|pg|| nt|roswolf: the swedes on the first bd bid to 5@D for a game swing|pg|| nt|jcomyn: 3 bids on a 9 count now what|pg|| nt|panja: on B16, here, South is worried about @D control..|pg|| nt|panja: N should simply have bid 3Nt..but now, South is in a bind|pg|| pc|h6|pg|| pc|hJ|nt|blum1956: A player of the team which is in best 8 will hardly lead a spade against 6NT|pg|| nt|hedyg: ty Roland :)|pg|| nt|MolvaM: the bidding could well go 1@s-2@s-4@S at other tables|pg|| nt|roswolf: true|pg|| nt|roswolf: i have seen it said that at expert level you should never lead pard's major but lead your own suit and this hand is a good example of why|pg|| nt|panja: Lev trying to put pressure|pg|| nt|panja: the youngsters might just redbl...|pg|| pc|h8|nt|VugraphPLA: TD was called by Upmark|pg|| nt|hedyg: surely he called TD cause 3NT was bid after a longgggggg huddle by S|pg|| nt|3for3: does the slow bid demonstrably suggest 3nt by Rodwell?|pg|| nt|hedyg: the TD will decide that|pg|| nt|roswolf: in my view yes 3nt is much safer when pard huddles|pg|| nt|hedyg: in the mean time i had received some messages from kibs about the 3NT bid after a long huddle|pg|| nt|3for3: it may be safer. but it needs to be DEMONSTRABLY suggested...the law's words, not mine|pg|| nt|roswolf: yes it again looks that americans cant deal with the multi:)|pg|| nt|dburn: no more than an in-tempo 3@c bid would, I imagine - but we are not the Director, of course|pg|| nt|roswolf: declarer thinks oh dear|pg|| pc|h4|nt|jcomyn: well who does win now|pg|| nt|athene: west's defensive plan is very easy|pg|| nt|athene: just play spades and spades and spades|pg|| nt|roswolf: indeed|pg|| nt|athene: and get your three trump tricks|pg|| nt|hedyg: Ilan Herbst went 2 off in OR|pg|| nt|athene: maybe south would be better-off to double 3@S rather than bid 4@H, if he feels he has to do something|pg|| nt|roswolf: i think only -1 is likely here|pg|| nt|roswolf: competenty done|pg|| nt|roswolf: now 13 tricks|pg|| nt|rmb1: Lev seems to expect more from 1@D than East will deliver|pg|| nt|rmb1: 4@H not very attractive for South (unless North had doubleton diamond)|pg|| nt|panja: it will be difficult to avoid 3 trump losers here...4@H doesn't look like a make|pg|| nt|rmb1: If anything, 4@S looks easier|pg|| nt|hawe45: Best lead difficult to find: @C KING!|pg|| pc|h5|pg|| nt|blum1956: Not that difficult - clubs is the only unbid suit|pg|| nt|hawe45: But then you must check the bidding...|pg|| nt|blum1956: Anyway, all the aces being with the declarer's side nothing may disturb making the contract|pg|| pc|d2|pc|d3|nt|kiwibridge: 1N was x'd for -300 so perhaps not such a good idea on 1|pg|| pc|dK|nt|athene: 4@H should be a five-card suit in my opinion|pg|| nt|MolvaM: some like to rebid 3@d with north hand with 6 solid tricks|pg|| pc|d4|pg|| nt|panja: NS seem to have similar cards in @H and @S...but @S are 33 in EW 4@S might have a modicum of a chance|pg|| nt|panja: @CK, @H ruff, a trump...what is the fourth possibility for the defenders?|pg|| nt|rmb1: @HA :)|pg|| nt|panja: oh well......if Declarer tries to prevent @C ruff, he can't ruff anything himself...|pg|| nt|panja: but he could get 3 Clubs, 3 Spades, 2 Diamonds, 2 Hearts for 10|pg|| nt|ritong: this room switching to french|pg|| nt|hawe45: He must put his money on @C King in South - otherwise still down with a wrong @S-guess|pg|| nt|fokal: ok, french or english , I don't mind :)|pg|| nt|ritong: nous allons installer cette salle en français|pg|| nt|hawe45: Do we swith to french just to make me happy - merci d´avance...|pg|| nt|hawe45: Et maintenant, que vais je faire...|pg|| nt|ritong: ton bonheur est notre principale préoccupation, hans|pg|| pc|s3|nt|hedyg: he could not do that after his pd doubled 3@S, Bill|pg|| nt|jcomyn: CQ and H|pg|| pc|sQ|nt|roswolf: -4 800 is a big price to pay for a bidding mixup|pg|| pc|s8|nt|ntmon: it's probable that EW will come to 4@S on many tables either on its own or pushed, but not doubled |pg|| nt|athene: no i mean in the other room|pg|| nt|hedyg: but that would be for minors, denying 4@Hs|pg|| nt|hedyg: it is rare that pd, when he doubles 1@s, does not have 4 cards in @H|pg|| nt|roswolf: not so rare these days for the top players|pg|| nt|hedyg: we all assume pd has 4 OM when he doubles a M opening|pg|| nt|roswolf: that is true enough|pg|| nt|jfaria: think E could antecipate some kind of misfit...|pg|| pc|s9|pg|| pc|hA|nt|jcomyn: but why does w keep bidding when he knows big hand on nhis left|pg|| nt|MolvaM: in which case south could choose to bid the NT game|pg|| pc|h7|nt|woozle: probably not, but leading from a nothing suit isn't completely safe either - can easily pick up (say) partner's queen|pg|| nt|hedyg: nobody is very worried about the overtrick|pg|| nt|fokal: ou est ce qu'on en est, je suis arivé au milieu de la donne donc je ne sais pas trop ce qu'il se passe|pg|| pc|d6|nt|jcomyn: levazza mean business by the looks of things|pg|| nt|jfaria: 9 tricks is quite a bit in this layout|pg|| nt|panja: I thought @CK was not a good choice....for West|pg|| pc|hK|pg|| pc|hT|nt|roswolf: ace and another trump lookes obvious as he wasnt in 4|pg|| nt|glen: should declarer have played @S ace then @s|pg|| pc|d5|pc|d7|nt|hedyg: :)|pg|| nt|athene: i think doubling just says you don't have the offensive potential in hearts to commit to bidding 4 over 3|pg|| nt|roswolf: this is not good for south|pg|| nt|roswolf: fair comment bill|pg|| nt|athene: so you can still have auctions like 1@S X 3@S X pass 4minor pass 4@H|pg|| nt|athene: saying ok, we might want to play here, but we don't have to|pg|| nt|roswolf: running scores:|pg|| pc|c4|pg|| nt|MolvaM: greed?|pg|| nt|roswolf: hmm an error by south|pg|| nt|roswolf: yup|pg|| nt|MolvaM: actually he should want the @sK to be offside|pg|| nt|roswolf: on the first bd south led @sA AGAINST 4@h for -1|pg|| nt|ritong: pendant ce temps, notre jeune amie nathalie frey va faire son contrat|pg|| pc|h3|nt|roswolf: in the other room|pg|| pc|s6|pc|sT|nt|panja: it might still make....unless @HQ entry is knocked out.So W must win @S, and switch to @HJ perhaps..let us see|pg|| nt|rmb1: Looks like two trumps for defence|pg|| nt|panja: no..@SJ and back next..that should be normal now|pg|| nt|hawe45: Entame anti-Bessis - et il va gagner. Meilleure entame: Roi de @C - du Roi doubleton|pg|| pc|c7|pg|| pc|c3|nt|jcomyn: he will get what he deserved|pg|| pc|cK|nt|Walddk6: Welcome to Martin Carroll|pg|| pc|c2|nt|fokal: ok 7 top tricks , 8 now|pg|| pc|c9|pg|| pc|s7|pc|sA|nt|mcarroll: Hi all|pg|| nt|athene: nice line, trying to make|pg|| nt|MolvaM: madala is in the interesting contract of 2S next room|pg|| pc|s5|nt|rmb1: Too many red suit losers|pg|| nt|panja: but for North's refusal to bid 2Nt..this deal would have been over long ago|pg|| nt|rmb1: Board 15 was flat in 4@SX+1 on the same auction|pg|| pc|s2|pg|| nt|athene: playing for @CJx onside|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|cT|pc|c8|pc|c6|pg|| pc|c5|pc|cJ|nt|athene: and even trump break|pg|| pc|cA|nt|rmb1: Apparently, West needed to play a @D at trick 2 to threaten a diamond overruff and North needed to play a small @H at trick 3 to establish 2 @H tricks|pg|| nt|ritong: sur une main a passe général possible|pg|| pc|sJ|pg|| pc|d9|pc|dJ|pc|dT|pc|d8|pg|| pc|dQ|nt|roswolf: good try|pg|| nt|bobholl: this even better than making 4@S (no trump lead or switch)|pg|| nt|roswolf: i trust this wont put e/w on tilt|pg|| pc|dA|pc|sK|pc|s4|pg|| pg|| qx|o3|st||md|1SKJ4HT875D52CA764,ST3HK4DJT76CQJT83,SA876HQJ3D984CK52,SQ952HA962DAKQ3C9|sv|e|nt|brolucius: It is a pity we have to share a screen with the Teach Yourself French class.|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|brolucius: It must be the recession that caused it.|pg|| mb|p|mb|1D|nt|Walddk2: Well, many of our specs do not have English as their first language. It's only fair to respect that in my view|pg|| mb|p|nt|vugraphpl2: running scores are working now :)|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: information |pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: schedule |pg|| mb|3C|an| |nt|henryb: Sum uv our comenters shair dat |pg|| mb|p|nt|vugraphpl2: bulletin |pg|| nt|brolucius: I am competent in French, so far as their menus are concerned.|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: i don't understand French :(|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: unfortunately :(|pg|| nt|henryb: 3@C=4@D a) 7-9 HCP b) 13+ HCP, any splinter|pg|| nt|brolucius: West's bid could be a fit-jump, showing diamond support. This is logical, since a passed hand can hardly want to jump without a fit.|pg|| nt|blum1956: 3@d is a laydown but is Piekarek going to bid more?|pg|| nt|henryb: unlikely to be the second as a passed hand|pg|| nt|brolucius: East has extra values, but does not fit the clubs well.|pg|| nt|blum1956: 3@c must discourage him|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: Piekarek is still thinking...|pg|| nt|brolucius: Nor is 3NT a likely spot when he holds only four diamonds.|pg|| nt|henryb: might try 3N|pg|| nt|blum1956: 4@d may cause problems|pg|| nt|brolucius: One of the majors is likely to be under-protected and no reason to think that there is a source of 9 tricks anyway. |pg|| mb|3D|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|brolucius: Even if his side has 25 points or so, there might be no game available. Yes, he has signed off. That certainly looks right on his hand.|pg|| pc|h7|nt|henryb: But David, I was told what 3@c means: 7-9 points and 4@d|pg|| nt|blum1956: ok, right decision by Piekarek and first IMPs for his team|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: running scores|pg|| pc|h4|pc|hJ|pc|hA|pg|| pc|c9|pc|c7|pc|c3|pc|cK|pg|| pc|s7|pc|s5|pc|sJ|pc|s3|pg|| pc|h5|pc|hK|pc|h3|pc|h2|pg|| pc|sT|pc|s6|pc|s2|pc|sK|pg|| nt|henryb: declarer is planning to cross ruff now|pg|| nt|brolucius: Monaco Z are the all-star Zimmermann squad that has relocated to Monaco, with the aim of representing them in big championships. The Monaco A team has been the one to do so well. ...|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: atmosphere at the table is really friendly :) all players have smile on their faces :)|pg|| nt|brolucius: We will surely have some action on one of the next few deals that will remove at least two smiles.|pg|| nt|henryb: and why shouldn't they? Playing high class bridge in a nice place. I would be smiling also|pg|| nt|Walddk2: And why not; they are all guaranteed a medal no matter what. No playoff for third place. Excellent decision|pg|| nt|brolucius: They are happy to be in the semi-finals.|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: unfortunately :(|pg|| pc|h8|nt|brolucius: In events like the English FA Cup (for football) it is said to be the 'worst result', if you lose in the semi-final. But that is not the case here. As Roland says, you pick up a ...|pg|| nt|brolucius: certain medal, and no doubt get your picture in the bulletin.|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|hQ|pc|h6|pg|| pc|c8|pc|c5|pc|d3|pc|c4|pg|| pc|s9|pc|s4|pc|d6|pc|s8|pg|| nt|henryb: In contrast to our quiet match, the score in the other is 18-5 after three boards|pg|| pc|cT|pc|c2|pc|dQ|pc|c6|pg|| pc|sQ|mc|10|pg|| qx|c3|st||md|1SKJ4HT875D52CA764,ST3HK4DJT76CQJT83,SA876HQJ3D984CK52,SQ952HA962DAKQ3C9|sv|e|nt|roswolf: agreed since he was in 3|pg|| nt|MolvaM: so that 4@s wont make|pg|| nt|jfaria: 500 for nothing|pg|| nt|jcomyn: 500 for bidding like a novice|pg|| nt|jcomyn: 1nt by somebody|pg|| nt|fokal: oh mince j'ai parlé en anglais, j'ai pris l'habitude, faut croire|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|woozle: Brown has an exciting hand but best defense can beat 4S|pg|| nt|roswolf: an imp is an imp is an imp so said a great player once|pg|| nt|hedyg: the official site is:|pg|| nt|rmb1: 10IMP to Mahaffey against 3NT= in OR|pg|| nt|kit: now 2@S overcall hits multi-bidder's suit|pg|| nt|bobholl: vulnarable weak two "we are not afraid"|pg|| nt|bigtrain: i think he'll X|pg|| nt|mdgraham: interesting is a good word - can mean a number of things|pg|| nt|hawe45: Partielle mineure ou SA pour E/W, donne calme|pg|| mb|p|nt|mcarroll: This will certainly see Major suit action|pg|| nt|roswolf: i believe you danny|pg|| nt|jfaria: 11 facing 11|pg|| nt|bobholl: X bid your suit ?|pg|| mb|1D|nt|ntmon: 4@S now by NS|pg|| nt|jcomyn: will they get to 6|pg|| nt|roswolf: 4@H is normal here|pg|| nt|roswolf: another transfer|pg|| nt|jcomyn: passed out in the club but not here|pg|| nt|jfaria: one of the most misguidding combination|pg|| nt|kit: East knows if West has hearts, opponents have spades|pg|| nt|MolvaM: right :) commentator jargon|pg|| nt|mdgraham: third in hand - anything goes|pg|| mb|p|nt|roswolf: anothr transfer|pg|| nt|jcomyn: usually leads to trouble|pg|| nt|fokal: est ce que 2 @d serait naturel, nf chez eux ?|pg|| mb|1N|nt|roswolf: might inhibit the nat @H overcall by east |pg|| nt|3for3: 2@H reverse flannery|pg|| nt|roswolf: what is the alleged range of 1nt?|pg|| nt|bobholl: and he knows that in that case he can't outbid them|pg|| nt|ady: part score hand again e/w likely to play in a major|pg|| nt|fokal: sinon 1SA|pg|| mb|p|nt|woozle: South's 2D looks competitively inadequate, not that it matters much here|pg|| nt|jcomyn: tempting|pg|| nt|jfaria: here with the light open after S has passed|pg|| nt|bobholl: guess 14-16|pg|| mb|p|nt|kit: one of the advantages of multi -- sometimes you dodge a bad split|pg|| mb|p|nt|fokal: encore une donne bien calme|pg|| pc|hQ|nt|blum1956: Probably it is a @h raise|pg|| nt|roswolf: may be showing 3@H support - the transfer shows 4+ in hearts|pg|| nt|leao: this shud be to play, no?|pg|| nt|leao: playing weak NT|pg|| nt|roswolf: NORTH SHOULDNT BID AGAIN THE DOUBLE IS A WARNING BELL|pg|| nt|roswolf: sorry for the shout -stuck caps lock key|pg|| nt|fokal: on attendra la donne 4 pour plus de mouvement|pg|| nt|hawe45: Nord entame mieux (meilleur?) que son p rere contre SA|pg|| nt|hawe45: père|pg|| pc|h2|nt|roswolf: i would lead a club|pg|| nt|roswolf: the @SQ is looking for a brillancy prize|pg|| nt|ady: 3 clubs good for 9 tricks|pg|| nt|mdgraham: warning sign for the @cK|pg|| nt|MolvaM: south is happy with 2 aces and 3 card support|pg|| pc|h8|nt|roswolf: but it depends on what double by eric showed - if a weak nt then it may well be assuming a club fit - but we must remember that defence could have defeated it|pg|| nt|hedyg: 2@H not alerted?|pg|| nt|wstuart: sleeping actually|pg|| nt|bobholl: he listens to you :)|pg|| nt|roswolf: yes only 1000 miles away|pg|| pc|h4|pg|| nt|woozle: No doubt, and a toothpick is a weapon but it's not really adequate for a duel|pg|| nt|jcomyn: as u said - now whnat?|pg|| nt|leao: in spite of the trump break this shud make in comfort (+1, looks like)|pg|| nt|leao: no chance he hears me... in another continent altogether|pg|| nt|roswolf: e/w would have done well in one of the red suits|pg|| pc|hJ|nt|jcomyn: but resisted|pg|| nt|roswolf: i am told 1@c-1@d-1@h=3@h unball,1nt=2/3@hball|pg|| nt|roswolf: another vul game bash|pg|| nt|hedyg: 1st we bid it, then we try to make it|pg|| pc|h6|nt|ntmon: S would need @D8 instead of @D7|pg|| nt|rmb1: 2 @C A@D @D ruff 5 @H = +1|pg|| nt|kit: looks like only 7 tricks|pg|| nt|ady: double must show spades as well as 5 hearts|pg|| nt|ady: this should be down 1|pg|| pc|h5|nt|jcomyn: has to be penlties but e not sure|pg|| pc|hK|pg|| nt|roswolf: yup|pg|| nt|roswolf: to try and set up hearts looks natural not that it will work|pg|| nt|hedyg: not enough transportation|pg|| nt|hedyg: and also the 3rd @s in the N hand|pg|| nt|roswolf: true but if 3-3 then enough|pg|| nt|hedyg: if there is a way Pepsi will find it|pg|| nt|roswolf: dd it is doomed i am told - looks it to me in practice as well|pg|| nt|mdgraham: diamond lead and club shift - this may be one too high |pg|| pc|cT|nt|jfaria: N took 2nt as minors and really bid his p suit with 2 cards!!|pg|| nt|bobholl: looks imo(and some kibs) as 6 tricks only |pg|| nt|hawe45: Une de chute - mais vite|pg|| pc|cK|nt|athene: this is a funny auction then - how did Bocchi know his partner had five hearts>|pg|| nt|jcomyn: early monday morning bridge|pg|| nt|jfaria: revenge from prevous board?|pg|| nt|Walddk5: 2 segments of 14 boards in the R32, R16, QF and SF. 3 x 16 in the finals on Wednesday|pg|| pc|c9|nt|athene: ?|pg|| pc|c4|pg|| nt|mcarroll: making now|pg|| nt|woozle: Brown had two options - lead the club early before the opponents know you have eight trumps, or run trumps and try to put on pressure|pg|| nt|bobholl: migth even make 4 5@C 4@S 2 aces |pg|| nt|james_h: my time and if I can earlier|pg|| nt|fokal: il entame aussi la dame de @h dans DVx :)|pg|| nt|hawe45: Que Nord reflechit ici, c´est deja fort!!!|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h9|nt|ntmon: or @D lead|pg|| nt|MolvaM: meckwell playing 2@s|pg|| nt|fokal: mais c'est pas la même séquence cela dit :)|pg|| pc|hT|nt|athene: maybe he didn't|pg|| pc|c3|pg|| nt|blum1956: Maybe it were better to play the @cQ before trumps|pg|| nt|roswolf: pepsi is east's nickname |pg|| nt|ritong: allavena a joué un peu imprudemment|pg|| nt|ritong: je crois qu il etait meilleur de prendre l entame au mort et attaquer les @cs immédiatement|pg|| nt|mdgraham: good afternoon all|pg|| nt|fokal: a la vue du mort, le switch devrait arriver|pg|| pc|d5|nt|mcarroll: True enough|pg|| nt|Walddk4:|pg|| nt|panja: do you like the 2@H bid?|pg|| nt|bobholl: j of @D now 6 only|pg|| nt|kit: 4 spades, 1 in each other suit?|pg|| nt|bobholl: yes ok count to 13 is sometimes difficult|pg|| nt|bigtrain: once the @HQ scored 7 seems likely|pg|| nt|bigtrain: if not careful 8 even|pg|| nt|ritong: french room , mike:)|pg|| pc|d6|nt|woozle: Count signals should sort out the club suit for the defense when North has the ace|pg|| nt|kit: better than other room though|pg|| nt|bobholl: much better :)|pg|| nt|bigtrain: i like X alot more than 2NT there|pg|| pc|d9|nt|roswolf: non-poles cant pronounce all the consonants in his name|pg|| nt|leao: indeed he might|pg|| nt|leao: but he also might fear @c ruffs|pg|| nt|bobholl: in 2 he won't go all out|pg|| nt|leao: and he´s in the wrong hand to takcle trumps|pg|| nt|MolvaM: lev's 3@c bid was the winner here|pg|| nt|mdgraham: well, that gives it a chance |pg|| pc|dA|pg|| nt|roswolf: 3nt shows 5 hearts i am told :)|pg|| pc|hA|nt|ady: certain to get heart right|pg|| nt|MolvaM: well lev's @c9 converted the winner to a push I guess|pg|| pc|h7|pc|c8|nt|athene: yes i know 1@D shows hearts but only 4+ hearts|pg|| nt|panja: why bid for 8 tricks when you can take 7 and get a plus score? |pg|| nt|leao: nicely done|pg|| nt|roswolf: on bd2 south in the other room tried 3@S-2- 14 IMPS TO THE DUTCH|pg|| pc|c5|pg|| nt|roswolf: cutting his losses -1|pg|| nt|rmb1: I prefer it to Pass|pg|| pc|dK|nt|jcomyn: surprised in a way they didnt try|pg|| nt|bigtrain: 3@S vs X -- don't have much feeling which is better|pg|| nt|bigtrain: 2@S|pg|| pc|d2|nt|MolvaM: was that a signalling mixup?|pg|| pc|d7|pc|d4|pg|| nt|jcomyn: c situation helps a little|pg|| nt|jfaria: again 9 tricks is a lot|pg|| nt|fokal: mais si le partenaire possède la Dame et non l'as , c'est peut etre le roi qu'il faut jouer|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|s4|pc|dT|pc|d8|pg|| nt|hawe45: Bonne aprés-midi, Mike...|pg|| pc|d3|nt|blum1956: It is difficult for defenders to make a mistake when they have some 7 free discards|pg|| nt|roswolf: concede|pg|| nt|kit: 2@S seems right to me|pg|| nt|bigtrain: not excited about the 5332|pg|| nt|mdgraham: au revoir, then|pg|| pc|c6|nt|jcomyn: should have been glad to get out at 2nt|pg|| nt|kit: bid what you have|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|s6|pg|| pc|cJ|nt|mdgraham: @CJ then 10 from South musy have looked like a doubleton |pg|| pc|c2|pc|s2|nt|MolvaM: 1 imp for lavazza instead of -4|pg|| nt|mdgraham: but NS have Polish antecedents - so they should lead low from a doubleton|pg|| nt|mdgraham: sorry, South does|pg|| pc|cA|pg|| pc|c7|nt|woozle: the problem is that with no entry to dummy the pressure isn't great|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|s7|nt|jfaria: -2 not tragic|pg|| pc|s5|pg|| pc|s3|pc|s8|nt|hedyg: Thomas would have ruffed the @c with Q@S if he had it|pg|| pc|s9|pc|sJ|pg|| pc|sK|pc|sT|pc|sA|pc|sQ|pg|| nt|fokal: oups pardon, le mort est en E, j'ai besoin de me reveiller moi|pg|| nt|hawe45: C´est normal - mi-apres-midi, mon petit|pg|| pg|| qx|o4|st||md|2SAK52HKQDKQJ97CK8,S73HA732DAT63CA92,SQJT4HT9654D5CT73,S986HJ8D842CQJ654|sv|b|nt|vugraphpl2: running scores|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: information |pg|| mb|1C|mb|p|mb|1D|an| |nt|blum1956: There should be a play-off for the bronze according to the Rules&Regulations. Did they change this?|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: schedule|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: bulletin|pg|| nt|brolucius: I was told the same just now (that there would be a play-off in the Open)|pg|| nt|brolucius: In the Mixed Teams there was not a play-off.|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: so after 3 boards we have a leader: Bessis|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: 6IMP different :)|pg|| nt|brolucius: Polish 1@C, often a weak NT.|pg|| nt|blum1956: Yes, but only in Mixed|pg|| mb|d|mb|p|nt|vugraphpl2: and 11 boards to go in this segment :)|pg|| nt|brolucius: I am told that the play-off in the Open is 2x16-board sessions.|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: and after break 14 boards again :)|pg|| nt|henryb: Pass is presumably weak NT with 3+@d|pg|| mb|1H|mb|p|nt|brolucius: +620 is a good result for Bessis in the Closed Room. We will see if they can match it here.|pg|| mb|2N|mb|p|nt|henryb: Both tables in the other match reached 4@s. One made with an overtrick|pg|| nt|brolucius: Dble, then 1NT shows a good hand. This sequence shows a great hand.|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Then I withdraw my praise of the organisers|pg|| nt|blum1956: The 3NT is makeable with any lead but a club|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Why would there be a difference between the Open, Women, Seniors teams and the Mixed Teams?|pg|| nt|brolucius: Hard to answer.|pg|| nt|henryb: Because they cannot drop into the Open Pairs tomorrow?|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: This time Bompis is thinking... what he decides? we'll see :)|pg|| mb|3S|mb|p|nt|brolucius: We have a possibility of 'all smile' loss at the moment. Will North bid game? Yes, he has said 3@S.|pg|| mb|4S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|brolucius: Now the lead comes through the @CK.|pg|| pc|cQ|nt|henryb: and will East lead a club honor?|pg|| nt|henryb: Yes|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: :)|pg|| nt|brolucius: North cleverly bid 3@D instead of 3@S at the other table and South played the contract. Excellent bidding!|pg|| nt|Walddk2: We will be showing the women and seniors at 17.00 local time, in about 45 minutes|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: N asks S about sth, but i don't hear about what...|pg|| nt|henryb: Next!|pg|| pc|cK|pc|cA|pc|c3|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h4|pc|h8|pc|hQ|pg|| pc|c9|pc|cT|pc|cJ|pc|c8|pg|| nt|brolucius: That was young Thomas Bessis, who is (annoyingly) both excellent at bridge AND good-looking. Life can be so unfair...|pg|| pc|d4|pc|dK|pc|dA|pc|d5|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c7|pc|c5|pc|s2|pg|| nt|henryb: You had your chance, as did I, 40 years ago or so|pg|| nt|Walddk2: No comment|pg|| nt|brolucius: I'm sure you made the most of it, Henry.|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h2|pc|h5|pc|hJ|pg|| nt|brolucius: A girl in every state?|pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|c4|st||md|2SAK52HKQDKQJ97CK8,S73HA732DAT63CA92,SQJT4HT9654D5CT73,S986HJ8D842CQJ654|sv|b|nt|hedyg: i am afraid when the CC was made last year they were not yet playing transfers over the 1@c opening, thus no explanations|pg|| nt|roswolf: what 3@H would mean is a mystery:)|pg|| nt|athene: ok so with a 3nt bid and only four hearts, south would have done something else|pg|| nt|athene: garozzo responds 2@C on strong balanced hands with a 4-card major|pg|| nt|athene: the idea is to conceal the major if you don't have a 4-4 fit|pg|| nt|athene: so if you respond showing a major then bid 3nt you promise 5|pg|| nt|roswolf: another kibber suggests they may use 3@S rebid by south as puppet to 3nt|pg|| nt|athene: looks as though NS are doing the same sort of thing|pg|| nt|MolvaM: nice hand.|pg|| nt|hedyg: wd for -1?|pg|| nt|dburn: delay perhaps caused by return of Director to table|pg|| nt|3for3: south made an interesting pass of the double of 1@H in CR. Terrible heart spots. I'd have bid some number of NT myself|pg|| nt|VugraphPLA: They will talk with TD after the match |pg|| nt|jcomyn: still a present of 6 imps|pg|| nt|bigtrain: i guess i could be convinced either way|pg|| nt|mdgraham: anyway, chance missed|pg|| nt|hawe45: Mais on est d´accord avec une de chute?|pg|| nt|ritong: non|pg|| mb|1D|nt|jfaria: a quiet @s game now|pg|| nt|bobholl: i almost never bid a 5 card suit against multi (2@H is info on @S)|pg|| mb|p|nt|MolvaM: we would be happy if a few voids would be there but ok :)|pg|| nt|glen: on bd 22, Tokay, S in other room, started trumps with ace for +140 and 5 imps|pg|| nt|ritong: si|pg|| mb|p|nt|jcomyn: 3C|pg|| nt|ntmon: 2@S alerted but looks like sign-off|pg|| nt|roswolf: on 22 in 3@S DECLARER DID PLAY ACE AND ANOR TRUMP|pg|| nt|MolvaM: welldone tokay :)|pg|| nt|bobholl: things don't go "the italian way " :)|pg|| nt|kit: should be easy slam to bid|pg|| nt|ritong: ça a été rectifié|pg|| nt|hawe45: Dans cette donne (aussi) mon style est perdante = je passe 1 @D...|pg|| nt|ritong: j aurais tendance a voir combien le déclarant vulnérable fait de plis a 1 @d|pg|| mb|d|nt|roswolf: great minds eh glen!?:)|pg|| nt|glen: hey, canadians own "eh"|pg|| nt|roswolf: well 3nt seems routine by west|pg|| nt|bobholl: other room reached 4@S getting a @H lead|pg|| nt|leao: strong @c?|pg|| mb|p|nt|jcomyn: boy what happens now|pg|| nt|ntmon: when opps bid 2 suits and we look for 3NT, we bid the suit we have stopped |pg|| nt|hedyg: 2@d= 4+|pg|| nt|roswolf: a difficult salm to reach 6@D seems clearly superior|pg|| nt|athene: NS can bid lots of hearts but that will only encourage east to bid a slam|pg|| nt|hedyg: ok here is the CC for NS now:|pg|| nt|roswolf: this might be awkward for n/s|pg|| nt|hedyg: which is the awkward part?|pg|| nt|jcomyn: yes all this early morning excitement is a bit much for an aul fella like me|pg|| nt|jfaria: no reason to play anything else but 4@s|pg|| nt|panja: 6@C will be a good spot on B18|pg|| nt|bobholl: yes kind of|pg|| nt|ady: another part score hand|pg|| mb|1H|nt|ntmon: but i agree .. NS on the way to problems|pg|| nt|roswolf: the heart lead against nt is marked lucky east has 10xxx|pg|| nt|hedyg: getting to grand?|pg|| nt|rmb1: Losing @D finesse in 6NT|pg|| mb|p|nt|woozle: At the other table, North switched to a diamond at trick two, but chose the lowest...South, duly misled, led one back|pg|| nt|athene: 6@S will make if the defence foolishly try to cash @HAK, but not if they switch to a club to take out the entry to the diamonds, of course|pg|| nt|glen: thanks Hedy, typical swedish cc, very little blank space left|pg|| nt|dburn: Kokish hasn't yet managed to persuade Rodwell to overcall 1@s instead of doubling|pg|| nt|leao: ok, ty|pg|| mb|2N|nt|MolvaM: heart lead and low spade switch?|pg|| nt|granguru: and west @HJx|pg|| nt|bobholl: and in NT is much more than in @D|pg|| mb|p|nt|jcomyn: like well into the soup|pg|| nt|jcomyn: I'm still bidding 3c on the s hand before you have your blood spilled|pg|| nt|MolvaM: oh then @sA disappears|pg|| nt|roswolf: slam is on in many denominations and level is difficult to judge too|pg|| nt|jfaria: 2 nt must be several layouts, otherwise I doubt W would enter tehe auction|pg|| nt|hawe45: Mais Nord doit contrer 1 @D - et voila|pg|| nt|ritong: quelle bonne idée, hans|pg|| mb|3D|nt|ntmon: the only problem with 3@C is that should not be enough |pg|| nt|ntmon: at least they're on the same wavelenght|pg|| nt|roswolf: advance sac taken|pg|| nt|hedyg: XX doesnt even start to show this hand|pg|| nt|hedyg: it really makes no difference to their qualifications|pg|| nt|panja: but with @DQ off, it won't make...|pg|| nt|roswolf: once when behind in a match i passed a strong club with a hand like south's and earnt myself a big swing - 1@c was the only making contract!|pg|| nt|roswolf: i was a junior at the time of course!|pg|| nt|bobholl: 7@D is best with @H K rigth but you can't guess that|pg|| mb|p|nt|hedyg: still 9 tricks|pg|| nt|hedyg: ok, now 4@d|pg|| nt|roswolf: i agree hedy|pg|| nt|3for3: kokish basically believes there is no hand too strong to overcall. Rodwell doesn't see it that way here|pg|| mb|3S|nt|MolvaM: even if misguess|pg|| nt|hedyg: right|pg|| nt|hedyg: anything is fine as long as they avoid 5@ds|pg|| nt|bobholl: 7nt makes because @HK rigth and @C good for 4 tricks |pg|| mb|p|nt|roswolf: yup i think duboin was taking the time to light the proverbial cigarette|pg|| nt|mdgraham: apparently in standard Polish leads J is led from J10 doubleton|pg|| nt|MolvaM: in a close match quiet part score boards gain more importance. the last board was quite heavy in that sense|pg|| mb|4S|nt|jcomyn: much of a muchness|pg|| nt|glen: i thought they played for lavazza and coffee|pg|| mb|p|nt|roswolf: the grand is missed i fear|pg|| nt|hedyg: Thomas thinks XX shows 3 @ss only|pg|| nt|hedyg: with 4 card fit and singleton @c he had other bids available|pg|| nt|roswolf: meckwell will probably have a similar challenge in the other room|pg|| mb|p|nt|blum1956: clear pass for North on 2@s from my point of view, but Pszczola is a world champion which I am not|pg|| nt|MolvaM: he could get 6 proverbial IMPs fine for that :)|pg|| nt|hedyg: strange not to correct to @s|pg|| nt|panja: the bidding doesn't really address this slam exploration...if W had @DQ instead of the @SQ, for example, it would have been a cold 6@C|pg|| mb|p|nt|bobholl: may be true now too|pg|| nt|MolvaM: meckstroth plays 3C open room which could well make|pg|| nt|ritong: mieux vaut ne pas se tromper d entame|pg|| nt|ritong: par sud, c est meilleur, pardon|pg|| nt|fokal: il aurait pu dire 3P plutot que 3K|pg|| pc|h3|nt|leao: if he use the @s 10 as an entry he´ll be able to make one red siut finesse|pg|| nt|hawe45: Mais 620 su table|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h8|pc|hQ|pg|| nt|jfaria: Question is if 2nt GF W knows NS will win the auction , so no point in telling where the gold is..|pg|| nt|MolvaM: if he makes, this will be a double partscore swing for mahaffey of I thk 6 imp|pg|| nt|fokal: il faut que le partenaire sache quoi nommer avec un 4-3|pg|| pc|dQ|nt|roswolf: seems to gain a few imps|pg|| nt|bobholl: not that junior but only making contract :)|pg|| nt|leao: looks like that´s the plan|pg|| pc|dA|nt|mcarroll: they did well to stop below game, but even this is probably not going to make|pg|| nt|ritong: c est vrai, oliv, mais ça aurait laissé une chance au flanc|pg|| pc|d5|nt|hedyg: seems Madala decided they would take no @H tricks if EW played|pg|| nt|glen: and the cash out stops at 4 tricks|pg|| nt|hedyg: better cash the K@H now|pg|| nt|jcomyn: wonder if n passes what happens|pg|| pc|d2|pg|| nt|roswolf: indeed|pg|| nt|leao: red suit=round suit|pg|| nt|leao: thats what i meant :)|pg|| nt|leao: no return is safe now|pg|| pc|hA|nt|ntmon: reaching 4@H X would not be problem on tables, where W passes and E opens with @S preeemt|pg|| nt|roswolf: well that may mean an imp to the israelis|pg|| pc|h5|nt|hedyg: they took all their tricks|pg|| nt|dburn: always depressing for a defender when declarer wins your opening lead and swiftly returns the suit|pg|| pc|hJ|nt|3for3: especially at NT!|pg|| pc|hK|pg|| nt|woozle: Fiona did well on lead with a trump...a heart (or club) lead would have cost a trick|pg|| nt|hedyg: it is like an insult|pg|| nt|ady: trump leads should set 3@C|pg|| nt|fokal: (le partenaire peut etre 44 dans les majeures apres tout|pg|| nt|hawe45: Ce n est pas vrai - entame sous l As dans une main de 20-30 PDH - jamais vu!|pg|| nt|fokal: 3 @d etait sans doute un relais pour connaitre 3C ou 4P en face|pg|| nt|ritong: jean charles allavena a plutot bien analysé la sutuation il a estimé qu il était cuit et que sa meilleure chance était de tenter un truc|pg|| nt|fokal: ou tout bonnement une enchere intelligente pour que ce soit le partenaire qui joue les Piques|pg|| nt|hawe45: Ah oui - mais ici, dans la campagne, on entame atout de temps en temps|pg|| pc|cA|nt|blum1956: as opposite to 2@s which is makeable|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c4|nt|roswolf: nothing is much better here|pg|| nt|3for3: I like a low club better than the king|pg|| nt|dburn: happens to me all the time - my partner's card at trick one is suit preference, to tell me what I should have led|pg|| nt|roswolf: lol|pg|| nt|hedyg: lol|pg|| pc|c8|pg|| nt|leao: now he has both finesses|pg|| pc|c9|nt|jcomyn: coul.d have been plenty of action after all|pg|| pc|c7|nt|leao: ??????????????|pg|| pc|c5|nt|leao: aha|pg|| pc|cK|pg|| nt|hedyg: running scores:|pg|| nt|jfaria: another 3@d x ? :)|pg|| nt|roswolf: hmm perhaps not|pg|| nt|leao: lol|pg|| nt|bobholl: and will make so 1@C not only contract to make :)|pg|| pc|sA|nt|roswolf: ah le correction|pg|| pc|s3|nt|3for3: both of these teams will surely qualify for the KO's. Kamras was leading the field entering this match|pg|| nt|dburn: still, if he then plays on the suit you opened the bidding in, you can resign yourself to the fact that he'd probably have made it anyway|pg|| nt|ady: this looks good for 110 for n/s|pg|| nt|MolvaM: out of the 4 matches, Monaco A has a 47 imp lead over rosentahl. other 3 matches close|pg|| pc|s4|nt|leao: he worked too hard for this|pg|| pc|s6|pg|| nt|jcomyn: I think NS missed a big chance here|pg|| pc|s2|nt|jfaria: agree|pg|| nt|jcomyn: w gets butchered|pg|| pc|s7|pc|sT|pc|s8|pg|| nt|hedyg: Mahaffey in 2nd, Kamras in 3rd now|pg|| nt|leao: bravo|pg|| nt|hawe45: Donne difficil, entame @C bat 3 SA, n´importe qui joue|pg|| nt|hawe45: difficile|pg|| mc|10|nt|ntmon: i wouldn't left 4@H undoubled|pg|| nt|ady: 3@C made in OR so will be a useful part score swing for Mahaffey|pg|| pg|| qx|o5|st||md|3SAT4HQ7DKQ82CKT87,SJ63HAKJT2DA75C95,S872H64DJT64CQJ32,SKQ95H9853D93CA64|sv|n|nt|vugraphpl2: running scores|pg|| mb|p|nt|vugraphpl2: so different increased to 18IMP...|pg|| mb|p|mb|1D|mb|1H|nt|henryb: Nah. No Mississippi - never went there - and no Alaska, same reason :)|pg|| mb|p|nt|brolucius: Sometimes large numbers of IMPs change hands due entirely to luck. It was appropriate that the big swing on the spade game was entirely due to superior bidding - just what you want ...|pg|| nt|brolucius: in a big match. |pg|| nt|Walddk2: I would not go there either; too difficult to spell Mississippi|pg|| mb|2D|mb|p|mb|2H|mb|p|nt|henryb: we get taught that one at age 7 in this country|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|Walddk2: When I was young I was taught: "just insert as many s'es and p's as you can"|pg|| nt|brolucius: Kibitzers are telling me that Bompis had no cue0bud available because both 1@C and 1@D (by E/W) were artificial. That may well be right. |pg|| pc|dJ|pc|d3|pc|d2|pc|dA|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h4|pc|h3|pc|h7|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h6|pc|h5|pc|hQ|pg|| pc|s3|pc|s2|pc|sK|pc|s4|pg|| mc|10|pg|| qx|c5|st||md|3SAT4HQ7DKQ82CKT87,SJ63HAKJT2DA75C95,S872H64DJT64CQJ32,SKQ95H9853D93CA64|sv|n|nt|woozle: Maybe 4S here for EW, but there's work involved|pg|| nt|ntmon: the wrong result for Monacco atributed to their EW pair in OR|pg|| nt|athene: better lead a diamond against 6@H here|pg|| nt|granguru: 1Nt or 2@D NS|pg|| nt|rmb1: I only have a one-page system summary, so I don't know what 3@S meant, and whether 3NT was forced rebid|pg|| nt|bobholl: vwd|pg|| nt|Walddk5: 7@D is best by West because there are certain squeeze chances when they can't attack hearts, but it's not a grand slam you want to be in|pg|| mb|p|nt|roswolf: yes for once not a lot of scope for action|pg|| nt|leao: hard for W to duck that @s queen|pg|| mb|p|nt|mcarroll: Lots of work|pg|| nt|mcarroll: lots of work needed|pg|| nt|ntmon: leader changes after each board |pg|| nt|athene: shouldn't be too hard though|pg|| nt|roswolf: another distributional fit|pg|| nt|roswolf: another pretty hand but only enough for game|pg|| nt|roswolf: yes sheer pertinacity as terence reese once remarked|pg|| mb|1D|nt|ritong: la main de nathalie vaut elle un cue bid? je dirais oui|pg|| mb|1H|nt|woozle: only two certain losers, but I'm not sure how many winners|pg|| nt|roswolf: well the @D lead signposted|pg|| nt|athene: 3@D is GF raise with singleton|pg|| nt|roswolf: 3@D shows 1 singleton(unspecified) + gf i am told|pg|| nt|athene: some specs might be wondering why east didn't just double|pg|| nt|roswolf: another crazy poor suit overcall imo|pg|| nt|bobholl: but 6NT is best if you only see ew (5@D 2@H 2@S 3@C)|pg|| mb|p|nt|athene: there are two possible explanations|pg|| nt|panja: the problem is with the 2Nt bid....whatever 3@S meant, W could hardly have crossed 3Nt...|pg|| nt|leao: so they bid game on board 3 in the other room|pg|| nt|kit: 3@S gets them to poor game|pg|| nt|ady: 140 in fact last hand so 6 imp swing|pg|| mb|3D|nt|jcomyn: finding h here will be tricky|pg|| nt|jcomyn: and game on|pg|| nt|athene: firstly they might play x as t/o of hearts (unlikely)|pg|| nt|glen: the modern style: bid five card majors, count points later|pg|| nt|hedyg: 1NT= semi-forcing|pg|| nt|hedyg: 2NT general gametrial..|pg|| nt|dburn: 6@d has some sort of play - not sure how good a contract it is|pg|| nt|rmb1: On 17, EW found a minor-suit fit 3@D-1 for 3IMP|pg|| nt|leao: only excuse is he was 3rd in hand|pg|| nt|roswolf: :)|pg|| nt|hawe45: Est á la main parfaite pour 4 @H directement|pg|| nt|ritong: elle estime meme qu un cue bid a saut s impose|pg|| mb|p|nt|athene: secondly he just wants to emphasize he has real playing strength in diamonds so there might be a sac|pg|| nt|glen: the semi-forcing NT allows for opener, once having counted points, to pass to avoid trouble|pg|| nt|hedyg: the term semi-forcing will always be a puzzle to me|pg|| nt|roswolf: this seems easy +90|pg|| nt|hedyg: thus it is NOT forcing?|pg|| nt|hedyg: or just 4@H|pg|| nt|roswolf: i have noticed that the dutch are not conservative bidders|pg|| nt|leao: they are high enough|pg|| nt|ady: normal K@D lead|pg|| nt|mdgraham: protection question for West - he goes quietly|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 1nt shuts out everyone|pg|| nt|ady: or queen their lerad agreement|pg|| nt|mdgraham: and as usual, when you lead fro KQJxx, 10xxx goes down in dummy|pg|| nt|MolvaM: bocchi plays 3@c open room|pg|| mb|4H|nt|athene: whereas a lead-directing double could be as little as @DKQ10x or so|pg|| mb|p|nt|dburn: trumps 3-2 plus some work, I guess|pg|| mb|p|nt|ntmon: much depends on methods now|pg|| nt|hedyg: notice no XX from Gino to show Kx in @D|pg|| nt|hedyg: i mean: it is either forcing or it isnt?|pg|| nt|granguru: correct|pg|| nt|MolvaM: so 1NT conventionally asks for point count? :)|pg|| nt|hedyg: ok ty|pg|| nt|roswolf: well your supposed to bid again if you have a decent hand very like drury without the guaranteed trump support|pg|| nt|hedyg: , see above |pg|| nt|glen: semi-forcing is a terrible term, but was meant to distinguish between 1NT not-forcing limited to about 10 pts, and the modern style where it can have game invite values|pg|| nt|jcomyn: has to pass surely|pg|| nt|jfaria: doubt trading a plus for a a minus|pg|| nt|leao: this shud make with the @s !!!!! finesse|pg|| nt|leao: no need to finesse now|pg|| nt|Walddk2: 3@S in the context of a strong club system|pg|| nt|bobholl: which makes so not bad :)|pg|| nt|kit: I think need some singleton to bid 3@S|pg|| mb|p|nt|blum1956: not enough entries to make the @d s work and too bad @h distribution to crossruff effectively|pg|| nt|woozle: On the last board, Harding in the other room tried 3NT with the matching 4333s - down one also, but had chances for 10 in|pg|| nt|roswolf: brakes need to be applied now|pg|| nt|roswolf: simple auction|pg|| nt|fokal: 3 @d signifie j'ai l'enchère de 1@h passe 3 @h si c'est le partenaire qui a ouvert; c'est a dire soutien de 4 atouts constructif|pg|| pc|dJ|nt|hedyg: it is a terrible term indeed|pg|| nt|roswolf: but rarely does in my experience|pg|| nt|granguru: for me semif means "you may pass if you have a sub min hand or a min with a bal distr"|pg|| nt|bigtrain: 3@S denies a short suit|pg|| pc|d3|nt|3for3: i'd say more than some :)|pg|| nt|3for3: but the black JT's are very useful|pg|| nt|hedyg: iv) For the KO stage, teams not in the first eight rankings in the Swiss A are re-ranked from 9-32 according to seeding based on WBF/EBL masterpoints. The teams ranked 1-8 in the ...|pg|| nt|hedyg: Swiss A, in order, each pick a team from the rest of the teams seeded 9 to 32. After these first eight choices the right to select the opponent passes to the highest remaining ...|pg|| nt|hedyg: seeded team and so on until the bracket is completed. For the purposes of composing brackets the number in the bracket is |pg|| nt|hedyg: determined by the order of the selection|pg|| nt|dburn: if North leads a heart, you have to commit yourself at once - if he doesn't, you have some breathing room|pg|| nt|bobholl: when they start with 4@H and 4@C that won't make|pg|| nt|leao: well, if they´re good enuf to bid, they´re good enuf to lead|pg|| pc|d8|nt|roswolf: OTT|pg|| nt|athene: i guess one other advantage for 4@D over double is it takes some room away from opps|pg|| pc|dA|pg|| nt|dburn: 6@d by East may be better than 6@d by West for that reason, but there's not a lot the Swedes can do about that now|pg|| nt|bobholl: sry 4 losers :)|pg|| pc|hA|nt|Walddk2: Makes? Hardlyt with 4 top losers|pg|| pc|h4|nt|mcarroll: which red suit to try is the question|pg|| pc|h3|nt|ntmon: very lucky for NS|pg|| nt|fokal: une manche sur la pointe des pieds|pg|| pc|h7|pg|| nt|woozle: A bit sad here that the third diamond will be ruffed with the short defensive trumps|pg|| nt|dburn: if Rodwell does lead a heart, he should choose the eight and not the jack|pg|| pc|hK|nt|dburn: since he probably would not lead the jack from KJ|pg|| nt|dburn: now, though, declarer may need to pick a black suit|pg|| nt|hedyg: easier for us, as usual|pg|| nt|3for3: those black suits look very similar..|pg|| nt|panja: this could still go down...|pg|| nt|bobholl: but a @H lead is only DD|pg|| nt|roswolf: lots of imps changing hands here|pg|| pc|h6|nt|ady: 3 clubs should just make|pg|| pc|h5|nt|athene: ok, it looks here as though madala has shown a diamond control|pg|| nt|panja: after @DA..EW cash Clubs and exit with @S...|pg|| pc|hQ|pg|| nt|roswolf: i think n/s were reckless here although who was to blame we may never know|pg|| nt|bigtrain: with a short suit and good hand they bid 2NT|pg|| pc|s3|nt|leao: yes, no flat board yet|pg|| nt|leao: good spectator sport|pg|| pc|s2|pc|sK|nt|jfaria: But S really has got hte better hand... everybody talking...|pg|| nt|fokal: swing possible (probable) pour monaco A|pg|| nt|fokal: 21 points dans la ligne, régulier en face de régulier|pg|| nt|fokal: mais les jeux collent bien|pg|| pc|s4|pg|| pc|s5|nt|jcomyn: sure is i would find KJ10 on my left|pg|| nt|panja: and then on small @H by South, E wins @HQ and plays small...S might misguess|pg|| nt|rmb1: May get home with 2 @S, 4 @D, 1 @C|pg|| pc|sT|pc|sJ|pc|s7|pg|| nt|hedyg: as 1 spec says, declarer can test BOTH black suits|pg|| pc|s6|pc|s8|pc|s9|pc|sA|pg|| nt|hedyg: voila|pg|| nt|hedyg: now pull 2 trumps|pg|| nt|dburn: he can play for a doubleton queen in either black suit, yes|pg|| nt|panja: not the second @S really..|pg|| nt|hawe45: Ecoute: Au moment ou Ouest - sur 1 @D - dit 1 @H = la manche. Pas de "swing"|pg|| mc|11|nt|panja: S will get a @H instead|pg|| pg|| qx|o6|st||md|4S84HAK52DQT98C543,SJT9HT9874D73CQ87,SK762HJ63DAJ42CA2,SAQ53HQDK65CKJT96|sv|e|nt|vugraphpl2: fast claim....|pg|| nt|henryb: and dropped an imp by not making 5 |pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: running scores|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: and only 9 boards to go in this segment...|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: Monaco A gained 7 IMP|pg|| mb|1C|an| |mb|p|mb|1D|an| |mb|p|mb|1S|mb|p|nt|brolucius: West had quite a good 1@H overcall and his 2@H rebid was cautious. He did not know that his partner had 4-card trump support, which they did know at the other table.|pg|| mb|p|mb|1N|nt|vugraphpl2: information|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: schedule|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: bulletin|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|brolucius: North protects with 1NT, knowing from the E/W bidding that he will find some points in the dummy.|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: schedule in your zone :)|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c3|pc|c8|pc|c2|pg|| pc|cT|pc|c4|pc|c7|pc|cA|pg|| nt|henryb: Declarer is in deep trouble: 4@c, 4@s and a @d to lose|pg|| pc|h6|pc|hQ|pc|hA|pc|h4|pg|| pc|d8|pc|d3|pc|d4|pc|dK|pg|| pc|c9|pc|c5|pc|cQ|nt|blum1956: looks like the same 2 off|pg|| pc|d2|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|s2|pc|s3|pc|s4|pg|| pc|sT|pc|sK|pc|sA|pc|s8|pg|| nt|blum1956: 3 spades only|pg|| pc|cK|pc|h2|pc|d7|pc|s6|pg|| pc|c6|pc|h5|pc|h7|nt|blum1956: now four))|pg|| pc|h3|pg|| pc|sQ|mc|5|pg|| qx|c6|st||md|4S84HAK52DQT98C543,SJT9HT9874D73CQ87,SK762HJ63DAJ42CA2,SAQ53HQDK65CKJT96|sv|e|nt|ntmon: anyway 2IMP for better game to Lavazza|pg|| nt|jcomyn: probably and then 3d forcing with at least 5-5|pg|| nt|hedyg: a Zia cuebid of 5@D|pg|| nt|athene: is bocchi teaching madala some interesting italian phrases at high speed now? if so, chances are, it was south's fault|pg|| nt|roswolf: another routine game hand|pg|| nt|glen: may see some italian science here|pg|| nt|granguru: but it has some second meaning here. idont have a great hand and 3cards to raise you|pg|| nt|hedyg: and new leader|pg|| nt|3for3: shall they try 6@D again?|pg|| nt|rmb1: 4@H - only have to avoid 6@H|pg|| nt|kit: still feels like only a 2@S bid by North|pg|| nt|kit: so junky|pg|| nt|bobholl: bochi madala neatly in 3 @S |pg|| nt|Walddk2: and aceless|pg|| nt|fokal: hum|pg|| mb|1C|nt|roswolf: didnt work - it is good to see that the top players are also mere mortals:)|pg|| nt|bigtrain: yeah... but then you look at LTC -- only 5 losers|pg|| mb|p|nt|MolvaM: maybe the 4-1 trumps could bring some action|pg|| nt|roswolf: this could get feisty|pg|| nt|dburn: number 11 buses, these - you can't make six diamonds for hours, and then two come at once|pg|| nt|jfaria: a nice unlucky game 4 EW|pg|| nt|jfaria: both red cards misplaced|pg|| nt|jcomyn: very unlucky but should be push|pg|| nt|Walddk5: Welcome to Andy|pg|| nt|ady: game hand at last 3NT routine for n/s|pg|| mb|p|nt|3for3: this looks better than the last one|pg|| nt|leao: looks like another partscore hand|pg|| nt|kit: but sure losers|pg|| nt|bigtrain: true|pg|| nt|bigtrain: 2@S feels like an underbid but i hate 3@S|pg|| mb|d|nt|roswolf: or obsfuscation more like|pg|| nt|andyv: good evening all|pg|| nt|ritong: le team bessis gagne la donne 3, en partie grâce au saut fitté de l autre salle|pg|| mb|1S|nt|hedyg: we have been seeing a lot of that|pg|| nt|jfaria: hi Andy|pg|| nt|andyv: hi Joao:)|pg|| nt|bigtrain: @D + major|pg|| nt|Walddk2: It might be the Meckwell defence to 1NT :)|pg|| nt|MolvaM: after 5 quiet boards, we were expecting a deal where everyone holds an 8-card suit and a few voids.|pg|| mb|2H|nt|hedyg: XX= Hx(x) in @H|pg|| nt|jcomyn: hey i am old enough already without taking a few hours off me. MORNING so|pg|| nt|ritong: qui leur a permis de jouer la bonne partielle a @d|pg|| mb|p|nt|glen: 2@C is the science|pg|| nt|panja: and play carefully..on @D lead, for have to go up with @DA, remove trumps and hope @C suit gives you a trick|pg|| nt|leao: he´ll invite 3NT, and it shudnt be accepted|pg|| nt|bobholl: 2nt all pass i guess|pg|| nt|roswolf: srtange move by east with a flat 8 count|pg|| nt|leao: and 2 jacks|pg|| nt|kit: problem is relative lengths undefined|pg|| mb|p|nt|3for3: 6@H a good save here.|pg|| nt|andyv: :)|pg|| nt|Walddk2: The advantage is that you are one level lower if partner prefers the minor|pg|| nt|Walddk2: compared to 2@H, H + a minor|pg|| nt|bigtrain: *says the author of wo9olsey :)|pg|| nt|bobholl: but than you now 5@H :)|pg|| nt|kit: depends on how many hearts 2@H shows|pg|| nt|bigtrain: usually 6|pg|| nt|bobholl: every defence has its good and its bad hands :)|pg|| nt|kit: I mean if 2@H is hearts + minor|pg|| mb|p|nt|athene: 2@C is a reverse inverted minor - it shows a raise to the two-level|pg|| nt|roswolf: 2@c rather than 1@d was an interesting choice|pg|| nt|hedyg: bd 4 Fantunes in 7@s|pg|| nt|dburn: now, if West can bid 4@h as a sort of "last train" or "Bluhmer"...|pg|| nt|roswolf: the red bars goad the players again|pg|| nt|bobholl: if opponents points all in one hand you need less to make/invite|pg|| pc|sJ|nt|glen: natural or 16/17+ many hand types|pg|| nt|leao: id pass this (and perhaps apologize later)|pg|| pc|s2|nt|woozle: Pepsi bids only 2NT...he apparently has lower standards for vulnerable 2H bids than I do|pg|| nt|woozle: Seamon-Molson raises to say "yes, I did overcall vulnerable"|pg|| nt|mcarroll: and the @S Ten is a vital asset|pg|| nt|woozle: I suppose she would never have raised without it|pg|| nt|dburn: ...which apparently he can...|pg|| nt|panja: and now, on @C lead by E.....this would go down|pg|| nt|rmb1: 3@S splinter|pg|| nt|rmb1: 4@D cue |pg|| nt|panja: right, and 4@D @C lead is automatic...|pg|| nt|bigtrain: the good thing about DONT/Meckwell is you avoid giving the opponents cardX|pg|| nt|bigtrain: which is a very bad thing|pg|| nt|bigtrain: oh|pg|| pc|s5|nt|mcarroll: :)|pg|| nt|jcomyn: now thats aggressive but i suppose the 5-card suit is useful|pg|| nt|jcomyn: H lead?|pg|| nt|roswolf: nice contract|pg|| nt|dburn: ...then East-West have a chance|pg|| nt|hedyg: he knows his hcps, though not heavy , are good|pg|| nt|3for3: not sure what rodwell's double of 4@H was, but it will make it easier, as now east can show heart control.|pg|| nt|hedyg: Upmarks XX= 1st rd control|pg|| nt|jfaria: played by the "wrong" side, S on lead could try a @d|pg|| nt|andyv: 3@h probably shows any 4 card without strength being a factor|pg|| nt|roswolf: i would pass and NOT apologise|pg|| pc|s8|pg|| nt|ntmon: actually E hand is rather strong in 15-17 range|pg|| nt|ntmon: roles home now|pg|| nt|jcomyn: rolls even|pg|| nt|ntmon: rolls* :)|pg|| nt|glen: 2@S was natural, usually 2@Ss, less than 8|pg|| nt|roswolf: for once i understand their bidding:)|pg|| nt|jfaria: think W will try the @h and will delay @d till the end|pg|| nt|leao: it wud look better with the @h 10|pg|| nt|roswolf: it has been led the 8 will do!|pg|| nt|leao: but the 8 is a nice card to have for West|pg|| pc|sT|nt|glen: 3@H was the big hand, natural|pg|| nt|hedyg: 2@c either nat or any strong hand|pg|| nt|hedyg: according to the CC|pg|| pc|sK|nt|hedyg: then 3@H= strong hand with @s+@H|pg|| nt|hedyg: impressive bidding|pg|| nt|bobholl: no cover :(|pg|| pc|sA|nt|dburn: good bid, that|pg|| nt|3for3: well done ew|pg|| nt|dburn: still, even if West had only bid five, East might have bid six|pg|| nt|andyv: may lead @ss twice to hand|pg|| nt|jfaria: now @s|pg|| nt|jcomyn: exactly|pg|| nt|andyv: even dbl dummy can't see a way to strip the hand and throw S in to break the @d suit|pg|| nt|leao: not now|pg|| pc|s4|pg|| nt|roswolf: i didnt expect this contract|pg|| nt|roswolf: should go -1|pg|| nt|hedyg: would you bid 1NT as W over 1@D?|pg|| pc|s3|nt|roswolf: wierd e/e are still on tilt|pg|| pc|h2|pc|s9|nt|roswolf: no i wouldnt|pg|| nt|hedyg: hmm maybe that is a xfer too|pg|| nt|3for3: aha. the save is found.|pg|| nt|bobholl: 9 has 5 to 2 chance to be in south :)|pg|| nt|leao: cud be|pg|| nt|roswolf: or even e/w|pg|| nt|leao: :)|pg|| nt|leao: if N had 109 in @h he can block the suit at some stage|pg|| nt|leao: "he" meanind declarer|pg|| nt|leao: meanind=meaning|pg|| nt|leao: @d and @h back?|pg|| nt|MolvaM: even 4nt is not so comfortable with 31 hcp here altho he will probably make 4|pg|| pc|s6|pg|| nt|jcomyn: h lkead d switch and another h but who would find that|pg|| nt|roswolf: ah a natural raise you mean bill:)|pg|| nt|hedyg: "only" -5?|pg|| pc|dQ|nt|jfaria: that doesnt solve the problem, but maybe a favourable ending can be reached better that 50% chance after @h fails|pg|| nt|andyv: dbl dummy can' take the @h hook|pg|| nt|bobholl: that's DD analysis and they do it :)|pg|| pc|d7|nt|kit: they don't have safe card dbls vs. art 2m -- might stop right there|pg|| nt|MolvaM: board 18 corrected to 7 imp|pg|| nt|MolvaM: so 1 imp diference only|pg|| nt|ady: was safer trun Q@C trick 2|pg|| pc|dA|nt|dburn: only four, I think|pg|| nt|hedyg: oh only 4|pg|| nt|hedyg: cheap!|pg|| nt|3for3: 8 easy aces|pg|| nt|jfaria: S must not try a @d now|pg|| nt|jcomyn: club exit|pg|| nt|andyv: he has 2 easy exits so no need to rush @d|pg|| pc|d5|pg|| nt|athene: it's good to see people raising clubs|pg|| nt|athene: doesn't happen often :)|pg|| nt|roswolf: yes of course they play transfers over 1@C -doh:(|pg|| nt|jcomyn: oh no|pg|| nt|andyv: but what do I know|pg|| nt|jfaria: MUST NOT :(|pg|| nt|jcomyn: why do that with 2 easy options|pg|| nt|jfaria: now there is a psic warfare|pg|| nt|andyv: now West has to think since S wasn't being forced to lead @d that he may be underleading his Ace. |pg|| nt|jfaria: Should accept the gift and let run to J?|pg|| nt|andyv: I don't think it's a gift|pg|| pc|d2|nt|jcomyn: and bocchi-Madala found that defence in open room|pg|| nt|andyv: well done|pg|| nt|jcomyn: yes but could s be underleading the ace - unlikely|pg|| nt|jfaria: as the cards lie it is|pg|| pc|dK|nt|woozle: Fiona decided that spades aren't promising on lead, so tries a surprise attack in clubs. Pepsi is surprised, but not so surprised that he will forget to take his now ten top tricks|pg|| pc|d8|nt|ntmon: well deserved|pg|| nt|jcomyn: led d first and then h|pg|| nt|jcomyn: very good but i wont lead a s whatever else|pg|| nt|jfaria: so Maha didnt gave credit to the duch jr|pg|| nt|panja: @C6 by West..the middle card...this must be neutral card|pg|| pc|d3|pg|| nt|bigtrain: i LOVE playing vs art 2m|pg|| pc|sQ|nt|hedyg: fine bidding all around|pg|| pc|hA|nt|bigtrain: cardX are very useful|pg|| nt|bobholl: did tokay really play @C 9 ?|pg|| nt|bigtrain: any system should go out of its way to reduce the number available to the opponents|pg|| nt|bigtrain: a CARD X doesn;t say anything about suit lengths - only shows values and sets up forcing auctions - facilitates penalty vs play options|pg|| nt|MolvaM: now not so safe|pg|| pc|c7|nt|jfaria: and took the gift|pg|| nt|leao: @s wont split|pg|| pc|s7|pg|| nt|andyv: one of the few times opps did something that was actually for declarer's benefit|pg|| nt|ritong: nous retransmettrons des matches seniors et dames a la prochaine session, dans 45 minutes|pg|| pc|c3|nt|hedyg:|pg|| pc|c8|nt|MolvaM: kamras thinking?|pg|| nt|hedyg: hardly|pg|| nt|VugraphPLA: i did mistake , he should not have 7 of spade now |pg|| nt|MolvaM: but @d position is ok for Lev|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c6|pg|| nt|leao: bold|pg|| pc|c2|pc|cK|nt|MolvaM: bocchi plays 3nt as well|pg|| pc|c4|pc|cQ|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c5|pc|h7|nt|ntmon: i have some sympathy - @S looks as a safe lead after invitational sequence|pg|| pc|hJ|pg|| nt|rmb1: Playing for @SKxx|pg|| nt|ritong: pendant ce temps, michel se débat au bout de son fil, il ne s en sortira pas a premiere vue|pg|| pc|d4|pc|d6|nt|leao: no suicide squeeze, though|pg|| pc|d9|pc|h4|pg|| nt|hedyg: Tadeusz! you are teasing us lol|pg|| pc|hT|nt|hedyg: why?|pg|| nt|roswolf: :)|pg|| pc|h3|pc|hQ|pc|hK|pg|| nt|ritong: moins deux|pg|| mc|6|nt|fokal: pas contrés pas vulnérables|pg|| nt|ritong: 1SA chute moins|pg|| nt|ritong: et c était un choix possible|pg|| nt|fokal: pause clope ?|pg|| nt|ritong: 1SA chute beaucoup moins, meme|pg|| nt|ritong: bompis quantin ont aussi joué 4@s, mais de l autre main et l entame les a crucifiés|pg|| nt|ritong: sur la 4|pg|| nt|fokal: donc c'est l'enchere de 3K 'tactique', qui a gagné la donne|pg|| nt|ritong: et , comme oliver le craignait, 4@h n ont pas été trouvés sur la suivante|pg|| pg|| qx|o7|st||md|1SAJ764HKQ7DQ84CK7,S95H53DAKT73CQJT6,SKQ8HAJ864D92CA84,ST32HT92DJ65C9532|sv|b|mb|1N|mb|p|nt|brolucius: Although the players have run into some bidding problems, the boards have not been particularly tricky. We are still waiting for the first big firework.|pg|| nt|Walddk2: The dynamite hands are few and far between|pg|| nt|henryb: try -300, Maria|pg|| mb|2D|mb|p|mb|2H|mb|p|nt|henryb: -150, rather, unless you misled us in the play|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Not 300 NV|pg|| mb|2N|an| |mb|p|mb|3H|nt|Walddk2: I assume they will discover the lack of diamond control for slam|pg|| nt|blum1956: I do not believe Bompis discarded a spade|pg|| mb|p|nt|brolucius: 2NT usually played as a limit bid, but obviously not by this pair. It must be relay. |pg|| nt|brolucius: Noe cue-bidding will discover the lack of a diamond control. If they bother taking that route.|pg|| nt|brolucius: Now...|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: of course not :) i made a mistake, sorry @H|pg|| nt|Walddk2: np|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: they played so fast and i missclicked... :(|pg|| nt|Walddk2: This is day 11; we will forgive any mistake you may make|pg|| nt|brolucius: That is why it is a good scheme to cue-bid on aces and kings alike. When a player bypasses a suit in the cue-bidding, you can tell that the suit has (at least) two losers.|pg|| mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|henryb: We would have done that day 1, Roland|pg|| pc|dA|nt|Walddk2: They did not make any|pg|| pc|d2|pc|d6|pc|d4|pg|| nt|henryb: I did not say we had to, only that we would have :)|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: ty so much for understanding :)|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: i really appreciate that :)|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d9|pc|d5|pc|d8|pg|| nt|henryb: Smirnov should cash. |pg|| pc|d3|pc|c4|pc|dJ|pc|dQ|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h3|pc|h4|pc|hT|pg|| mc|11|pg|| qx|c7|st||md|1SAJ764HKQ7DQ84CK7,S95H53DAKT73CQJT6,SKQ8HAJ864D92CA84,ST32HT92DJ65C9532|sv|b|nt|woozle: Can make eleven tricks in spades EW by squeezing south in the red suits|pg|| nt|blum1956: If North opens a strong 1NT, what will West bid&|pg|| nt|blum1956: ?|pg|| nt|woozle: North much too strong for a strong notrump...although at favourable I might open 2NT|pg|| nt|woozle: A strong notrump is the second best preempt in bridge, after 2NT|pg|| nt|woozle: Is Pepsi deep in the tank, or is this a coffee break?|pg|| nt|blum1956: This time 1@c is the worst option for North - East may even preempt in @s s wich solves the problem for EW|pg|| nt|jcomyn: but nobody bid h - or s I suppose, so|pg|| nt|ntmon: Lavazza builds a sound, deserved lead|pg|| nt|MolvaM: better take the shortcut :)|pg|| nt|hedyg: ok np|pg|| nt|hedyg: just wanted to see if we were awake?|pg|| nt|roswolf: a simple pass would have earnt a nice 5 imp swing|pg|| nt|bobholl: first push :)|pg|| nt|leao: rite|pg|| mb|1N|nt|Walddk4: running now|pg|| nt|3for3: certainly interesting hands..|pg|| nt|rmb1: Netherland Juniour tried 6@C -1 on 19, another 11IMP to Mahaffey.|pg|| nt|panja: B21, 3N does not make for NS..but they have 27 they will try to bid some game...|pg|| nt|fokal: et pourtant il y a une intervention a 1 @h....|pg|| mb|p|nt|athene: 4@D would be a splinter we assume|pg|| nt|athene: but he might not want to do that with a singleton ace|pg|| nt|roswolf: south will brush the intervention aside|pg|| nt|roswolf: this might be carnage|pg|| nt|hedyg: Mahaffey has dropped to 6th|pg|| nt|dburn: 2@d one major|pg|| nt|3for3: 4@D the other?|pg|| nt|roswolf: now this might end up in carnage|pg|| nt|leao: another one... agree|pg|| nt|leao: this has to be @h, no?|pg|| nt|bobholl: guess multi|pg|| nt|ady: another game likely 4@S|pg|| nt|ady: maybe 3NT|pg|| nt|MolvaM: green vs red sementa feels free to overcall|pg|| nt|hawe45: Quand on s´arrete á 2 @H á la donne 5, on á vu trop de surenchéres non-serieuses chex le partenaire...|pg|| nt|hawe45: chez|pg|| nt|ritong: un coup de tournoi par paires|pg|| mb|2D|nt|athene: 3@D will be a spade raise anyway; presumably 3@C would be hearts|pg|| nt|hedyg: unusual vs unusual|pg|| nt|3for3: :)|pg|| nt|jcomyn: might try 3nt|pg|| nt|andyv: yes, very tempting|pg|| nt|roswolf: west is on some sort of trip if he overcalls 1nt on that rubbish|pg|| nt|leao: so they mite end up in @s.... less dreadful|pg|| mb|p|nt|hedyg: 3@d showing invite + in @s|pg|| nt|roswolf: south should pass|pg|| nt|MolvaM: sementa's pass says what? I have diamonds? |pg|| nt|roswolf: they will play in 4@H|pg|| nt|hedyg: running scores:|pg|| nt|roswolf: the auction in the other room was ultimately a phantom|pg|| nt|dburn: Cullin lurking|pg|| nt|andyv: but dblton in @s may slow him down|pg|| nt|panja: EW, of course, might create obstacles in their path and save them|pg|| nt|leao: hu-oh|pg|| mb|2H|nt|jcomyn: and can add toit here|pg|| nt|hedyg: 3@c would be invite + in @h|pg|| nt|roswolf: he has sufficient defence|pg|| nt|MolvaM: or just that he has nothing to say|pg|| nt|andyv: interesting problem for W|pg|| nt|leao: 3NT will NOT be a good contract|pg|| nt|ady: either making|pg|| nt|ritong: 3SA chez nord, toutes les levées si ouest entame petit @d|pg|| mb|p|nt|woozle: Fiona, bids the routine (at this vul) 2S|pg|| nt|roswolf: to the limit for west|pg|| nt|andyv: most prudent is 4@c|pg|| nt|jfaria: he has got the "expected"|pg|| mb|2S|an| |nt|mcarroll: well predicted!|pg|| nt|roswolf: west must make his own arrangements|pg|| nt|andyv: enterprising is 4@h|pg|| nt|jfaria: 4@c looks ok to me|pg|| mb|p|nt|woozle: McGann takes the quick path to game|pg|| nt|roswolf: good judgment|pg|| nt|athene: does bocchi have to find the diamond lead for 500 here?|pg|| nt|dburn: trying to look like a man saving in 4@s|pg|| nt|panja: you mean board 18...6@C|pg|| nt|roswolf: north ignores the diversion|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 3@h was?|pg|| nt|MolvaM: ask heart stops? or transfer to spades?|pg|| mb|2N|an| |nt|hedyg: maybe this is a hand t show invite + in @H and when d bids @H bid @s to show both majors|pg|| nt|roswolf: the noose tightens|pg|| nt|hedyg: surely he has no 4 cards in any other suit than @d|pg|| nt|hedyg: some superbergen|pg|| nt|jcomyn: oops|pg|| nt|roswolf: and disappears up his own exhaust|pg|| nt|leao: maybe, even with a @h lead...|pg|| nt|leao: it will make now|pg|| nt|MolvaM: ok lev said spades|pg|| nt|ady: club lead and heartt return best|pg|| mb|p|nt|athene: hmmm ok this looks as though bocchi made a forcing pass and now a slam try in spades which is surely a bit optimistic with his hand|pg|| nt|roswolf: south tempted to bid on!?|pg|| nt|MolvaM: duboins hand looked so good after rho opened 1@d. now it looks not so attractive|pg|| nt|hedyg: oy vey!|pg|| nt|roswolf: high noon shoot out|pg|| nt|glen: sementa rips up cards and leaves table|pg|| nt|MolvaM: a void usually means action|pg|| nt|roswolf: blood will flow but whose is not clear|pg|| nt|hedyg: why XX?|pg|| nt|glen: actual it is xxxx since previous xx|pg|| nt|hedyg: surely if Sementa had a better suit he would have bid it?|pg|| mb|3N|nt|roswolf: now dbl?|pg|| nt|dburn: Meckstroth has seen his sort before, though|pg|| nt|3for3: well, his hand suggests bidding too |pg|| nt|hedyg: 1NT= 14-16|pg|| nt|hedyg: it is an upgrade|pg|| nt|roswolf: or 13 actually:)|pg|| nt|hedyg: as usual in your singleton|pg|| nt|VugraphPLA: jaki wynik , wyniki w necie nie dzialaja |pg|| nt|andyv: with 5 losers, it's too much to ask for a passed hand to cover 3 of them|pg|| nt|panja: 1@S seems like denying a 4 M...I am not sure it shows @D Suit ...|pg|| nt|rmb1: 1@S part of transfer-response structure to 1@C - denies either major|pg|| mb|p|nt|roswolf: good judgment again|pg|| nt|hedyg: trying to put N under pressure?|pg|| nt|VugraphPLA: oops|pg|| nt|jfaria: looks like we r watching a "all jr" TM :)|pg|| nt|jfaria: optimism galore|pg|| nt|andyv: interesting way of saying "oops", Tad:)|pg|| nt|jcomyn: hey leave the irish to me|pg|| nt|roswolf: yes even i would make this|pg|| nt|MolvaM: thanks tadeusz (our fine operator in poznan)|pg|| nt|hawe45: 6 @H joué par Nord - meme par equipes, sportif - mais gagne de temps en temps...|pg|| nt|fokal: pas de rebid après 1P 1SA (on est trop beau pour passe), c'est pour ca qu'il a ouvert d'1SA directement)|pg|| mb|4H|nt|roswolf: will n/s run out of red cards|pg|| nt|kit: 4 hearts, 2 spades, 2 aces = 8 tricks|pg|| mb|p|nt|jcomyn: but very difficult|pg|| nt|ntmon: EW in OR might know that they're behind, so try to push|pg|| nt|panja: only 8 tricks for NS..bu cashing Diamonds might lead to some useful situation|pg|| mb|p|nt|hedyg: passssssssssssssss|pg|| nt|hedyg: surely no need to correct to 2@H!|pg|| nt|roswolf: might give preference|pg|| nt|roswolf: oh well 2 imps to the swedes|pg|| mb|p|nt|hedyg: cannot be a forcing pass opposite what might be just invite|pg|| nt|glen: i still think ripping up cards will result in lowest possible minus score|pg|| nt|MolvaM: well 8 card fit is better than nothing|pg|| nt|hedyg: oh no !|pg|| nt|hedyg: might try 3NT after X of 3@D?|pg|| pc|dA|nt|ady: Lev judged 3NT with AQ hearts and 3 small spades better|pg|| nt|mdgraham: spades and game-forcing probably|pg|| pc|d2|nt|MolvaM: ahh it goes on|pg|| nt|roswolf: frying pan into fire|pg|| nt|panja: unlikey here though, EW don't seem to have any interesting option for discarding differently..|pg|| nt|panja: W will sluff @H, E will sluff @H|pg|| nt|rmb1: Might try a @H now|pg|| nt|panja: try and slip @H trick through East?|pg|| pc|d5|nt|athene: well it can be if you agree it is|pg|| pc|d4|pg|| nt|hedyg: what?|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 5 card fit now|pg|| nt|hedyg: are we watching the right board?|pg|| nt|glen: now there are fires, and there is this|pg|| nt|roswolf: this would be funny a5-0 fit|pg|| nt|hedyg: would be?|pg|| nt|roswolf: you shouldnt laugh at a funeral|pg|| nt|hedyg: ok folks! see? it can happen to anybody!|pg|| nt|MolvaM: if duboin had not rdbl'd it would have benn just ok|pg|| nt|hedyg: next time i play in my cuebid i must try to remember this moment|pg|| nt|roswolf: the italian will be x -rated in the post mortem|pg|| nt|MolvaM: looks like hand from the menagerie where both sides can play 2@dX|pg|| pc|dK|nt|roswolf: low trump to start|pg|| nt|granguru: diagnostic?|pg|| nt|glen: the best thing for NS to do after the hand is leave table, then come back when decibel level is below 120|pg|| nt|hedyg: call an ambulance|pg|| nt|granguru: --4?|pg|| nt|roswolf: gib says -7 dd|pg|| nt|granguru: ducking is best here|pg|| nt|hedyg: desperately looking for an entry to his hand|pg|| nt|roswolf: well if slam is on for n/s i still tale the penalty 1700|pg|| pc|d9|nt|Walddk5:|pg|| nt|roswolf: take|pg|| pc|d6|nt|hedyg: it is only when Madala doubles that he is better than invite|pg|| nt|3for3: a little chancy for cullin to double. is meck is 0-2 in the blacks, might be cold, or his side could be making. |pg|| nt|hedyg: just dont play @D|pg|| nt|hedyg: 10@H was discouraging|pg|| nt|hedyg: in this situation it just denies the ace|pg|| nt|hedyg: seemed easier to disc 10@D|pg|| pc|d8|pg|| mc|11|nt|hedyg: if the 3@D bid had been gf, then it would have been a forcing pass|pg|| nt|athene: it's reasonable enough to play pass forcing if you showed at least game invite values and opps go to 5-level; 99% of the time they are advance saccing|pg|| nt|hawe45: Flanc paysan - et correct(e)|pg|| pg|| qx|o8|st||md|2SA42HK96DK43CQJT9,SQT985HT73D765C87,SKJ3H84DA82CA6432,S76HAQJ52DQJT9CK5|sv|o|nt|vugraphpl2: running scores|pg|| mb|p|mb|1C|nt|Walddk2: Another flat board coming I predict|pg|| mb|1H|nt|Walddk2: 3NT on a finesse, not today|pg|| nt|brolucius: East was able to bid hearts at the other table, but he ended on lead anyway and defeated 3NT with a heart lead.|pg|| mb|2H|mb|p|mb|3C|mb|p|mb|3H|mb|p|nt|brolucius: If you hold A-Q-J-x-x in a hand with no other entry, it can be right to lead a low card rather than the queen. That was a lead problem set in a Kelsey book. |pg|| mb|4C|mb|p|mb|5C|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|brolucius: It gains when declarer has K-x and four cards in the dummy. also when your partner has K-x.|pg|| nt|Walddk2: 5@C will as well/badly as 3NT|pg|| nt|brolucius: .. and declarer's cards are split 4-2.|pg|| nt|Walddk2: *will fare|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: running scores|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: information |pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: schedule |pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: bulletin|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: schedule in your zone|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: 7 boards to go :)|pg|| nt|Walddk2: and the IMP difference?|pg|| pc|hA|nt|blum1956: Difficult decision by Quantin - maybe it was sensible to pass 4@c, especially NV|pg|| nt|brolucius: It seems that 3NT is a better game because 5@C could go down when the club finesse was onside.|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: still 11IMP :)|pg|| pc|h6|pc|hT|pc|h4|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|hK|pc|h7|pc|h8|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Don't ask anyone to stop below game with a 13 count opposite an opener|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|c7|nt|brolucius: Because they did not attempt 3NT, Piekarek judges to lead a heart. That is good thinking, in general.|pg|| pc|c2|pc|cK|pg|| nt|henryb: Meanwhile in Leverkausen (?) Sweden 1 Columbia 0 at 78 minutes|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|h9|pc|h3|pc|c3|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Leverkusen|pg|| pc|c4|pc|c5|pc|c9|pc|c8|pg|| pc|d3|pc|d5|nt|brolucius: In any case, he could be sure that Norh did not hold the @HK or he would have bid 3NT over 3@H.|pg|| pc|dA|pc|dQ|pg|| pc|d2|pc|dJ|pc|dK|pc|d6|pg|| mc|10|nt|blum1956: The situation 13 HCP vs opener looks more cautious the game in question being 5 in a minor|pg|| pg|| qx|c8|st||md|2SA42HK96DK43CQJT9,SQT985HT73D765C87,SKJ3H84DA82CA6432,S76HAQJ52DQJT9CK5|sv|o|nt|woozle: OK, no squeeze if you don't play off your's like half-strangling somebody|pg|| nt|3for3: as long as rodwell didnt play @D all ok. He had no reason to against 5@S undoubled. If Meck had doubled, might have been looking for extra 200 point undertricks. here the goal ...|pg|| nt|3for3: was a modest +50|pg|| nt|jfaria: hard to play at Meckwell speed, they are at least 2 boards ahead|pg|| nt|jcomyn: cards very nicely placed here but still only 3nt bid|pg|| nt|panja: 6@H on one of two finesses...good 6@H really for EW|pg|| nt|bobholl: they smoke tadeusz ?|pg|| nt|leao: 2@c EW or 3@d NS... any other possibilities?|pg|| nt|bobholl: 4@D in other room migth go down :)|pg|| nt|leao: here it is again :)|pg|| nt|roswolf: ah we now have 8|pg|| nt|MolvaM: we shall see only after 7 more boards|pg|| mb|p|nt|jcomyn: yes normal contract |pg|| nt|athene: but we just don't know the NS agreements here (or i don't anyway) :)|pg|| nt|andyv: 5-5 hand|pg|| nt|bigtrain: 1@C = 16+|pg|| mb|1C|nt|roswolf: lots of hcp but not much chance of a slam|pg|| nt|athene: i don't understand the last hand|pg|| nt|athene: if west just holds up his @SA isn't he beating 5@S?|pg|| nt|hedyg: he is, needs to hold up twice|pg|| nt|athene: he ducks twice - now if bocchi plays another trump he takes the ace and plays a fourth and the club ruff goes|pg|| nt|VugraphPLA: TD was called , Ginossar think 5s was -1 |pg|| nt|athene: if bocchi ruffs a club himself, then west can simply force the south hand in clubs|pg|| nt|hedyg: Tadeusz, did Gino duck the A@S?|pg|| nt|athene: maybe bocchi claimed 11 or something and west agreed without really thinking it through|pg|| nt|athene: seems unlikely though|pg|| nt|roswolf: indeed|pg|| nt|roswolf: but fatigue does play its part|pg|| nt|hedyg: not that unlikely, only 4-0 @ss could beat him|pg|| nt|hedyg: so he might well have played a @s from hand and claimed|pg|| nt|VugraphPLA: Well i haven't seen , Bocchi has just claimed|pg|| nt|hedyg: ok so we will wait, once declarer claims all play stops and you call the TD if you dont agree|pg|| nt|VugraphPLA: We are waiting for decision |pg|| nt|roswolf: one fir the bulletin i think as do a few others!:)|pg|| nt|3for3: Is Upmark from the Steve Robinson school...All 5 card majors? Otherwise, I prefer 1@D with this shape|pg|| nt|hedyg: LOL|pg|| nt|hedyg: me 2|pg|| nt|jcomyn: 2nt-3nt|pg|| nt|roswolf: that is a horrible 1nt|pg|| mb|1H|nt|jcomyn: might try 3nt here a behind bid|pg|| nt|hedyg: must be from the same family|pg|| nt|bigtrain: 2@D = 8-10 balanced|pg|| nt|Walddk2: How do they treat a 25+ hand, Walter?|pg|| nt|bigtrain: 2NT = waiting|pg|| nt|ady: slam zone for e/w|pg|| nt|fokal: 1@s or 2 @h ?|pg|| mb|1S|an| |nt|dburn: may not be so easy to stay low enough - that 1@s might turn out to waste space rather than save it|pg|| nt|roswolf: yes 1@D for me too|pg|| nt|3for3: it often does|pg|| nt|dburn: still, it seems that West can use relays of some kind, rather than have the auction start 1@s-2@h-3@d|pg|| nt|MolvaM: ew just need to bid the slam. the hand plays itself then|pg|| nt|mdgraham: looks normal to get to 4@S - a bit tin for slam, although you might well make 12 tricks|pg|| mb|p|nt|MolvaM: living thru this at the table is bad, but worse will come during scoring when you say minus 1400 |pg|| nt|roswolf: yes 3nt much superior|pg|| nt|hedyg: 2@c gf relay|pg|| nt|roswolf: but no difficulty bidding game|pg|| nt|bobholl: if you are playing 11-13 it is not :)|pg|| nt|bigtrain: 3@C = 4@H no 4@S|pg|| mb|1N|nt|hedyg: 2NT= 8-10 ZZ with a singleton|pg|| nt|3for3: how do you find 6@D opposite Q@S, A@H, a @D honor and A@C?|pg|| nt|roswolf: they wont gey overboard either|pg|| nt|hedyg: ZZ points..|pg|| nt|3for3: or even less with better diamond fit|pg|| nt|hedyg: A=3, K=2 and Q=1|pg|| nt|panja: against, after the 'offside' 2Nt might be difficult to bid it with conviction....but likely, W will push it|pg|| nt|bigtrain: 3@D asks|pg|| nt|fokal: 1@s= texas pour les sans atouts|pg|| nt|ritong: michel va sans doute essayer d orienter les SA vers en face|pg|| nt|fokal: équivalent du contre d'appel|pg|| mb|2D|nt|woozle: McGann has been there before - the big preempt putting pressure on NS in exchange for losing an occasional miracle slam|pg|| nt|glen: 2NT now?|pg|| nt|roswolf: n/s on the previous bd are playing in 5@D|pg|| nt|roswolf: IN THE OTHER ROOM|pg|| nt|andyv: with @h lead, N can get 3 @h tricks|pg|| nt|panja: that is, push it upwards|pg|| nt|rmb1: Is 2NT OK here ?|pg|| mb|3N|nt|jcomyn: lots of controls in n hand why not 2nt|pg|| nt|dburn: but an initial 1@d would not have shown diamonds, and if East can show what he has by responding to relays, 1@s may lead to an easier auction all round|pg|| nt|hedyg: 3@c relay|pg|| nt|bigtrain: 3@H = 4@C|pg|| mb|p|nt|twcho: and 2D=bal, 8-10?|pg|| mb|p|nt|woozle: Pepsi chooses to go quietly with his 17-count, fearing that a double will be pulled too often|pg|| nt|roswolf: nice judgment here|pg|| nt|MolvaM: well it must be makable since NS took 11 tricks here|pg|| nt|roswolf: this is dangerous|pg|| nt|dburn: well, it looks dangerous, but they probably have it under control|pg|| nt|3for3: this is one of the things that makes bridge hard to 'sell' to the general public.|pg|| nt|panja: ok to upgrade a point...even if your range is 20-21|pg|| nt|roswolf: ok maximum then|pg|| nt|ady: would need to avoid a spade loser as well as K@C onside so slam poor|pg|| mb|p|nt|roswolf: e/w will need a lot of the captain's coffee at the end of this match she wont be very sympathetic|pg|| nt|jfaria: think W may be squeezed on the reds|pg|| nt|MolvaM: right|pg|| nt|fokal: aurait pu aussi faire un cue bid, garantissant 4 (voire 5) @c ; mais avec un 4333, il a préféré orienter son jeu vers les SA|pg|| pc|hQ|nt|hedyg: "please continue to play, i will give you my decision"|pg|| nt|3for3: Even expert commentators have no clue what is happening|pg|| nt|panja: but I don't quite like the 2Nt opening is an 'offside' opening, to borrow a term from football, too far too soon, a self-preemptive...|pg|| nt|kit: so after all that, they will get to 6NT like everybody else|pg|| nt|bobholl: i even thougth 8-13 bal but not sure|pg|| nt|ritong: et ne touche pas genre @h Dx ou Jx(x) qui lauraut bien arrangé|pg|| nt|ritong: l'aurait*|pg|| nt|hawe45: Meme Valet 3eme en Nord marche bien comme déclarant|pg|| pc|h6|nt|hawe45: Tres proche á génial - et rien perdu|pg|| pc|h3|nt|woozle: If the match were closer, he probably would have acted|pg|| nt|blum1956: This is a partscore board besides McGann has another opinion))|pg|| nt|ntmon: NS play negative frre bids (NFB) after intervention, so S has extras and N accepts|pg|| nt|jcomyn: agree but prefer playing from n|pg|| nt|roswolf: lol:)|pg|| nt|hedyg: 4@C showing short?|pg|| nt|hedyg: what about @H?|pg|| nt|MolvaM: but today the boards seem to fvor the overbidders. there were 2 slam hands first segment where you could bid the grand to it|pg|| pc|h4|pg|| nt|hedyg: i am sure there is no bid to show both singletons|pg|| nt|dburn: I expect that by now West knows what East has|pg|| nt|3for3: 4@C was probably 5161 with a stiff DUECE of hearts :)|pg|| nt|rmb1: If 4@D is purely choise of games then East must bid 4@H, If 4@D has slam try overtones surely East must bid on with a fit for both suits|pg|| nt|bigtrain: 2@D onlly 8-10|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|hK|nt|ritong: oui, comme olivier je parle anglais:) traduisez Jx(x) par Vx(x)|pg|| pc|h7|nt|granguru: Duboin should have passed 1@H doubled but I give sementa the greatest part of guilt.for not passing 2@C.|pg|| nt|hedyg: Swedish experts think he showed exact pattern, thus wasted hcps in W hand|pg|| nt|dburn: people don't spend months and years devising these methods just to make life difficult for the commentators|pg|| nt|dburn: they do it because it helps them reach more right contracts than wrong ones|pg|| nt|bigtrain: re: 25... if partner bids negative 1@D they use 2@H as a kokish relay|pg|| pc|h8|pg|| nt|jfaria: but that would require a perfect dd play by N I think|pg|| pc|c9|pc|c7|nt|jcomyn: h lead from w would n ot be nice|pg|| nt|hedyg: a lot of messages from specs about the last board|pg|| nt|roswolf: i agree with that 1@HX probably not too bad|pg|| nt|granguru: although 2@C is probably -4 |pg|| nt|glen: would make a fun "you be the judge" in the "the bridge world"|pg|| nt|leao: oops|pg|| nt|roswolf: suckered into it|pg|| nt|leao: his main trick source has just sprung a leak|pg|| nt|bobholl: walter you play their system completely :)?|pg|| pc|c2|pc|cK|pg|| mc|8|nt|hawe45: Mais c´est bon pour vous - les francais - de vous entrainer en anglais...|pg|| pg|| qx|o9|st||md|3SQJ8H962D7432CK98,SK932HQJ85DAKQ9C4,S6HA4DJ65CAQT7532,SAT754HKT73DT8CJ6|sv|e|nt|vugraphpl2: running scores|pg|| mb|1C|nt|Walddk2: N-S have a profitable save in 5@C here|pg|| mb|p|mb|1D|mb|d|mb|2C|nt|brolucius: East overcalled 1@S at the other table, making it easy for E/W to bid the game.|pg|| nt|brolucius: 3@C, now.|pg|| mb|2D|mb|p|nt|brolucius: Or 2@D, yes. Certainly not 2@S, which would not be nearly enough.|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: information |pg|| nt|brolucius: You would bid 2@S on almost any hand with five spades, regardless of points.|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: our daily bulletin|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: you can read some information, what happens in Poznan :)|pg|| nt|blum1956: Quantin probably does not like to suggest a save having a spade trick and the 4333 shape|pg|| nt|henryb: not clear to me that 2@d is a cuebid|pg|| mb|4H|nt|Walddk2: No, 3@C is clearer|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|brolucius: 4@H looks like the action of a man who was fearing a bidding misunderstanding after any other action.|pg|| pc|s6|nt|Walddk2: They can get a ruff now, but at the expense of a natural spade trick|pg|| nt|Walddk2: So still 10 tricks|pg|| nt|brolucius: If 2@D does count as a cue-bid in their system, which we must assume, then the simplest continuation is to play that 2@H or 2@S by the doubler is forcing. If it would not be ...|pg|| nt|brolucius: forcing, then 3@C was available. |pg|| nt|blum1956: Smirnow could have used 4@c instead 4@h to offer partner a choice|pg|| pc|s4|pc|sJ|pc|sK|pg|| pc|h5|pc|hA|pc|h3|pc|h2|pg|| nt|brolucius: East might have held an 11-count, say, with 4-3 in the majors. Then 4@H would not be at all the right contract.|pg|| nt|Walddk2: And 11 a possibility if Bompis switches to a diamond|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: running scores|pg|| nt|Walddk2: He can't know that underleading clubs is correct|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: at the 1st table the leader is Mahaffey :)|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Maybe @H2 suggests that, not sure|pg|| nt|henryb: @h2 should be @c suit preference|pg|| nt|blum1956: 2 of hearts is the clear guide|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: with 9IMP different :)|pg|| pc|d5|pc|dT|pc|d2|pc|d9|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h6|pc|h8|pc|h4|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Clear for us, but we are not playing|pg|| pc|h7|pc|h9|pc|hQ|mc|11|pg|| qx|c9|st||md|3SQJ8H962D7432CK98,SK932HQJ85DAKQ9C4,S6HA4DJ65CAQT7532,SAT754HKT73DT8CJ6|sv|e|nt|woozle: nobody was going to mess up that defense|pg|| nt|woozle: I'm not seeing the string of double-digit swings that Harding need to get back into the match|pg|| nt|ntmon: good effort by Monaco on 8|pg|| nt|panja: as for HCP count....try the 4.5-3 for K, 1.5 for Q, 0.75 0.25 for 10....count|pg|| nt|bobholl: what happens ?:)|pg|| nt|bobholl: all is well that ends well but i was getting nervous :)|pg|| nt|roswolf: bd 10 now please|pg|| nt|MolvaM: running scores|pg|| nt|ritong: la rumeur dit que mon franglais n'est pas si mauvais, et celui d'olivier est meilleur encore|pg|| nt|hawe45: Le palier de cinq appertient á...|pg|| mb|1C|nt|jcomyn: yes|pg|| nt|jcomyn: 3nt|pg|| nt|hedyg: we have 1@HX at -2 and -3 and 2@c X is -3|pg|| mb|1S|nt|glen: thus it was a close call to pass 2@H, but that got +110|pg|| nt|hedyg: John surely 1@D X already meant that?|pg|| nt|panja: E hand was 20 points on this scale|pg|| nt|roswolf: 8 not played!?|pg|| mb|p|nt|jcomyn: solid 2nt for m,e|pg|| nt|hedyg: 1@c= 16+|pg|| nt|dburn: mind you, Lev and Pepsi reached the right contract with only one artificial bid, but the number of ways to skin a cat remains greater than one|pg|| nt|3for3: dbl=points, 5-8 or so. not 'negative'|pg|| mb|3D!|an|+!s|nt|ntmon: some will preemt with N hand|pg|| nt|athene: interesting - no Ghestem for this NS pair|pg|| nt|athene: but most italian pairs do play some sort of ghestem|pg|| nt|hedyg: with the E hand you bid X and pray pd doesnt bid 3@s|pg|| nt|granguru: well most of the time..could have been a GOSH or a 2-suited hand also|pg|| nt|rmb1: 3@S splinter|pg|| nt|panja: rather light double by West, helps them find a very good sac|pg|| nt|leao: they didnt like board 8, i guess|pg|| mb|4C|nt|woozle: Now a notrump partscore, probably with an overtrick or two|pg|| nt|roswolf: now 4@H more normal although may double|pg|| nt|bobholl: everything goes on this vulnarabilty even 4@S and bad @H (their 2@D contains the better @H ?)|pg|| mb|p|nt|mcarroll: Probably best described as a Joey Silver hand|pg|| nt|MolvaM: another "void hand"|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 2@s was probably nonforcing|pg|| nt|hedyg: 2@s obviously nf|pg|| nt|bigtrain: 2@D isn't multi it's precision|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Not easy for Baldursson this|pg|| nt|hawe45: 19-6 & 17-8 dans les demi-finales serrées|pg|| mb|p|nt|hedyg: sry Murat|pg|| mb|4S|nt|MolvaM: :)|pg|| nt|hedyg: Kamras really doesnt want to play in @H|pg|| nt|andyv: more tempted to open N hand 1@c|pg|| nt|kit: nice decision to pass|pg|| nt|kit: opening lead not so nice though|pg|| mb|p|nt|blum1956: the @h position is of that special sort so nothing may disturb this contract|pg|| nt|athene: 4@S possible with such a good suit|pg|| nt|MolvaM: action again|pg|| nt|3for3: Rodwell's 4@S a coincidence.|pg|| nt|MolvaM: looks like 4 losers in 4@h|pg|| nt|ady: 3NT the game that makes|pg|| nt|MolvaM: but 3nt super|pg|| mb|p|nt|roswolf: and chosen|pg|| nt|hedyg: they do play Ghestem on their CC|pg|| nt|athene: sometimes partner has good diamonds and weak hearts and you can make 4@S but not 4@H|pg|| nt|hedyg: just maybe not with @cs|pg|| nt|athene: throwing hearts on diamonds|pg|| nt|andyv: the spot cards are awful|pg|| nt|rmb1: Another double-digit swing to Mahaffey on 20, no club lead against 4@H +1 on a less revealing auction|pg|| nt|Walddk2: He also had the oprtion of overcalling 2NT, upgrading @HAQ10, but that is risky at these colours|pg|| nt|ritong: la vulnérabilité incite tom a proposer un sacrifice|pg|| nt|hawe45: Mais Papa á été trop satisfait avec son levée d´atout|pg|| nt|hawe45: Ou?|pg|| nt|ritong: en l'occurrence, il me semble qu'il serait légèrement bénéficiaire|pg|| mb|p|nt|jcomyn: what now - dicey|pg|| nt|roswolf: hmm this wont go for 1400 but in context a similar result|pg|| nt|granguru: well -16 is not the worst we have seen|pg|| nt|hedyg: any reason his pd could not have 7 good @hs and void in @s?|pg|| nt|jcomyn: 4 baldy aces not your best holding|pg|| nt|jcomyn: and note no other card higher than 7|pg|| pc|cK|nt|roswolf: no hedy|pg|| nt|hedyg: he does have the good 7 card suit part|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 4h was a bit exaggerated for my taste|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 3@h would be ok|pg|| nt|roswolf: this seems to be -3|pg|| nt|roswolf: safe auctions|pg|| nt|leao: are NS playing canapé?|pg|| nt|roswolf: is this the right board?|pg|| nt|bobholl: yes they do |pg|| nt|bobholl: play canape|pg|| nt|leao: ok, ty|pg|| nt|bigtrain: will the @S10 score?|pg|| pc|c4|nt|roswolf: i am tols canape is dutch flavor of the month|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c6|pg|| nt|jfaria: lack of entries in E will give a chance to declarer?|pg|| nt|andyv: good result achieved in the open room|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h3|nt|roswolf: 2@D = 4card drury i am told|pg|| nt|kit: no need to be aggresive -- just passive diamond lead for me|pg|| pc|h2|nt|ntmon: @S lead in OR, no problem then|pg|| nt|panja: very interesting board 20|pg|| pc|h5|pg|| nt|hedyg: this should be -1|pg|| nt|hedyg: cannot get to dummy and cannot ruff his @C losers|pg|| nt|jcomyn: indeed thiks is a very nsty hand|pg|| nt|MolvaM: lev has a nat @sJ lead|pg|| nt|ady: was predictable they would play 4@H|pg|| nt|ritong: mais michel n'a pas un jeu a surenchérir|pg|| nt|ritong: il n a aucune chance de les faire, la pénalité sera sans doute au moins 300 et il peut arriver de bonnes choses a 4@s|pg|| pc|cQ|nt|hedyg: except if he gets some help..|pg|| nt|bobholl: no they are the only top pair playing canape|pg|| nt|ady: need K@S witth north to establish a discard|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c8|nt|roswolf: this will drift down|pg|| nt|hedyg: OR in 4@H|pg|| nt|roswolf: 800 is not a scratch|pg|| nt|panja: meckwell didn't at all try to explore a a result...there was a choice or leads..and East chose the wrong one|pg|| nt|mdgraham: gone for the @cJ lead - mildly surprising|pg|| nt|MolvaM: could south be sqzd in the blacks?|pg|| pc|s2|pg|| nt|andyv: I would never let go a @d looking at that dummy...W is very brave|pg|| nt|jfaria: needed a @c shift |pg|| nt|bigtrain: oops|pg|| pc|s3|nt|panja: choice of leads even|pg|| pc|s6|nt|leao: nice guess|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s8|pg|| nt|jcomyn: what with a good 6-carder|pg|| nt|MolvaM: this could recover some of the imps lost in the disaster|pg|| pc|s4|pc|sJ|pc|sK|pc|c2|pg|| nt|roswolf: dummy is truly LE MORT|pg|| nt|hedyg: now +1|pg|| nt|hedyg: or 2?|pg|| nt|hedyg: A@c, @C ruff and 3 discards and claim|pg|| nt|hawe45: Mais ilo faut evaluer la chance, que N/S vont á 5 @S, bien sur|pg|| mc|10|pg|| qx|o10|st||md|4SK973HT875DK5CT97,SAT8HAK2DQ83CK642,SQJ5HJ93D972CAQ85,S642HQ64DAJT64CJ3|sv|b|nt|vugraphpl2: so now 12 IMP different :)|pg|| mb|p|nt|vugraphpl2: our leader is still Bessis :)|pg|| mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|nt|brolucius: Is East a man?|pg|| nt|Walddk2: It seems to be normal to raise to 3NT with that East hand|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Invites do not exist any more|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: East is thinking now :)|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: we must wait for his decision :)|pg|| nt|henryb: 3N is certainly a contract you want to be in |pg|| nt|Walddk2: Fair enough Maria|pg|| nt|henryb: but not on this hand|pg|| nt|brolucius: They play 2@S as clubs or a NT invite.|pg|| mb|2C|mb|p|nt|Walddk2: Invite coming|pg|| mb|2D|mb|p|nt|Walddk2: 2@C Stayman with or without a major|pg|| nt|Walddk2: and he may even pass 2@D|pg|| mb|2N|mb|p|nt|henryb: would be winning decision, here|pg|| mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|nt|blum1956: no reason to pass 2@d - Piekarek has a good hand|pg|| mb|p|nt|brolucius: West has close decision now, if his 1NT showed 15-17. Well, he bids it. |pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: running scores|pg|| nt|Walddk2: But raising on 16 with 4333 and no intermediates is questionable|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: information|pg|| pc|sQ|nt|blum1956: I agree with Roland|pg|| nt|henryb: He has the @s108|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Yes, and two 2's|pg|| pc|s2|pc|s7|nt|henryb: Aren't they wild?|pg|| pc|s8|pg|| nt|brolucius: A low diamond on the first round picks up single K with north.|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|s4|pc|s3|pc|sA|pg|| pc|d3|pc|d2|pc|dJ|pc|dK|pg|| pc|sK|pc|sT|pc|s5|pc|s6|pg|| pc|s9|nt|blum1956: Let us not forget that 3NT could be an easy win had the @dK stay|pg|| pc|h2|pc|h3|nt|blum1956: the @d finesse I mean|pg|| pc|h4|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: running scores|pg|| nt|brolucius: A club lead (a very poor lead) would have let it through.|pg|| pc|c7|pc|c2|pc|cQ|pc|c3|pg|| mc|7|pg|| qx|c10|st||md|4SK973HT875DK5CT97,SAT8HAK2DQ83CK642,SQJ5HJ93D972CAQ85,S642HQ64DAJT64CJ3|sv|b|nt|ntmon: surprises me how often 3NT is made through the field|pg|| nt|jcomyn: isnt that amazing|pg|| nt|hedyg: last board of this match now|pg|| nt|roswolf: tried to drop a singleton trump king|pg|| nt|hedyg: thanks to our outstanding operator in Poznan, Tadeusz ! to my excellent fellow commentators Geoffrey and Bill for donating their time and expertise to guide us through these ...|pg|| nt|hedyg: boards.our appreciation to the EBL and the PBF for bringing this event to BBO, especially Slawek Latala who was intrumental in organizing these broadcasts on behalf of BBO|pg|| nt|hedyg: special thanks to our specs for joining and for your kind and helpful comments,we hope you enjoyed the show|pg|| nt|glen: there must be a leaderboard for this italian unusual results|pg|| nt|roswolf: We are now on the last board of the set. Thanks to our operator, Joanna -Great Job! Our appreciation to all the organisers for ensuring that this fine event is brought to BBO ...|pg|| nt|roswolf: vugraph. Thanks too to my very learned fellow commentators Hedy, Murat and Glen for their company and perceptive comments and to our specs whose contributions keep us on our toes.|pg|| nt|glen: *these|pg|| nt|hedyg: and thank you Geoffrey :)|pg|| nt|roswolf: an entertaining match|pg|| nt|roswolf: We are now on the last board of the set. Thanks to our operator, Tadeusz -Great Job! Our appreciation to all the organisers for ensuring that this fine event is brought to BBO ...|pg|| nt|roswolf: vugraph. Thanks too to my very learned fellow commentator Hedy for her company and perceptive comments and to our specs whose contributions keep us on our toes.|pg|| nt|hedyg: thank you too Geoffrey :)|pg|| nt|ritong: he did not pull the third trump, seems|pg|| nt|hedyg: what did he do with the 2@ds in his hand?|pg|| nt|jcomyn: anyone know what the jackpot coup is|pg|| nt|roswolf: ty|pg|| nt|bobholl: they made 2@S+2 on this one|pg|| nt|kit: don't need to lead from honors when little threat of discards|pg|| nt|bobholl: but with 52 cards seen it's always a lot easier :)|pg|| nt|hawe45: E/W...|pg|| nt|ritong: si on en croit le début de séquence, cette chance est nulle|pg|| nt|ritong: l un a dit 3@d et l autre a passé 4@c|pg|| mb|p|nt|ritong: ruffed both|pg|| mb|p|nt|hedyg: we will be back at 14 30 CET, in 1 hour and 38 minutes|pg|| nt|roswolf: sorry thx to John as well|pg|| nt|granguru: fortunatelly IMPs table doesnt punish you very hard after you already gave away a lot of IMPs in one hand|pg|| nt|jcomyn: and a very difficult thing to achieve|pg|| mb|1N|nt|jcomyn: 20 impps in last 2 boards|pg|| nt|roswolf: scheduled restart in 1hr 35 mins approx|pg|| nt|roswolf: scheduled restart in 40 mins time approx|pg|| nt|panja: 24 HCP with NS...not game is on...|pg|| nt|kit: if I saw all the cards, I'd lead a club :)|pg|| nt|MolvaM: right david. just double dummy line|pg|| nt|ady: 11 tricks in hearts for e/w|pg|| mb|p|nt|glen: some styles like a 3rd seat 1@H here|pg|| nt|ritong: i suspect our operator anticipated a little:)|pg|| nt|hedyg: ah ok, didnt pull 3rd|pg|| nt|jfaria: cant see anyone opening this auction|pg|| mb|3N|nt|ntmon: new leader - i didn't tell that during last few boards|pg|| nt|hedyg: not when KJ are behind :p|pg|| mb|p|nt|mcarroll: yet another Major partscore hand|pg|| mb|p|nt|mdgraham: this is what we were waiting for - a 6-6 fit|pg|| mb|p|nt|hedyg:|pg|| nt|athene: west might try an aggressive 3@S now, thinking his @DKJx mesh nicely with his partner's diamond suit|pg|| nt|roswolf: 3nt by east|pg|| nt|hedyg:|pg|| nt|roswolf: and here it rests!?|pg|| nt|leao: it shud...|pg|| pc|sQ|nt|athene: in fact, of course, they mesh nicely with *north's* diamond suit|pg|| nt|athene: ok, 2@C then 2@S i guess|pg|| nt|roswolf: the pitiful crutch of 4SF |pg|| nt|athene: show an invitational hand but stop at the 2 level|pg|| nt|MolvaM: and not 5 minutes after conceding 1400|pg|| nt|hedyg: we will be back in 37 minutes|pg|| nt|roswolf: i think not|pg|| nt|bigtrain: very aggressive cuebid|pg|| nt|bigtrain: good that meck went low|pg|| nt|ady: save in 6@D for n/s|pg|| nt|MolvaM: right. first non quiet board of the set|pg|| nt|hawe45: Parfait - pour le flanc|pg|| pc|s2|nt|roswolf: n/s will press on to game|pg|| nt|roswolf: an easy contract|pg|| nt|leao: and did|pg|| nt|ritong: oui, ça ne va pas le faire pour le déclarant|pg|| pc|s9|nt|hedyg: last board of this match now and of the Swiss teams|pg|| nt|hedyg: thanks to our outstanding operator in Poznan, Tadeusz ! to my excellent fellow commentators Geoffrey, Danny and David for donating their time and expertise to guide us through ...|pg|| nt|hedyg: these boards.our appreciation to the EBL and the PBF for bringing this event to BBO, especially Slawek Latala who was intrumental in organizing these broadcasts on behalf of BBO|pg|| nt|panja: 2@S bid....I don't really like it..|pg|| nt|rmb1: 3@C stopper ask?|pg|| nt|panja: poor suit..poor need to bid in a live auction|pg|| nt|bobholl: @C are often missed if best fit :)|pg|| nt|roswolf: this brings bridge into disrepute|pg|| nt|roswolf: a constructive auction to a 4-2 fit - save me please|pg|| nt|leao: the @c community shud file a complaint|pg|| pc|s8|pg|| nt|woozle: 4S is cold|pg|| nt|blum1956: 4@s could be made|pg|| nt|woozle: with CA onside, diamond position, spade position and no diamond ruff coming|pg|| nt|ntmon: 2@C may not be wise - who has the @S suit? probably partner, and is weak ...|pg|| nt|jcomyn: big finish for someone|pg|| nt|jcomyn: and it isnt lavazza|pg|| nt|ntmon: .. but this is not the case|pg|| nt|3for3: meck bought a nice hand from rodwell, who could have had nada. K@D and stiff heart very useful|pg|| nt|roswolf: well imo east should rebid 1nt - to avoid this torture|pg|| pc|sJ|nt|mcarroll: Yes but has to get @Ds right|pg|| nt|hedyg: can not be more than invite by passed hand|pg|| nt|hedyg: special thanks to our specs for joining and for your kind and helpful comments,we hope you enjoyed the show|pg|| nt|dburn: indeed - this match (though entertaining) doesn't matter - but there are some fierce qualification battles going on in both A and B flights|pg|| nt|hedyg: we will be back tomorrow morning with the Knockouts|pg|| pc|s4|nt|jcomyn: frying pan into the toaster|pg|| nt|athene: nope, he tries 3 anyway|pg|| nt|hedyg: A@C and @c switch might help|pg|| nt|hedyg: but that wont happen|pg|| pc|s3|nt|roswolf: east will accept!?|pg|| pc|sT|pg|| nt|woozle: McGann tries 4H, down one or two on a spade guess with the club hook failing|pg|| nt|hedyg: but 2@s should be enough|pg|| nt|hedyg: everything is friendly|pg|| nt|granguru: Italoswiss is a kib with very good memory|pg|| nt|hedyg: ty all, bye for now!|pg|| nt|hedyg: help the defense ofc|pg|| pc|s5|nt|woozle: down one...Fiona surely won't try the SK now|pg|| nt|blum1956: -50 against -140 or -170 is a useful 3 imps|pg|| pc|s6|nt|ntmon: X should secure @C lead against 3NT|pg|| nt|hedyg: 1 card out of 3 is on side|pg|| nt|rmb1: This club stop is not going to stand close inspection|pg|| nt|panja: luckily for NS..@HA is with E, and @DK, with West...|pg|| nt|panja: so there are 8 tricks..|pg|| nt|bobholl: jansma - paulissen bid 1@D 1@S 1NT much better but surely not best|pg|| nt|roswolf: 6 + more imps dribble away|pg|| nt|ady: n/s not saving may prove important in this match|pg|| pc|s7|nt|jcomyn: craziest contract of the week|pg|| nt|roswolf: north needs to avoid being endplayed here|pg|| nt|hedyg: i dont think he can get endplayed|pg|| nt|athene: endplay is unlikely because after ruffing a club and drawing trumps, west has no trumps left so a fourth club is fine|pg|| nt|3for3: i believe the higher you are, you get bonus in KO's, re selection of opponents. Hedy posted the rule earlier|pg|| nt|hedyg: 10:00 AM CET|pg|| nt|hedyg: that is for teams 1-8, the rest are seeding as per EBL or WBF seeding points|pg|| pc|sA|pg|| nt|ritong: je tends a penser que l autre salle entamera aussi autre chose que @c|pg|| pc|d3|pc|d2|nt|roswolf: well strong club systems have their downsides too|pg|| nt|leao: why not pass 2@c? play in the 4-4 fit instead of in the (putative) 5-2|pg|| pc|dT|nt|hedyg: even A@H and @H is fine|pg|| pc|dK|pg|| nt|woozle: I fear at this point that 3 isn't enough|pg|| pc|sK|nt|hawe45: Avec le meme declarant, oui|pg|| nt|ritong: et dans ce cas, @s DVx a une bonne tête|pg|| pc|d8|nt|ntmon: prediction? abstain..|pg|| nt|roswolf: indeed as it happens but still care needs to be taken|pg|| pc|c5|nt|jcomyn: hope no children are watching|pg|| nt|granguru: some time ago I said whenever one player of each team tries to play the same suit, one of them is out of his mind. I was referring myself to the play of the cards thou|pg|| pc|h4|pg|| nt|leao: unless 2@c is forcing for them|pg|| pc|c7|pc|c2|nt|bobholl: @D will take care of @C loser so 8 tricks|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|c3|pg|| pc|cA|nt|panja: @CT on trick two was a smart play.. allowing a late entry to W hand with 4th Club..if needed|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c9|pc|c4|pg|| mc|7|nt|hedyg: ty all, bye for now :)|pg|| pg|| qx|o11|st||md|1SJ632HAKDJ854CAT5,S854HJ9DAQ7CKJ873,S9HQT6432DKT93CQ9,SAKQT7H875D62C642|sv|o|nt|brolucius: Leads from 4-card suits headed by one or two honors are normally a poor prospect.|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Even Meckwell, playing a 14-16 NT, were unable to stop short|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: 4 boards to go in this segment... then in the next segment 14 boards again...|pg|| nt|henryb: An opportunity for Monaco, as hearts look pretty good|pg|| mb|1D|mb|p|mb|1H|nt|vugraphpl2: still 12 IMP difference|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: our currently leader is Bessis|pg|| mb|p|mb|1S|nt|Walddk2: What a service|pg|| mb|p|nt|Walddk2: Never seen all this by an operato before|pg|| mb|2H|mb|p|nt|blum1956: only the diamond lead (impossible to find) kills 4@h|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: :)|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|henryb: She gets bored by watching the paint dry|pg|| pc|sA|nt|vugraphpl2: at the 1st table Mahaffey is leading with 19IMP difference :)|pg|| nt|Walddk2: We'll get all the fireworks in the second half|pg|| pc|s2|pc|s8|pc|s9|pg|| nt|Walddk2: (I said this just to annoy Henry and David)|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: running scores|pg|| nt|brolucius: It is barely possible to aggravate me (when I have taken my pills...) |pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: information|pg|| nt|brolucius: Except for faulty punctuation, of course.|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: the next segment should begin at 18, so in 1 hour :)|pg|| pc|c4|pc|c5|pc|cK|pc|c9|pg|| nt|brolucius: 4@H needed quite a bit. Very borderline and they were NV.|pg|| pc|c3|pc|cQ|pc|c6|pc|cT|pg|| pc|h2|pc|h7|pc|hK|pc|h9|pg|| pc|d4|pc|dA|pc|d3|pc|d2|pg|| pc|c7|mc|8|pg|| qx|c11|st||md|1SJ632HAKDJ854CAT5,S854HJ9DAQ7CKJ873,S9HQT6432DKT93CQ9,SAKQT7H875D62C642|sv|o|nt|woozle: Routine 4S for EW, hardly the stuff of which swings are made|pg|| nt|jcomyn: yes 1s by e|pg|| nt|andyv: is that where the last 4 cards in dummy are the same denomination?|pg|| nt|andyv: all Qs or Js, etc?|pg|| nt|jcomyn: no close|pg|| nt|roswolf: defence needed to play trumps at some point|pg|| nt|hawe45: Tout normale|pg|| mb|1D|nt|mdgraham: at this vulnerability you always feel that you've done your job in making them play at the 5-level |pg|| mb|p|nt|jcomyn: still no|pg|| nt|roswolf: well it is not clear why you shouldnt bid this slam|pg|| nt|jcomyn: and Baldursson led SQ, so dont know what happened after that|pg|| nt|bobholl: whow can they reach 7|pg|| mb|1H|nt|rmb1: On 21, NS ran from 3NTX ... to 4NT-2 :)|pg|| nt|bigtrain: 2NT = limit raise or better|pg|| nt|kit: this is east grand to bid|pg|| mb|1S|nt|kit: easy|pg|| nt|ady: n/s have 5@C or 3NT|pg|| nt|MolvaM: where there is a void, there is action|pg|| mb|p|nt|roswolf: should be duck soup even with a 11-13 nt|pg|| mb|2S|nt|jcomyn: we should offer a prize for the right answer|pg|| nt|bobholl: because you also miss the @H it is not too good :)|pg|| nt|bobholl: @H 10 :)|pg|| nt|bigtrain: 3@D is artificial game try|pg|| nt|kit: Rodwell can just about bid it on his own|pg|| nt|ritong: 2@s avec du gaz|pg|| nt|hawe45: Mais cela pousse Nord á 4 @H|pg|| nt|ritong: ou pas|pg|| nt|ritong: il n a rien:)|pg|| mb|3D|nt|rmb1: In OR, EW did not bid 6@H on 22 but managed one more trick 4@H+3|pg|| nt|roswolf: west passed in the other room|pg|| nt|bobholl: not playing 11-13 nt|pg|| nt|roswolf: i think this is playable - no system can recognise useful 10's|pg|| nt|bobholl: in west 6@H is luckier no @D lead and it is a vedry good slam|pg|| nt|bobholl: very|pg|| nt|leao: cards are laying VERY well for declarer|pg|| mb|p|nt|bobholl: lack wood|pg|| nt|bigtrain: 5@C is exclusion|pg|| nt|kit: exclusion I guess|pg|| mb|p|nt|rmb1: 3@S probably shows 5|pg|| mb|p|nt|jcomyn: here's a hint. Think in terms of a slot machine|pg|| nt|ady: as kib pointed out 6@C down on diamond lead|pg|| nt|MolvaM: last chance to stop|pg|| nt|ady: not that easy even without the diamond lead|pg|| pc|s4|nt|bobholl: now that';s a good slam :)|pg|| nt|roswolf: I APPROVE OF THIS BIDDING -BID WHAT YOU THINK YOU CAN MAKE:)|pg|| nt|bigtrain: 1 key|pg|| nt|MolvaM: would sementa lightner?|pg|| nt|hawe45: Hm...|pg|| pc|s9|nt|leao: yes, as 6NT wud be, but agree on the bidding tip|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s2|pg|| nt|mcarroll: given the state of the match will they try for the @C slam?|pg|| nt|Walddk2: 1600 in one room is amazing at this hour. Europe working, most of USA sleepingh|pg|| nt|kit: 2 ruffs in dummy for 7 hearts, 2 spades, 4 diamonds = 13|pg|| nt|ady: sorry meant 5@C down on diamond lead|pg|| pc|c2|nt|andyv: 9 tricks easy now|pg|| nt|bigtrain: i should be sleeping :)|pg|| pc|c5|nt|mcarroll: which would certainly have faILED|pg|| pc|cK|pc|c9|pg|| pc|c3|pc|cQ|nt|panja: y.|pg|| nt|panja: better play might have been to win @CK and cash a trump...|pg|| pc|c4|nt|panja: now @ST9 are finessable..but entries are short..|pg|| pc|cT|pg|| nt|ritong: et de plus, son partenaire n a pas eu les moyens de contrer 1@s en soutien|pg|| nt|hawe45: Sur 1 @S, Sud montre, q´il n´a pas la main pour soutenir les @H du Nord. Pour moi: 3 @H sur 3 @D est obligatoire|pg|| pc|h2|pc|h5|nt|panja: so S will make only 10 tricks|pg|| pc|hK|nt|roswolf: useful trump jack|pg|| pc|h9|pg|| nt|Walddk2: This is only good for India, Australia and night owls|pg|| pc|d4|nt|leao: very|pg|| pc|d7|pc|dT|pc|d2|pg|| nt|MolvaM: specs tell me: prev board 6d down 3 on the @CA lead and spade switch |pg|| nt|ady: may have needed to finesse 6@H 2nd round could be a trick short now|pg|| nt|ady: diamond discard not good|pg|| nt|mdgraham: needs to draw the @CK, though - entries are a problem|pg|| nt|MolvaM: the first 4 tricks were fast |pg|| nt|ritong: quoi?|pg|| pc|h3|nt|mcarroll: another 2 imps to Mahaffey|pg|| pc|h7|pc|hA|nt|roswolf: draw some trumps and lead a small heart for the top prize|pg|| pc|hJ|pg|| nt|ritong: d ou sais tu que nord n a pas quatre @hs?|pg|| nt|hawe45: Ce que j´ai écrit|pg|| pc|d5|nt|leao: oui|pg|| pc|dA|nt|rmb1: Time running out for Netherlands Juniors still 36 adrift|pg|| nt|bobholl: 6@C is much better as it needs only @H 32|pg|| pc|d3|pc|d6|pg|| nt|roswolf: yup|pg|| mc|10|nt|leao: that´s rite|pg|| pg|| qx|o12|st||md|2ST932H84DKJT8CK85,SAQ7HT95D75CA9764,SJ864HAJ7DAQ6CJT3,SK5HKQ632D9432CQ2|sv|n|nt|vugraphpl2: fast claim again :)|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Mahaffey up by 23 IMPs now against Texan Aces|pg|| mb|p|mb|1C|mb|1H|nt|vugraphpl2: running scores|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: information|pg|| mb|d|mb|2D|an| |mb|2S|nt|brolucius: 3@H was borderline at the other table.|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Not sure why you must bid all the way to 4@H|pg|| mb|3H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|vugraphpl2: :)|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: only 3@h|pg|| pc|h4|nt|Walddk2: Are you sure he only made 8 tricks on board 11, Maria?|pg|| pc|hT|pc|hJ|pc|hK|pg|| nt|Walddk2: The official site has 10 tricks|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: no 10 tricks...|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: oh, i missclicked claim :(|pg|| pc|d3|pc|dT|pc|d5|pc|d6|pg|| pc|h8|pc|h5|nt|Walddk2: Fatigue, understandable, don't worry|pg|| pc|h7|pc|hQ|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: i will correct later, when i have more time :) sorry again @h|pg|| nt|brolucius: It is one of those hands with few immediate losers but few tricks as well.|pg|| pc|d2|pc|d8|pc|d7|pc|dQ|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h2|pc|s2|pc|h9|pg|| pc|c3|pc|cQ|pc|cK|nt|blum1956: Probably Piekarek could have made his contract by ducking a club in the trick ¹2|pg|| nt|brolucius: Only about 2 of the 702 kibitzers and none at all of the commentators would be able to do the VG operator job, so we have nothing but admiration for those who step forward and do ...|pg|| nt|brolucius: it.|pg|| pc|cA|pg|| mc|8|pg|| qx|c12|st||md|2ST932H84DKJT8CK85,SAQ7HT95D75CA9764,SJ864HAJ7DAQ6CJT3,SK5HKQ632D9432CQ2|sv|n|nt|jcomyn: wouldnt want to come in with ther s hand|pg|| nt|bigtrain: 57.5% in that case... but very low chance of that|pg|| mb|p|nt|jfaria: 2 keycards missing = 4@s|pg|| nt|roswolf: another slam|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Probably American bats too|pg|| nt|ady: 3 more hands could hardly be closer|pg|| nt|MolvaM: that could well be a game swing for lavazza|pg|| mb|1C|nt|MolvaM: Im told that In the event of a tie they will play 4 extra boards until a winner has been found|pg|| nt|ady: 4@H close important major suit quuens not fortunate for n/s|pg|| mb|1H|nt|bobholl: and seniors :) from europe :)|pg|| nt|hawe45: Si c´est le cas - il retourne á 4 @D, nous sommes fittées, ce qui prouve V x x x á @S|pg|| mb|d|nt|jfaria: or at least something bellow 6|pg|| nt|ady: surely not pass from Lev|pg|| mb|2C|nt|panja: 24 HCP with NS again...will they bid a game?|pg|| nt|leao: strong @c again|pg|| mb|2S|nt|Walddk2: And people who pretend to be working when their bosses arrive|pg|| mb|3H|nt|roswolf: might well be bid|pg|| nt|leao: no @d bid yet|pg|| nt|ritong: pourquoi pas|pg|| mb|p|nt|rmb1: will they bid ... ?|pg|| nt|panja: well..interesting auction|pg|| nt|panja: only goes to support the modified point count I showed earlier..|pg|| mb|4H|nt|woozle: we seem to have lost a board. NS fetch up in a dull 1NT, making one or two|pg|| nt|mcarroll: oops|pg|| nt|mcarroll: yes 25 seems to have been skipped|pg|| nt|jcomyn: drop it like a hot spud with no reasl aces|pg|| nt|jfaria: E showing slam intentionswith c@shortness |pg|| nt|hawe45: 3 @H = J´ai une 5eme|pg|| mb|p|nt|jfaria: @c|pg|| nt|roswolf: :)|pg|| mb|p|nt|jcomyn: shortness even|pg|| mb|p|nt|rmb1: North/South have been very "sound" for a pair of juniors :)|pg|| nt|ady: nip and tuck here|pg|| nt|ritong: wow|pg|| nt|ritong: ça rigole pas|pg|| pc|sT|nt|hawe45: Peu de perdantes - mais peu de levées aussi|pg|| nt|ritong: en effet|pg|| pc|s7|nt|jfaria: wonder what 4 nt means|pg|| nt|panja: agree...far less immature..and more cautious that I would have imagines they would be|pg|| nt|panja: than...|pg|| nt|leao: East has a wonderful hand when pard opens 1@c|pg|| nt|leao: and shows long @ds|pg|| nt|roswolf: i am tols the other room is in 7@D|pg|| nt|leao: 7 is a bit farfetched, no? |pg|| nt|roswolf: BUT CAN MAKE ON AN INSPIRED @C view + squeeze|pg|| pc|sJ|nt|jcomyn: old blackwood i imagine|pg|| nt|andyv: when watching an auction like this I feel the participents are going all the way to the edge of the cliff|pg|| nt|jfaria: maybe, E showed !Q s :)|pg|| nt|jfaria: Q@s|pg|| pc|sK|pg|| pc|d2|nt|jfaria: was misguided by 5@s answer, but Cohler rightly "showed" the @sQ|pg|| nt|andyv: I think 4@c was kc, 4@s showed 2 without and 4N asked for K ings|pg|| pc|d8|pc|d5|nt|ady: have to lose 2 spade tricks and a club need to guess heart queen|pg|| nt|ritong: les espoirs de nathalie sont extremement minces|pg|| pc|d6|pg|| nt|bobholl: 7NT yes but 7@D misses entries|pg|| nt|ritong: même si les @ds sont disposés agréablement pour elle, les adversaires peuvent lui jouer atout|pg|| pc|h4|nt|leao: arent there entry problems for 7?|pg|| pc|h5|nt|andyv: sorry, 4N showed 2 with and 5@s stopped|pg|| nt|bobholl: this will happen very often 7/8 tricks in nT :)|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h2|pg|| nt|roswolf: i expect this to end in 6@D|pg|| pc|h7|pc|hK|nt|jcomyn: give em their 2 aces and claim|pg|| nt|andyv: it may well be that EW weren't on same page|pg|| nt|leao: 5@h asks for trump queen, no?|pg|| nt|bobholl: but they migth bid 7@D too (hope so as a dutchman)|pg|| nt|leao: lol|pg|| nt|leao: they are certainly trying|pg|| nt|leao: mite have bid 6 a long time ago|pg|| nt|leao: 7 went -2|pg|| nt|roswolf: he cant count a sure 13 tricks therefore the small slam is sensible|pg|| pc|h8|pc|h9|pg|| nt|hawe45: Au secours|pg|| pc|d3|nt|leao: this has a chance|pg|| nt|roswolf: he might also be considering the strain ie NT OR@D|pg|| nt|roswolf: NO THE TOP OF THE HOUSE|pg|| nt|roswolf: A DBL IS LIKELY|pg|| nt|leao: on the other table the @c view was taken, but declarer run into a @c ruff |pg|| nt|roswolf: as you would|pg|| pc|dT|nt|panja: and they will get a non-vul game equivalent score for the passes here|pg|| nt|roswolf: this will take a long time to play|pg|| nt|bobholl: @D lead best |pg|| pc|d7|nt|leao: this requires the @c play and a @s unblock b4 running the @c|pg|| nt|roswolf: if the club view is found there are 12 top tricks and north will be squeezed in the majors|pg|| nt|roswolf: yes difficult but finable i think|pg|| nt|MolvaM: he did|pg|| nt|ady: this could be the winning board for Mahaffey|pg|| pc|dQ|pg|| pc|hJ|nt|rmb1: Now set up @S|pg|| pc|hQ|nt|roswolf: findable|pg|| pc|s2|pc|hT|pg|| pc|h6|pc|s3|pc|c4|pc|s4|pg|| nt|hawe45: Disons: 1 @H = normal, mais absolument minimum... ou?|pg|| pc|s5|nt|ritong: il est possible qu ils aient eu un malentendu a propos de 3@h|pg|| pc|s9|nt|leao: bravo. step 1 complete|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|s6|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s8|pc|d4|pc|c5|pg|| nt|roswolf: tyhe ace of hearts is the vital entry|pg|| pc|c6|pc|c3|pc|cQ|pc|cK|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|c7|pc|dA|pc|d9|pg|| nt|hawe45: Non - passe sur 2 @S est logique|pg|| mc|8|nt|bobholl: even 9 :)|pg|| pg|| qx|o13|st||md|3SAJTHKJT952DCQT72,SQ87H843D9643CK86,SK542H6DKJT52CAJ4,S963HAQ7DAQ87C953|sv|b|nt|vugraphpl2: i corrected, but now there is no auction in 11th board :(|pg|| mb|1D|mb|p|mb|1H|mb|p|mb|1S|mb|p|nt|vugraphpl2: 2 boards to go and to compare in this segment :)|pg|| mb|2D|an| |mb|p|nt|brolucius: 3@H, if non-forcing, may be passed.|pg|| mb|3D|nt|brolucius: South will no doubt insist on game with three tens and a good six-card major.|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: then we have a little break and we meet again at 18, so in 49 minutes :)|pg|| mb|p|mb|3H|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|nt|ritong: 2@d is " double deux", where 2@c starts inviting auctions and 2@d starts game forcing auctions|pg|| nt|brolucius: Playing in hearts, South can expect two heart losers and will therefore have to hold the black-suit losses to just one trick.|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Two-way checkback Stayman in other words|pg|| nt|ritong: yes|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: in the meantime difference increased to 13 IMP for Bessis :)|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|pc|c5|nt|ritong: board 14 is favorable to monaco|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: running scores|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: information|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: schedule|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Impressive how many top players that small nation can produce|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: during the break you can read our daily bulletin at |pg|| nt|ritong: small by the size, i d say|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c8|pc|cJ|pg|| pc|h6|pc|h7|pc|hJ|nt|blum1956: Is it at all possible to make it?|pg|| pc|h3|pg|| nt|brolucius: King next is percentage play.|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h4|pc|d2|pc|hA|pg|| nt|brolucius: You pick up Q-x and cannot do anything about A-x.|pg|| nt|blum1956: Now Piekarek must underlead his diamonds|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: running scores|pg|| nt|brolucius: The Bessis father and son partnership was the only one of the four tables to play in 4@H. Others in 3NT.|pg|| nt|brolucius: 'Let me play them, son!'|pg|| nt|ritong: especially when i am 6.4.3 with decent @hs|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: mahaffey is leading with 23 IMP difference :)|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: and at our table leader is still Bessis with 13IMP difference |pg|| pc|d7|pc|h2|pc|d9|pc|dJ|pg|| nt|ritong: now bompis' best hope is clearly @s Q with east|pg|| nt|brolucius: A bold switch from East, who cannot have his spirits uplifted by what is in the dummy.|pg|| nt|brolucius: Declarer now knows that the @DA-Q lie over him.|pg|| nt|fokal: actually it's not that clear|pg|| nt|ritong: but he has already seen a lot of high cards with him|pg|| nt|fokal: yes and he knows as well about AQ of @h (very likely)|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: running scores|pg|| nt|fokal: K of @c is known as well|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: information |pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: schedule|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: bulletin|pg|| nt|blum1956: He may play a diamond honour back and finally win even with the current distribution but he does not know where the @sQ is|pg|| nt|ritong: so, he might elect to go to dummy with @s A, hook @c and end up with 9 tricks|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: schedule in your zone :)|pg|| nt|brolucius: Four spades and two clubs, if he reads the cards well.|pg|| nt|fokal: so why not playing @s to the As Q of @c (small, small small) and Jack of @s ; winning if W has the Q of @s|pg|| nt|ritong: either west covers and that's three @c tricks, or he does not and that's 4@ss|pg|| nt|fokal: and if @s are 4-2, he can stilml play the king of @d to endplay E|pg|| nt|brolucius: In these relatively short matches, boards like these are critical. |pg|| pc|s2|pc|s6|pc|sJ|pc|sQ|pg|| nt|ritong: yes|pg|| pc|d6|pc|dT|pc|dQ|pc|c7|pg|| nt|ritong: but he went for the simplest route|pg|| pc|dA|nt|brolucius: Piekarek's excellent diamond switch will bring a reward.|pg|| mc|8|nt|Walddk2: This was a signifcant swing in the other match. One declarer made 3NT, the other one did not|pg|| pg|| qx|c13|st||md|3SAJTHKJT952DCQT72,SQ87H843D9643CK86,SK542H6DKJT52CAJ4,S963HAQ7DAQ87C953|sv|b|nt|jcomyn: give em their 3 aces asnd claim next hand|pg|| nt|andyv: so 4@c was either a splinter, in which case 4N doesn't make sense or 4@c was RKC in which case 4N doesn't make any sense|pg|| nt|panja: I have to leave now, thx Robin, all|pg|| nt|rmb1: 4@S looks worth trying|pg|| nt|panja: bye|pg|| nt|leao: they still won imps on that one|pg|| nt|roswolf: difficult to analyse withot gib|pg|| nt|leao: :)|pg|| nt|ritong: tout le monde ne joue pas comme ça|pg|| mb|1D|nt|ritong: certains jouent que déclarer le contrat " forcé" montre un jeu minimum|pg|| nt|ritong: et que passer est donc encourageant|pg|| mb|p|nt|jfaria: test|pg|| mb|1H|nt|andyv: but at the end, no harm done|pg|| nt|ady: n/s will play 3NT|pg|| mb|p|nt|rmb1: 2NT good raise|pg|| mb|1S|mb|p|mb|2C|an| |nt|jcomyn: indeed but u are right. a kind of lemming sequence|pg|| mb|p|nt|rmb1: 23 saw NS play 5@H+1 in OR for another 10IMP to Mahaffey|pg|| nt|mdgraham: easy raise to 3NT|pg|| mb|2D|mb|p|nt|roswolf: this is a little unlucky but the vul game bonus tempts everyone|pg|| nt|bobholl: east has a difficult lead|pg|| nt|bigtrain: ugly hand for e/w|pg|| nt|hawe45: 2 SA sur 2 @C - pas d´option?|pg|| nt|ritong: pour ma part, je passe quand je n ai rien à dire, je suppose que c est ça que tu définis comme "logique", hans|pg|| mb|3H|nt|ady: club lead should make 9 tricks easily|pg|| nt|ady: likely to play on hearts and make 10 tricks|pg|| mb|p|nt|rmb1: EW believed 4@S making :)|pg|| mb|3N|nt|jfaria: N a bit worried about the small @c doubleton|pg|| mb|p|nt|jfaria: but nothing he could bid besides 3nt|pg|| mb|4H|nt|woozle: McGann takes a wild swing at game, which should make on the favourable heart lie, even if she runs into a club ruff|pg|| nt|bobholl: if they won't reach 4@H they are "stupid" but wise|pg|| mb|p|nt|jcomyn: well s has an 18-19 nt so|pg|| mb|p|nt|woozle: did she really duck the diamond?|pg|| nt|bigtrain: nice lead|pg|| nt|kit: might make|pg|| mb|p|nt|bigtrain: not now|pg|| nt|kit: very nice lead|pg|| nt|ady: play east for either queen or jack of hearts|pg|| pc|c6|pc|c4|nt|roswolf: on bd 12 the field bid to 6nt|pg|| pc|c9|nt|ady: has good intermediates|pg|| pc|cQ|pg|| nt|roswolf: are we still live|pg|| nt|ady: Lavazza will need a swing on hand 25 to have a chance|pg|| pc|hJ|nt|bobholl: guess n will also go 1 down|pg|| pc|h3|nt|jcomyn: that reminds me of a hand in istanbul when my p put me into 4s and i ran into a 5-0 break. He said he was worried about clubs. I had the AKQJ and won none of em|pg|| nt|bobholl: it took a long time so migth put up K :)|pg|| nt|bobholl: specs saying the contrary but i guess he'll put up k anyway :)|pg|| pc|h6|nt|andyv: so he was right to be worried:)|pg|| pc|hQ|pg|| pc|c5|nt|woozle: she must be getting tired|pg|| nt|blum1956: very strange indeed|pg|| nt|jcomyn: was is his foot they all got ruffed|pg|| pc|c2|pc|cK|nt|woozle: pepsi may reject the trump promotion in diamonds because Fiona's heart pip was the 8|pg|| nt|woozle: Which probably looks like KJ98|pg|| pc|cA|pg|| nt|bobholl: whow not any more may be|pg|| pc|d2|pc|dQ|nt|roswolf: no still off i think|pg|| pc|h2|pc|d4|pg|| nt|bobholl: only if they find the @C ruff (not that difficult)|pg|| nt|roswolf: west gets a club ruff|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h4|nt|jfaria: tricks|pg|| nt|jfaria: 9|pg|| pc|d5|pc|hA|pg|| nt|roswolf: a push|pg|| nt|bigtrain: and he'll be happy when trump doesn't break|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c7|nt|bobholl: 3 imps loss are not so nice too :) but nicer than 11 or so |pg|| pc|c8|pc|cJ|pg|| pc|dT|pc|d7|pc|sT|pc|d3|pg|| pc|s2|pc|s3|pc|sA|pc|s7|pg|| pc|hT|pc|h8|pc|s4|pc|h7|pg|| nt|ritong: partie équilibrée, un swing de manche vulnérable d'avance pour le team B6|pg|| mc|11|pg|| qx|o14|st||md|4SAKJT4HDT5CQT9764,S987HKQT74D972CA5,S63HJ82DQ863CKJ83,SQ52HA9653DAKJ4C2|sv|o|nt|Walddk2: so swings in both matches|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: last board before us in this segment :)|pg|| mb|1H|nt|Walddk2: Many thanks Maria, well done!|pg|| nt|blum1956: Once again good bidding by Bessis&Bessis has been rewarded|pg|| nt|ritong: a tough competitive board|pg|| nt|brolucius: Well, we did get two final fireworks. Let's be grateful for that. |pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: difference increased to 26IMP...|pg|| mb|2H|mb|4H|mb|5C|nt|brolucius: 4@H OK because East did not open 1@C (which he would do on a strong hand - as well as on a weak 1NT).|pg|| nt|brolucius: 5@C to play in partner's second suit.|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: running scores|pg|| nt|Walddk2: What would 4NT be?|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|d|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|dA|nt|blum1956: This time the result in the closed room is not good for the Bessis team|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: Mahaffey is leading with 11IMP now...|pg|| nt|ritong: 2@h is @s+@c|pg|| pc|d5|pc|d2|pc|d3|pg|| pc|dK|pc|dT|pc|d7|nt|brolucius: 2@H showed specific suits, apparently, not the more common Michaels.|pg|| pc|d6|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Ah, that explains it|pg|| mc|10|nt|vugraphpl2: so this the of this segment|pg|| nt|ritong: 1@h 3@c would be two others|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Thanks all and bye for now|pg|| nt|blum1956: 5 IMPs back to Monaco|pg|| nt|brolucius: Amirnov took the best available option.|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: see you in 30 minutes|pg|| nt|brolucius: Thanks for watching!|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: thank you for attention :)|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: running scores :)|pg|| nt|blum1956: thanks all, spectators, Maria and fellow commentators|pg|| nt|vugraphpl2: bye :)|pg|| pg|| qx|c14|st||md|4SAKJT4HDT5CQT9764,S987HKQT74D972CA5,S63HJ82DQ863CKJ83,SQ52HA9653DAKJ4C2|sv|o|nt|andyv: last board of this set|pg|| nt|jcomyn: holding KJ of s K10 of h and K of D what did he think i had to open 1nt|pg|| nt|roswolf: We are now on the last board of the set. Thanks to our operator, Tadeusz -Great Job! Our appreciation to all the organisers for ensuring that this fine event is brought to BBO ...|pg|| nt|roswolf: vugraph. Thanks too to my very learned fellow commentators Bob and Leao for their company and perceptive comments and to our specs whose contributions keep us on our toes.|pg|| nt|roswolf: and some blood possible here|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Last board of the set now|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Many thanks to Tadeusz, great operating!|pg|| nt|Walddk2: and to our commentators, Kit, Walter and Bob|pg|| nt|ady: last hand of the set|pg|| nt|ritong: la 12 pourrait creuser legerement cet écart|pg|| mb|1H|nt|ady: thx all interesting set|pg|| nt|fokal: oh une donne mouvementée|pg|| mb|2H|an| |nt|andyv: North has had a couple of hands where he's been blessed with great spot cards|pg|| nt|jcomyn: gee that match ended very tamely|pg|| nt|jfaria: last board no expected swings, cmon orange jrs lets make a fight of it :) only 1o imps behind against mighty Meckwell|pg|| nt|andyv: a lot of 3N contracts|pg|| nt|fokal: EW devraient faire 4 @h|pg|| mb|3C|nt|jfaria: dont go away 2d half promises |pg|| nt|jcomyn: they have done well|pg|| nt|rmb1: This is the last board, thanks to Panja for commentating, thanks to the operator, and to EBL and BBO for organising|pg|| nt|rmb1: and thanks to Dutch kibs for support|pg|| nt|roswolf: 5@SX seems excessive|pg|| nt|bobholl: both aces rigth so 4@H on |pg|| nt|MolvaM: 2 decisive boards will show|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 25 and 26|pg|| nt|fokal: mais après cette enchère NS devraient défendre à 5 @c|pg|| nt|fokal: reste à savoir ce qu'il se passera au palier de 5|pg|| mb|4C|nt|fokal: thomas devrait dire 4@c|pg|| mb|4D|nt|Walddk2: 2nd half in 1 hour and 5 minutes, 12.30 local time|pg|| nt|bobholl: is this forcing for them walter ? :)|pg|| nt|Walddk2: How can 3@H be forcing in any system?|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 4s good?|pg|| nt|ritong: tom va montrer ses @cs d une maniere ou d une autre, et ça va plaire a son partenaire|pg|| nt|fokal: 4 @d bonne enchère, pour faire juger le partenaire au palier de 5|pg|| mb|5C|nt|jcomyn: ok folks thans to the kibs and to a great operator|pg|| nt|rmb1: Nice pressure 4@S opening|pg|| nt|rmb1: East send it back? (XX)|pg|| nt|roswolf: e/w have no slam|pg|| nt|bigtrain: no|pg|| mb|5H|nt|bobholl: guessed so but you never can tell :)|pg|| nt|ady: 1 too high unless defence slips|pg|| mb|p|nt|mcarroll: so a pretty emphatic victory for Mahaffey|pg|| nt|jcomyn: have to go and play golf now - tough life|pg|| nt|roswolf: 3nt was the popular contract at the other tables|pg|| mb|p|nt|roswolf: 5@C needs a diamond duck to win|pg|| nt|MolvaM: hard to stop at 4s with only 5-2 fit|pg|| nt|ady: Lavazza had a chance to double 4@H|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 5d -1 if declarer finesses the @d|pg|| nt|MolvaM: meanwhile madala is still in the tank on board 25|pg|| nt|fokal: bon|pg|| nt|fokal: on dirait que les trois petits carreaux ne l'ont pas refroidi|pg|| nt|hawe45: EEntame|pg|| nt|fokal: du point de vue se Sud il sait qu'il ne chute pas beaucoup au palier de 6|pg|| nt|fokal: mais vu que son partenaire ne l'a pas soutenu a @s , il se doute que AR de pique passent|pg|| nt|hawe45: Cute - 5 @C pourrait etre sur table|pg|| nt|hawe45: Chute|pg|| mb|6C|nt|roswolf: all calm here but the dutch will gain a few|pg|| nt|ady: e/w can make 10 tricks in spades not easy 5-2 fit|pg|| mb|d|nt|jfaria: 2@d GF cb i presume|pg|| nt|roswolf: scheduled re-start for the second half of theis match is in 15 mins|pg|| mb|p|nt|blum1956: Thx all, spectators and commentators. See you!|pg|| mb|p|nt|MolvaM: bocchi bid 5@c but he didnt pass yet|pg|| mb|p|nt|andyv: probably 2way new minor|pg|| nt|jfaria: with 2 aces missing hard to make more than 11 tricks|pg|| pc|dA|nt|jfaria: tuff lead |pg|| nt|ritong: en meme temps, il a un vague espoir de les faire si ils se trompent d entame|pg|| nt|fokal: mais il n'en sait rien pour la 3e levée; le 4 @d adverse est inquiétant, avec ses deux petits @d|pg|| nt|fokal: il a choisi l'assurance|pg|| nt|hawe45: Pas cher|pg|| pc|d5|pc|d2|pc|d6|pg|| pc|dK|pc|dT|pc|d7|nt|jfaria: Cohler thinks he must work a bit but cards lie really friendly for him|pg|| nt|ady: club shift needed sure he will|pg|| pc|d3|pg|| nt|andyv: there went his chance for 12 tricks:)|pg|| nt|roswolf: quick claim now|pg|| nt|ritong: pas cadeau, quand meme|pg|| mc|10|nt|fokal: il se dit, c'est moins cher que la manche|pg|| nt|fokal: en voyant le jeu de son parteniare d'ailleurs, il se disait surement que 5 @h pouvait être sur table (si les sont 4-2 et pas 3-3)|pg|| nt|fokal: les @s|pg|| pg||