vg|B EC 2011 Mixed Teams semi final _,2_2,I,15,28,Zimmermann,8,Badger,10| rs|1NS+1,1NE-1,1NE=,1NS+1,2SN=,2SS=,3NN=,3NN=,5DNx-2,4DS=,4CW-2,2NW=,3DE+1,3DE=,4SN-1,4SN-2,3NN=,6CN-1,6DN+1,6SS+1,6HN=,4NS+1,4HS=,4HS=,3NE-3,2HS-2,3NE=,3NE=| pn|D'Ovidio,Allerton,Cronier,Leslie,F HINDEN,F MULTON,G OSBORNE,S WILLARD|pg|| qx|c15|st||md|1S84HQT87DKT953C84,SKQ952HK62DQJCJT3,SAT63HA43D764CKQ6,SJ7HJ95DA82CA9752|sv|n|nt|400 volt: The real name of East is Pony Beate NEHMERT |pg|| mb|p|nt|hedyg: good afternoon :)|pg|| nt|peachy: hello everybody|pg|| nt|hedyg: welcome back to Poznan, European Open Championship, Mixed Teams, Semifinal, segment 2/2|pg|| nt|hedyg: hi Raija :)|pg|| nt|peachy: Results after first half of the matches in semifinal|pg|| nt|psyck: Hello everyone|pg|| nt|hedyg: our operator is Simona, hello to her too!|pg|| nt|yorkbeach: Hello everyone|pg|| nt|hedyg: hi CK , Julian :)|pg|| nt|vugraphpl3: sorry we have bad numbers of boards! i dont know why|pg|| nt|peachy: Bite how neat and clean bridge in both matches, scores stand at 8-9 and 10-8|pg|| nt|peachy: *Note|pg|| nt|hedyg: for BBO-TV. Watch all vugraph rooms at the same time, even while playing or in the lobby. No download needed. Open one browser window per table|pg|| nt|Walddk5: Hello everyone|pg|| nt|vugraphpl3: 1. contract is 1 nt by E |pg|| nt|Walddk5: Commentators are Raija, Hedy and CK|pg|| nt|hedyg: hi Roland |pg|| nt|Walddk5: Operator Simona|pg|| nt|hedyg: we seem to have a problem at the table|pg|| nt|hedyg: Simona has loaded the wrong boards?|pg|| nt|vugraphpl3: i dont prepare cards... its not my fould. 1 moment|pg|| nt|hedyg: nobody is blaming anybody Simona :)|pg|| mb|1S|nt|vugraphpl3: hello |pg|| nt|vugraphpl3: welcome :)|pg|| mb|p|mb|1N|nt|400 volt: 3@S by e/w is the limit here - and it's not easy to make|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|dT|mc|6|pg|| qx|c16|st||md|2SK3HAT96DQ9832C62,SQ974H72D65C98753,SJ65HQ84DK74CAKJ4,SAT82HKJ53DAJTCQT|sv|e|nt|hawe45: Looks like a very solid 3 NT|pg|| nt|hawe45: But 1 IMP for the lead|pg|| nt|danilo1: so no big damage in 3!G ... only 2 IMPS|pg|| nt|hawe45: 2 I see|pg|| mb|p|mb|1C|an| |nt|danilo1: 1@H West?|pg|| mb|d|mb|1D|an|!H|mb|p|mb|1H|an| |nt|danilo1: not sure I would decide for weak 2@S (looks like wjs) ... despite 7 Hcp, hand looks nice|pg|| mb|p|mb|1N|nt|danilo1: however, important to stay out of 4 ... so well done|pg|| mb|p|nt|hawe45: Looks like easy 140|pg|| mb|p|nt|400 volt: I'm not sure about the methods of E/W (Playing Gazilli or something else), but 3@C looks aggressive|pg|| mb|p|pc|s4|nt|peachy: Off we go, thank you Simona|pg|| nt|hedyg: hard to type with crossed fingers..|pg|| nt|peachy: Halftime results. Click on the IMPs column tpo get hand records|pg|| nt|psyck: not that you would particularly want to look at the 1st session hand records, most were boring flat hands|pg|| nt|peachy: to watch multiple tables simultaneously, open one browser window for each table you want to watch|pg|| mc|8|pg|| qx|o17|st||md|3S9752HQ43DAKCKJ93,SA83HA6DJ986CAT65,SKJ64HJ85DQ52CQ87,SQTHKT972DT743C42|sv|o|nt|rcerreto: here we are again|pg|| nt|brolucius: Jeffrey Allerton and Frances Hinden (who is playing at the other table) are a couple, and have won the prestigious Gold Cup (Britain's top knock-out) together.|pg|| nt|brolucius: So far as I know, Hinden has never played women's bridge. She is a top executive for an oil company.|pg|| nt|ralfwil: what do we know about their systems?|pg|| nt|brolucius: E/W were playing straightforward stuff against Russia. I assume that the French play the standard French system, near enough. It will be good kibitzing.|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|1C|mb|p|mb|1S|mb|p|mb|2S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|brolucius: Since there were so many small boards in the first half, I was hoping that all the spectacular stuff had been saved for the second half. False hopes...|pg|| pc|hT|pc|h3|pc|hA|pc|h8|pg|| nt|brolucius: East has found a strong lead.|pg|| pc|h6|pc|hJ|pc|hK|pc|h4|pg|| pc|h9|pc|hQ|pc|s3|pc|h5|pg|| nt|brolucius: Now a club ruff will beat it.|pg|| nt|ralfwil: -1 with best defence. a @c switch now|pg|| nt|rcerreto: @h9 ?|pg|| nt|rcerreto: looks to ask for @d|pg|| nt|brolucius: Failing that, a trump misguess by declarer.|pg|| nt|ralfwil: and in that case possibilities to -2|pg|| nt|rcerreto: E isn't willing to ask for a @c switch, not knowing what partner has in @c I think|pg|| nt|brolucius: South was declarer, after a transfer response to 1@C, at the other table.|pg|| nt|brolucius: We thought, in the match against Russia, that they seemed to be playing reverse suit-preference. So, maybe she has asked for a club.|pg|| nt|ralfwil: But if there is any possibility to defeat, it must be a @c ruff by E. Declarer can have @sKQJ|pg|| pc|d6|pc|d2|pc|d3|pc|dK|pg|| pc|s2|pc|s8|pc|sK|pc|sT|pg|| pc|s4|pc|sQ|pc|s5|pc|sA|pg|| nt|brolucius: So the chance is missed.|pg|| mc|8|nt|brolucius: Ralf's analysis is good. It does seem that a club switch was indicated.|pg|| pg|| qx|c17|st||md|3S9752HQ43DAKCKJ93,SA83HA6DJ986CAT65,SKJ64HJ85DQ52CQ87,SQTHKT972DT743C42|sv|o|mb|p|mb|p|nt|400 volt: Pony, sorry :)|pg|| mb|1C|mb|p|nt|psyck: N opened 1@d, 3rd seat other room, that did not stop EW from reaching the normal 4@h though|pg|| nt|danilo1: I like 2@D (or 1@D) third hand|pg|| mb|1H|mb|p|mb|2S|nt|psyck: yes, have to open with decent suit/shape 3rd seat, certainly at this vul|pg|| nt|danilo1: do not thing it may preven 4@H ... but if West bids free now ... East may go higher|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|blum1956: now East may start thinking about a slam|pg|| mb|p|nt|hedyg: or |pg|| pc|s3|nt|hawe45: So lange lebe Ich leider nicht, dass Ich das erleben werde. Nur Sperrwirkung spricht dafür hier und da 1 @S zu eröffnen |pg|| nt|hawe45: Sorry, privat|pg|| pc|s4|nt|danilo1: still, 2 keys missing ... so stop in 5@H, still no danger I guess|pg|| nt|psyck: 5 level is safe & they stop there with 2 kc missing|pg|| pc|sT|nt|blum1956: If, say, the @hK is with West (which is by no means excluded...)|pg|| pc|s2|pg|| nt|psyck: Raija's link for desktops & Hedy's for portable devices|pg|| nt|hedyg: my link works for all computers|pg|| pc|d7|nt|hedyg: and portables and mobile phones |pg|| pc|dA|pc|d8|nt|blum1956: Time to stop|pg|| pc|d2|pg|| pc|s5|nt|400 volt: Oops?|pg|| nt|danilo1: Iprefer pass as West over 3@D ... if pd is strong enough, she will anyway reopen|pg|| pc|sA|nt|daman: not the worst contract|pg|| nt|400 volt: They missed the 3NT which can be made on a @S-finesse|pg|| pc|s6|pc|sQ|pg|| nt|psyck: yes, but you do net get all the features you can on a desktop using the mobile link|pg|| pc|s8|nt|daman: I'll bet you they are not in 3NT in the CR|pg|| nt|psyck: it is tempting to x as a passed hand with that holding in majors |pg|| pc|sJ|pc|h2|pc|s7|pg|| nt|400 volt: but 4@D have a chance now|pg|| nt|hedyg: on the mobile phone? no you can just watch|pg|| pc|d5|nt|daman: double dummy we can see how to bid it and make it|pg|| nt|daman: well maybe they will bid it in the CR|pg|| nt|hawe45: On a @C-lead, you can defeat 3 NT - just do not take the @D King first time, easy...|pg|| nt|daman: saved myself a diet Coke|pg|| nt|dburn: queen of hearts may be best, just for control|pg|| nt|danilo1: exactelly|pg|| nt|dburn: still, if one of the blacks was 5-1 the defenders might have switched to it|pg|| pc|d3|nt|danilo1: :)|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d6|pg|| pc|cK|nt|400 volt: Do not take @D K first time?|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c7|pc|c2|pg|| nt|blum1956: Even if South has 4 hearts, his black suits holdings are probably 3-3|pg|| mc|8|nt|400 volt: doesn't matter|pg|| pg|| qx|o18|st||md|4SAK87HJ743DJ9CAT2,SJ653HK98D85CQ763,SQ92HAT5DAT7CJ985,ST4HQ62DKQ6432CK4|sv|n|mb|1D|mb|d|mb|p|nt|rcerreto: openings are getting lighter and lighter, these days|pg|| mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|dQ|nt|rcerreto: tough lead|pg|| nt|rcerreto: nothing appeals, @d looks normal|pg|| pc|d9|pc|d8|nt|rcerreto: leading the longest suit is always an option|pg|| pc|dA|pg|| pc|c5|pc|c4|pc|cT|pc|cQ|pg|| nt|rcerreto: David, would you lead small or an honour?|pg|| pc|d5|pc|dT|pc|dK|pc|dJ|pg|| pc|d4|pc|h3|pc|h8|pc|d7|pg|| nt|rcerreto: Ralf?|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|cK|nt|dburn: I guess I would lead low - some danger of a blockage if partner has @dJx, for example|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c3|pg|| nt|brolucius: I am in the middle of writing a book that involves computer analysis of opening leads. We have found that leading the top honour is generally right.|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c6|pc|c8|pc|d2|pg|| nt|brolucius: More often than the old text-books suggest.|pg|| pc|c9|pc|s4|nt|ralfwil: an honour, if dummy has a middle @d|pg|| nt|rcerreto: computer analysis could change several paradigms|pg|| pc|h4|pc|c7|pg|| pc|s9|pc|sT|pc|sA|pc|s3|pg|| pc|s7|pc|s5|pc|sQ|pc|d3|pg|| pc|s2|pc|h2|pc|sK|pc|s6|pg|| pc|s8|pc|sJ|pc|h5|pc|d6|pg|| nt|dburn: this game doesn't have to be bid at the other table|pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|c18|st||md|4SAK87HJ743DJ9CAT2,SJ653HK98D85CQ763,SQ92HAT5DAT7CJ985,ST4HQ62DKQ6432CK4|sv|n|nt|400 volt: this looks like an easy 4@H|pg|| nt|dburn: another almost-slam|pg|| nt|dburn: but these key cards are real ones|pg|| nt|Walddk5: The losers in the semiinals will win a bronze medal. They do not play off for third place; excellent idea if you ask me|pg|| mb|p|mb|1C|mb|p|nt|danilo1: y ... thk should be made so in all sports|pg|| mb|2C|an| |nt|blum1956: I do not agree - they should play if the schedule of the championship permits|pg|| nt|hedyg: 2@c obviously forcing|pg|| mb|2D|mb|p!|an| |nt|danilo1: just 2@S is intro to 4NT later :)|pg|| mb|p|nt|psyck: maybe E did not have a systemic 2@d opening available|pg|| nt|peachy: East either does not have a weak two in diamonds available or it maybe falling into too strong gfor weak teo and too weak for one level|pg|| mb|2N|mb|p|mb|3N|nt|hedyg: S's initial is F, not H. her name is Frances|pg|| mb|p|nt|400 volt: 3@H showing 5+ @H, 4@S obviously|pg|| mb|p|nt|blum1956: The idea came from box where it looks strange to fight for bronze putting your health under pressure|pg|| mb|p|nt|hawe45: Normally, one should play this 5-4 hand inversed, jumping in the 4-card|pg|| nt|hedyg: in France the 2@d opening is a strong bid and if not it is multi|pg|| nt|Walddk5: and she is from England (not France)|pg|| nt|peachy: Frances in one of England's finest players and as far as I am concerned, the best hand analyser I have seen|pg|| nt|Walddk5: all well|pg|| nt|Walddk5: She is also one of our regular vugraph commentators. Finch is her user ID|pg|| pc|d4|nt|psyck: a @h to T will not kill off E's hand|pg|| nt|psyck: *will now|pg|| nt|peachy: Nice club spots. help bring this home|pg|| nt|hedyg: same contract, different bidding in OR|pg|| nt|peachy: Another hand where the value of big spot cards is a factor of make or go down|pg|| nt|psyck: while winnin in hand to play @c 1st has the risk of W playing @d putting the contract in danger|pg|| nt|hedyg: E opened 1@D there, double by S and 3NT by N|pg|| pc|d9|pc|d8|nt|danilo1: surprised ... but do ot know agreement ... usually, Dble and than @S should be stronger than just 3@S|pg|| pc|dT|pg|| nt|psyck: all lines work here anyway|pg|| pc|c9|pc|c4|pc|c2|pc|cQ|pg|| pc|d5|pc|d7|pc|dK|pc|dJ|pg|| nt|peachy: West does not need suit pref signal on what to return, looking at the spades and clubs on the table, normally the next diamond is suit preference|pg|| nt|hedyg: i dont think he expects his pd to have much|pg|| nt|hedyg: she *|pg|| pc|d2|pc|h3|pc|c3|nt|hawe45: A spec told me: Called Smolen Transfer - "over there"|pg|| pc|dA|pg|| pc|c5|pc|cK|pc|cA|pc|c6|pg|| pc|cT|pc|c7|pc|c8|nt|daman: called Smolen "all over the world"|pg|| nt|400 volt: will michael find @S 10 for 11 tricks?|pg|| pc|d3|pg|| nt|peachy: I meant, Easr, sorry|pg|| nt|peachy: East|pg|| pc|s7|pc|s3|pc|sQ|pc|s4|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|sT|pc|h4|pc|h8|pg|| pc|s2|nt|400 volt: The other table was after identical bidding in 4@H, = |pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|o19|st||md|1SJHJ863D863CAKQT8,ST87642HK42D5C654,SK5H95DKQT9742CJ2,SAQ93HAQT7DAJC973|sv|e|nt|brolucius: We did not mention that Cronier's 3NT was rather bold. Most would bid 2NT and a (very) few might bid 1NT.|pg|| nt|rcerreto: true|pg|| nt|rcerreto: well judged|pg|| nt|ralfwil: but he needed @dJ on dummy|pg|| mb|1C|mb|p|mb|1D|mb|d|nt|rcerreto: that's why she bid 3 :)|pg|| nt|brolucius: Maybe 2@D?|pg|| mb|1H|nt|ralfwil: how many @s from W? I vote for 3@s|pg|| mb|1S|nt|rcerreto: a good partner has the J|pg|| mb|3D|nt|rcerreto: oops, sorry|pg|| nt|rcerreto: he bid|pg|| nt|ralfwil: anyone with me?|pg|| nt|rcerreto: with 2@d?|pg|| nt|brolucius: Closer to 3@S than 1@S, perhaps.|pg|| nt|rcerreto: 1@s looks a little timid to me|pg|| mb|3H|an| |nt|ralfwil: a 6-card suit @hK and a stiff @d|pg|| nt|brolucius: Spade game needs to be bid.|pg|| nt|rcerreto: good sacrifice in 5@d|pg|| mb|3S|nt|brolucius: I don't know that 1@H was right when East had indicated the majors.|pg|| nt|rcerreto: maybe it was also meant to show real @c|pg|| nt|rcerreto: unsure though|pg|| nt|ralfwil: 3@h is for me a strong 3@s rise and an invite to 4@s|pg|| mb|4H|nt|brolucius: Allerton may have misread 3@H but East can correct.|pg|| nt|brolucius: Anyway, this is the sort of board we were looking for, after so much drab stuff.|pg|| nt|rcerreto: he has a pretty good hand, in context|pg|| nt|ralfwil: but you agree with the strong rise David?|pg|| mb|5D|mb|d|nt|brolucius: Presumably intended as that. Since 1@S shows very little, as I see it, East might also consider 3@S.|pg|| nt|ralfwil: but the best with this bidding is that W has shown his @h honour|pg|| nt|rcerreto: maybe their standard for free bids is higher than yours and mine|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|brolucius: Although we may quibble with the odd bid or two, it seems that the players have judged it very well around the table. |pg|| nt|rcerreto: anyway, they succeeded in bidding the par|pg|| nt|brolucius: The term 'free bid' was responsible for a lot of awful bidding many decades ago.|pg|| pc|hA|nt|rcerreto: in a difficult board|pg|| nt|rcerreto: yes, indeed|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h2|pc|h5|pg|| pc|sA|pc|sJ|pc|s8|pc|s5|pg|| nt|rcerreto: free-bid is something very different today|pg|| pc|h7|pc|h6|pc|hK|pc|h9|pg|| pc|h4|nt|brolucius: I am told that 4@S failed at one table of the other semi. Do four round of clubs and a ruff with the king, leave declarer with some sort of guess?|pg|| pc|d2|pc|hT|pc|h8|pg|| pc|dK|pc|dA|pc|d3|pc|d5|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|hJ|pc|c4|pc|d4|pg|| nt|brolucius: Hardly because South would not lead a 4th club if his trumps were non-existent.|pg|| nt|rcerreto: think so|pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|c19|st||md|1SJHJ863D863CAKQT8,ST87642HK42D5C654,SK5H95DKQT9742CJ2,SAQ93HAQT7DAJC973|sv|e|mb|1C|an| |mb|p|mb|1S|an|!D|mb|d|nt|psyck: double looks normal|pg|| nt|peachy: Transfer responses, especially in competition, have become a popular expert standard almost|pg|| mb|2D|nt|psyck: whether it shows only @s or both majors is the question|pg|| mb|2S|nt|400 volt: 3 nt + 2 by north, next one please :)|pg|| nt|danilo1: difficult to stay out of 4 (@H or @S) I guess|pg|| mb|3N|mb|d|mb|p|mb|p|nt|psyck: canape opening?|pg|| nt|blum1956: 1@h opening? May somebody suggest a comment?|pg|| nt|danilo1: do not believe ... is it possible East wanted to reverse|pg|| nt|hedyg: hmm 4@s cold?|pg|| mb|4D|nt|hedyg: how about bidding 2@d as E?|pg|| nt|psyck: yes, but tuf to get there after this seq & NS have 5@d sac|pg|| mb|p|nt|hedyg: as t/o of @d|pg|| nt|hedyg: double seems to show just @ss?|pg|| mb|p|nt|vugraphpl3: im sure ;)|pg|| mb|p|nt|psyck: x looks fine for t/o, 2@d more shape/major length |pg|| pc|s8|pc|s5|pc|sQ|pc|sJ|pg|| nt|peachy: To show spades, one can bid 2S|pg|| pc|sA|nt|peachy: Spades only, I meant|pg|| pc|d3|nt|danilo1: do not believe is related to Canape|pg|| nt|dburn: pity, really - that secret six-card spade suit won't actually have much effect|pg|| pc|s7|nt|dburn: looks like a bidding-box error|pg|| pc|sK|pg|| nt|daman: all roads lead to +460|pg|| nt|hedyg: CR made it to the 4 level but NS saved in 5@d|pg|| pc|cA|nt|danilo1: most probable|pg|| pc|c4|pc|c2|pc|c3|pg|| pc|cK|pc|c5|pc|cJ|pc|c7|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|c6|pc|h5|nt|psyck: the other room bidding is at least more comprehensible|pg|| pc|c9|pg|| pc|cT|pc|d5|nt|psyck: this will cost|pg|| pc|h9|nt|hedyg: 2@s would be a 5+ suit though by E|pg|| mc|10|pg|| qx|o20|st||md|2SA543HAT872DA84C2,SKJ92HKQDK7CKJ983,ST876H654DQ65CA76,SQHJ93DJT932CQT54|sv|b|nt|brolucius: Declarer played trump to the ace, I am told.|pg|| nt|rcerreto: felt unhappy afterward, I presume|pg|| mb|1C|mb|p|mb|1S|mb|p|nt|brolucius: 4@D made against the 300 here, so a big swing to Badger.|pg|| mb|2S|mb|p|mb|2N|nt|brolucius: North was in 3NT at the other table, doubled and ran to 4@D.|pg|| mb|p|mb|3C|mb|p|nt|rcerreto: do EW play transfer?|pg|| nt|brolucius: Transfers opposite 1@C are popular.|pg|| mb|4C|nt|brolucius: With four aces missing, it seems that the three-level may be high enough.|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|brolucius: Obviously East had read West for a much better hand than he holds.|pg|| pc|h4|nt|ralfwil: and I can´t see why...|pg|| pc|h3|pc|hA|pc|hQ|pg|| nt|brolucius: Such a shame to lose IMPs unnecessarily when there are so many other ways of losing IMPs.|pg|| nt|rcerreto: could W consider his hand balanced?|pg|| nt|rcerreto: then open 1NT (or rebidding, if 1NT is weak)?|pg|| nt|brolucius: 3@C was presumably non-forcing, so it is hard to see how East had enough to look for an 11-trick game.|pg|| pc|d4|nt|ralfwil: If 1@s is´nt spades, 1nt from W looks normal for me |pg|| pc|d7|pc|dQ|pc|d2|pg|| pc|d6|pc|d3|pc|dA|pc|dK|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s2|pc|s6|pc|sQ|pg|| pc|d8|pc|c8|pc|d5|pc|d9|pg|| pc|c9|pc|c6|pc|cQ|pc|c2|pg|| pc|c4|pc|h2|pc|cJ|pc|cA|pg|| mc|8|nt|brolucius: Going two down may make it seem a bit less of a disappointment.|pg|| pg|| qx|c20|st||md|2SA543HAT872DA84C2,SKJ92HKQDK7CKJ983,ST876H654DQ65CA76,SQHJ93DJT932CQT54|sv|b|nt|400 volt: 3NT can only make on a 4-4 @D-layout|pg|| nt|danilo1: declarer is lucky that @H not 4-1 and @DA on-side ... otherwise, 4@S would probably make and 4@H could be X down|pg|| nt|peachy: I like 3S call better than 2S last hand by E|pg|| nt|hedyg: 8@s lead didnt help for sure|pg|| mb|1N|nt|hawe45: Best spot is 5 @C, but...|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|400 volt: 5@C can only make on a @H finesse|pg|| nt|400 volt: but 3 NT has the chance opps not leading @D, too|pg|| nt|400 volt: What's better? ;)|pg|| nt|psyck: The previous session played by the Badger team started with a 2 imp score after the 1st handful of deals too|pg|| nt|peachy: but perhaps he is not allowed to hold a king for that id|pg|| mb|2D|an|5!S 4/5 minor OR 4!S 5!H|mb|p|nt|hedyg: EW play 3/5 leads , i believe with a 6 card suit the lead is 3rd|pg|| nt|ritong: yes|pg|| mb|2S|nt|hawe45: Good @S-bid - for the lead...!|pg|| nt|hedyg: hi Riton :)|pg|| nt|ritong: hi hi|pg|| nt|hedyg: so Sylvie could not read the 8|pg|| nt|hedyg: great! we have our French expert !|pg|| nt|peachy: Hi Henri|pg|| nt|ritong: my country fellows need support|pg|| mb|2N|mb|p|nt|ritong: impartially, goes without saying|pg|| nt|hedyg: of course!|pg|| nt|hedyg: interesting 2@d bid showing either 4/5 minors or 4@s/5@H|pg|| nt|hedyg: 2NT lebensohlish|pg|| nt|peachy: or even just spades|pg|| nt|hedyg: yes or 5+@ss|pg|| nt|psyck: 5@s & 4/5minor OR 4@s & 5@h|pg|| nt|hedyg: though surely 3@D by a passed hand would not be strong here?|pg|| mb|p|nt|400 volt: 4@H is fore sure not the best choice - especially at this layout|pg|| nt|psyck: E hoping 2N will be interpreted as minors & W will figure S has majors|pg|| mb|p|nt|hedyg: lets try again, 5@S + 4+m OR 4@S+5@h, not just @ss|pg|| nt|peachy: thanks Hedy, I also misread the explanation, just misread differently than you heh|pg|| nt|hedyg: Multon decided to pass with his major holdings|pg|| nt|hedyg: LOL|pg|| pc|s6|nt|daman: what happened to the support double by West?|pg|| nt|400 volt: but at least with best declaring only a 3 imp loss against 3 NT |pg|| pc|sQ|pc|sA|pc|s2|pg|| nt|hedyg: i am grateful for the great kibs who immediately correct our mistakes :p|pg|| nt|hedyg: at least we know they are reading the comments!|pg|| nt|ritong: meanwhile the @s lead will alow this to make|pg|| pc|h2|pc|hQ|nt|danilo1: @H .. .holding and small @D?|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h3|pg|| pc|c3|nt|ritong: when a @h would have been lethal|pg|| pc|c6|pc|cQ|pc|c2|pg|| pc|c4|pc|s5|pc|cK|pc|cA|pg|| nt|hawe45: West could also have made life easy by opening 1 NT, have seen them worse|pg|| pc|h6|pc|hJ|pc|hA|pc|hK|pg|| nt|hedyg: no |pg|| pc|h7|pc|d7|pc|h5|pc|h9|pg|| nt|hedyg: he did NOT play the J@H|pg|| pc|cT|nt|hedyg: lol|pg|| nt|peachy: All the commentators are here solely for the kibitzers, so if any of you has a comment or question, feel free to message one of the commentators|pg|| nt|vugraphpl3: yes my foul but... doest care |pg|| nt|vugraphpl3: *foult|pg|| nt|hedyg: ok Simone|pg|| nt|ritong: ça roule|pg|| mc|8|pg|| qx|o21|st||md|3ST72HKJT74DK6CA65,SAJ86H83DTCKT9742,SQ43HQ65DJ53CQJ83,SK95HA92DAQ98742C|sv|n|nt|ralfwil: a wise man told me once - don´t take gifts, so @dK should be played to follow his advise|pg|| nt|brolucius: FIFA do not follow that advice.|pg|| mb|p|mb|1D|mb|1H|mb|d|mb|2H|mb|3D|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|brolucius: Some might play a weak-strong 2NT on the East cards, to differentiate between strong and distributional 3@D hands.|pg|| pc|hJ|nt|rcerreto: no way to play trumps from N|pg|| nt|rcerreto: then it should make|pg|| pc|h3|nt|rcerreto: even misguessing @d|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h2|pg|| nt|rcerreto: oops|pg|| nt|rcerreto: they found the way|pg|| nt|Walddk3: Both losing semifinalists are awarded bronze medals. There is no playoff for third place (a good decision in my view)|pg|| nt|brolucius: East hoping for a heart ruff.|pg|| nt|rcerreto: yes, 3rd-4th place finals are dull|pg|| nt|brolucius: But neither team has a bronze medal in their sights at this moment.|pg|| nt|rcerreto: winning A and playing a @h back would have forced S to play trumps but...|pg|| pc|s3|nt|rcerreto: this way has a chance to discard a @h on @s|pg|| pc|s5|nt|rcerreto: a very good chance now|pg|| pc|s2|pc|s6|pg|| pc|h8|pc|h5|pc|hA|pc|h4|pg|| pc|h9|pc|hT|pc|dT|pc|h6|pg|| pc|c2|pc|cJ|pc|d2|pc|c5|pg|| pc|dA|pc|d6|pc|c4|pc|d3|pg|| nt|brolucius: 2NT was just made on the deal where E/W went two down in 4@C, so 8 IMPs to Zimmermann.|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|dK|pc|c7|pc|d5|pg|| pc|s7|pc|s8|pc|sQ|pc|sK|pg|| pc|d4|pc|c6|pc|c9|pc|dJ|pg|| mc|10|pg|| qx|c21|st||md|3ST72HKJT74DK6CA65,SAJ86H83DTCKT9742,SQ43HQ65DJ53CQJ83,SK95HA92DAQ98742C|sv|n|nt|400 volt: no swing on the last deal|pg|| nt|400 volt: 2@D =|pg|| nt|hawe45: Really funny, we discuss 5 @C, they bid 4 @H - and at the other table they play 2 silent @D|pg|| nt|psyck: could have discarded @d & set up a @c at end|pg|| nt|danilo1: 2@D-3NT ?|pg|| nt|hedyg: comme pierre?|pg|| mb|p|nt|hawe45: To defeat 4 @S, I recommand an early @D-attack|pg|| mb|1D|nt|400 volt: 2@C showing both majors |pg|| nt|daman: I count 10 tricks in 4@S|pg|| nt|hawe45: I count 4 loosers|pg|| nt|daman: only on a @D yes true|pg|| nt|hawe45: = 14|pg|| nt|400 volt: 2@D, 1@C and 1@H loser on a early attack|pg|| nt|ritong: mm|pg|| nt|hedyg: sry LOL|pg|| nt|Walddk5: Both losing semifinalists are awarded bronze medals. There is no playoff for third place (a good decision in my view)|pg|| mb|1H|mb|1S|nt|400 volt: The other table plays 4@S from west|pg|| mb|2H|nt|daman: he has 3 9's|pg|| nt|400 volt: north thinking about the lead, and decided for @C A, now the switch should come|pg|| nt|hawe45: A double over 2 @C might have helped North|pg|| nt|400 volt: depends on what double means|pg|| nt|400 volt: many play is as a penalty dbl on one of opps majors|pg|| nt|hawe45: Oh yes|pg|| nt|peachy: I like that too|pg|| nt|hedyg: 8 bds and 7 imps|pg|| nt|chmitty: ça change 2 imps en faveur de Badger|pg|| mb|d|an|3!S|mb|p|nt|chmitty: sry :) hello all by the way|pg|| nt|hedyg: ou ca?|pg|| mb|3C|nt|danilo1: 2NT inquiery is possible ... but thk not necessary ... more helps opps|pg|| nt|hedyg: hi Pierre :)|pg|| mb|p|nt|400 volt: at the other table north was leading @C A, switching to @D 9 - so will be one down|pg|| nt|400 volt: now let's see if north will find it here, too|pg|| nt|hawe45: You MUST lead a minor Ace|pg|| nt|hawe45: Major tricks, you´ll always get|pg|| mb|3D|nt|400 volt: 10 imps to team pony|pg|| nt|hawe45: This lead should bring you the NOBEL Peace Award|pg|| nt|hedyg: 2 imps where?|pg|| nt|chmitty: I was commenting in private that I believe the scores are wrong for board 15 /16 in closed room|pg|| nt|psyck: many play system on after intervention & 1@s=4+ cards, & x denies 4 cards|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|danilo1: probably just 9 tricks after this lead (provided that West does not discard @C|pg|| mb|p|nt|chmitty: records from Poznan show that Badger accumulated 6Imps and not 4 on these 2 boards|pg|| nt|psyck: 2@h-(x)=support|pg|| nt|hedyg: since we did not see the play we have no idea|pg|| nt|chmitty: so "my" (unofficial) scoring at this stage is 27-18|pg|| pc|h4|nt|hedyg: ah ok , so the difference is 9 then|pg|| nt|ritong: ok ty pierre for the input|pg|| nt|chmitty: I know, Hedy ... just that both scores are in the wrong column I believe|pg|| nt|ritong: we will be cautious if the final gap is 2 or less|pg|| nt|hedyg: that means more work for Henri|pg|| nt|ritong: yeah yeah|pg|| pc|h3|pc|hQ|nt|blum1956: I think West should have led the @s9 to the second trick (East could have @s KJ82)|pg|| pc|h2|pg|| pc|d3|pc|d2|nt|hawe45: In fact, 4 @S was close to 50-50, if North had just shuffled the cards before leading.|pg|| pc|dK|pc|dT|pg|| nt|hawe45: Minor = one down|pg|| nt|hawe45: Major = 10 tricks|pg|| pc|hT|pc|h8|pc|h6|pc|hA|pg|| pc|dA|pc|d6|pc|c2|nt|ritong: 7 comparisons left after that one|pg|| pc|d5|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|c5|pc|c4|pc|dJ|pg|| pc|s9|pc|s2|pc|sJ|pc|sQ|pg|| nt|danilo1: @HJ switch just looks calling but it is not correct ....true East sees 6 good @D and @CA at the table ,,,, but ... with no @HK, would declarer not take @SK?|pg|| pc|h5|pc|h9|mc|9|pg|| qx|o22|st||md|4SJT853H43DT9CKJ63,S7HAT98DAQ85CQT95,SAKQ42HJ72DK64C87,S96HKQ65DJ732CA42|sv|e|nt|rcerreto: anyway, she guessed @d right|pg|| nt|brolucius: All plus scores gratefully received.|pg|| nt|rcerreto: it was just a matter of overtricks then|pg|| nt|Walddk3: Can you stand another nail-biter, David?|pg|| nt|brolucius: Yes, I have taken my pills.|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|1C|mb|1S|nt|Walddk3: No credit for my hy-phen?|pg|| mb|d|mb|4S|mb|p|mb|p|nt|brolucius: Be careful because jtr is watching.|pg|| mb|p|nt|ralfwil: ??? dbl from me as E|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h3|nt|rcerreto: a cheap save on 4@h|pg|| nt|brolucius: 4@S has escaped a double, but the cards lie well for declarer so the lack of a double will not cost E/W much.|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h2|pg|| nt|ralfwil: but still a dbl....|pg|| pc|h8|pc|hJ|pc|hQ|pc|h4|pg|| nt|brolucius: Had the cards lain differently, not doubling might have waved goodbye to 500 or so.|pg|| nt|brolucius: East may have feared a third-hand opener, but her side was vulnerable.|pg|| nt|ralfwil: a thirs hand opening, but I can take 170 extra if declarer makes|pg|| nt|brolucius: West does not know that partner holds 10 points, so he cannot double 4@S even with an extra value or so. |pg|| nt|ralfwil: but shouldn´t E?|pg|| pc|h5|pc|sJ|nt|Walddk3: The contract is doubled at both tables in the other match|pg|| pc|h9|pc|h7|pg|| nt|brolucius: Quite right.|pg|| pc|d9|pc|dA|pc|d4|pc|d2|pg|| pc|d5|pc|dK|pc|d3|pc|dT|pg|| nt|brolucius: Now East may grab @CA.|pg|| nt|dburn: chances are that since East didn't double here South might get the clubs wrong|pg|| pc|d6|pc|d7|pc|sT|pc|d8|pg|| pc|s3|pc|s7|pc|sA|pc|s6|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s9|pc|s5|pc|hT|pg|| pc|c8|pc|cA|pc|c3|pc|c5|pg|| nt|dburn: but not if East does that, of course|pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|c22|st||md|4SJT853H43DT9CKJ63,S7HAT98DAQ85CQT95,SAKQ42HJ72DK64C87,S96HKQ65DJ732CA42|sv|e|nt|400 volt: 24 HCP and a 8card @S-fit - the other table plays 4@S by South|pg|| nt|400 volt: but with this layout this will be far away from just made|pg|| nt|danilo1: wd all|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|psyck: Running scores: you can see Zimmermann has 2 less thn here.|pg|| mb|1D|mb|1S|mb|d|nt|ritong: 4@h has play here|pg|| mb|4S|nt|danilo1: good score for NS in OR (minor game is usually good score) ... but 4@S and 4@H work as well|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|ritong: so basically 4@s is right|pg|| pc|d3|nt|hedyg: the official website is :|pg|| pc|d9|pc|dA|pc|d4|pg|| nt|danilo1: guess North should not pass 4@D ... he is strong|pg|| nt|danilo1: ... except if he already shown that by Dbling 2@C free psition|pg|| nt|blum1956: The @hA and the @dQ with South looks enough for 5@d|pg|| nt|psyck: N showed extras after the non forcing 1NT, S could just bid 5@d if 3@s denied 4 card @h|pg|| nt|blum1956: But the @hA may be missing and NS loose three tricks|pg|| nt|psyck: N contemplating slam maybe|pg|| nt|psyck: in case S has single @c|pg|| nt|danilo1: since denied 4-card hearts already .. North may propose 4@H (true - I would prever Hxx for that)|pg|| nt|psyck: I still prefer a simple 5@d by S instead of 4@d|pg|| pc|hT|pc|hJ|pc|hQ|pc|h3|pg|| pc|h5|pc|h4|nt|danilo1: evident now ... 3@C has been GF ... so North did not consider pass :)|pg|| nt|psyck: oh, they were never stopping short of game i'm sure|pg|| nt|psyck: N has too much values & S has too much shape for that|pg|| nt|psyck: N's dbl can be with less|pg|| nt|ritong: i tend to think that, doubled or not, the final result will be 100|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h2|pg|| nt|hedyg: now small @C?|pg|| nt|hedyg: hmm|pg|| pc|d5|pc|dK|pc|d2|pc|dT|pg|| nt|ritong: if willard doubles, the declarer guesses @c right|pg|| pc|h7|pc|h6|nt|danilo1: very good bridge both semi-finals .. after 9 boards second match only 6 IMPS ... and after 8 boards here only 7 IMPS)|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|h8|pg|| nt|400 volt: the other table plays 4@S down 2 |pg|| pc|s3|pc|s7|nt|hawe45: Nobody thinks about a double with Wests cards - which might cost 5 IMP´s, if the contract makes. BUT: If you do´nt - now and then - pay 790, 800 etc. - you have´nt risked enough!|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s6|pg|| nt|400 volt: It might not only cost 5 IMPs|pg|| nt|ritong: if she does not, he will get em wrong let s see|pg|| pc|d6|pc|d7|pc|sT|pc|d8|pg|| pc|s5|nt|hedyg: she should be showing her hcps in the other suits|pg|| pc|c5|nt|hawe45: Rarely it will show declarer how to win - rarely|pg|| nt|400 volt: it might let the contract make because dummy lays down with @S K9x and the declarer finesses to the 9 instead of making the normal play|pg|| nt|peachy: good play to delay the decision as long as possible|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s9|pg|| nt|peachy: not that it helps this time|pg|| pc|c7|pc|c2|pc|cJ|pc|cQ|pg|| pc|cT|pc|c8|pc|cA|nt|hawe45: Agree - and the bidding here did not invite to a risky double|pg|| nt|hedyg: seems he had decided anyhow that opener had the ace|pg|| pc|c3|pg|| mc|8|pg|| qx|o23|st||md|1S6HK53DQJT974CAQJ,SKJT874H864DA32C6,SA953HAQJDKCK8742,SQ2HT972D865CT953|sv|b|nt|ralfwil: but perhaps only 2 imps|pg|| nt|rcerreto: should she risk -420 to get 100 instead of 50?|pg|| nt|dburn: risk? what risk?|pg|| nt|brolucius: Better to risk a double in the first place.|pg|| nt|Walddk3: An excellent 6@D now|pg|| nt|dburn: declarer could have the singleton king of clubs only if she had about ten cards rather than thirteen|pg|| nt|rcerreto: can declarer have one more @d one less @c?|pg|| nt|ralfwil: 6@d on NS - a nice contract|pg|| nt|rcerreto: N was declarer, I think|pg|| nt|Walddk3: In theory, there is a club ruff, but fortunately for declarer, the defender with the singleton club also has @DA|pg|| nt|brolucius: An interesting bidding test. If they bid it, I will applaud.|pg|| nt|brolucius: 6@C is more tricky and that might be reached.|pg|| nt|Walddk3: They may arrive in 6@C, though|pg|| nt|Walddk3: With problems on a spade lead|pg|| nt|brolucius: Yes.|pg|| nt|ralfwil: can they make 1C after a @c lead? I doubt|pg|| nt|brolucius: This is the sort of board we were hoping for. No-one wants these matches to be decided on small margins after some drab boards.|pg|| nt|ralfwil: sry @s lead|pg|| nt|ralfwil: 6@c after a @s lead....|pg|| mb|1D|mb|2S|nt|brolucius: If one side wins after doing better on the big boards, then good luck to them - (even if they are not from England)|pg|| mb|3C|mb|p|mb|3D|mb|p|nt|ralfwil: If declarer plays @d before havinc cleaned trumps, another @s will set up a trumph trick|pg|| mb|3N|nt|brolucius: D'Ovidio has started well by emphasizing the diamonds before supporting clubs.|pg|| mb|p|nt|Walddk3: 6@C in the closed room|pg|| nt|Walddk3: Waiting for the lead|pg|| nt|Walddk3: @SQ|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|brolucius: Ouch!|pg|| pc|sQ|nt|brolucius: Imagine winning the board with 3NT.|pg|| nt|brolucius: A spade lead would not beat 3NT if clubs were 3-2.|pg|| nt|brolucius: not beat 6@C, I mean|pg|| pc|s6|nt|ralfwil: true!|pg|| pc|s4|pc|sA|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c3|pc|cA|pc|c6|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|d2|pc|c4|pc|c5|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|d3|pc|c7|pc|c9|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h4|pc|hJ|pc|h2|pg|| pc|cK|pc|cT|pc|d4|nt|brolucius: So, 20+ IMPs swing due to a 4-1 break. Well, that's part of the game. Hard to take, though.|pg|| pc|s7|pg|| pc|c8|pc|d8|pc|d7|pc|h6|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h7|pc|hK|pc|h8|pg|| pc|h5|pc|s8|pc|hA|pc|h9|pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|c23|st||md|1S6HK53DQJT974CAQJ,SKJT874H864DA32C6,SA953HAQJDKCK8742,SQ2HT972D865CT953|sv|b|nt|400 volt: If you know from the bidding that your opponents doesnt have some extras, you may try it |pg|| nt|hawe45: But did you see 4 down at the other table...|pg|| nt|hedyg: CR playing same 4@s|pg|| mb|1D|nt|peachy: the opps were not forced to show their HCP in other suits enough, for clues to declarer|pg|| mb|2S|mb|3C|mb|p|nt|hedyg: in the other match that contract was doubled at both tables, here at meither|pg|| nt|hedyg: neither*|pg|| mb|4C|mb|p|nt|danilo1: despte chanceless, it is quite normal to reach 4@S ... S has invitational hand and North is not minimum|pg|| nt|ritong: this looks like 1370|pg|| nt|hedyg: on a @s lead?|pg|| nt|ritong: hmm|pg|| nt|hedyg: ok lets try 6@D?|pg|| nt|ritong: yes, perhaps the @s lead can promote a trump|pg|| nt|hedyg: in 6@c i double you :9|pg|| nt|ritong: but not in @ds, yes|pg|| nt|ritong: just academic|pg|| nt|hedyg: yes no entry to the E hand for a @C ruff|pg|| nt|ritong: no way they play in @ds|pg|| mb|4H|mb|p|nt|danilo1: difficult to see methods to discover 4 red loosers|pg|| nt|blum1956: This is a challenging board indeed. The good pair must avoid the game contract being off 4 highcard tricks. Unfortunately both pairs did bid the game|pg|| nt|psyck: very bad of dummy to not hold 1 more @c & 1 less @h|pg|| mb|4S|an| |nt|danilo1: :)|pg|| mb|p|mb|5D|mb|p|mb|6C|mb|p|nt|400 volt: The other table plays 3 NT by north with the @D J lead (there north didn't show 5 @D)|pg|| nt|400 volt: not the best start for the defense|pg|| nt|hawe45: Wrong hand playing here|pg|| nt|hedyg: she had a chance to bid 6@d there|pg|| nt|hedyg: or...was 4@s rkc?|pg|| mb|p|nt|hawe45: @C-lead is perfect|pg|| nt|hawe45: West would have had a difficult lead|pg|| mb|p|nt|hedyg: i doubt he was bidding the singleton, more likely a high honour on the 5 level|pg|| pc|sQ|nt|peachy: Frances had tough decision over 3C , but despite this, I liked her club raise|pg|| pc|s6|pc|s7|pc|sA|pg|| nt|ritong: franck better find the defense, 3NT next room|pg|| nt|hedyg: looks like they bid their 1st round controls first, thus no 4@d bid|pg|| nt|hedyg: Catherine never showed the @c fit!|pg|| nt|hedyg: instead of 4@c she bid 3@D and then passed 3NT by pd|pg|| nt|peachy: 6C only needs clubs 3-2 and no diamond singleton with opps|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d5|pc|d4|nt|hedyg: he really has no choice, must play K@D now|pg|| nt|ritong: when @cs are 3/2, you can ruff high|pg|| pc|dA|pg|| nt|blum1956: Anyway 3NT has some chances as opposite to 4@s|pg|| nt|hedyg: well, you cant ruff low..|pg|| nt|ritong: so the slam is really decent|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s3|pc|s2|nt|hedyg: so you all think 3@C bid on that suit is fine?|pg|| pc|cJ|pg|| nt|ritong: phew|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c6|pc|c2|pc|c3|pg|| nt|danilo1: I agree with everyone - soft values etc. etc. ... still, I do not know system that are showing that for examle 3 Hcp in @H are QJ and not K ...|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|s4|nt|hedyg: or it is ok for lack a better bid?|pg|| pc|c4|pc|c5|pg|| nt|ritong: sylvie has a warm feeling|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|d2|nt|peachy: The alternative is worse, IMO, when you dont have a 4-card heart suit|pg|| pc|s5|pc|d6|pg|| nt|hedyg: probably, yes|pg|| nt|peachy: and the spade stopper better for trump contract than NT|pg|| mc|11|nt|400 volt: now 3 rounds of @H then a small @S to endplay west|pg|| pg|| qx|o24|st||md|2SKJT83HA85DT9CKQT,S975HK73DJ82CA854,SAQ42H4DAKQ7543C2,S6HQJT962D6CJ9763|sv|o|nt|Walddk3: 12 IMPs not the end of the world at this point|pg|| nt|ralfwil: another slam|pg|| nt|brolucius: So, Allerton-Leslie will think that they may have had a very big board.|pg|| mb|p|mb|1D|nt|brolucius: A question of RKCB when the spade fit comes to light.|pg|| mb|3H|mb|3S|mb|4H|nt|ralfwil: 4@c from me as W|pg|| nt|Walddk3: So Zimmermann by 6 in a minute|pg|| mb|4N|nt|Walddk3: Multon won the diamond at trick 2 and paused for a while before he played another spade|pg|| mb|5H|nt|brolucius: E/W fighting bravely, but hard to imagine that it will be successfully.|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|brolucius: All good pairs will know what to do after intervention over 4NT (in theory....)|pg|| nt|Walddk3: The Vriend team on their way to the final; 32-9 after a slam swing on board 23, like here|pg|| mb|6D|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|hQ|pc|hA|nt|Walddk3: The official site has a score of 30-27 in this match. Not easy to know what to believe|pg|| nt|brolucius: Cronier may fear a diamond ruff in 6@S, because he has offered the lower-scoring slam with excellent spade support.|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h4|pg|| pc|dT|pc|d2|pc|dA|pc|d6|pg|| nt|Walddk3: I trust our operators until proven wrong|pg|| mc|13|pg|| qx|c24|st||md|2SKJT83HA85DT9CKQT,S975HK73DJ82CA854,SAQ42H4DAKQ7543C2,S6HQJT962D6CJ9763|sv|o|nt|blum1956: The @hK does not guarantee the game just giving a 50% chance|pg|| nt|danilo1: ... at least not before cue-bidding level|pg|| mb|p|nt|400 volt: double dummy 6@H or 6@D |pg|| nt|blum1956: I think that the South hand does not deserve more than 2@s raise|pg|| mb|1D|nt|psyck: being a mere mortal, i would have been in 4@s like the rest too|pg|| nt|danilo1: me too |pg|| mb|2H|nt|400 volt: The other table fell in 3 NT, too|pg|| nt|hedyg: so now Team Zimboum has a 4 imp lead?|pg|| mb|2S|nt|ritong: presumably so|pg|| mb|3H|nt|ritong: scoreboard is doubtful|pg|| nt|hedyg: Zimboum is Zimmermann's nickname in Geneva|pg|| nt|ritong: due to his juvenile enthusiasm|pg|| nt|hedyg: lol yes|pg|| mb|4H|an| |nt|400 volt: aggressive 2@S bid on that weak 5card suit|pg|| mb|p|nt|danilo1: probably fast 4@S (after 2@S) by South ... guess should bid 2@S and not 3@D|pg|| nt|hedyg: the official score says 30:27|pg|| nt|hedyg: merci Muriel :)|pg|| nt|hedyg:|pg|| mb|4N|nt|hedyg: very uptodate!|pg|| mb|p|mb|5S|an|2/5 + Q|nt|400 volt: at the other table west opened 1@D|pg|| nt|400 volt: east thinking about a slam|pg|| mb|p|mb|6S|mb|p|mb|p|nt|400 volt: south on lead against 6@H at the other table - ugly choice. Singleton when pd is probably weak? From the Kings away?|pg|| mb|p|nt|danilo1: .. or 3 when need|pg|| nt|ritong: 1 imp on the lead|pg|| pc|h3|nt|ritong: away|pg|| nt|hedyg: or not|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h9|pc|hA|pg|| pc|s3|pc|s7|pc|sA|pc|s6|pg|| pc|s2|pc|h2|nt|danilo1: true ... South did not not necessarily shown more than 5-card @S ... but no options for North except 4@S |pg|| pc|sK|pc|s5|pg|| mc|13|pg|| qx|o25|st||md|3ST5HJ72DAJ954CAK5,SQJ86H954D876CT43,SAK9732HKQT83DQTC,S4HA6DK32CQJ98762|sv|e|nt|brolucius: If North had played in 7@D, East would have been thankful for a bid of 4@C by West, as suggested by Ralf.|pg|| nt|Walddk3: The English pair bid the higher scoring slam on 24, 6@S|pg|| mb|1S|mb|2C|mb|2D|mb|p|mb|2H|mb|p|nt|brolucius: We have certainly been granted the big boards that we were demanding. That's good.|pg|| mb|3C|mb|p|mb|3H|mb|p|mb|4H|nt|Walddk3: 2 IMPs back|pg|| nt|brolucius: Premature for South to bid 3NT. Quite rightly, she asks for more information with 3@C.|pg|| nt|Walddk3: Could be 30-29|pg|| mb|p|mb|5C|mb|p|mb|5H|mb|p|nt|brolucius: North has a hopeless hand for Blackwood and suggests a slam by cue-bidding his club control. A good bid.|pg|| mb|6H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|brolucius: With her club honors wasted, South signed off.|pg|| nt|ralfwil: but looks like S downgraded her hand|pg|| nt|brolucius: North was never going to stop out of six once partner had bid 2@D and then agreed hearts.|pg|| nt|ralfwil: a @d lead is probably a killing lead|pg|| pc|cQ|nt|ralfwil: with @d 3--3 and @dK on side....|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c3|nt|brolucius: A French kibitzer tells me that 5@C is exclusion Blackwood (club ace excluded). 5@H shows one such key-card.|pg|| nt|ralfwil: no hurry with discarding a @d|pg|| nt|brolucius: Another one says it is not. So, I will say no more on the matter.|pg|| pc|s2|pg|| pc|h2|pc|h4|pc|hK|pc|hA|pg|| nt|ralfwil: now a @d switch|pg|| nt|Walddk3: Game over after this board perhaps. The English pair stopped in 4NT|pg|| nt|ralfwil: the only way to test declarer|pg|| pc|c9|nt|ralfwil: E must have a fyll count on N|pg|| pc|c5|pc|c4|pc|h3|pg|| pc|hT|pc|h6|pc|h7|pc|h5|pg|| nt|Walddk3: Osborne made it too difficult on partner when he bid 3@C over Hinden's 2@D. He did not show his hearts before they reached the 4 level|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|dK|pc|dA|pc|d6|pg|| pc|d4|pc|d7|pc|dT|pc|d2|pg|| pc|h8|pc|c2|pc|hJ|pc|h9|pg|| mc|12|pg|| qx|c25|st||md|3ST5HJ72DAJ954CAK5,SQJ86H954D876CT43,SAK9732HKQT83DQTC,S4HA6DK32CQJ98762|sv|e|nt|danilo1: this is the possibility ... I still like Dble more cause both @D (AJ9x) and @S (Q10) are alternative places to play|pg|| nt|hedyg: in the OR Mr Cronier decided to play the hand. this is a mixed event , no?|pg|| nt|hedyg: playing in @D cost 2 imps though|pg|| mb|1S|mb|2C|mb|2D|nt|hawe45: Nice @S-holding...|pg|| mb|p|nt|psyck: bo reason to think you will not be able to find either of those strains ofter 3@c either|pg|| nt|danilo1: 5@D and 4@S are working ... and after West opened bidding, East may force Game|pg|| nt|hedyg: score could well be 30:29 now|pg|| nt|hedyg: slam after slam|pg|| nt|Walddk5: 6@H bid in the other room|pg|| nt|hedyg: 6@H by N in OR|pg|| mb|3C|an| |nt|hedyg: sry Roland :(|pg|| mb|p|nt|blum1956: EW have a wide choice: A diamond partscore or the diamond/spade game. Even the spade partscore possible (as on the other table)|pg|| nt|vugraphpl3: on a piece of next 4+@S is 15-17 pc....|pg|| nt|Walddk5: np|pg|| mb|3N|nt|danilo1: not sure about Zimermann's Dble meaning ... thk now East must bid 4@H (or pass) ... surely not only 3@S|pg|| nt|Walddk5: 3@C is perhaps not the way to get to 6@H|pg|| mb|p|nt|hawe45: Was artificial, for sure|pg|| nt|400 volt: Tx all, I have to leave - Even it is a tie now :(|pg|| nt|hawe45: By - board 24 seems to decide the matck|pg|| nt|ritong: it is a rather weird bid|pg|| nt|hedyg: when will he bid @H?|pg|| nt|hedyg: 6NT now?|pg|| nt|Walddk5: It must be possible to bid a forcing 2@H or 3@H over 2@D|pg|| nt|ritong: if north does not want to bid 2@h, he has a sufficient hand to bid 3@h|pg|| mb|4H|an|S show allert|nt|danilo1: whatever West bids now will work (except 5@C)|pg|| nt|psyck: 5@d is hardly a 32% game, but the cards are fav|pg|| nt|blum1956: Probably Cronier's double meant a spade 4-card, so Zimmermann's double suggests a choice|pg|| nt|danilo1: may be kind of support ... for me surely not obvious bid with clear minimum|pg|| mb|p|mb|4N|mb|p|nt|Walddk5: They know what they are doing by the look of it|pg|| nt|psyck: this seq was enough for S too i guess|pg|| mb|p|nt|blum1956: 5@d easy as the cards lie, 4@s more challenging |pg|| nt|danilo1: 4@S is easier |pg|| nt|Walddk5: or not|pg|| nt|psyck: but not for N :)|pg|| mb|p|nt|psyck: not sure, i'd have to think a lot more in 4@s than in 5@d|pg|| nt|ritong: ow|pg|| nt|psyck: what is the 4@h alert, rkc for @d? :)|pg|| nt|ritong: nebulous auction finishes in a murky way|pg|| nt|hedyg: kibs are complaining about the 3@c bid|pg|| nt|ritong: kibs complain by nature:)|pg|| pc|c3|nt|psyck: maybe S took 3@c as @d fit & 4@h as cue|pg|| nt|psyck: and bid 4NT as RKC for @d|pg|| nt|psyck: either way, this auction justifies the kibs complaints|pg|| pc|s2|nt|hedyg: she bid 4NT to play imo|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c5|pg|| nt|chmitty: Cronier made 6@h|pg|| nt|chmitty: beautiful play|pg|| nt|chmitty: @c lead : discard a @s, then @h taken by East, @c return ...ruff in hand to protect the options|pg|| nt|Walddk5: We can't complain when we don't know what 3@C followed by 4@H is|pg|| pc|c9|pc|cK|nt|Walddk5: Maybe it does show a slam invite with 5-5 in the majors|pg|| pc|c4|nt|danilo1: in any case ... best defense is surely 3 time @H|pg|| pc|s3|pg|| nt|psyck: yes, it was well played indeed|pg|| pc|h2|pc|h4|pc|hK|nt|psyck: debating @c fin now maybe|pg|| nt|psyck: he cannot make by say fin & ruffing @c if @d dont break|pg|| nt|danilo1: @SQ and @D to K ... after @D 2-2 ... @S to A ... and @D|pg|| nt|psyck: so he may decide to play for @d break after a bit of a think|pg|| nt|blum1956: If the declarer knew that diamonds are 2-2 he shold just give up a spade trick now. But spades may lie 3-3 while diamonds 3-1.|pg|| nt|chmitty: Roland ....|pg|| nt|hedyg: maybe...|pg|| pc|hA|pg|| nt|hedyg: anything is possible|pg|| nt|psyck: as we do not understand the auction, we only don't know who to complain about, so we just complian in general|pg|| nt|chmitty: lol|pg|| nt|hedyg: 2@d, 3NT and 4NT are not alerted|pg|| nt|chmitty: Sylvie wondering who holds the @h jack|pg|| pc|c6|pc|cA|pc|cT|pc|s7|pg|| nt|chmitty: if with Franck, better not return @c|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|h5|pc|h3|nt|danilo1: almost same :)|pg|| pc|h6|pg|| pc|h7|pc|h9|pc|hQ|nt|psyck: wd|pg|| nt|danilo1: claim 4|pg|| pc|c2|pg|| pc|hT|pc|c7|pc|d4|pc|d6|pg|| nt|blum1956: this is the best plan working in bothm cases|pg|| nt|danilo1: wd|pg|| pc|h8|pc|c8|pc|d5|pc|d7|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|dK|pc|dA|pc|d8|pg|| mc|11|nt|hedyg: 3 boards left in this match|pg|| pg|| qx|o26|st||md|4SJ953HAQJ96542DCK,SA4HTDAKJ975CT862,ST82HK7DQ82CAJ543,SKQ76H83DT643CQ97|sv|b|mb|p|mb|1H|mb|2D|mb|d|mb|3D|mb|4H|nt|brolucius: The diamond finesse was likely to work after the 2@C overcall on a Q-J high suit, so it would not be fair to describe it as a 'slam on a finesse'.|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|dK|pc|d2|pc|d6|pc|h2|pg|| pc|h4|pc|hT|pc|hK|pc|h3|pg|| pc|h7|pc|h8|pc|hA|pc|c2|pg|| mc|10|pg|| qx|c26|st||md|4SJ953HAQJ96542DCK,SA4HTDAKJ975CT862,ST82HK7DQ82CAJ543,SKQ76H83DT643CQ97|sv|b|nt|hedyg: what? no slam??|pg|| mb|p|nt|ritong: director!|pg|| nt|chmitty: you can bid it if you like|pg|| nt|hedyg: lol no ty|pg|| mb|4H|nt|hawe45: But to be honest - leading the singleton @D against 6 @H is MORE than optimistic...|pg|| nt|psyck: they are making up for all the flat boards in 1st set & start of this set now|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|hedyg: 1@H opening in OR|pg|| mb|p|pc|dA|nt|hawe45: Allready 2 @C D - close to 800|pg|| nt|hedyg: why give up on slam with a pd who has not bid yet|pg|| nt|chmitty: agree 100%|pg|| nt|chmitty: but with 3 board left, no theory anymore|pg|| nt|chmitty: only guts|pg|| nt|ritong: guts and intuition|pg|| pc|d2|nt|hawe45: To escape for 500, you must do the @D-miracle|pg|| pc|d3|pc|h2|pg|| nt|hawe45: Small to the 8|pg|| pc|h4|pc|hT|nt|danilo1: difficult to reach Game after 1NT ... besides .. .correct to stop in partial (@CA and een @HA may be placed different)|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h8|pg|| pc|h7|pc|h3|nt|hawe45: Did´nt East have a 4 @S bid over Wests 2 @S???|pg|| pc|hA|nt|hedyg: true that Frances knows 4NT was not the ideal contract|pg|| nt|peachy: re all, my computer crashed :(|pg|| nt|hedyg: re Raija |pg|| nt|chmitty: have you seen the last board of the Cavendish this year ?|pg|| mc|10|pg|| qx|o27|st||md|1S42HAK9872DQ7652C,ST9HJT5DAJ93CA872,SQJ76HDKT8CJT9654,SAK853HQ643D4CKQ3|sv|o|mb|p|mb|1C|an| |mb|p|mb|1H|mb|2H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|d|nt|brolucius: 1@H a transfer, so 2@H natural. Even when 1@H is natural, many pairs use 2@H as a natural bid over it.|pg|| mb|p|nt|brolucius: You have plenty of other calls when you hold the unbid suits.|pg|| mb|2S|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|d5|nt|Walddk3: Board 25 scored now|pg|| nt|brolucius: Leslie appreciated that her partner might have been forced to bid 2@S on a doubleton. Indeed, he may have had methods to show 3 spades over 2@H. |pg|| pc|d9|pc|dT|pc|d4|pg|| pc|c5|pc|cK|pc|h7|pc|c2|pg|| nt|brolucius: Now declarer can work on the hearts.|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s2|pc|s9|pc|s6|pg|| pc|s3|pc|s4|pc|sT|pc|sJ|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|cQ|pc|h2|pc|c7|pg|| pc|sK|pc|d2|nt|brolucius: Always a struggle after the diamond lead. Perhaps there was a chance but not now. |pg|| nt|brolucius: She could block the diamonds, set up the hearts and that would give her eight tricks. Still one more needed.|pg|| pc|h5|pc|s7|pg|| nt|ralfwil: as you said, david, a @h against dummy and go up with @dA|pg|| nt|ralfwil: and another @h|pg|| pc|h3|pc|hK|pc|hT|pc|c4|pg|| pc|d6|pc|d3|pc|d8|pc|s5|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|s8|pc|h8|pc|c8|pg|| pc|dK|pc|h4|pc|d7|pc|dA|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c6|pc|c3|pc|h9|pg|| mc|6|nt|brolucius: Old-timers will blame it on West's opening bid....|pg|| pg|| qx|c27|st||md|1S42HAK9872DQ7652C,ST9HJT5DAJ93CA872,SQJ76HDKT8CJT9654,SAK853HQ643D4CKQ3|sv|o|nt|hawe45: Yes, if North is a child|pg|| nt|hawe45: Sorry, privat|pg|| nt|danilo1:|pg|| nt|hedyg: last 2 bds...|pg|| nt|hedyg: we all did , sure!|pg|| mb|1H|mb|p|nt|danilo1: heddy pls write it U (do not know why ... I am always getting q insted s)|pg|| mb|1S|nt|hawe45: Looks like 12 tricks E/W - with East as declarer in a @H-contract|pg|| nt|hedyg: lol ok:|pg|| nt|danilo1: thx|pg|| mb|p|nt|chmitty: intuition ... nothing you can do against that|pg|| mb|2H|mb|p|mb|p|nt|psyck: @d do not break, but @s do, so still 8 tricks|pg|| nt|chmitty: that's why you, women, have such an advantage Hedy @h@h|pg|| nt|hedyg: now the official score says 41:28...|pg|| nt|hedyg: lol Pierre :)|pg|| mb|p|nt|danilo1: interesting lead now ... declarer may need @H trick ... before defense comes to 2 @D tricks ... (3@C+2@S+2@D+1@H) |pg|| pc|sT|nt|chmitty: on this board, EW are in 3NT next door, @d lead ... down|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|sK|pc|s2|pg|| nt|vugraphpl3: sorry...|pg|| pc|d4|pc|d2|nt|danilo1: declarer will play on @D|pg|| pc|dA|nt|danilo1: well. @C lead is tempo for defense ... so more probable down|pg|| nt|psyck: he may need to play @s 1st to maintain communication|pg|| nt|psyck: yes, could only make by plaing @s 1st|pg|| pc|d8|pg|| pc|s9|pc|sJ|pc|sA|nt|vugraphpl3: it was too fast...|pg|| nt|vugraphpl3: *to|pg|| nt|danilo1: y ... @S first is better for communication purposes ... but honestly, @D are better chance|pg|| nt|psyck: np, just claim, likely -1 i suppose on this line|pg|| nt|psyck: he does not have 8 with @d, so no harm in a @s 1st|pg|| pc|s4|pg|| nt|psyck: of course, he may have still switched to @d after 1st @s duck|pg|| nt|danilo1: so even if he played 1 @Sbefore, he would not play second one (entry for @D)|pg|| nt|hedyg: does anybody know if there is a carryover to the finals?|pg|| pc|s8|pc|h2|pc|h5|pc|s6|pg|| nt|psyck: yes, strange that S passed as S other table, I would open something whatever be the system or style|pg|| nt|chmitty: so we probably can congratulate the french team again :) well done my friends @h@h@h@h|pg|| nt|chmitty: don't think so Hedy ... |pg|| nt|chmitty: final : 3 sessions tomorrow|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c4|pc|c3|nt|chmitty: more stamina to come|pg|| pc|h7|pg|| pc|hA|pc|hT|pc|c5|pc|h3|pg|| pc|hK|pc|hJ|pc|c6|pc|h4|pg|| pc|h8|nt|psyck: maybe the last board will produce 22 imps|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c9|pc|hQ|pg|| pc|cK|nt|chmitty: start 10.30|pg|| pc|h9|pc|c7|pc|cT|pg|| pc|d5|pc|d3|pc|dK|nt|hedyg: starting in 14 hours and 45 minutes!|pg|| pc|h6|pg|| nt|hawe45: Must be better to try the @D-suit, has two winning options against one in the @S-suit|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|d6|pc|c8|pc|cJ|pg|| pc|s3|nt|hedyg: 10 30 CET|pg|| nt|chmitty: lolllll|pg|| mc|6|nt|hedyg: well not 10 30 everywhere :(|pg|| nt|chmitty: busy evening Hedy ?|pg|| pg|| qx|o28|st||md|2ST852H7542DTCKQJ2,SK43HKT8DK87C9753,SQJ7HA9DQ6532CT64,SA96HQJ63DAJ94CA8|sv|n|mb|p|mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|mb|2C|nt|brolucius: A man who can open a duff 10-count can raise to 3NT on 9.|pg|| mb|p|mb|2H|mb|p|mb|2N|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|brolucius: No doubt it is only worth 2NT, in truth, with no honours in the four-card suit. |pg|| pc|cQ|pc|c3|pc|c4|pc|cA|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h2|nt|brolucius: I was perhaps forgetting that they play 14-16 NT. |pg|| pc|hT|pc|hA|pg|| nt|brolucius: West did not open on the 10-count at the other table, and N/S then shut them out for two down NV in 2@H. But more IMPs away, since 3NT failed.|pg|| nt|brolucius: So, the match has drifted away from the gallant Badger team. Well, I think they have played excellently and I salute their triumph in reaching the semi-finals. Well done, indeed!|pg|| pc|d5|pc|d4|pc|dT|pc|dK|pg|| nt|brolucius: The stuffing was knocked out of them in this second half by the events on the two 'slam hands'. Of course, it might have gone differently but that's bridge. |pg|| nt|ralfwil: ladt board and the french team is in the final (well deserved). sry for your friends David|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h9|pc|h6|pc|h4|pg|| pc|h8|pc|d2|pc|hJ|pc|h5|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h7|pc|s3|pc|d3|pg|| nt|ralfwil: thanks all and see you tomorrow on BBO|pg|| pc|dA|nt|brolucius: Congratulations to the French Team and we wish them well in the final, which will make excellent viewing. Many thanks once again to BBO for allowing us to watch these great ...|pg|| nt|brolucius: championships free of charge. |pg|| pc|c2|pc|d7|pc|d6|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|s2|pc|d8|pc|dQ|pg|| nt|ralfwil: bye for now!|pg|| pc|c6|pc|c8|nt|brolucius: Many thanks, too, to our excellent operator. Where would we be without their expertise. Indeed it was so much to the fore on this occasion (not a single error) that I forgot that ...|pg|| nt|brolucius: we had an operator. There is no greater praise. Well done!|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c5|pg|| pc|cK|pc|c7|pc|cT|pc|s6|pg|| mc|9|nt|brolucius: Thanks for watching!|pg|| pg|| qx|c28|st||md|2ST852H7542DTCKQJ2,SK43HKT8DK87C9753,SQJ7HA9DQ6532CT64,SA96HQJ63DAJ94CA8|sv|n|nt|hedyg: nope|pg|| nt|peachy: thx everybody, bye|pg|| nt|hedyg: last board now of this exciting match|pg|| nt|psyck: Thanks all|pg|| nt|hedyg: thanks to our hardworking operator in Poznan, Simona !to my excellent fellow commentators Raija, CK, Henri, Pierre and of course Roland Wald for donating their time and expertise ...|pg|| nt|hedyg: to guide us through these boards.our appreciation to the EBL and the PBF for bringing this event to BBO, especially Slawek Latala who was intrumental in organizing these ...|pg|| nt|hedyg: broadcasts on behalf of BBO|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|1N|nt|hedyg: special thanks to our specs for joining and for your kind and helpful comments,we hope you enjoyed the show|pg|| mb|p|nt|psyck: Last deal. Thanks all. See you in 40 mins for last segment.|pg|| mb|3N|nt|chmitty: tx all :) fellow commentators, operator(s) great job tx|pg|| mb|p|nt|hedyg: thank you Simona :) wd!|pg|| nt|vugraphpl3: thanks... 1 mistake... could be better @H|pg|| nt|hedyg: it was fine!|pg|| mb|p|nt|psyck: you did fine :)|pg|| mb|p|nt|chmitty: and kibs @h@h@h@h|pg|| nt|vugraphpl3: thanks all @H |pg|| nt|hedyg: especially kibs @H|pg|| pc|cJ|nt|vugraphpl3: :)|pg|| nt|chmitty: and do not forget the players :) all of them to be congratulated for their talent|pg|| nt|hedyg: same contract , Q@C lead in OR|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c4|pc|cA|pg|| nt|hawe45: 8 tricks - no more, more less|pg|| nt|hedyg: we have the easy job here, you have the tuff one|pg|| nt|vugraphpl3: @H|pg|| pc|h6|nt|danilo1: very good bridge this segment ... Thx Krishna, Michael, Hedy, David and especially Simona (our operator), Specs and players|pg|| nt|psyck: @cQ rusinov i suppose|pg|| pc|h5|pc|hT|nt|psyck: @cJ GOK i guess|pg|| pc|hA|pg|| nt|hedyg: so tomorrow we have Vriend: Zimmermann|pg|| pc|cT|nt|hawe45: 2 x @D and a @C-switch|pg|| pc|c8|pc|c2|nt|hedyg: and Danilo :)|pg|| pc|c5|pg|| pc|c6|pc|s6|pc|cQ|nt|blum1956: thx all. I am sure the next segment will bring us (and the players) more emotions|pg|| pc|c7|pg|| pc|cK|nt|danilo1: same lead and same 12 tricks as in OR|pg|| pc|c9|pc|d6|pc|d4|pg|| pc|dT|mc|9|nt|vugraphpl3: bye all @H|pg|| pg||