vg|14th Red Bull WBS-Mixed Teams-BBO2,SF 2_2,I,17,32,SALVO,27,ROSSARD,48| rs|3NN+2,3NN+1,4HW+1,6HE=,4SN+2,4SN+1,3NN+1,3NN+1,3NE-2,2HW=,2SS=,2SS+1,2DS+2,6SS-1,5SE-2,4SW=,4HS+1,4HS+1,6SS=,6SS=,6HN=,6HN=,3NN-1,3NN+2,1NS+4,1NS=,3NW-2,1NW+2,4HW-1,3NE=,3NS-1,3NS-1| pn|MICHIELSEN,VOLDOIRE,MAHMOOD,AVON,BREWIAK,WELLAND,GAWEL,AUKEN|pg|| qx|o17|st||md|3SATHT3DA972CKJ875,SQ32HQ9875DQT4C94,SKJ97HAJ42DK6CQT3,S8654HK6DJ853CA62|sv|o|mb|1N|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: The French team has a lead of 21 IMPS, as you see.|pg|| pc|s6|pc|sT|pc|sQ|nt|BroLucius: I do not have any convention cards, so I will be 'guessing' as much as you are. I think they will both play a fairly natural system.|pg|| pc|sK|pg|| pc|cQ|nt|pelu: 1NT = 15-17 but normal that Zia add 1 HCP as declarer :)|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Absolutely :)|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Hi Peter!|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c5|pc|c4|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Morning, David!|pg|| pc|s4|pc|sA|nt|BroLucius: Hi!|pg|| pc|s3|pc|s7|pg|| pc|c7|pc|c9|pc|cT|pc|c6|pg|| pc|s9|pc|s5|pc|h3|pc|s2|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|s8|pc|hT|pc|h5|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c2|pc|cJ|pc|h7|pg|| pc|cK|nt|BroLucius: A rather soft board to start with. In the previous set there was an exciting slam board, where N/S made 6@S on hardly any points at all. You can look it up in the VG records if you missed it.|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Board 1|pg|| pc|h8|pc|h4|pc|h6|pg|| pc|c8|nt|BroLucius: If Voldoire had led his other ace, he could have given partner a ruff.|pg|| nt|pelu: and we have no voice on - 1 of the host is on tablet and cant setup and Traian hard working and not on IE - so only Roland can set that up and he is not here :(:(:(|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Salvo had a couple of uncharacteristic slip-ups the first Half, or the score would be much closer|pg|| nt|BroLucius: But then they would be 50+ IMPs in the lead and the match would not be so interesting.|pg|| pc|d4|pc|h2|nt|TopWizard: Fireworks are in the air :)|pg|| pc|d3|pg|| pc|dA|pc|dT|pc|d6|pc|d5|pg|| pc|d2|pc|dQ|pc|dK|pc|d8|pg|| pc|hA|pc|hK|nt|BroLucius: Tow kibs say that 6@C would have been interesting here, but 14 opposite 12 balanced does not tempt them to stray in that direction.|pg|| pc|d7|pc|h9|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|dJ|pc|d9|pc|hQ|pg|| pg|| qx|c17|st||md|3SATHT3DA972CKJ875,SQ32HQ9875DQT4C94,SKJ97HAJ42DK6CQT3,S8654HK6DJ853CA62|sv|o|mb|1C!|mb|p|mb|2D|mb|p!|mb|2H|mb|p|mb|3D|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|ady: easy 3NT for n/s|pg|| pc|d5|pc|d2|pc|dQ|pc|dK|pg|| nt|ahollan1: after less revealing auction, lead in open room was @S|pg|| pc|cT|pc|c2|pc|c5|pc|c4|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|c6|pc|c7|pc|c9|pg|| pc|c3|pc|cA|pc|c8|pc|s3|pg|| pc|d3|pc|d7|pc|dT|pc|d6|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|hA|pc|h6|pc|h3|pg|| pc|h2|pc|hK|pc|hT|pc|h7|pg|| mc|10|pg|| qx|o18|st||md|4S865HT54DT8653C54,SJHAKJ63DA942CA93,SKT432H87DKQJCKT7,SAQ97HQ92D7CQJ862|sv|n|mb|1C|mb|p|mb|1H|nt|TopWizard: Do E-W here play the Polish @c?|pg|| nt|pelu: now 6@h loks good - but EW dont have real values for slam|pg|| mb|1S|nt|BroLucius: They would have reached it if Zia had upgraded his 14-count to a 2NT opening...|pg|| mb|d!|nt|BroLucius: Support double, showing three hearts|pg|| nt|pelu: :)|pg|| mb|p|mb|2S|mb|p|mb|2N|mb|p|mb|4H|nt|BroLucius: West rates his hand as too strong for 4@H (yes, indeed) and shows his strength by bidding the opponents' suit.|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|TopWizard: A perfect fit slam, but no serious move|pg|| pc|dK|nt|TopWizard: We can see these "perfectos" on the first two boards, but players of course cannot :)|pg|| nt|BroLucius: I don't see that East could have done more. West might have foudn something more adventurous over 2NT, but he was worred about wasted spade values opposite his singleton.|pg|| nt|pelu: the winning line in h@h would now be @dA and a small @c|pg|| pc|d7|pc|d6|pc|dA|pg|| nt|pelu: 6@h|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Of course, Roussard prefers flat boards at this point . . . |pg|| nt|TopWizard: David, W was really worth another try?|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Yes, but they would tolerate a slam swing in their direction.|pg|| nt|pelu:|pg|| nt|TopWizard: 3@c might have helped after 2NT|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|sK|pc|sA|pc|s6|pg|| nt|BroLucius: West could perhaps visualize a slam based on @CKQxxx and @HQ.|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|s5|pc|d2|pc|s2|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c4|pc|cA|pc|c7|pg|| pc|d4|pc|dQ|nt|BroLucius: Add the @DK and it would be easy (or a singleton diamond, which is quite possible after the 2NT bid.)|pg|| pc|h2|pc|d5|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h4|pc|h3|pc|h7|pg|| pc|h9|pc|h5|pc|hK|pc|h8|pg|| pc|hA|pc|s3|pc|c6|pc|hT|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Probably needs 3-2 @c's, and perhaps retaining the @sAce in dummy to make|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|s4|pc|s7|pc|s8|pg|| pc|c3|pc|cK|pc|c8|pc|c5|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|s9|pc|d3|pc|d9|pg|| mc|11|nt|TopWizard: So, not a "good" slam, but good on this layout|pg|| nt|BroLucius: With Salvo being behind, their EW pair might well be more ambitious.|pg|| pg|| qx|c18|st||md|4S865HT54DT8653C54,SJHAKJ63DA942CA93,SKT432H87DKQJCKT7,SAQ97HQ92D7CQJ862|sv|n|nt|ady: 6@C could be made on the very friendly spade lie but not a great contract|pg|| mb|1C!|nt|ahollan1: 1@C = 2+ if BAL can have ANY 5-suit including (542)2@C|pg|| mb|p|mb|1S!|nt|ahollan1: 1@S = game force relay|pg|| mb|p|mb|3C!|mb|p|nt|ahollan1: 3@C = exactly 4315|pg|| nt|ady: 6@C best spot here 6@H might be awkward played by west on a spade lead|pg|| mb|3D!|mb|p|nt|ahollan1: 3@D = Optional RKC i think in @C|pg|| mb|3H|mb|p|nt|ahollan1: 3@H says minimum|pg|| mb|3S!|nt|ady: chance for Salvo only game bid in OR|pg|| mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|nt|ahollan1: 3@S = RKC[1430] @C|pg|| mb|6H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|ady: played by east 6@H better |pg|| nt|ady: still needs some play|pg|| nt|ady: cannot afford to ruff spades before tackling trumps|pg|| pc|h5|nt|ady: sorry meant cannot afford to ruff diamonds beffore drawing trumps|pg|| pc|h3|nt|ahollan1: i'm in a loop can't decide if 6@H or 6@C best -- so maybe i should think about how to play 6@H after trump lead|pg|| pc|h7|pc|h9|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|c4|pc|c9|pc|c7|pg|| nt|ady: club play looks best |pg|| pc|c2|pc|c5|pc|cA|pc|cT|pg|| pc|c3|pc|cK|pc|c6|nt|ady: now spade needs finesse|pg|| pc|d5|pg|| pc|s2|pc|s7|pc|s6|pc|sJ|pg|| nt|ady: now home|pg|| nt|ahollan1: just the kind of start Salvo wanted|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Hello all :)|pg|| pc|dA|pc|dK|pc|d7|nt|ahollan1: Auken now working thru line if @H 4-1|pg|| pc|d6|pg|| pc|d2|pc|dJ|pc|h2|pc|d3|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Excellent defense|pg|| mc|12|pg|| qx|o19|st||md|1SQJ9HQJ2D9875CKT8,S72HKDAQJT642CA94,SAKT53HAT73DCQJ75,S864H98654DK3C632|sv|e|mb|p|mb|1D|nt|blackened: 3@c over 2NT would show a GF with four-plus clubs, so it is not a clear bid. It would't confirm 5-3 heart fit.|pg|| mb|d|nt|serhat: Hopefully-- hi everyone|pg|| mb|p|nt|pelu: in CR they have Auken-Welland EW so u are prob right|pg|| mb|1N|mb|3D|nt|TopWizard: Hello Ercan!|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Some would prefer 1@S nowadays, but double tempting on 5=4=0=4.|pg|| mb|3S|nt|blackened: Hi all.|pg|| nt|TopWizard: And serhat!|pg|| mb|p|nt|TopWizard: Zia always gets @s's in :)|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Last set, overcalling 1@s with 109xxx|pg|| mb|4D!|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: North will not believe South's values outside diamonds.|pg|| mb|4S|mb|p|mb|p|nt|pelu: now S has a very good hand - no wasted values in @d|pg|| mb|p|nt|BroLucius: A fine evaluation by South.|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d5|pc|dA|pc|s3|pg|| nt|BroLucius: But, of course, Zia has holes everywhere and cannot conceive that South has nothing wasted in diamonds.|pg|| pc|c5|pc|c2|pc|cK|pc|cA|pg|| nt|TopWizard: 6 makes only if Zia lead a low @h from dummy :)|pg|| nt|pelu: NS would have a better chance to bid the slam if N only bid 1@S then S could show a construvtice @s-rais with 2@d|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|sA|pc|d3|nt|pelu: No gary East only have 2 @ss so he could ruff the 4. @h in dummy|pg|| pc|d7|pg|| nt|TopWizard: But S is short of a limit raise, which is what most use 2@d to say|pg|| nt|pelu: West has|pg|| nt|serhat: but this slam is hard to make|pg|| pc|s5|nt|BroLucius: If Zia read 4@D as showing the ace, it wold turn him off. |pg|| pc|s6|pc|sQ|pc|s2|pg|| pc|d8|pc|dT|pc|sK|nt|serhat: you need to play small @H on first trick|pg|| pc|h4|pg|| pc|sT|pc|s4|pc|sJ|pc|s7|pg|| pc|s9|pc|d2|nt|TopWizard: Zia reverses the dummy!|pg|| pc|h3|pc|s8|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|hK|mc|12|nt|serhat: if not guess 2-3 @S break|pg|| pg|| qx|c19|st||md|1SQJ9HQJ2D9875CKT8,S72HKDAQJT642CA94,SAKT53HAT73DCQJ75,S864H98654DK3C632|sv|e|nt|TopWizard: So a needed swing to Salvo|pg|| nt|ady: Salvo narrows the gap|pg|| mb|p|mb|1D!|nt|TopWizard: Hello David, hello Al . . . no serious try at 6@h in the Open Room|pg|| nt|ahollan1: Geely picked up the same slam swing in the other match|pg|| mb|1S|mb|p|nt|ady: chance for Rossard 6@S on heart finesse|pg|| mb|2S|mb|3D|nt|ahollan1: now leads SAIC by 37|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Needs more David, the 4th @h isn't good|pg|| nt|ahollan1: sorry 1@D = unbal, 5+@D or 4@D(441)|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Zia reversed the dummy and made 12 tricks that way :)|pg|| mb|3H|mb|p|mb|4S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|pelu: this time a slam for NS - but why didnt S make a stronger support? I would prefer 2@D in S = constructiv @s-raise|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d5|nt|TopWizard: Most don't have that bid available, Peter, do N-S here?|pg|| nt|ady: have to leave for a while thx Al and Gary|pg|| nt|ahollan1: so many typists and nobody to listen to |pg|| pc|dA|pc|s3|pg|| pc|c5|pc|c6|pc|cK|pc|cA|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|sT|pc|d3|pc|d7|pg|| pc|s5|pc|s4|pc|sQ|pc|s2|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|hK|nt|ahollan1: Peter you would really bid 2@D instead of 2@S? 4333, lots of quacks, high risk of taps in @D and seemingly vulnerable @CK|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h4|pg|| nt|pelu: u know Al when Roland is not here impossible to setup voice - Traian is on window and cant, and Aura on tablet and cant :(:(:(|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s6|pc|s9|pc|s7|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s8|pc|sJ|pc|d2|pg|| mc|12|nt|pelu: take @cK away and one of the @h Hs and I bid 2@s|pg|| pg|| qx|o20|st||md|2SAK83HKJ96DQT85C4,S954H742DAJ4CJ953,SJ6HAQTDK72CAQT87,SQT72H853D963CK62|sv|b|mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|mb|2C!|mb|p|mb|2D|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: See how much stronger this 1NT opening is, compared with the moderate 14-count on another board. |pg|| nt|pelu: yes this is close to 18-19 :)|pg|| nt|TopWizard: There is a miracle play for 6@h here, if S leads the @d10 from hand, "surrounding" the defender's @dJ and @d9 :)|pg|| mb|3D|mb|p|mb|3H|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: Fair enough, when they have no good trump fit.|pg|| nt|TopWizard: But further analysis, 12 tricks aren't there with the @cK off, so another flat game|pg|| pc|h8|nt|TopWizard: Do we know what 3@d meant here?|pg|| nt|pelu: Auken in 6@h on B18|pg|| nt|serhat: but it was good to see the investigation of S with 4441 hand |pg|| nt|TopWizard: Perhaps a mild offer to play in @d's|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Normally natural and showing 5 diamonds.|pg|| nt|blackened: GF 4441 hands are troublesome after 1NT opening. Here North thinks South has five-plus diamonds and some four-card major. (And he doesn't know which.) So he cannot evaluate his hand properly.|pg|| nt|BroLucius: But in that case, North would have been very interested in a diamond slam.|pg|| nt|TopWizard: N cued the @h Ace|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Please no more commentators. Five is too many.|pg|| pc|h6|pc|h2|pc|hQ|pg|| pc|d2|pc|d3|pc|dQ|pc|dA|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Without Roland Wald, the number is not controlled.|pg|| pc|c9|pc|cT|pc|cK|pc|c4|pg|| pc|h5|nt|serhat: I am happy to shut. and let you talk Bro.. all yours |pg|| nt|pelu: np David I will go to CR :) have a nice time|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|h4|pc|hA|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c2|pc|s3|pc|c3|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|c6|pc|d5|pc|c5|pg|| pc|c7|pc|s2|pc|s8|pc|cJ|pg|| mc|10|pg|| qx|c20|st||md|2SAK83HKJ96DQT85C4,S954H742DAJ4CJ953,SJ6HAQTDK72CAQT87,SQT72H853D963CK62|sv|b|mb|p|mb|1N|nt|serhat: It is getting close! |pg|| mb|p|mb|2C!|mb|p|nt|pelu: I often tell pd: if I dont support your overcall then u can play me for a doubleton :)|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Geely now up by 35 after Board 18|pg|| mb|2D|mb|p|nt|serhat: Peter Brorid asking for you!:) he says he is alone now!|pg|| nt|pelu: but I dont expect my pd to overcall on 108xxx :) - as Zia did last half|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Peter's view of the South hand has been rosy at both tables :)|pg|| mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|s2|nt|TopWizard: Same lead other table|pg|| nt|pelu: but it depend on style - I use sound overcalls - I know that is npot modern bridge :):)|pg|| pc|s3|pc|s9|pc|sJ|pg|| nt|ahollan1: sound overcalls -- sounds very radical|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Peter - you and Henry Bethe are our ceremonial Neanderthals :) :)|pg|| pc|d2|nt|pelu: Yes - u know I am very old :)|pg|| pc|d3|pc|dT|pc|dJ|pg|| pc|c3|pc|cQ|pc|cK|pc|c4|pg|| nt|ahollan1: carl hudececk has done some commentary|pg|| nt|pelu: I know - but then look at our wall of trofies :)|pg|| nt|blackened: Peter: if you always overcall soundly in all manners, then your partnership will need to balance more frequently, and that is also dangerous.|pg|| pc|c6|pc|s8|pc|cJ|pc|cA|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d6|pc|d5|pc|dA|pg|| pc|c5|mc|10|pg|| qx|o21|st||md|3S8HQT953D42CQJT62,SK4HJ872DJT6C9743,SQT7652H6DAQ7CK85,SAJ93HAK4DK9853CA|sv|n|mb|2S!|mb|d|nt|BroLucius: That is some hand for a weak-two. Must be stronger than normal, perhaps with 2@D to show a weaker version.|pg|| mb|p|mb|3H|nt|BroLucius: East rates her hand too strong for 2NT|pg|| mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: Now East had a tricky decision.|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|pc|cQ|nt|BroLucius: Sometimes it works better to have a point too many for 2NT, and partner can make a better judgement.|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Here East had a complete guess. Partner might hold nothing.|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Unless you play Lebensohl responses.|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c5|pc|cA|pg|| nt|BroLucius: That means that partner responds 2NT on 0-7 (a transfer to 3@C) and direct suit responses show 8+|pg|| nt|BroLucius: That is a great convention and very popular.|pg|| pc|s3|pc|s8|pc|sK|pc|s7|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|dA|pc|d3|pc|d4|pg|| pc|cK|pc|s9|pc|c2|pc|c4|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Ah, that's interesting. I am told that in Fance they play it the other way. 2NT is an artificial cue-bid and other bids show less. But that makes 3NT less inviting here.|pg|| pc|h6|pc|hK|pc|h5|pc|h2|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d2|pc|d6|pc|d7|pg|| pc|d5|pc|hT|pc|dT|pc|dQ|pg|| pc|c8|pc|h4|pc|cT|pc|c7|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c9|pc|s5|pc|sJ|pg|| pc|c6|pc|h7|pc|s2|pc|d8|pg|| nt|BroLucius: I am being told by one kib that I was rude to say that we should not have more than 5 commentators. Sorry if anyone thinks that. We have a system of booking-in, that is apparently not working properly. At one world final...|pg|| mc|7|nt|BroLucius: .. where I was actually doing voice commentary, there were over 20 tap-in commentators. Hopeless!|pg|| pg|| qx|c21|st||md|3S8HQT953D42CQJT62,SK4HJ872DJT6C9743,SQT7652H6DAQ7CK85,SAJ93HAK4DK9853CA|sv|n|nt|pelu: its dangerous to go out on the street - u can have a brick faling on your head|pg|| nt|TopWizard: What will Auken bid over 1@s?|pg|| nt|pelu: but for sure I will have Q10 in top of my suit|pg|| mb|1S|nt|TopWizard: 1NT?|pg|| mb|d|nt|pelu: but the D could work well over 2@C by pd she can bid 2@d|pg|| mb|1N!|nt|serhat: I smell some more imps for Salvo|pg|| mb|p|nt|pelu: u can be right Gary|pg|| nt|TopWizard: So a hopeful X|pg|| mb|2C|mb|d|nt|ahollan1: 1N must be @C|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Welland's 2@h will not be successful here . . but now S shows @c's|pg|| mb|p|nt|pelu: now a take out for the red suits - S looking forward to defend 2@h|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Welland passes with a poor hand, and now N-S will end in 3@c|pg|| nt|serhat: imagine W plays 3NT and a @S lead|pg|| mb|2H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|TopWizard: Oops, Op took back the auction! So E-W did buy a bit of trouble, but only 50 a trick|pg|| nt|pelu: I like the bidding here very controled by EW|pg|| nt|ahollan1: serhat -- that needs more than imagination -- also medication|pg|| pc|c8|pc|cA|nt|TopWizard: Welland may strike gold with a crossruff?|pg|| nt|pelu: but more difficult for EW in OR: Zia open in N with 2@s|pg|| nt|serhat: do I sound like an fanatic?|pg|| nt|serhat: a|pg|| nt|ahollan1: how would east hand look different if DBL then over 2@C bid 2@D?|pg|| pc|c6|pc|c7|pg|| pc|s3|pc|s8|pc|sK|pc|s5|pg|| pc|dT|pc|dA|pc|d3|pc|d2|pg|| pc|s6|nt|pelu: kibs tell: prob down 1 - but just wait - I dont know how but often Roy make impossible contracts :)|pg|| nt|ahollan1: better @D gets a lot of votes, but DBL/DBL doesn't really clarify length disparity of 2|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Trump return is best after ruffing the @s|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|h3|pc|s4|pg|| nt|serhat: he will make this|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c9|nt|TopWizard: Welland must cash his @d winner soon, then needs 5@h winners|pg|| pc|cK|pc|h4|pg|| nt|TopWizard: This should allow the make, cash @dK|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h5|pc|h2|pc|h6|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h9|pc|h7|pc|s2|pg|| nt|TopWizard: We saw the bad break, but Welland could not and hoped for many @d tricks|pg|| pc|sA|pc|hT|nt|pelu: S sh have discarded a @d|pg|| nt|serhat: over ruff and @D|pg|| nt|serhat: and @S|pg|| nt|ahollan1: now we get to see @H8 score en passant [@HJ, @DK, @S]|pg|| nt|pelu: overruff = 6 tricks, @d to K = 7 and a @s = @h8 the 8. trick|pg|| pc|c4|pc|s7|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h8|pc|c5|pc|d5|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c3|nt|TopWizard: Same make this way also|pg|| pc|sT|pc|s9|pg|| pc|cQ|mc|8|nt|serhat: why did he chose a @D finese?|pg|| nt|pelu: so now we have a match on |pg|| nt|ahollan1: probably kept @S in dummy then north squeezed|pg|| pg|| qx|o22|st||md|4SKT984HKQT4DCK642,S765HA52DAQT93CJ8,SA3H983DJ862CAT73,SQJ2HJ76DK754CQ95|sv|e|mb|p|mb|1S|mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|mb|2H|mb|p|mb|2S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: South prefers to rebid in the major.|pg|| pc|cJ|nt|BroLucius: I am asked if 2@C would be natural. It is for most players. The Italians recognised the problem with 1NT being wide-range (particularly for 2-over-1 players) and invented Gazzilli, an artifical 2@C.|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c5|pc|cK|pg|| nt|BroLucius: If responder has 8+, he redbis 2@D and the auction is then forcing to game.|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|hA|pc|h3|pc|h6|pg|| pc|c8|pc|cA|pc|c9|pc|c2|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Although South might be 5-5, it is normal to give 'false preference' to 2@S. South then has another chance if she has extra values. In any case 5-2 is better than 4-3.|pg|| pc|h8|pc|h7|pc|hK|pc|h5|pg|| pc|c6|pc|h2|pc|c7|pc|cQ|pg|| pc|d5|pc|s4|pc|d3|pc|d2|pg|| pc|h4|nt|BroLucius: The gap at half-time was 21 IMPs. It has narrowed and we may have an exciting finish.|pg|| pc|d9|pc|h9|pc|hJ|pg|| pc|d4|pc|s8|pc|dT|pc|d6|pg|| pc|hT|nt|BroLucius: Declarer is heading for +110, by one route or another.|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|sA|pc|d7|pg|| pc|s3|pc|s2|pc|s9|pc|s5|pg|| pc|c4|pc|s6|pc|cT|pc|dK|pg|| pc|dA|pc|d8|pc|sJ|pc|sK|pg|| pc|sT|pc|s7|pc|dJ|pc|sQ|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Now West must ruff.|pg|| pg|| qx|c22|st||md|4SKT984HKQT4DCK642,S765HA52DAQT93CJ8,SA3H983DJ862CAT73,SQJ2HJ76DK754CQ95|sv|e|mb|p|nt|TopWizard: Show-up squeeze, also can finesse the @d|pg|| mb|1S|mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|nt|serhat: even closer now|pg|| mb|2H|mb|p|nt|TopWizard: Welland doesn't overcall with 5-3-3-2, there is much more protection with a 6-card suit|pg|| mb|2S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|cJ|nt|TopWizard: At the 2-level Vul|pg|| nt|pelu: its a good style to promise 6 card suit when u vuln overcall 2 minor - but that only my oldfasion style :)|pg|| nt|TopWizard: In the old days (are you watching, Peter), this used to be called a "Jack - Poker"|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c5|pc|cK|pg|| pc|c4|pc|c8|pc|cA|nt|ahollan1: seems this week we've seen a few leads from @CJx|pg|| pc|c9|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h6|pc|hK|nt|serhat: duck|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Very difficult to duck when can't see the KQ in the closed hand|pg|| nt|TopWizard: This is why playing the K is so important with this holding|pg|| nt|serhat: well not anymore anyway|pg|| pc|hA|pg|| pc|h5|pc|h8|pc|hJ|pc|hQ|pg|| nt|pelu: if u duck u sh do it fast and a chance that del will play the nexy @h to Q|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h2|pc|h9|pc|h7|pg|| nt|ahollan1: more likely to duck in different form of scoring|pg|| pc|d2|pc|d4|pc|s4|pc|d3|pg|| pc|hT|nt|serhat: I think he was worried K without queen and he hanst got an easy return|pg|| pc|s5|pc|sA|pc|d5|pg|| nt|ahollan1: i was thinking only real chance to defeat 2@S is to win @HA immediately and find partner with @HK rather than @HJ|pg|| nt|ady: re hi all see Salvo closed up|pg|| nt|serhat: hi Ady |pg|| nt|TopWizard: Declarer can simply ruff a @d, and exit a @c, making two more trump tricks for certain|pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|o23|st||md|1SJT98H4DAQJ6CKQ53,SA643HJT92D93C872,SKQ52HAQ876DT5CAT,S7HK53DK8742CJ964|sv|b|mb|1D|mb|p|mb|1H|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: If you look at My Results on the RH-side of the screen, yo can select Other table and see what happens there on any board, replaying the bidding and the cardplay.|pg|| mb|1S!|mb|p|mb|2D!|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: Seems that 1@S was not natural and Zia is now using 2@D as a GF check-back.|pg|| nt|vugraphzbf: zia lost they convention|pg|| pc|d3|pc|dT|nt|BroLucius: A horrendous bidding misunderstanding.|pg|| pc|d2|pc|d6|pg|| pc|d5|pc|d4|pc|dQ|pc|d9|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|sA|pc|s2|pc|s7|pg|| nt|BroLucius: This will stop the one-way traffic in the set so far.|pg|| pc|c2|pc|cT|pc|cJ|pc|cQ|pg|| pc|dA|pc|c7|pc|h6|nt|BroLucius: I am currently writing a book '52 Bridge Mistckaes to Avoid'. All the bidding section features deals from top-class play, even world championships. That's because even the maestros make horrible mistakes in the bidding.|pg|| pc|d8|pg|| pc|s8|pc|s3|pc|sK|pc|d7|pg|| pc|c4|pc|c3|pc|c8|pc|cA|pg|| nt|BroLucius: When it comes to the cardplay and defense, they are usually magnificent.|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|dK|pc|s9|pc|s4|pg|| pc|c6|pc|cK|pc|s6|pc|h7|pg|| pc|sT|pc|h2|pc|s5|pc|h3|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|h9|pc|h8|mc|10|nt|BroLucius: One of the 52 mistakes featured is 'Forgetting your system'. Too late to add in this deal. Anyway, 100s of deals to choose from.|pg|| pg|| qx|c23|st||md|1SJT98H4DAQJ6CKQ53,SA643HJT92D93C872,SKQ52HAQ876DT5CAT,S7HK53DK8742CJ964|sv|b|nt|TopWizard: So the Operator lost the play|pg|| nt|ahollan1: thru 23 Geely 20-1 for the set leads SAIC by 40|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Sometimes it goes very quickly, in fairness to our Operator :)|pg|| nt|serhat: players are getting tired I think|pg|| mb|1D|mb|p|mb|1H|mb|p|nt|ahollan1: and at least one commentator|pg|| mb|1S|mb|p|nt|serhat: guess 2D was a Gaziili?|pg|| nt|ady: accident in OR playing a part score|pg|| nt|TopWizard: An error in the Open Room apparently, so a big opportunity here|pg|| mb|2D!|mb|p|nt|ryskiel_: replay?:)|pg|| nt|serhat: 2way check back over 1s|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Zia was playing XYZ, and Michielsen was not :(|pg|| mb|2N|mb|p|mb|3S|nt|TopWizard: This can happen in an unfamiliar partnership|pg|| mb|p|nt|ady: 6@S looks a possibility 4-1 trump split makes it difficult|pg|| nt|ahollan1: XYZ is 2-way checkback on steroids the latter applies after 1x-1y-1N XYZ also after 1x-1y-1z where z is a suit|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Gawel also playing XYZ|pg|| nt|serhat: very unlucky |pg|| mb|4H|mb|p|nt|ryskiel_: 6 imps for Salvo?|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Geely now ahead by 40 IMPS|pg|| nt|ahollan1: i thought Zia & Marion Michielsen have played together in quite a few events now. of course that doesn't mean they've spent a lot of time on system|pg|| nt|serhat: we all get tired some stage|pg|| nt|pelu: and Zia-Marion have played almost ALL sessions |pg|| nt|serhat: and 6S is not that easy |pg|| nt|serhat: mind you!|pg|| mb|5C|mb|p|mb|5D|mb|p|nt|TopWizard: 6@s may prove too difficult on the lead of the @hJ?|pg|| nt|serhat: yes|pg|| mb|5H|mb|p|nt|TopWizard: Could actually be a situation where the @s6 in West is couped!|pg|| nt|pelu: it will be very unfair if Salvo gain on missing a game (playing 2@d on 4-2)|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Will Welland lead a trump or the @hJ?|pg|| mb|6S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|hJ|nt|ady: if declarer takes the diamond finesse has 2 diamonds 3 clubs 1 heart will need 6 trump tricks|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h5|pc|h4|pg|| nt|TopWizard: so A and a trump might have been best double dummy?|pg|| nt|pelu: @D-finbess and a crossruff is close to make|pg|| nt|ahollan1: Geely just picked up another 10 30-1 for the set leads SAIC by 50|pg|| nt|ryskiel_: I think play will proceed - heart ruff, 2 times @s, club, @d finesse|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Welcome Karen Allison |pg|| nt|kareno: Hello from rainy Sydney|pg|| nt|ahollan1: if we get up to 10 commentators ... SELL|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Brewiak may not take the @d finesse?|pg|| nt|serhat: hello Karen.|pg|| nt|pelu: so his team will get a new Volvo if they win the mixed teams :)|pg|| nt|ady: hi Karen|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Predict complete crossruff without @d finesse|pg|| nt|pelu: Geely is the owner of Volvo in China|pg|| nt|ady: discarding a diamond on 3rd club wil mean 7 trump tricks required|pg|| pc|h6|pc|h3|pc|s8|pc|h2|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c8|pc|cA|pc|c4|pg|| nt|serhat: I think S will pitch a @D on 3rd @C|pg|| pc|cT|pc|c6|pc|cK|pc|c2|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Here goes!|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|c7|nt|kareno: the high spade spots are in the wrong hand|pg|| pc|d5|nt|serhat: which is failing to make he contract|pg|| pc|c9|pg|| pc|dA|pc|d3|pc|dT|pc|d2|pg|| pc|d6|pc|d9|pc|s2|pc|d4|pg|| nt|TopWizard: May make the last trump en passant in dummy?|pg|| pc|h7|pc|hK|pc|sJ|pc|h9|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|hT|pc|s5|pc|d7|pg|| pc|hQ|nt|serhat: yes |pg|| nt|pelu: wroing tempo sh have ruff another @h before W had a chance to discard|pg|| nt|serhat: but he can over ruff and play spade|pg|| nt|kareno: west will overruff and play a trump|pg|| nt|ryskiel_: She need ruff @h after @c A|pg|| pc|s7|pc|sT|pc|sA|pg|| nt|kareno: finita LA commedia|pg|| mc|11|nt|TopWizard: Welland could have done this with A and a trump to start, but then Brewiak would have taken the @d finesse and made|pg|| pg|| qx|o24|st||md|2S96HKT743DA832CQJ,SAKQJT832HDQTCK84,S74H9862D75CAT765,S5HAQJ5DKJ964C932|sv|o|nt|BroLucius: The small amount that a new convention can give you, on the odds deal, is soon wiped out if one half of the partnership forgets what has been agreed.|pg|| mb|2D!|mb|p|mb|2S!|mb|p|mb|3S|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: This is the blockbuster bid (usually 2@C for others).|pg|| mb|4D|mb|p|mb|4S|mb|p|mb|5H|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: A misfit, with all those heart honours opposite a void.|pg|| mb|5S|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: Seems unlikely.|pg|| nt|BroLucius: You can understand East thinking that her hand would be useful opposite a (normal) 2! opening. West might have done better to rebid 4@S to show the nature of the hand.|pg|| nt|BroLucius: West's hand is not typical for 2@D (or normal 2@C). But you can see that he would be worried to open only 1@S.|pg|| nt|BroLucius: West miles too strong for 4@S, of course.|pg|| nt|BroLucius: East should not be thinking at this stage|pg|| nt|BroLucius: West will no doubt open 1@S next time.|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|pc|cQ|nt|BroLucius: Kibitzers all like 1@S. Mainly because the hand has so little defence.|pg|| pc|c4|pc|c7|pc|c3|pg|| nt|BroLucius: West may be lucky that 4@S goes down at the other table.|pg|| pc|dA|pc|dT|pc|d7|pc|d4|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c8|pc|cA|pc|c2|pg|| pc|c5|pc|c9|pc|s6|pc|cK|pg|| pc|d2|pc|dQ|pc|d5|nt|BroLucius: The problem is, Roland, that when I was so bold to suggest that 6 commentators was too many... EVERYONE else left.|pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|c24|st||md|2S96HKT743DA832CQJ,SAKQJT832HDQTCK84,S74H9862D75CAT765,S5HAQJ5DKJ964C932|sv|o|nt|pelu: so 6 IMP to Salvo and shame on NS in OR :):)|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Peter, you've made at least one mistake in your bridge career :)|pg|| nt|ahollan1: show 23 to someone later and challenge them to find a way to exchange 6 imps|pg|| mb|1S|nt|pelu: Yes Gary telling u how to voice commentate :)|pg|| mb|p|mb|2C|mb|p|nt|blackened: Is this Zia's Heat 1? They cannot go wrong whatever they do!|pg|| nt|ahollan1: 1@S usually unbal|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Classic 8-card suit, no need for any preempt when it's @s's|pg|| nt|ahollan1: 2@C like a forcing NT|pg|| nt|ahollan1: [1@S-1N = game force relay]|pg|| nt|serhat: well I mind you all!! :) |pg|| nt|TopWizard: Al, is 2@c a transfer?|pg|| nt|ahollan1: nope 2@C like a forcing 1N|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Thanks!|pg|| mb|4S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|pelu: but the risk for Rossard was that 6@s had a chance o make in OR - so 6 IMP ½ of the possible swing :)|pg|| pc|h8|nt|serhat: this should make|pg|| nt|ahollan1: if you blinked -- Savlo now in the lead|pg|| nt|serhat: the year of Seba!! |pg|| pc|hA|nt|pelu: in OR 2@C opening and 2@S = control answer placed the contract on wrong hand|pg|| pc|h3|pc|c4|pg|| pc|hQ|nt|TopWizard: So now safe|pg|| nt|serhat: I think makes on any lead|pg|| pc|hK|nt|ahollan1: thru 27 Geely +53 over SAIC|pg|| pc|sA|pc|h2|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s4|pc|s5|pc|s6|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|s7|pc|c2|pc|s9|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|c5|pc|d4|pc|h4|pg|| pc|dT|pc|d5|pc|dJ|pc|dA|pg|| nt|pelu: but 4@s sh make on both hands - @cs is blocked|pg|| pc|cQ|nt|TopWizard: +620 but hoping for more :)|pg|| pc|cK|pc|cA|nt|serhat: need to cover @C K|pg|| pc|c3|pg|| pc|c6|pc|c9|pc|cJ|pc|c8|pg|| nt|ady: played by east in OR Q@C led if covered by king would make |pg|| mc|10|nt|ahollan1: 35-1 set for Salvo|pg|| pg|| qx|o25|st||md|3SKHAKJ83DQ94CAK32,SQJT53HT62D863CQT,S9764HQ54DAJT2C75,SA82H97DK75CJ9864|sv|e|nt|BroLucius: I mentioned that all was better when you organised it.|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|1H|mb|p|mb|2H|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: They have a supposed sign-in method, but no-one seems to use it, or need to use it, to commentate.|pg|| mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|sQ|nt|BroLucius: Michielsen is not tempted to open 2@C (or 2@D) after seeing the previous board!|pg|| pc|s4|pc|sA|pc|sK|pg|| pc|c4|pc|cA|pc|cT|pc|c5|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|d3|pc|d2|nt|BroLucius: Peter Lund was 2nd in, but said he would go to Closed Room when we suddenly had 5 commentators.|pg|| pc|dK|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|cK|pc|cQ|pc|c7|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Sorry, I am sending messages to ROland (on voice commentary). I forgot that they would make no sense to all the tap-in kibitzers. My fault.|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Now a discard on the diamonds. So a club ruff will make it 11.|pg|| pc|c2|pc|h6|pc|hQ|pc|c6|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h9|pc|hK|pc|h2|pg|| mc|11|pg|| qx|c25|st||md|3SKHAKJ83DQ94CAK32,SQJT53HT62D863CQT,S9764HQ54DAJT2C75,SA82H97DK75CJ9864|sv|e|mb|p|mb|p|nt|TopWizard: Salvo saves the most powerful lineup for the 2nd half it seems :)|pg|| mb|1H|mb|p|nt|TopWizard: 1-2-4|pg|| mb|2H|mb|p|nt|pelu: and collected the luck they needed - so far|pg|| mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|kareno: possible to get to slam...|pg|| pc|sQ|nt|ahollan1: are NS just playing a typical 2/1 rather than Polish Club or Strefa?|pg|| pc|s4|pc|sA|pc|sK|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Rossard will need 4.4 IMPS per board (13 IMPS in last 3 boards) to tie|pg|| nt|ahollan1: i know gawel-jagniewski play 2/1 but i thought that was an exception|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Yes, this is a 32-Board match to answer all questions :)|pg|| pc|s8|pc|h3|pc|s3|pc|s6|pg|| pc|d9|pc|d6|pc|d2|nt|TopWizard: Auken methodically searching for defensive tricks, but can't find them|pg|| pc|d5|pg|| pc|cA|pc|cT|pc|c5|pc|c4|pg|| pc|cK|pc|cQ|pc|c7|nt|TopWizard: At this level, the amount of concentration and exertion of mental energy is incredible|pg|| pc|c6|pg|| pc|d4|pc|d8|pc|dA|pc|d7|pg|| pc|s7|pc|s2|pc|h8|pc|sJ|pg|| nt|ahollan1: and the players have to think a lot too|pg|| pc|c3|nt|TopWizard: Sorry all, I was looking at other table, there are indeed 8 boards left here :)|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Zia is almost done with the set!|pg|| pc|d3|pc|h4|pc|c8|pg|| pc|s9|mc|11|pg|| qx|o26|st||md|4SAK98654HD4CKT964,S73HKQ642DJ652CQ2,SQT2HAT973DK873CA,SJHJ85DAQT9CJ8753|sv|b|mb|p|mb|1S|mb|p|mb|2H|mb|p|mb|3C|nt|BroLucius: @HK lead normal and diamond goes away|pg|| mb|p|mb|3S|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: South willing to rebid high, with her good shape.|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Game forcing, so 3@S good now to leave space for slam tries.|pg|| nt|Walddk2: We have voice commentary in this room. for instructions if you are not familiar with the voice procedure.|pg|| mb|4N|mb|p|mb|5S|nt|BroLucius: Now tricky for South, since she needs specific cards and has few points, only excellent shape.|pg|| mb|p|mb|6S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: South will assume that one of the aces is in hearts.|pg|| pc|s3|pc|s2|pc|sJ|pc|sA|pg|| pc|c4|pc|c2|pc|cA|pc|c5|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h5|pc|d4|pc|h2|pg|| pc|d3|pc|dQ|pc|s5|pc|d2|pg|| pc|c6|pc|cQ|pc|sT|pc|c3|pg|| pc|d7|pc|d9|pc|s8|pc|d5|pg|| pc|c9|pc|h6|nt|BroLucius: You can ditch a club if they take their diamond trick, and ruff two clubs.|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|c7|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h8|pc|s4|mc|12|nt|BroLucius: South was perhaps lucky to find North with suitable cards. I don't think so, really. It would have been unlucky to find no play for the slam.|pg|| pg|| qx|c26|st||md|4SAK98654HD4CKT964,S73HKQ642DJ652CQ2,SQT2HAT973DK873CA,SJHJ85DAQT9CJ8753|sv|b|nt|serhat: tough hand|pg|| mb|p|nt|TopWizard: A bidding challenge here for N-S|pg|| mb|1S|mb|p|mb|2C!|mb|p|nt|ahollan1: 2@C = FG a) nat b) RELAY|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Thanks, Al!|pg|| nt|kareno: We call that south hand LA cosa nostra.... the black hand|pg|| nt|ahollan1: but that's all i've got|pg|| mb|2D|mb|p|mb|4S|mb|p|nt|pelu: even a @d lead and shift to @s cant defeat 6@s (as I see)|pg|| nt|serhat: can easly pass|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Correct, only 2 ruffs needed in dummy|pg|| nt|pelu: if 2@C is GF then N could just bid 3@s|pg|| mb|6S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|pelu: wd|pg|| nt|serhat: yes|pg|| nt|ahollan1: if only we knew what information had been exchanged :(|pg|| pc|hK|nt|serhat: true|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h8|pc|d4|pg|| nt|TopWizard: So a nice but flat result by both teams|pg|| nt|kareno: and here I thought you always knew Al|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c3|pc|c4|pc|c2|pg|| nt|pelu: why not 13 tricks now?|pg|| nt|ahollan1: actually i KNOW that i couldn't translate this auction|pg|| nt|pelu: @s lead in OR|pg|| pc|d3|pc|dQ|pc|s4|pc|d2|pg|| pc|c6|pc|cQ|pc|s2|pc|c5|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|sJ|nt|ahollan1: i'm told that 2@D was min, not 4+@H|pg|| pc|s6|pc|s3|pg|| nt|ahollan1: and 4@S fast arrival|pg|| mc|13|nt|pelu: why 13???|pg|| pg|| qx|o27|st||md|1SAQ6532HAQDQ63C65,S874HT3DJ72CKQT74,SKTHKJ976542DAKCJ,SJ9H8DT9854CA9832|sv|o|mb|1S|mb|p|mb|2H|mb|p|mb|2S|mb|p|mb|3H|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: Playing 2-over-1, popular in the USA, a two-level response is forcing. That is useful, but of course you then have the problem of letting partner know whether you have extra values or not.|pg|| mb|4C|mb|p|mb|4N|mb|p|mb|5S|nt|BroLucius: South has a decent hand for hearts, but no convenient slam try. It seems she has 'invented' 4@C.|pg|| mb|p|mb|6H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: They have reached 6@S on the baord where NS played in 2@D after a misunderstanding|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c5|pc|cK|pc|cJ|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c6|pc|cQ|mc|12|nt|BroLucius: The would be incredibly lucky to gain IMPs for playing in 2@D on near-slam values.|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Yes, they gain 6 IMPs for their magnificent 2@D.|pg|| pg|| qx|c27|st||md|1SAQ6532HAQDQ63C65,S874HT3DJ72CKQT74,SKTHKJ976542DAKCJ,SJ9H8DT9854CA9832|sv|o|nt|pelu: oh corrected|pg|| nt|serhat: I dont think played @S|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Another exciting hand coming up|pg|| nt|TopWizard: 2nd 8-card suit in two hands :)|pg|| nt|ahollan1: just a boring broke 8-card suit|pg|| mb|1S|nt|kareno: lot of long suits tonight|pg|| mb|p|mb|2C!|nt|pelu: normal long robes :)|pg|| nt|ahollan1: 2@C game force relay|pg|| mb|p|mb|2D|mb|p|mb|2H|nt|TopWizard: Oops, in 3 hands, only a 7-carder last hand!|pg|| mb|p|nt|serhat: 6S also cold..|pg|| mb|2S|mb|p|mb|2N!|mb|p|mb|3D|mb|p|nt|serhat: I think it is a flat hand|pg|| mb|3H|mb|p|nt|TopWizard: Does the WBF enforce time limits?|pg|| nt|pelu: now S can support with AQ|pg|| mb|3N|mb|p|mb|4C|nt|pelu: yes Gary but very difficult in KO-,atches|pg|| nt|ahollan1: translation from my spy: here 2@S = 6+carder, 3@D = 6322, 3@H ask and not 3@D 3NT exactly 6232|pg|| nt|kareno: in principle|pg|| mb|d|mb|4N!|mb|p|nt|pelu: when N ask for keycards he will get 2Aces + @hQ so easy to bid 6@h|pg|| nt|ahollan1: 4@C RKC @S|pg|| mb|6H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|ahollan1: looks like 4N ignored the DBL|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Well done, as expected|pg|| nt|ahollan1: some pairs use the extra space to show/deny @C control|pg|| nt|kareno: for the curious, I am in Sydney and Stella and Gigi are home in Vegas|pg|| nt|TopWizard: These are the World's best|pg|| pc|cA|nt|ahollan1: i don't think @H bid naturally until 6@H|pg|| nt|serhat: 3nt showed a fit I think|pg|| pc|c5|pc|cK|pc|cJ|pg|| nt|ahollan1: all of Gawel's bids from 2@C thru 3@H were RELAY|pg|| mc|12|pg|| qx|o28|st||md|2SA4HT3D52CA865432,SK532HJ9742DAQ76C,ST7HAKQ8DKJ83CQJ9,SQJ986H65DT94CKT7|sv|n|mb|1H|nt|BroLucius: And that puts them in the lead.|pg|| mb|1N|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: South will raise to 3NT|pg|| mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: Not likely that 5@C is better when you have 2-2-2-7 shape.|pg|| pc|sQ|nt|BroLucius: If South wanted to bid constructively, it is normal to play the same responses as opposite an opening 1NT. Perhaps 3@C, perhaps 2@S (transfer).|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Normally you say to yourself, well we will probably need the clubs to come in to make 5@C, so I might as well bid 3NT.|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s5|pc|s7|pg|| pc|hT|pc|h2|pc|h8|nt|BroLucius: Here there happens to be a club loser and you can restrict the siade-suit losers to just one. Not South's fault!|pg|| pc|h5|pg|| nt|BroLucius: South expects West to hold the @CK, after the bidding.|pg|| nt|BroLucius: @SQ shows Q-J and only 13 points then missing.|pg|| pc|d2|pc|dA|pc|d3|pc|d4|pg|| nt|BroLucius: East did well to lead a spade rather than a heart.|pg|| pc|sK|pc|sT|pc|sJ|pc|s4|pg|| pc|s3|pc|d8|pc|s6|pc|c3|pg|| pc|s9|pc|c4|pc|s2|nt|BroLucius: Not only did it set up a bundle of tricks, it took out dummy's entry.|pg|| pc|c9|pg|| pc|s8|pc|c2|pc|d6|nt|BroLucius: France have a great record in mixed events, but Zia and Michielsen have both won world championships.|pg|| pc|dJ|pg|| pc|dT|pc|d5|pc|d7|pc|dK|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|cK|pc|cA|mc|8|nt|BroLucius: So, a potential gain for Rossard butg likely to be a flat board if East finds the spade lead.|pg|| pg|| qx|c28|st||md|2SA4HT3D52CA865432,SK532HJ9742DAQ76C,ST7HAKQ8DKJ83CQJ9,SQJ986H65DT94CKT7|sv|n|nt|serhat: possible|pg|| mb|1D!|mb|1N|nt|pelu: 3Nt easy down on @s-lead - but 5@s is a make|pg|| nt|ahollan1: 1@D? treating the hand as 4@D(441)|pg|| nt|pelu: 5@c|pg|| nt|serhat: yes it makes|pg|| mb|2D|nt|ahollan1: 1@D opening is unbalanced 5+@D or 4@D(441)|pg|| mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|dT|nt|ady: may lead a heart|pg|| nt|ahollan1: that helps explain Auken's 2@D bi|pg|| nt|ady: sorry east on lead|pg|| nt|pelu: W ned to take @dA and shift to @s|pg|| nt|serhat: yes unfortunate lead|pg|| nt|ady: not so easy may switch to a heart|pg|| nt|pelu: @s-lead from E same result|pg|| pc|d2|nt|serhat: Roy might do that seeing long clubs|pg|| pc|dA|pc|d3|pg|| pc|h4|nt|pelu: lets see if Welland play @sK or a small @s?|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h6|pc|h3|pg|| nt|ahollan1: @S just get no respect|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|cK|pc|cA|pc|s2|pg|| pc|c2|pc|s3|pc|cJ|pc|c7|pg|| pc|c9|pc|cT|nt|pelu: Roy has to pay for the dinner tonight|pg|| pc|c3|pc|d6|pg|| mc|11|pg|| qx|o29|st||md|3SK76H54DKJ865CAQ2,S9542HKQJ2DA94CT8,SAQ83HA976DT7C764,SJTHT83DQ32CKJ953|sv|b|mb|p|mb|p|mb|1D|mb|p|mb|1H|mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: Other table is four boards behind. When we finish here, we can switch to the Closed room to see who wins.|pg|| pc|s5|nt|BroLucius: Once you have played ace and king of spades, Restricted Choice says odds are 3-to-1 in favour of finessing against the nine. |pg|| pc|sA|pc|sJ|pc|s6|pg|| nt|BroLucius: You gain against J10, J9 and 109, losing only to J109.|pg|| pc|dT|pc|d2|pc|d5|pc|dA|pg|| pc|hK|nt|BroLucius: If East covers the @D10, she promotes partner's 9.|pg|| pc|h6|pc|h3|pc|h4|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|hA|pc|h8|pc|h5|pg|| pc|d7|pc|d3|pc|dJ|pc|d4|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d9|pc|c4|pc|dQ|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Michielsen perhaps does not believe that East can hold the @DQ |pg|| pc|d8|pc|c8|pc|h7|pc|c3|pg|| pc|d6|pc|h2|pc|c6|pc|c5|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s2|pc|s3|pc|sT|pg|| pc|s7|pc|s4|pc|s8|pc|hT|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|c9|pc|c2|pc|s9|pg|| pc|c7|pc|cJ|pc|cQ|pc|cT|pg|| pc|cA|pc|hJ|pc|h9|pc|cK|pg|| nt|BroLucius: No real prospect of them bidding game at the other table.|pg|| pg|| qx|c29|st||md|3SK76H54DKJ865CAQ2,S9542HKQJ2DA94CT8,SAQ83HA976DT7C764,SJTHT83DQ32CKJ953|sv|b|nt|serhat: Auken led to quickly. why not spade when no major investigation|pg|| nt|ady: so back level|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Gawel was thrilled to avoid a @s lead and tie this match!|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|1D|mb|p|mb|1H|mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|nt|serhat: 210 is big score|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|pc|hK|nt|serhat: Salvo will lead few imps again|pg|| nt|kareno: specs you are lucky tonight to see such excitement|pg|| nt|pelu: soi 2-3 IMP back to Salvo|pg|| nt|ady: will have to unscramble the hearts to stop 9 tricks|pg|| nt|TopWizard: All is well, but Brewiak doesn't know that|pg|| pc|h6|pc|h3|pc|h4|pg|| nt|ahollan1: i believe Roland will be opening voice here now that other room has finished play|pg|| pc|h2|pc|hA|pc|h8|pc|h5|pg|| nt|pelu: here I would like my way of signals @h8 promise a higher card (from 2 or 3)|pg|| pc|dT|pc|dQ|pc|dK|nt|ahollan1: welcome Roland|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Voice Commentary bottom of your screen :)|pg|| pc|d4|pg|| pc|s7|pc|s2|pc|sA|pc|sT|pg|| pc|d7|pc|d2|nt|ady: looks like 3 imps for Salvo|pg|| pc|d6|pc|d9|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h7|pc|hT|nt|TopWizard: Note: BBO scores and play records are not official|pg|| pc|c2|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|h9|pc|d3|pc|d5|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Roland, the score of the Board in play shows on this screen :)|pg|| nt|ahollan1: in the other match Geely Auto beat SAIC 89-51|pg|| pc|s5|pc|s3|pc|sJ|pc|sK|pg|| nt|ady: spade lead in OR and 10@D not covered|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|dA|pc|c4|pc|c3|pg|| pc|s4|pc|sQ|pc|c5|pc|s6|pg|| pc|c6|pc|c9|pc|cA|pc|c8|pg|| pc|d8|pc|cT|pc|c7|pc|cJ|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|s9|pc|s8|pc|cK|pg|| pg|| qx|o30|st||md|4SQJT4HA84D852CQ97,S972HJ6DAKQJ94CK5,SA8HKQ952D63CJ842,SK653HT73DT7CAT63|sv|o|nt|BroLucius: West has a chance to be inventive in the 3rd seat.|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|1N|nt|BroLucius: 1NT or 3@D can work, but both are a gamble.|pg|| mb|p|nt|BroLucius: He tries 1NT.|pg|| mb|2C|mb|p|mb|2D|mb|p|mb|2N|nt|BroLucius: East has been bold to respond. She is counting a lot for his three tens.|pg|| mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: ..her..|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: I corrected the 'He'...|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h3|pc|h4|pc|h6|pg|| pc|h5|pc|h7|pc|hA|pc|hJ|pg|| pc|h8|pc|s2|pc|hK|pc|hT|pg|| pc|h9|pc|c6|pc|d8|pc|s7|pg|| nt|BroLucius: 3@D would have worked better, as it happens. But 1NT should have been passed, as I see it.|pg|| pc|h2|pc|c3|nt|BroLucius: Amazing to have a 35-1 blitz in your favour when you stopped in 2@D on a combined 19-count.|pg|| pc|d2|pc|s9|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Sorry, 29-count. I bought a new keyboard yesterday.|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Fingers still feeling their way.|pg|| mc|7|pg|| qx|c30|st||md|4SQJT4HA84D852CQ97,S972HJ6DAKQJ94CK5,SA8HKQ952D63CJ842,SK653HT73DT7CAT63|sv|o|nt|ady: only 7 tricks ut same 3 imps|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|1N|nt|serhat: guess an other small swing|pg|| mb|p|nt|ady: poor 3NT in OR only 20 hcp between them and no heart stop|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|TopWizard: So another pickup for Salvo|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h3|nt|ahollan1: 1N 14-16 what's the problem?? [heavy sarcasm]|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Stopping "on time" with 6 immediate losers|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h6|pg|| pc|h5|pc|h7|pc|hA|pc|hJ|pg|| nt|ady: even 1NT in jeopardy if spade ace with south|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Voice Commentary bottom of your screen!|pg|| pc|d5|pc|d4|pc|d3|pc|dT|pg|| nt|ady: this should be 5 imps|pg|| pc|d7|pc|d2|pc|dA|pc|d6|pg|| pc|dK|pc|s8|pc|c3|pc|d8|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|c2|nt|serhat: more than 7 tricks now|pg|| pc|s3|pc|sQ|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|h2|nt|ady: 6 now|pg|| pc|s5|nt|ady: 6 imps|pg|| pc|c7|pg|| pc|d9|pc|h9|pc|hT|pc|h8|pg|| pc|cK|pc|c4|pc|c6|pc|c9|pg|| pc|s2|pc|sA|pc|s6|pc|s4|pg|| pc|hK|pc|cT|pc|sT|nt|TopWizard: 9 IMPS, 2 Boards remaining|pg|| pc|c5|pg|| pc|c8|pc|cA|pc|cQ|pc|s7|pg|| pc|sK|pc|sJ|pc|s9|pc|cJ|pg|| pg|| qx|o31|st||md|1ST8752H6543DA5CQ8,S643HKT92D76CJT95,SKJH7DQJT8432C764,SAQ9HAQJ8DK9CAK32|sv|n|nt|BroLucius: Scorecard will look depressing to EW, so they must guess that chances of winning are dwindling.|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|3D|mb|d|mb|p|mb|3H|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: Kibs will be pleased to see Zia in the final. Les Francais will be disappointed, particularly as their heroes were 21 up at half-time.|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Still, there is plenty of time for action and 'big IMPs'.|pg|| mb|4D|nt|BroLucius: 3@D is fine, even vulnerable in 3rd seat.|pg|| mb|p|mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: South might have doubled 4@D.|pg|| nt|BroLucius: To get a diamond lead.|pg|| pc|dQ|nt|BroLucius: 3@H can be based on an 8-point hand, since partner is expecting around that and you should not jump to 4@H.|pg|| pc|d9|pc|d5|pc|d6|pg|| pc|dT|pc|dK|pc|dA|pc|d7|pg|| nt|BroLucius: Cannot arrange an elimination easily with hearts 4-1. Anyway, three tricks already lost in the minors and you are sunk,|pg|| nt|BroLucius: I mean, if you have lost three tricks. If there was no club loser and trumps were 3-2, you could eliminate and play spade to the 9.|pg|| nt|BroLucius: A heart return looks clear from South, so not sure what she is considering.|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h2|pc|h7|pc|hQ|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h3|pc|h9|pc|d4|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c8|pc|c5|nt|BroLucius: Still OK if declarer guesses the clubs.|pg|| pc|c4|pg|| pc|h8|pc|h6|pc|hT|pc|d2|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c6|pc|c2|pc|cQ|pg|| nt|BroLucius: South's @C8 could be a false-card, but may encourage West to drop the queen. No.|pg|| pc|h5|pc|hK|pc|d3|pc|hJ|pg|| pc|c9|pc|c7|pc|cK|pc|s2|pg|| pc|c3|pc|s5|pc|cT|pc|d8|pg|| pc|s3|pc|sJ|pc|sQ|pc|s7|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s8|pc|s4|pc|sK|pg|| pc|s9|pc|sT|pc|s6|pc|dJ|pg|| pg|| qx|c31|st||md|1ST8752H6543DA5CQ8,S643HKT92D76CJT95,SKJH7DQJT8432C764,SAQ9HAQJ8DK9CAK32|sv|n|nt|bobholl: zia opened 3@D as N|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|mb|2N|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|ahollan1: 2N = 22-24|pg|| nt|ady: e/w duplicated shape|pg|| nt|serhat: finito|pg|| pc|s8|nt|TopWizard: Nice result coming here!|pg|| nt|bebechira: 2800 spectators ...good session :)|pg|| pc|s3|pc|sK|pc|sA|pg|| nt|ahollan1: big position to PASS north hand|pg|| pc|cK|pc|c8|pc|c5|pc|c4|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|h5|nt|ady: found 3NT no problem |pg|| nt|serhat: just need a safe play for @C|pg|| pc|h2|pc|h7|pg|| nt|TopWizard: So this match is officially over!|pg|| mc|9|nt|serhat: knowing Salvo very well I am happy they are in the final.. Good luck! and ty all|pg|| pg|| qx|o32|st||md|2SJ7HKDAKQJ862CA32,SK543HJ8653D5CQ76,SAT982HT74D4CT985,SQ6HAQ92DT973CKJ4|sv|e|nt|BroLucius: Kib points out that 3NT would have made, yes, but East was looking for a slam in hearts at one stage and cannot have foreseen going down in 4@H.|pg|| nt|BroLucius: So, we are on to the last board. First many thanks to our excellent VG operator. Great session!|pg|| mb|p|mb|2D!|nt|BroLucius: Secondly, I am as disappointed as you are that such as Gary and Peter left commentating when we were joined by others. I did not want to commentate on my own.|pg|| mb|p|nt|BroLucius: I just thought that if I said nothing we would have far too many all pointing out that '6D is on' at the same time!|pg|| nt|BroLucius: It has happened many a time before, since Roland Wald did not control matters any more.|pg|| nt|BroLucius: We saw Zia open 2@S on a giant 11-count earlier, so I guess this is the multi, showing a weaker weak-two.|pg|| nt|bobholl: difficult opposite a NV multi|pg|| nt|BroLucius: 13 IMPs to Rossard on Board 28, so scores level. |pg|| mb|3N|mb|p|nt|BroLucius: 3NT a very reasonable practical shot.|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|pc|h5|nt|BroLucius: Suppose West held @HA-Q-9-2, he would not fancy leading the suit.|pg|| pc|h4|pc|hA|pc|hK|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|c3|pc|h3|pc|h7|pg|| pc|h9|pc|c2|nt|BroLucius: So, now it will surely be worthwhile going to the Closed Room to view the end of this very close match. Thank you all for watching!|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|hT|pg|| pc|h8|pc|s2|pc|h2|pc|s7|pg|| pc|h6|pc|s8|pc|s6|pc|d2|pg|| pc|s3|pc|sA|pc|sQ|pc|sJ|pg|| pc|d4|nt|BroLucius: A later flourish for the French team brings them hope.|pg|| pc|d3|pc|dK|pc|d5|pg|| mc|8|pg|| qx|c32|st||md|2SJ7HKDAKQJ862CA32,SK543HJ8653D5CQ76,SAT982HT74D4CT985,SQ6HAQ92DT973CKJ4|sv|e|mb|p|nt|ahollan1: this is it -- tomorrow BBO coverage of Mixed PAIRS|pg|| mb|p|mb|1C!|nt|ahollan1: 1@C = 2+, if BAL can have ANY 5-card suit, including (542)2@C|pg|| nt|TopWizard: A big thanks to the WBF, to BBO, to our Operator, to Roland/David/Peter for Voice Commentary, to the Sanya hosts, and finally to you, our wonderful audience! Thanks for your comments and questions :)|pg|| nt|ahollan1: Mixed TEAM final will not be shown on BBO|pg|| mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|TopWizard: Final match tomorrow|pg|| nt|kareno: I expect to be in the apartment in Sydney all day|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h4|pc|hA|pc|hK|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|c3|pc|h5|pc|h7|pg|| pc|h9|nt|bobholl: a push in other room zia opened a multi|pg|| pc|c2|pc|hJ|pc|hT|pg|| pc|h8|nt|serhat: well done all good match|pg|| pc|s2|pc|h2|mc|8|nt|bobholl: as north and marion (michielsen )also guessed 3nt|pg|| nt|ahollan1: am i still gagged?|pg|| nt|kareno: bye all. specs hold onto your seats ☺|pg|| nt|TopWizard: Starting time of Final tomorrow same as starting time today, it's 10 AM in Sanya|pg|| nt|ahollan1: i think BBO is blocking references to the non-BBO online tool which has exclusive rights from WBF to broadcast Finals|pg|| pg||