vg|52nd EBTC-BBO1,OPEN-RR11,I,17,32,ITALY,0,POLAND,0| rs|3CS=,3CS=,4CS=,1NS+3,4HS+3,6HS+1,2HN=,2HN+1,2SE=,2SE=,3NS+1,3DN=,3NW+1,1NW+3,3NE+1,3NE-1,3NN-1,3NN=,5DN=,4HS+3,1NS+1,2CS+1,4HN-2,3NS-2,3NN-3,5CS=,5DEx=,3SN-1,4SS-1,2SS+1,4HN=,4HN-1| pn|SEMENTA,KALITA,ANGELINI,NOWOSADZKI,ZMUDZINSKI,VERSACE,BALICKI,LAURIA|pg|| qx|o17|st||md|3SAJ4H54DJ8CAK9642,SQ863HAT63DQT2CJ3,SK95H987DK953CQ87,ST72HKQJ2DA764CT5|sv|o|nt|vugraphzcm: live stream|pg|| nt|vugraphzcm:|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|1N|an|12/15|mb|p|mb|p|mb|d|nt|Aurora: Hello all :) Live video from this table here on Channel 1:|pg|| mb|2C|nt|Aurora: Here you can see the players and their CC:|pg|| mb|2H|nt|Aurora: Running scores for this table - Open group B:|pg|| mb|3C|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|s3|pc|s5|pc|sT|pc|sJ|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c3|pc|cQ|pc|cT|pg|| pc|c7|pc|c5|pc|cA|pc|cJ|pg|| pc|s4|pc|s6|pc|sK|pc|s7|pg|| pc|d3|pc|d4|pc|dJ|pc|dQ|pg|| mc|9|nt|runnerup: hi ..2 top teams in difficult situation ,,still not sure to quilify ..9 and 10 ..and partial figth .made now ..was down|pg|| pg|| qx|c17|st||md|3SAJ4H54DJ8CAK9642,SQ863HAT63DQT2CJ3,SK95H987DK953CQ87,ST72HKQJ2DA764CT5|sv|o|mb|p|mb|p|mb|2C!|mb|p|mb|p|mb|d!|mb|p|mb|2H|mb|3C|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|c3|pc|c7|nt|Aurora: hello all :) Live video from this table here on Channel 2:|pg|| pc|cT|pc|cA|pg|| nt|Aurora: Here you can see the players and their CC:|pg|| nt|Aurora: Running scores for this table - Open group B:|pg|| pc|cK|pc|cJ|pc|c8|pc|c5|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h3|pc|h7|pc|hJ|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h5|pc|h6|pc|h8|pg|| pc|h2|pc|c4|pc|hA|pc|h9|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|dQ|pc|dK|pc|dA|pg|| pc|d4|pc|d8|pc|dT|pc|d3|pg|| mc|9|nt|vugraphzcn: thanks for the links|pg|| pg|| qx|o18|st||md|4SQ42H853DAK9CAK96,SA9753HAT42DJ82C3,SJ8HJ9DQT53CQJT87,SKT6HKQ76D764C542|sv|n|mb|p|mb|1N|mb|2C!|mb|d|mb|3C!|an|!H|nt|runnerup: an other partials 3m/ns and 2M ew |pg|| mb|4C|mb|p|nt|runnerup: ns pushed too high now |pg|| mb|p|mb|p|pc|s5|nt|runnerup: this time defence cant let this make -100|pg|| nt|runnerup: maybe now?|pg|| pc|s8|pc|sT|pc|sQ|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c3|pc|c7|pc|c2|pg|| nt|runnerup: yes so wrong one can be|pg|| pc|c6|pc|s3|pc|cQ|pc|c4|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c5|pc|c9|pc|h2|pg|| pc|d3|pc|d4|mc|10|pg|| qx|c18|st||md|4SQ42H853DAK9CAK96,SA9753HAT42DJ82C3,SJ8HJ9DQT53CQJT87,SKT6HKQ76D764C542|sv|n|mb|p|mb|1N|an|15-17|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|s3|pc|s8|pc|sT|pc|sQ|pg|| nt|bebechira: live video on channel 2|pg|| mc|10|nt|vugraphzcn: Just claiming top tricks here after @S lead|pg|| pg|| qx|o19|st||md|1SAJT9743HKQJT4DC8,SKQH2DJT653CAT952,SHA9765DKQ82CJ643,S8652H83DA974CKQ7|sv|e|mb|1S|mb|p|mb|1N|nt|runnerup: 12 M cards ..6 @h ..easy to make ..|pg|| mb|p|nt|runnerup: to bid ..without gazilli maybe not so easy ..lets see|pg|| nt|runnerup: they may have it but in all tables not in use ..|pg|| mb|3H|mb|p|mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|runnerup: 11 points but 10 winners in own hand ,,and missed|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|dK|pc|dA|pc|h4|pg|| pc|s3|pc|sQ|pc|h5|pc|s2|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|d4|pc|c8|pc|d5|pg|| pc|h6|pc|h3|pc|hT|pc|h2|pg|| pc|s4|pc|sK|mc|13|pg|| qx|c19|st||md|1SAJT9743HKQJT4DC8,SKQH2DJT653CAT952,SHA9765DKQ82CJ643,S8652H83DA974CKQ7|sv|e|mb|1S|mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|nt|vugraphzcn: video on channel 2:|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: tournament information:|pg|| nt|pitiful: 6@h a good spot here|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: monster hand, nice fit|pg|| mb|3H|an|55 strong|mb|p|nt|vugraphzcn: 4@D should be @D cue or natural?|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: here it comes as predicted|pg|| mb|4D|an|cue|mb|p|mb|4H|mb|p|nt|vugraphzcn: you really don't want to start cuebidding partner's shortage in his first bid suit with 3@S so 4@D a good start|pg|| nt|pitiful: on two rounds of clubs declarer plays !ace ruff|pg|| nt|pitiful: @s ace|pg|| mb|4S|an|cue|mb|p|mb|5C|an|cue|mb|p|mb|5H|nt|vugraphzcn: I'm being advised by kibitzs that 4@S might be kickback|pg|| mb|p|mb|5S|an|cue|mb|p|nt|ritong: i would have loved to see sementa's face when dummy came down in 4@h:)|pg|| mb|6H|mb|p|nt|pitiful: 6@h basically needs @s 4-2 or 3-3|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: all cues, nice slam|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: Sementa's face was on Channel 1: :)|pg|| nt|ritong: ty|pg|| nt|pitiful: yes singleton honour east as well|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: I'll ask my friend operator how did he feel|pg|| nt|pitiful: many kibs pointing that out|pg|| nt|pitiful: ty|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|pc|h2|nt|ritong: making the rest now|pg|| nt|pitiful: verace trying to stop @s ruffs|pg|| nt|pitiful: versace|pg|| pc|h5|pc|h3|pc|hT|pg|| pc|sA|nt|ritong: so 11 imps|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|c3|pc|s2|pg|| pc|s3|pc|sK|nt|ritong: gling|pg|| mc|13|nt|pitiful: these teams are 9th and 10th at the moment|pg|| nt|pitiful: quite a surprise|pg|| pg|| qx|o20|st||md|2SA932HAT6D8732CK6,SJ65H85DK5CAQT982,SKQ8HKQ974DQ64C73,ST74HJ32DAJT9CJ54|sv|b|mb|1C|nt|runnerup: back to partial figths |pg|| mb|1H|mb|1S|an|-|nt|runnerup: 1 @s looks like .bid 1nt partner with normal balanced hand ..type hand|pg|| mb|d|mb|2C|mb|p|mb|p|mb|2H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|c4|nt|runnerup: this makes for 110 ,,normal result|pg|| pc|cK|pc|cA|pc|c3|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d4|pc|d9|pc|d2|pg|| pc|d5|pc|dQ|pc|dA|pc|d3|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|d7|pc|c2|pc|d6|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c6|pc|c8|pc|c7|pg|| pc|dT|pc|d8|pc|c9|pc|h4|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h2|pc|h6|pc|h5|pg|| pc|h7|pc|h3|pc|hA|pc|h8|pg|| mc|8|pg|| qx|c20|st||md|2SA932HAT6D8732CK6,SJ65H85DK5CAQT982,SKQ8HKQ974DQ64C73,ST74HJ32DAJT9CJ54|sv|b|mb|1C|mb|1H|mb|p|nt|vugraphzcn: Balicki with ironic comment before starting the match: "This match is a loser on loser" :)|pg|| mb|2C!|mb|p|nt|ritong: momentarily|pg|| mb|2D!|an|opening hand|mb|p|mb|2H|an|not opening hand|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|h2|pc|h6|pc|h8|nt|pitiful: declarer will make 9 tricks now|pg|| pc|h9|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h3|pc|hA|pc|h5|pg|| pc|hT|pc|c9|pc|hK|pc|hJ|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s4|pc|s2|pc|s5|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|s7|pc|s3|pc|s6|pg|| pc|s8|pc|sT|pc|sA|pc|sJ|pg|| pc|s9|pc|c2|pc|c3|pc|d9|pg|| pc|d2|pc|dK|pc|d4|pc|dT|pg|| pc|d5|pc|d6|pc|dJ|pc|d3|pg|| pc|dA|pc|d7|pc|c8|pc|dQ|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|cK|pc|cA|pc|c7|pg|| pc|cT|pc|h7|pc|c4|pc|c6|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|c5|pc|d8|pc|cQ|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: I've contacted operator in OR saying: "Sementa not happy"|pg|| nt|ritong: :)|pg|| pg|| qx|o21|st||md|3SKQTHK85D82CAQ652,S942HAT96DKT754CT,SJ5HQJ7DQJ63CJ984,SA8763H432DA9CK73|sv|n|mb|p|mb|1S|mb|p|mb|2S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|d8|nt|runnerup: repeate ..partial figth ,,this time ns missed |pg|| pc|dK|pc|d6|pc|d9|pg|| pc|cT|pc|cJ|pc|cK|pc|cA|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|s2|pc|s5|pc|sA|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c2|pc|s4|pc|c4|pg|| pc|d4|pc|dQ|pc|dA|pc|d2|pg|| pc|c7|pc|c5|pc|s9|pc|c8|pg|| pc|d5|pc|dJ|pc|s3|pc|sT|pg|| pc|hK|pc|hA|pc|h7|pc|h2|pg|| pc|dT|pc|d3|pc|h3|pc|sK|pg|| mc|8|pg|| qx|c21|st||md|3SKQTHK85D82CAQ652,S942HAT96DKT754CT,SJ5HQJ7DQJ63CJ984,SA8763H432DA9CK73|sv|n|mb|p|mb|1S|mb|p|mb|2S|mb|p|mb|p|nt|ritong: notice that a really good player would not even consider overcalling 2@c here|pg|| nt|pitiful: some might overcall 1NT with the south hand but maybe n-s play as raptor|pg|| nt|ritong: good lesson imo|pg|| nt|ritong: they do, yes|pg|| mb|p|pc|d2|nt|pitiful: 1NT for n-s would show 4@h and longer minor|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: 2/4 leads|pg|| nt|ritong: i am asked "WHY?????" from ten persons, so...|pg|| nt|pitiful: n-s are likely to make 3@c if they bid it|pg|| nt|ritong: 1)5332 is a disastrous shape in itself|pg|| nt|ritong: 2)@cs are not very meaty|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d3|pc|d9|pg|| pc|cT|pc|cJ|pc|cK|pc|cA|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s2|pc|s5|pc|sA|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c2|pc|s4|pc|c4|pg|| pc|d4|pc|d6|pc|dA|pc|d8|pg|| pc|c7|pc|c5|pc|s9|pc|c8|pg|| pc|dT|pc|dQ|pc|h2|pc|h8|pg|| nt|jesperdall: Hi everybody|pg|| nt|ritong: hi jesper wlc|pg|| nt|pitiful: hi|pg|| nt|Aurora: hello Jesper :)|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|h3|pc|h5|pc|hA|pg|| pc|hT|pc|h7|pc|h4|pc|hK|pg|| nt|jesperdall: So...if NS can make 3@c, and it is indeed a partscore swing - should NS just accept that they cannot enter the bidding here?|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|d5|pc|c9|pc|s3|pg|| pc|s6|pc|sT|pc|d7|pc|sJ|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|s7|pc|sQ|pc|h6|pg|| pc|c6|pc|h9|pc|hQ|pc|s8|pg|| nt|ritong: lets make it short the debate is endless, so simply notice that neither sementa nor zmud have bid at all on this hand and meditate about it|pg|| nt|pitiful: well given they cannot overcall 1N|pg|| nt|pitiful: i would not mind 1NT|pg|| nt|ritong: and they both are planetar stars|pg|| pg|| qx|o22|st||md|4SKQ53H98765DQ6CKT,S92HK3DJ43CAJ8653,S7HAQ4DAKT9852C97,SAJT864HJT2D7CQ42|sv|e|mb|2D!|mb|p|mb|2S!|mb|3D|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|runnerup: now 7 van be taken to ew ,,4 @h missed ..lets |pg|| pc|c3|nt|runnerup: 4 @h also down ..yes |pg|| pc|c7|pc|cQ|pc|cK|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|d3|pc|d2|pc|d7|pg|| pc|d6|pc|d4|pc|dA|pc|s4|pg|| pc|dK|pc|s6|pc|h5|pc|dJ|pg|| pc|dT|pc|c4|pc|h7|pc|s2|pg|| pc|d9|pc|s8|pc|h6|nt|runnerup: so maybe this was better as west 's lead was a @c ..|pg|| pc|c5|pg|| pc|d8|pc|sT|pc|s5|pc|c6|pg|| pc|d5|pc|sJ|pc|sK|nt|runnerup: against 4 @h it would be a @s |pg|| pc|c8|pg|| pc|s7|pc|sA|pc|s3|pc|s9|pg|| pc|c2|pc|cT|pc|cJ|pc|c9|pg|| pc|cA|pc|h4|pc|h2|pc|h8|pg|| pc|h3|pc|hQ|pc|hT|pc|h9|pg|| pc|hA|pc|hJ|pc|sQ|pc|hK|pg|| pg|| qx|c22|st||md|4SKQ53H98765DQ6CKT,S92HK3DJ43CAJ8653,S7HAQ4DAKT9852C97,SAJT864HJT2D7CQ42|sv|e|mb|2S|mb|p|nt|pitiful: although only 14, KQ10 is a good @s holding|pg|| mb|p|nt|pitiful: but not available at this table|pg|| mb|3D|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|vugraphzcn: swing here for Italy then|pg|| pc|hJ|nt|jesperdall: Well, NS are certainly noth pushing on this board|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: balicki's expression says it all|pg|| pc|h5|pc|h3|nt|ritong: annoying situation for north he has a very good hand but no other solution than 3@d, which could come from a way weaker hand|pg|| pc|hQ|pg|| pc|d2|pc|d7|pc|dQ|pc|d3|pg|| pc|d6|pc|d4|pc|dA|nt|jesperdall: Agreed - but 3NT is still very tempting as South|pg|| pc|s4|pg|| pc|dK|pc|s6|pc|h6|pc|dJ|pg|| nt|jesperdall: I am surprised by his pass|pg|| pc|s7|nt|pitiful: i agree|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s3|pc|s2|pg|| pc|c2|pc|cK|pc|cA|pc|c7|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c9|pc|cQ|pc|cT|pg|| pc|c4|nt|ritong: the situation was a little different other room north was not in full balancing position|pg|| pc|h7|nt|pitiful: but as pointed out, 3NT does not make on best defence|pg|| pc|c5|pc|d5|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h2|pc|h8|pc|hK|pg|| nt|jesperdall: Correct|pg|| pc|h4|pc|hT|pc|h9|pc|c6|pg|| mc|9|nt|pitiful: but I am still surprised he did not risk it|pg|| nt|jesperdall: Balicki pleased to see that 3NT can be beaten, for sure!|pg|| pg|| qx|o23|st||md|1SKT5HK765DJ3CA962,SQ2HA84DAK962CKT7,SJ9743HT92DQ8CQ54,SA86HQJ3DT754CJ83|sv|b|mb|p|mb|1N|an|15-17|mb|p|mb|2S!|mb|p|mb|3C!|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|s3|nt|runnerup: 16+8 and good sits problems in 3nt|pg|| pc|s6|pc|sK|pc|s2|pg|| pc|sT|pc|sQ|pc|s4|pc|s8|pg|| pc|dA|pc|d8|pc|d4|pc|d3|pg|| pc|dK|pc|dQ|pc|d5|pc|dJ|pg|| pc|d2|pc|h2|pc|dT|pc|c2|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h7|pc|h4|pc|h9|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s5|pc|c7|pc|s7|pg|| pc|d7|pc|h6|pc|d6|pc|c4|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h5|pc|hA|pc|hT|pg|| pc|d9|mc|10|pg|| qx|c23|st||md|1SKT5HK765DJ3CA962,SQ2HA84DAK962CKT7,SJ9743HT92DQ8CQ54,SA86HQJ3DT754CJ83|sv|b|mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|nt|vugraphzcn: Balicki angrily showing that hand to opponents almost his holding, but saying "What do I have to bid with AK1098xx and AQx hearts"|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|pc|s4|nt|jesperdall: "Bid 3NT, Balicki!"|pg|| pc|s6|pc|sK|pc|s2|pg|| pc|s5|pc|sQ|pc|s3|pc|s8|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d8|pc|d4|pc|d3|pg|| nt|ritong: versace does not like this|pg|| pc|dA|pc|dQ|pc|d5|pc|dJ|pg|| nt|ritong: he s right|pg|| pc|d2|pc|s7|pc|dT|nt|ritong: 10 away|pg|| nt|pitiful: i suspect that if east had opened 3@s on the previous board rather than 2@s, north might have bid 3NT|pg|| pc|c2|pg|| pc|d7|pc|h7|pc|d6|nt|pitiful: i agree with Lauria's pass but west had a maximum|pg|| pc|s9|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h5|pc|h4|pc|h2|pg|| pc|sA|pc|sT|pc|c7|pc|sJ|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c6|nt|jesperdall: Two close games on 22 and 23 - The Great Shuffler playing his part|pg|| pc|cK|pc|c4|pg|| pc|d9|pc|h9|pc|c8|pc|cA|pg|| pc|hA|pc|hT|pc|h3|pc|h6|pg|| pc|h8|pc|c5|pc|hJ|pc|hK|pg|| pc|c9|pc|cT|pc|cQ|pc|cJ|pg|| nt|jesperdall: I agree with Lauria's pass too|pg|| pg|| qx|o24|st||md|2S973HQ75D862CK984,ST8HA982DT95CAJ73,SKJ642HT43DKJ43CQ,SAQ5HKJ6DAQ7CT652|sv|o|mb|p|mb|2S!|mb|2N|mb|p|mb|3S!|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|s7|pc|s8|pc|sK|pc|s5|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|sQ|pc|s3|pc|sT|pg|| pc|cT|pc|cK|pc|cA|pc|cQ|pg|| nt|runnerup: North 5+ 4m ,,so if you trust m is @d you have to ....ok -..looked a goal and he did it |pg|| pc|c3|pc|h3|pc|c6|pc|c8|pg|| pc|s9|pc|d5|pc|s6|pc|sA|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c4|pc|c7|pc|d3|pg|| pc|h2|pc|h4|pc|hJ|pc|hQ|pg|| pc|d6|pc|d9|pc|dK|pc|dA|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h5|pc|h8|pc|hT|pg|| mc|10|nt|runnerup: sorry busy to see the goals game |pg|| pg|| qx|c24|st||md|2S973HQ75D862CK984,ST8HA982DT95CAJ73,SKJ642HT43DKJ43CQ,SAQ5HKJ6DAQ7CT652|sv|o|mb|p|nt|pitiful: another 3Nt here|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: Did you notice that A@C jettison? :) nice move to keep declearer at 10 tricks only :)|pg|| mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|mb|2C|mb|p|mb|2H|an|max|mb|p|mb|2S|mb|p|mb|2N|an|no !Hs|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|vugraphzcn: balicki praised his partner: "Defense of the day" :)|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: tournament information:|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: running results:|pg|| pc|s7|nt|pitiful: nice lead|pg|| pc|sT|pc|sJ|pc|sQ|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c4|pc|cJ|pc|cQ|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: this is where it goes pear shaped|pg|| pc|s4|pc|s5|pc|s9|pc|s8|pg|| pc|s3|nt|pitiful: in danger of going down now|pg|| pc|d5|pc|s2|pc|sA|pg|| pc|c5|pc|c8|pc|cA|pc|d3|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: bitter grin from Lauria :)|pg|| nt|ritong: surprise|pg|| pc|h2|pc|h4|pc|hJ|pc|hQ|pg|| nt|pitiful: this has not been the start Italy needed|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: 8@D card looks handy now|pg|| pc|h7|pc|h8|pc|hT|pc|hK|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: it is "protecting" third diamond in declearer|pg|| nt|jesperdall: At the other table North bid spades and got a spade lead. However, declarer - East - lead the TEN of clubs and picked up two clubs tricks that way. Nice|pg|| nt|Aurora: Here you can see the players and their CC:|pg|| nt|Aurora: Running scores for this table - Open group B:|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: nice play then|pg|| pc|h6|pc|h5|pc|hA|pc|h3|pg|| pc|h9|pc|sK|pc|c6|pc|d6|pg|| pc|c3|pc|d4|pc|cT|pc|cK|pg|| pc|c9|pc|c7|pc|s6|pc|d7|pg|| pc|d2|pc|d9|pc|dK|pc|dA|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|d8|pc|dT|pc|dJ|pg|| nt|jesperdall: Lauria giving up, playing fordown one|pg|| pg|| qx|o25|st||md|3S963HQ65DT9632CQ5,ST4HT2DJ54CKT8732,SKJ52HAKJ7DA87CAJ,SAQ87H9843DKQC964|sv|e|mb|1C|mb|p|mb|1D|mb|p|mb|2C!|mb|p|mb|2D|mb|p|mb|2N!|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|h8|nt|runnerup: needs a @c lead ..which is going to happen to beat this|pg|| nt|runnerup: is not ..|pg|| pc|h5|pc|hT|pc|hA|pg|| pc|dA|pc|dK|nt|runnerup: Darts table here 501 watching |pg|| pc|d2|pc|d4|pg|| pc|d8|pc|dQ|pc|d3|pc|d5|pg|| nt|Aurora: Live video from this table here on Channel 1:|pg|| nt|Aurora: Here you can see the players and their CC:|pg|| nt|Aurora: Running scores for this table - Open group B:|pg|| pc|s7|pc|s3|pc|sT|pc|sJ|pg|| pc|d7|pc|h9|pc|dT|pc|dJ|pg|| pc|s4|pc|sK|pc|sA|pc|s6|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|s9|mc|8|nt|runnerup: ok there was a way misguess and that happened |pg|| pg|| qx|c25|st||md|3S963HQ65DT9632CQ5,ST4HT2DJ54CKT8732,SKJ52HAKJ7DA87CAJ,SAQ87H9843DKQC964|sv|e|mb|1C!|an|polish club|mb|p|mb|1D!|an|0-7|mb|p|nt|jesperdall: Yet another close 3NT possible on this board|pg|| nt|ritong: very possible, even|pg|| nt|pitiful: 1@c polish @c, 1@d=0-7 usually |pg|| mb|2N|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|ritong: @h lead bye bye clara|pg|| pc|h4|nt|ritong: completely freewheeling after @dA|pg|| pc|h5|pc|hT|pc|hK|pg|| pc|dA|pc|dQ|pc|d2|pc|d4|pg|| pc|d8|pc|dK|pc|d3|nt|jesperdall: West didn't get a chance to show clubs|pg|| pc|d5|pg|| pc|c6|pc|cQ|pc|cK|pc|cA|pg|| pc|d7|nt|pitiful: this looks like making now|pg|| pc|h8|pc|dT|pc|dJ|pg|| pc|c2|pc|cJ|pc|c4|pc|c5|pg|| pc|h7|pc|h3|pc|hQ|pc|h2|pg|| nt|jesperdall: So, if you wonder why many of the top pairs bid on very poor values occasionally, this is a good example|pg|| pc|d9|pc|c3|pc|s2|pc|s7|pg|| pc|d6|pc|c7|pc|s5|pc|s8|pg|| pc|h6|pc|s4|pc|hJ|pc|h9|pg|| pc|hA|pc|c9|pc|s3|pc|sT|pg|| pc|sK|pc|sA|pc|s6|nt|jesperdall: Bidding for the lead has become very popular on the years (again)|pg|| pc|c8|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|s9|pc|cT|pc|sJ|pg|| pg|| qx|o26|st||md|4SK8HAKQT76DA6CT87,SJ954HJ53D8CQJ942,S73H42DKJ75432CA3,SAQT62H98DQT9CK65|sv|b|mb|1S|mb|d|mb|3S|mb|5D|nt|runnerup: I dont get it declarer was home playing small @s from hand ..100% ,,something i missed|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|sA|pc|s8|pc|s4|pc|s3|pg|| pc|c5|pc|c7|pc|cQ|pc|cA|pg|| pc|d2|pc|d9|pc|dA|pc|d8|pg|| pc|d6|pc|c2|pc|dK|pc|dT|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h8|pc|hA|pc|h3|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h5|pc|h2|pc|h9|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|hJ|pc|c3|pc|dQ|pg|| pc|cK|pc|c8|pc|c4|pc|d3|pg|| mc|11|pg|| qx|c26|st||md|4SK8HAKQT76DA6CT87,SJ954HJ53D8CQJ942,S73H42DKJ75432CA3,SAQT62H98DQT9CK65|sv|b|mb|1S|nt|ritong: tough choice|pg|| nt|ritong: i perso prefer 2@h|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: becoming a good session for Poland. Only swing coming when Zmud. didn't bid 3NT which arguably beatable with @C lead|pg|| mb|2H|nt|jesperdall: Actually, a heart was led at the other table too..(board 25)|pg|| mb|3S!|an|weak|mb|4D|mb|p|mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|d8|nt|ritong: other possibilities are double, risking a @s preempting, and 3NT , which is a bit wild, to say the least|pg|| nt|jesperdall: Interesting, 4@d here looks natural - most would play it as showing heart support|pg|| pc|d2|pc|d9|pc|dA|pg|| nt|pitiful: should make all the tricks now|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h3|pc|h2|pc|h8|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h5|pc|h4|pc|h9|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|hJ|pc|s3|pc|s2|pg|| nt|jesperdall: Kibs saying that 4@d is natural - but not among top players, I think|pg|| pc|d6|mc|13|pg|| qx|o27|st||md|1SKJHKQ632DKTCKQJ7,ST9HAJ754DA862C32,SQ872H8DJ753CA984,SA6543HT9DQ94CT65|sv|o|nt|runnerup: Poland is running away |pg|| mb|1C!|mb|1H|mb|d|mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|sT|nt|runnerup: 3nt again ,,,common in this match ..but north passed|pg|| pc|s2|pc|sA|pc|sK|pg|| pc|hT|pc|hK|pc|h4|pc|h8|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|s9|pc|sQ|pc|s6|pg|| pc|d3|pc|d4|pc|dK|pc|dA|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c9|pc|c6|pc|c7|pg|| pc|s7|pc|s3|pc|h2|pc|h5|pg|| pc|s8|pc|s4|pc|h3|pc|c3|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c5|pc|cJ|pc|h7|pg|| pc|c4|pc|cT|pc|cK|pc|d2|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|d6|pc|c8|pc|s5|pg|| mc|8|pg|| qx|c27|st||md|1SKJHKQ632DKTCKQJ7,ST9HAJ754DA862C32,SQ872H8DJ753CA984,SA6543HT9DQ94CT65|sv|o|mb|1H|mb|p|mb|1S|mb|p|mb|2C|mb|p|nt|pitiful: looks like another 3NT here as well|pg|| mb|p|nt|jesperdall: I think North will pass 2@c|pg|| nt|ritong: i suspect 2@c is artif here|pg|| mb|p|nt|ritong: or not|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c8|pc|cT|pc|cQ|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s9|pc|s2|pc|sA|pg|| pc|c5|pc|cK|pc|c3|pc|c4|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|sT|pc|s7|pc|s3|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|d2|pc|cA|pc|c6|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|s4|nt|pitiful: pretty sure they will bid 3NT next door|pg|| nt|jesperdall: In a natural system, you sometimes end up playing 2@c with 18 hcp opposite 7 hcp as here|pg|| pc|h2|pc|h4|pg|| pc|s8|pc|s5|pc|h3|nt|ritong: well...i definitely think you can t be comfy without gazzilli or alike|pg|| pc|h5|pg|| pc|d3|pc|d4|pc|dK|nt|pitiful: just been told they are in 1NT next door|pg|| pc|dA|pg|| nt|jesperdall: Rather than yet another touch and go three no|pg|| pc|d8|pc|d5|pc|dQ|pc|dT|pg|| pc|h9|pc|hK|pc|hA|pc|h8|pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|o28|st||md|2SQ9HKQ8DAK93CQJ32,SA53H52DJT76CKT76,SJ764HA763D54CA85,SKT82HJT94DQ82C94|sv|n|mb|p|mb|p|mb|1S|mb|d|mb|2S|nt|runnerup: and this rounds theme ..try 3nt|pg|| mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|runnerup: penalty here would be the best way to get in ..not 4 @h |pg|| pc|s2|pc|s9|pc|sA|nt|runnerup: this has no play|pg|| pc|s4|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|d5|pc|d8|pc|dA|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|s3|pc|s6|pc|sK|pg|| pc|d2|pc|dK|pc|d6|pc|d4|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|c6|pc|c5|pc|c4|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h2|pc|h3|pc|h4|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h5|pc|h6|pc|h9|pg|| pc|h8|pc|c7|pc|hA|pc|hT|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|s8|pc|d3|pc|s5|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c9|pc|c2|pc|cT|pg|| pc|c8|pc|dQ|pc|cJ|pc|cK|pg|| pc|dT|mc|8|pg|| qx|c28|st||md|2SQ9HKQ8DAK93CQJ32,SA53H52DJT76CKT76,SJ764HA763D54CA85,SKT82HJT94DQ82C94|sv|n|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|jesperdall: The Italian need to show some magic, if they want any VPs from this match|pg|| mb|1N|an|15-17|nt|jesperdall: 3NT, anybody?|pg|| mb|p|nt|pitiful: :)|pg|| mb|2C|an|does not promise M|mb|p|nt|pitiful: the auction on 27 in the other room looks unusual|pg|| mb|2D|an|no major|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|pitiful: not often 25 points play in partscore at both tables|pg|| pc|h5|pc|h3|pc|h9|pc|hK|pg|| nt|jesperdall: I predict down one - any bets on declarer making this?|pg|| nt|ritong: i will applause if he makes this|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: 10@S is nicely placed for declearer if he has to resort to such measures :)|pg|| nt|ritong: applaud*|pg|| nt|ritong: it might take some for Z to envision a winning case|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: very huge number of kibitzers, thank you all for tuneing in|pg|| nt|jesperdall: Anyway, at this level the players certainly want to apply pressure and keep bidding 3NT whenever reasonable|pg|| nt|ritong: @c 3/3 look mandatory|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c6|pc|cA|pc|c4|pg|| pc|c5|pc|c9|nt|ritong: here we go|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|cK|pg|| pc|h2|pc|h6|nt|ritong: or @c Kx on|pg|| pc|hT|nt|ritong: not today|pg|| pc|hQ|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: running results:|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: tournament information:|pg|| nt|ritong: now @d QJ10 bare would help|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: camera from this table channel 2:|pg|| pc|h8|pc|s3|pc|hA|pc|h4|pg|| pc|s4|pc|s2|pc|s9|pc|sA|pg|| nt|ritong: so i guess his next move will be a low @d ah no he gives up on @ds curious|pg|| pc|cT|pc|c8|pc|s8|pc|cJ|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|s5|nt|ritong: i surely missed something|pg|| pc|s6|pc|sK|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|c2|pc|d6|pc|h7|pg|| pc|d2|pc|dA|pc|d7|pc|d4|pg|| pc|dK|pc|dT|pc|d5|pc|dQ|pg|| pc|d3|pc|dJ|pc|s7|pc|d8|pg|| pc|c7|pc|sJ|pc|sT|pc|d9|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: Another jettison! wow that's two in this session!|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: nice defending throwing Q@D there|pg|| pg|| qx|o29|st||md|3SJHA5DAJ753CAT842,SK743HKJ76DQ2C965,SQT96HQ8DK94CKJ73,SA852HT9432DT86CQ|sv|b|nt|runnerup: so a good thing for was 3nt also -2|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|2D|an|-|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|h4|nt|runnerup: south worried of majors ..but 3nt has a play ../south more than /north as @h lead is coming|pg|| pc|h5|pc|hK|pc|h8|pg|| pc|h6|pc|hQ|pc|h3|pc|hA|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c5|pc|cK|pc|cQ|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d6|pc|d3|pc|d2|pg|| pc|d4|pc|dT|pc|dJ|pc|dQ|pg|| pc|hJ|nt|runnerup: so needs good @d guess to avoid -12-13 here|pg|| nt|runnerup: but missed|pg|| pc|s6|pc|hT|pc|sJ|pg|| pc|h7|pc|c3|pc|h9|pc|d5|pg|| nt|runnerup: yes even 14 i can see|pg|| mc|6|pg|| qx|c29|st||md|3SJHA5DAJ753CAT842,SK743HKJ76DQ2C965,SQT96HQ8DK94CKJ73,SA852HT9432DT86CQ|sv|b|mb|p|mb|p|mb|1D|nt|jesperdall: East knew that south would have finessed the jack if he had it|pg|| mb|p|mb|1S|mb|p|mb|2C|an|at least 9 cards in minors|mb|p|mb|3C|mb|p|nt|ritong: tricky again|pg|| nt|ritong: perhaps ballo can try fourth suit, being a passed hand|pg|| nt|ritong: baloo*|pg|| nt|jesperdall: 3NT should be played by south|pg|| nt|ritong: and if pard raises 2@s, convert it in 2NT|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: interesting hand|pg|| nt|ritong: i believe that would show max of the range , with only 4@s and fragile @h|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: biddingwise|pg|| nt|jesperdall: But as North didn't bit 2NT, 5@c is certainly on South's radar|pg|| mb|3H|an|fsf?|mb|p|nt|jesperdall: Speaking of the hearts: If East had the king, North should be declarer|pg|| mb|3N|mb|p|mb|5C|mb|p|mb|p|nt|jesperdall: So an asking bid would be great here: "Dear west, do you have the king of hearts?" ;)|pg|| mb|p|pc|c5|nt|jesperdall: Easy make now, as a heart can be pitched on diamonds|pg|| pc|c3|pc|cQ|pc|cA|pg|| nt|ritong: his problem is : can i cope with 4/1 @ds|pg|| nt|jesperdall: To test declarer, west must lead a spade, and then a heart back from east - tricky|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: kibitzer asking me if Versace was thinking after 3@H bid - no in a second|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c6|pc|cK|pc|h4|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|h3|pc|c4|pc|c9|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d6|pc|d3|pc|d2|pg|| pc|d4|pc|d8|pc|dJ|pc|dQ|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s6|pc|s2|pc|sJ|pg|| nt|jesperdall: Z will claim now 11 tricks|pg|| mc|11|nt|jesperdall: Well bid|pg|| nt|bebechira: live video on channel 2|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: easy contract on @C lead, maybe more difficult on @S lead|pg|| pg|| qx|o30|st||md|4S764H8532DAKCT853,SJ5HA9DQT86CAJ762,SKQT83HQ6D73CKQ94,SA92HKJT74DJ9542C|sv|o|mb|2H!|mb|p|mb|2N!|mb|3S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|4C|mb|p|nt|runnerup: 53 noe and 60 as a difference means 0 |pg|| nt|runnerup: now|pg|| mb|5D|mb|d|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|s6|nt|runnerup: this 100+50=4 back|pg|| nt|runnerup: assumed ..|pg|| pc|s5|pc|sT|pc|sA|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h2|pc|hA|pc|h6|pg|| pc|h9|pc|hQ|pc|hK|pc|h3|pg|| pc|hT|pc|h5|pc|sJ|pc|c4|pg|| nt|Aurora: Thank you all, see you tomorrow for another session is “Seniors” time :|pg|| nt|Aurora: All results here:|pg|| pc|d2|pc|dK|pc|d6|pc|d3|pg|| pc|h8|pc|d8|pc|s3|pc|h7|pg|| pc|c2|pc|cQ|pc|d4|pc|c3|pg|| mc|11|nt|runnerup: if this is real ..0 very near now for Italy|pg|| pg|| qx|c30|st||md|4S764H8532DAKCT853,SJ5HA9DQT86CAJ762,SKQT83HQ6D73CKQ94,SA92HKJT74DJ9542C|sv|o|mb|p|mb|p|nt|ritong: he could not afford @d safety it loses, they shift to a @h and you re dead|pg|| mb|1C|mb|1S|mb|2H|mb|2S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|3D|mb|p|nt|jesperdall: Kibs claiming that Z should have played diamonds differently - Ace first, then diamond to the nine to guard against any 4-1 in diamonds|pg|| nt|ritong: nah|pg|| nt|jesperdall: However, that is not safe|pg|| nt|ritong: for strters, west woulod likely lead a @d singleton|pg|| mb|p|nt|ritong: and to continue with, it s not safe indeed|pg|| nt|jesperdall: Worse, if the nine loses, there is no quick way back to hand|pg|| mb|3S|mb|p|mb|p|nt|jesperdall: Anyway, that was another FOURTEEN imps to Poland|pg|| mb|p|pc|d2|nt|vugraphzcn: check out on cam how mr. Zmudzinski places cards on dummy :)|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d6|pc|d7|pg|| pc|s4|pc|s5|nt|ritong: a possibility was to play a direct @d to the 9|pg|| pc|sK|pc|sA|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h2|pc|hA|pc|h6|pg|| pc|c2|nt|jesperdall: Hmm|pg|| nt|ritong: equal with suit 3/2, loses to stiff 10, wins three other singletons|pg|| pc|c4|pc|s2|pc|c3|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h3|pc|h9|pc|hQ|pg|| pc|hJ|nt|ritong: interesting courtesy of "codger"|pg|| pc|h5|pc|sJ|pc|sQ|pg|| pc|sT|pc|s9|nt|jesperdall: I am sure that is not on the mind of the italians after they compare scores...|pg|| mc|8|pg|| qx|o31|st||md|1SAT6543H2DAJCQ543,SKQHQ843DK983CAJ8,SJ9HAKT976DQT6CT2,S872HJ5D7542CK976|sv|n|mb|1S|mb|d|mb|3H|mb|p|mb|3S|mb|p|mb|4S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|h3|pc|hA|pc|h5|pc|h2|pg|| pc|c2|nt|runnerup: so maybe north was asleep ....sorry cant help him ..,,this ..must go down ,,but dont predict anything anymore|pg|| pc|cK|pc|c3|pc|c8|pg|| pc|s7|pc|s3|pc|sQ|pc|s9|pg|| nt|runnerup: south has cut entry to table ,,but west has ..big @c's .1 down only ..|pg|| nt|queequeg_: live video from this table:|pg|| pc|h4|pc|hK|pc|hJ|pc|dJ|pg|| pc|cT|pc|c6|pc|c4|pc|cJ|pg|| pc|sK|pc|sJ|pc|s2|pc|sA|pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|c31|st||md|1SAT6543H2DAJCQ543,SKQHQ843DK983CAJ8,SJ9HAKT976DQT6CT2,S872HJ5D7542CK976|sv|n|nt|vugraphzcn: so mr. Zmudzinski separates each card separately on the table when being dummy :)|pg|| mb|1S|mb|d|nt|ritong: yes, Z displys his dummies like dominoes|pg|| nt|jesperdall: Is that allowed?|pg|| mb|r|nt|ritong: of course why not??|pg|| mb|1N|mb|2S|mb|p|nt|ritong: it s like bocchi, and others, who takes the single card of his bid and not the whiole pack|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: single bid is much more common :)|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: been operating for a couple of years and bocchi is the first that comes to my mind to. Roy Weland doeas it too|pg|| mb|p|nt|jesperdall: I once use all five DBL cards to double a contract - that was not allowed ;)|pg|| mb|p|pc|d9|pc|dQ|pc|d2|pc|dJ|pg|| nt|ritong: was it for take out?|pg|| pc|cT|pc|cK|pc|c5|pc|c8|pg|| pc|s2|pc|s3|nt|jesperdall: Here, we see that bidding immediately after 1X DBL RD shows minimum|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s9|pg|| pc|h3|pc|hA|pc|h5|pc|h2|pg|| pc|hK|pc|hJ|nt|jesperdall: With a stronger hand south passes first and bids later|pg|| pc|c3|pc|h8|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c6|pc|cQ|pc|cA|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|sJ|pc|s7|pc|sA|pg|| pc|c4|pc|cJ|pc|h6|pc|c7|pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|o32|st||md|2SAK4H653DKJ975C43,SJT98HJT4D8CAT986,S3HAKQ872D63CKQ52,SQ7652H9DAQT42CJ7|sv|e|nt|vugraphzcm: last board|pg|| nt|vugraphzcm: thx all|pg|| mb|p|mb|1H|mb|p|mb|2C|mb|p|nt|runnerup: tx bye ..Italy has to improve to get 2. round ....|pg|| mb|2H|mb|p|mb|3H|mb|p|mb|3S|mb|p|nt|queequeg_: thank you very much for your comments Markku|pg|| mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|s2|pc|sA|pc|s8|pc|s3|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s9|pc|d3|pc|s5|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h4|pc|hA|pc|h9|pg|| pc|cK|pc|c7|pc|c3|pc|cA|pg|| pc|c9|pc|cQ|pc|cJ|pc|c4|pg|| pc|hK|pc|d2|pc|h5|pc|hT|pg|| pc|c2|pc|d4|pc|h6|pc|c6|pg|| mc|10|pg|| qx|c32|st||md|2SAK4H653DKJ975C43,SJT98HJT4D8CAT986,S3HAKQ872D63CKQ52,SQ7652H9DAQT42CJ7|sv|e|mb|p|mb|1H|mb|1S|nt|jesperdall: EW may be heading for 4@s|pg|| mb|2N!|an|3 or 4!H strong|nt|jesperdall: certainly not undoubled|pg|| mb|3H|nt|jesperdall: "After the opening lead is faced, dummy spreads his hand in front of him on the table, face up, sorted into suits, the cards in order of rank with lowest ranking cards towards declarer, and in columns pointing lengthwise towards declarer"|pg|| nt|Aurora: Thank you all, see you tomorrow for another session is “Seniors” time :|pg|| nt|Aurora: All results here:|pg|| mb|4C|mb|p|nt|ritong: well Z does that, sort of|pg|| nt|jesperdall: Law 41D|pg|| nt|ritong: awesome:)|pg|| mb|4D|mb|p|nt|jesperdall: Perhaps the Italians will protest after the match ;)|pg|| mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|ritong: yes, surely they will he does that only for twenty years or so|pg|| pc|s2|nt|jesperdall: Let's hope the Polish players do not bite the Italian defenders...!!|pg|| pc|sA|pc|sJ|pc|s3|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: traian on South for the last board :)|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: so no domino dummy :)|pg|| nt|jesperdall: Nor any biting, I am sure|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: that's what you call DD - Domino dummy ;)|pg|| nt|jesperdall: ;)|pg|| nt|jesperdall: Anyway, 72-8 against Italy, that's impressive and then some|pg|| nt|ritong: the global result is poland back in biz when squadra azzurra, well...|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: thanks all you've been a wonderful audience|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c6|pc|cK|pc|c7|pg|| nt|jesperdall: Yep, thx to all|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|cJ|pc|c4|pc|cA|pg|| pc|d8|pc|d3|pc|dA|pc|d5|pg|| pc|d2|pc|dK|pc|h4|pc|d6|pg|| nt|jesperdall: I am asked about the mediocre results of the Italians this year - any explanations out there?|pg|| pc|c8|pc|c2|pc|h9|pc|d7|pg|| mc|9|nt|ritong: i m not sure it is our role:)|pg|| nt|ritong: merci a tous!|pg|| nt|jesperdall: oops - did he just go down?|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: down, not careful|pg|| nt|jesperdall: Bye |pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: we have seniors tomorrow at 10:30 CET|pg|| nt|vahaboglu: kazandýn|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: tournament information:|pg|| nt|vugraphzcn: also if you haven't qualified for European Championships I strongly advise you to try this tournament: :)|pg|| pg||