vg|BBO2-2nd Mind Sports Games,O-F-8_8,I,17,32,SWEDEN,342,POLAND,188| rs|6DE=,3HN=,3NE=,4SE-1,4SS=,4SS=,2CE+2,2DE+1,6SN=,6SN=,4HW+1,4HW+1,3NN-2,3NN-1,4HS-1,2HS+1,3NN+2,4NN+1,4HS=,4SN-3,5SN+1,4SN+2,1NE-2,1NW=,4HN-2,4HN-1,4HE-1,4HE=,3DN-1,2SE=,3NE+1,1NE+2| pn|UPMARK,ZAK,NYSTROM,ZAREMBA,ZMUDZINSKI,AHLESVED,BURAS,PETERSSON|pg|| qx|o17|st||md|3SJT732HJ982DKCJ87,SAHKTDT8653CAK952,SKQ964HA7543D72C3,S85HQ6DAQJ94CQT64|sv|o|nt|ahollan1: Zak-Zaremba play Polish Club|pg|| nt|vugraphzaz: Zak just suggested to pay the Swede's dinner after the prize giving :)|pg|| mb|p|mb|1D|nt|ahollan1: in voice commentary Roland explained that our EW needed to play this set to get their minimum 1/3 of boards in to be eligible for overall awards|pg|| nt|ahollan1: 1@D = 5+@D or 4441|pg|| mb|p|nt|vugraphzaz: West contemplating. He's taking it very seriously.|pg|| mb|3C!|mb|3D|mb|p|nt|ahollan1: 3@C = 4+@D a) weak b) strong, any splinter|pg|| nt|ahollan1: gives Nystrom room for his Michaels cue|pg|| nt|vugraphzaz: that must be what W is now writing for S :) but I can't read it.|pg|| mb|4S|mb|6D|mb|p|nt|garden2005: 3@c any strong splinter 12+ or weak with @d|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|pc|h8|pc|hT|pc|hA|pc|h6|pg|| nt|ahollan1: Nystrom as passed hand probably unlikely to hold @DK|pg|| pc|h5|pc|hQ|pc|h9|pc|hK|pg|| pc|d8|nt|ahollan1: Rabbi's Rule aka Rule of 1 when singleton king is offside -- play the Ace|pg|| pc|d2|nt|vugraphzaz: Zaremba shows his hand to Nystrom, still not decided what to play.|pg|| nt|ahollan1: the other room crashed a few times -- not sure of real result :(|pg|| nt|ahollan1: oh 3@H|pg|| pc|dA|pc|dK|pg|| nt|serhat: if N is interested looking he hould play A@D:)|pg|| nt|ahollan1: maybe Buras opened 2-level to show @H & another or both majors|pg|| mc|12|nt|moshel: hi all|pg|| nt|ahollan1: shalom Moshe|pg|| nt|vugraphzaz: Upmark: you need a few more of these and all LOL.|pg|| pg|| qx|c17|st||md|3SJT732HJ982DKCJ87,SAHKTDT8653CAK952,SKQ964HA7543D72C3,S85HQ6DAQJ94CQT64|sv|o|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pg|| qx|o18|st||md|4S74HA7DKJT65C9753,SKJ53HT83D92CK862,ST86HQ9652D84CAT4,SAQ92HKJ4DAQ73CQJ|sv|n|nt|mikael_w: well, I am pretty sure its not alowed to do that ! ? to show your hand to an opp likehat|pg|| mb|1C!|nt|ahollan1: 1@C = multi-purpose a) 11-14 HCP bal, maybe 2@C 4@D b) 15+ NAT c) any 18+ HCP excluding 18-21 HCP when 5+@D with no 5+@H/@S |pg|| nt|vugraphzaz: The atmosphere is excellent at the table, very friendly.|pg|| mb|1D|nt|ahollan1: that's last time i'll post that :)|pg|| mb|1S|mb|p|mb|2D!|nt|ahollan1: 2@D = FG, fit @S|pg|| mb|p|mb|2S|mb|p|nt|mikael_w: Marc, I understand that :) and I am pretty sure he would not show his hand like that if the score was a little more even :)|pg|| mb|2N|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|ahollan1: not sure which version EW play but suspect 2@S = exactly 4@S and min|pg|| pc|c7|nt|ahollan1: i'm talking about 2@S reply|pg|| pc|c8|pc|cT|pc|cQ|pg|| nt|ahollan1: Zaremba has either 3 or 4@S for 2@D|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c3|pc|c2|pc|cA|pg|| pc|h5|pc|h4|pc|hA|pc|h3|pg|| pc|h7|pc|h8|pc|hQ|pc|hK|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s4|pc|s3|pc|s6|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|s7|pc|s5|pc|s8|pg|| pc|s2|pc|d5|pc|sJ|pc|sT|pg|| pc|hT|pc|h2|pc|hJ|pc|d6|pg|| pc|s9|pc|dT|pc|sK|pc|h6|pg|| pc|cK|pc|c4|pc|d3|pc|c5|pg|| nt|serhat: @C is safe|pg|| pc|d9|nt|mikael_w: well, since Poland need about 10 IMP/board this 16 boards and have started with 14 IMP on first and 10 on this. I am already thinking they might have agreed on making some funny ...|pg|| nt|mikael_w: thing of this just messing with all the specs :)|pg|| pc|d4|pc|d7|pc|dJ|pg|| pc|c9|pc|c6|pc|d8|pc|dQ|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d2|pc|h9|pc|dA|pg|| pg|| qx|c18|st||md|4S74HA7DKJT65C9753,SKJ53HT83D92CK862,ST86HQ9652D84CAT4,SAQ92HKJ4DAQ73CQJ|sv|n|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pg|| qx|o19|st||md|1SAKJ973HJ7DAJ62C8,SQT64HKQ964D74CQ5,S82HAT53DQT9CA972,S5H82DK853CKJT643|sv|e|mb|1S|mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|nt|ahollan1: 1N=Semi-Force, maybe 3-fit, weak|pg|| mb|2S!|an|14-16, 6!S|mb|p|mb|4S|mb|p|nt|ahollan1: 2@S = 14-16 [they open 2@S with 10-13 6+suit]|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|pc|hK|nt|moshel: they need 9.52 IMP to board :)|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h2|pc|h7|pg|| pc|s2|pc|s5|pc|sA|pc|s4|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s6|pc|s8|pc|d3|pg|| pc|s3|pc|sT|pc|c2|pc|d5|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|cA|pc|c3|pc|c8|pg|| pc|d9|pc|d8|pc|d2|pc|d4|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|dK|pc|dA|pc|d7|pg|| pc|d6|pc|h4|pc|dT|pc|c4|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h8|pc|hJ|pc|hQ|pg|| mc|10|pg|| qx|c19|st||md|1SAKJ973HJ7DAJ62C8,SQT64HKQ964D74CQ5,S82HAT53DQT9CA972,S5H82DK853CKJT643|sv|e|nt|vugraphzbe: now we are live|pg|| mb|1S|mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|mb|2D|mb|p|mb|2S|mb|p|mb|3S|mb|p|nt|barnets: 4@S looks ok |pg|| mb|4S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|barnets: even with two trump losers|pg|| pc|hK|pc|hA|pc|h8|pc|h7|pg|| pc|s2|pc|s5|pc|sA|pc|s4|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s6|pc|s8|pc|c3|pg|| pc|s3|pc|sT|pc|c2|pc|c4|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|cA|pc|c6|pc|c8|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|dK|pc|dA|pc|d4|pg|| mc|10|pg|| qx|o20|st||md|2SAKT6H62DQJ96CA85,SJ8543HA87D87CJT3,SQ97HQT943DT5C976,S2HKJ5DAK432CKQ42|sv|b|nt|ahollan1: Petersson opened 3rd seat 2@D showing opening count and 6+@D or 5@D 4@C that ended the auction|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|1D|mb|p|mb|1S|mb|p|mb|2C!|nt|ahollan1: 1@D = 5+@D or 4@D(441)|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|c5|pc|cJ|pc|c7|pc|c2|pg|| pc|d7|pc|d5|pc|dA|pc|d6|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d9|pc|d8|pc|dT|pg|| pc|d4|pc|dJ|pc|cT|nt|ahollan1: trump lead with good holding in opener's 1st suit|pg|| pc|h3|pg|| pc|s3|nt|ahollan1: the question is whether to start with @Cx or @CA|pg|| pc|s7|pc|s2|pc|s6|pg|| nt|ahollan1: holding quick entry in @S @Cx does look best|pg|| pc|h9|pc|hJ|pc|h2|pc|h7|pg|| pc|d3|pc|dQ|pc|c3|pc|c6|pg|| pc|hT|pc|hK|pc|h6|pc|h8|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|cA|pc|s4|pc|c9|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s5|pc|s9|pc|c4|pg|| pc|cK|pc|c8|pc|s8|nt|ahollan1: sorry i should have included 4@D 5@C in the opening 1@D|pg|| mc|10|pg|| qx|c20|st||md|2SAKT6H62DQJ96CA85,SJ8543HA87D87CJT3,SQ97HQT943DT5C976,S2HKJ5DAK432CKQ42|sv|b|mb|p|nt|barnets: 24 imps to Poland on first couple of boards|pg|| mb|p|mb|2D!|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|sA|pc|s3|pc|s9|pc|s2|pg|| nt|vugraphzbe: 2@d=11-16 HCP a) 6+ D or b) 5D + 4C|pg|| pc|s6|pc|s4|pc|sQ|pc|d2|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c8|pc|cT|pc|c9|pg|| pc|d7|pc|d5|pc|dA|pc|d6|pg|| pc|c4|pc|cA|pc|c3|pc|c6|pg|| pc|h2|pc|h7|pc|hQ|pc|hK|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d9|pc|d8|pc|dT|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|c5|pc|cJ|pc|c7|pg|| pc|cK|mc|9|pg|| qx|o21|st||md|3SKQJ4HAKT3DAK87C5,S62HQ984DQ543CK32,SA98753H62DCQJT74,STHJ75DJT962CA986|sv|n|mb|p|mb|p|mb|1D|mb|p|mb|1S|mb|p|nt|ahollan1: Upmark 1@D = unbal, 4+@D|pg|| mb|3H!|an|4!S, good hand|mb|p|mb|4C!|an|short !D|mb|p|mb|4N!|mb|p|mb|5C!|an|1 KC|mb|p|mb|6S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|ahollan1: convention card just says all rebids of >= 2M+1 are artificial|pg|| nt|vugraphzaz: For explanation I had to wait till bidding was over.|pg|| nt|ahollan1: well done Marc!|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|dA|pc|d3|pc|c4|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s2|pc|s3|pc|sT|pg|| mc|12|pg|| qx|c21|st||md|3SKQJ4HAKT3DAK87C5,S62HQ984DQ543CK32,SA98753H62DCQJT74,STHJ75DJT962CA986|sv|n|mb|2S!|an|!s+m|mb|p|nt|barnets: south will go to slam|pg|| mb|4N!|mb|p|mb|5C!|mb|p|nt|barnets: as long as they know the responses ok :)|pg|| mb|6S!|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|barnets: n/s are not regular partnership first time|pg|| pc|h5|nt|barnets: they are playing so e/w in other rom will get theirmedals and masterpoints|pg|| nt|vugraphzbe: n/s agreeing conventions while the play progresses|pg|| nt|barnets: they need play 3 sets|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h4|pc|h6|pg|| pc|c5|pc|c3|pc|cJ|pc|cA|pg|| pc|d9|pc|d7|pc|dQ|pc|s3|pg|| pc|c4|pc|c6|pc|s4|pc|c2|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s2|pc|s5|pc|sT|pg|| nt|barnets: 6@S bid in open|pg|| mc|12|pg|| qx|o22|st||md|4SQT983H9D53CT9872,SJ5HAQJ8742DK8C54,SK2HT65DQJT72CAQJ,SA764HK3DA964CK63|sv|e|nt|psyck: I play 3@h rebid as strong balanced or medium splinter, so that hand would be too strong for it for me|pg|| nt|serhat: I am sure he didnt touch the trumps|pg|| mb|1C!|mb|p|mb|1H|mb|p|nt|serhat: before @C|pg|| mb|1S|mb|p|mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|ahollan1: 1@S 3/4 suit, weak NT|pg|| pc|dQ|nt|ahollan1: 1N rebid would be stronger than 1N opener|pg|| nt|ahollan1: [i think]|pg|| pc|d4|pc|d5|pc|dK|pg|| pc|h2|pc|h5|pc|hK|pc|h9|pg|| pc|h3|pc|s3|pc|hA|pc|h6|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|hT|nt|vugraphzaz: Thay play so fast I can't follow anymore. Nystrom actually saying after 2nd round of trumps I have the @CA :)|pg|| mc|11|nt|ahollan1: only 1 board scored in Transnational Mixed Canada leads Milner by 5|pg|| pg|| qx|c22|st||md|4SQT983H9D53CT9872,SJ5HAQJ8742DK8C54,SK2HT65DQJT72CAQJ,SA764HK3DA964CK63|sv|e|mb|1N!|an|14-16|mb|d!|mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|dQ|nt|barnets: 11 tricks|pg|| mc|11|nt|vugraphzbe: declarer claimed on the @cA position|pg|| pg|| qx|o23|st||md|1SJ632HK963DK2CA63,SK854HAJ5D953CQJ5,SA97HQ82DAQCKT872,SQTHT74DJT8764C94|sv|b|mb|p|mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|mb|2C!|nt|ahollan1: 1N = good 14-17|pg|| mb|p|mb|2D!|nt|jaapfr: it was s and will be 11 tr so do not worry|pg|| mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|d7|nt|vugraphzaz: I must have misheared, he might have said that he didn't have it ...|pg|| pc|d2|pc|d3|pc|dQ|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c4|nt|ahollan1: confession time David -- would you lead @D or @SQ?|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c5|pg|| pc|c6|pc|cJ|pc|cK|pc|c9|pg|| pc|c7|pc|h7|pc|c3|pc|cQ|pg|| pc|d5|pc|dA|pc|dJ|pc|dK|pg|| nt|jaapfr: over 2500 kibs would lead @D Al:)|pg|| nt|the_clown: I would have lead @sQ |pg|| nt|ahollan1: i'm still trying to digest what David Bird wrote in his book "Winning Notrump Leads"|pg|| pc|h2|pc|h4|pc|h3|pc|hA|pg|| mc|7|pg|| qx|c23|st||md|1SJ632HK963DK2CA63,SK854HAJ5D953CQJ5,SA97HQ82DAQCKT872,SQTHT74DJT8764C94|sv|b|nt|barnets: so we have speed bridge|pg|| mb|p|nt|vugraphzbe: they look as playing for fun|pg|| mb|p|mb|1N!|mb|p|mb|2C!|mb|p|mb|2D!|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|vugraphzbe: Zmudzinski asked now "is it 15-17?" ... all laughing|pg|| pc|d7|nt|barnets: ods on def|pg|| pc|d2|pc|d9|pc|dA|pg|| pc|c7|pc|c4|pc|cA|pc|c5|pg|| pc|c3|pc|cJ|pc|cK|pc|c9|pg|| pc|cT|pc|h7|pc|c6|pc|cQ|pg|| pc|d5|pc|dQ|pc|d4|pc|dK|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h5|pc|hQ|pc|h4|pg|| pc|c8|pc|hT|pc|s2|pc|s4|pg|| pc|c2|pc|sT|pc|h6|pc|s5|pg|| pc|sA|pc|sQ|pc|s3|pc|s8|pg|| pc|s7|pc|d6|pc|sJ|pc|sK|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h2|pc|d8|pc|h9|pg|| pc|d3|pc|h8|pc|dT|pc|hK|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|s6|pc|hJ|pc|s9|pg|| pg|| qx|o24|st||md|2SA65H985432DT3C42,SJ7HKJT6DJ65CAK98,SKTHA7DAKQ7CQT753,SQ98432HQD9842CJ6|sv|o|nt|vugraphzaz: Actually decl. won 1st trick in hand and now won @DK and played @H from dummy.|pg|| mb|1C!|mb|d|nt|ahollan1: yet another multi-purpose 1@C|pg|| mb|2S|nt|ahollan1: usually weak NT|pg|| nt|jaapfr: and lost 4@D @HA and @CQ you are right Marc|pg|| nt|vugraphzaz: Zak reconsidering his explanation just given, Upmark takes his pass back.|pg|| mb|p|nt|jaapfr: with -2|pg|| nt|vugraphzaz: but now still passes|pg|| mb|p|mb|2N|mb|p|nt|jaapfr: did he not sqay: long and weak?|pg|| mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|jaapfr: -2|pg|| pc|cA|nt|ahollan1: strange that Upmark didn't have way to transfer|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c6|pc|c2|pg|| nt|serhat: no dbl no trouble.. |pg|| nt|jaapfr: i would X as W would you not?|pg|| nt|serhat: why would he dbl at least this one??|pg|| nt|serhat: not|pg|| nt|jaapfr: do you agree with me or just the opposite:)?|pg|| nt|serhat: 100% X|pg|| nt|ahollan1: both pairs udca|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|sK|pc|s2|nt|serhat: 130 imps behind|pg|| nt|jaapfr: ic:)|pg|| pc|s5|pg|| pc|hA|pc|hQ|pc|h2|pc|h6|pg|| pc|dA|pc|d2|pc|d3|pc|d5|pg|| nt|serhat: so 140 or 120 who cares..|pg|| pc|dK|nt|serhat: X|pg|| pc|d4|pc|dT|pc|d6|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|d8|pc|c4|pc|dJ|pg|| pc|sT|pc|sQ|pc|sA|pc|s7|pg|| pc|s6|pc|c9|pc|h7|pc|s3|pg|| pc|c5|pc|cJ|pc|h3|pc|c8|pg|| pc|h4|pc|hT|mc|9|pg|| qx|c24|st||md|2SA65H985432DT3C42,SJ7HKJT6DJ65CAK98,SKTHA7DAKQ7CQT753,SQ98432HQD9842CJ6|sv|o|mb|1D|an| |mb|d|mb|1H!|an|!s|mb|p|nt|vugraphzbe: 1@d=10-16 HCP a) UNBAL w/ 4c M b) bal 11-13|pg|| mb|1N|mb|2C|mb|p|mb|2H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|sJ|nt|barnets: dec has 3 trumps to lose and 1 club|pg|| nt|barnets: on this lead game is decent|pg|| nt|barnets: ruff a spade Cash the @HAand play 4 diamonds pitching 2 clubs|pg|| nt|barnets: the def then need 3 trump tricks to beat it|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s2|pc|s6|pg|| nt|barnets: if they are 3-2 will make when they cant get promotion|pg|| nt|barnets: so will be a few iimps to Poland|pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|o25|st||md|3SA8732HQ764DK2CJ8,SJT96HAJ953DT5CT6,SK4HK2DAQ8CAK9542,SQ5HT8DJ97643CQ73|sv|e|nt|jaapfr: to go fo -1 amazing|pg|| mb|2C|an|'strong'|nt|ahollan1: 2@C=a) BAL, 20-21 b) BAL, 25+ b) FG, primary suit NOT @D [2@D]|pg|| nt|jaapfr: must be a simple 3nt here|pg|| mb|p|mb|2H|an|!S|nt|ahollan1: 2@H=(4)5+@S|pg|| mb|p|mb|2S|an|20-22|nt|ahollan1: 2@S = 20-21 BAL|pg|| mb|p|mb|3H|nt|ahollan1: ok 20-22|pg|| mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|d6|nt|jaapfr: give a @C and a@H soon and then claim 11 tr|pg|| pc|d2|pc|dT|pc|dQ|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c7|pc|c8|pc|cT|pg|| pc|d5|pc|d8|pc|d3|pc|dK|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c6|pc|cA|pc|c3|pg|| pc|cK|pc|cQ|pc|s2|mc|11|pg|| qx|c25|st||md|3SA8732HQ764DK2CJ8,SJT96HAJ953DT5CT6,SK4HK2DAQ8CAK9542,SQ5HT8DJ97643CQ73|sv|e|nt|vugraphzbe: declarer showed his hand and dummy claimed for him|pg|| mb|1C|mb|p|mb|1S|mb|p|mb|2C|mb|p|mb|2D|mb|p|mb|2N|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|4N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|d6|nt|barnets: good stop|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d5|pc|d8|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c6|pc|c2|pc|cQ|pg|| pc|d3|pc|d2|pc|dT|pc|dA|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c3|pc|c8|pc|cT|pg|| pc|h2|pc|h8|pc|hQ|pc|hA|pg|| mc|11|pg|| qx|o26|st||md|4ST942HKQ764D7CK42,SQJHA983D96CT8753,SAK87HJ52DA532CQJ,S653HTDKQJT84CA96|sv|b|nt|ahollan1: KnR evaluates north hand as 21.50|pg|| mb|1D|mb|1H|nt|ahollan1: 3 boards in transnation 1-0 for Milner trailing Canada by 5|pg|| nt|jaapfr: funny that 4@H and 4@S do make despite the 4-1 in @H|pg|| mb|1S!|mb|2D|mb|d|mb|2H|mb|p|nt|jaapfr: 5@DX-3 for -800 so too expensive|pg|| nt|vugraphzaz: I looks like Zaremba forgot about 1@S and made support double|pg|| nt|jaapfr: mb even -4|pg|| mb|3H|mb|p|mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|vugraphzaz: Upmark says '1 down'.|pg|| pc|d6|pc|dA|pc|dK|pc|d7|pg|| pc|cJ|nt|serhat: 4S looks okay to me|pg|| nt|jaapfr: mb with 6 boards to go not too much nailbiting for nthe fans but still a lot in the crowd|pg|| pc|c6|pc|c2|pc|c8|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|cA|pc|c4|pc|c3|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|h4|pc|d9|nt|ahollan1: EW lead LOW from worthless doubleton|pg|| pc|d2|pg|| pc|sT|pc|sJ|pc|sA|pc|s6|pg|| pc|h2|pc|hT|pc|hK|pc|hA|pg|| nt|jaapfr: i will count 1=Swedish fan and 2=Polish fan (neutrals are not counted) place your bets kibs:)|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|sK|pc|s3|pc|s2|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|d4|pc|h6|pc|h3|pg|| pc|h5|pc|d8|pc|hQ|pc|h8|pg|| mc|10|pg|| qx|c26|st||md|4ST942HKQ764D7CK42,SQJHA983D96CT8753,SAK87HJ52DA532CQJ,S653HTDKQJT84CA96|sv|b|mb|2D|mb|p|mb|p|mb|d|mb|p|mb|3D|mb|p|mb|3S|mb|p|mb|4S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|dK|pc|d7|pc|d6|pc|dA|pg|| pc|h5|pc|hT|pc|hK|pc|hA|pg|| nt|barnets: now if west had the @CA it would be down on 2 ruffs|pg|| pc|d9|pc|d2|pc|d4|pc|s2|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c3|pc|cQ|pc|cA|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|sT|pc|sJ|pc|d3|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h2|pc|s3|pc|h4|pg|| pc|d8|nt|barnets: strange hand|pg|| mc|7|nt|barnets: 14 imps to sweden|pg|| pg|| qx|o27|st||md|1SA43HAK986D5432C5,STH752DJT96CJ8763,SKQJ9852HJ3DCKT42,S76HQT4DAKQ87CAQ9|sv|o|mb|1H|mb|p|mb|1S|mb|2D|mb|d|an|3!S|nt|ahollan1: support DBL = 3-fit|pg|| nt|jaapfr: only 27-8 sofar the rest are neutrals:)|pg|| mb|5D|mb|5S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|dQ|pc|d2|pc|dJ|pc|s2|pg|| nt|jaapfr: 35-9|pg|| pc|c2|nt|ahollan1: swing potential for Poland|pg|| pc|c9|pc|c5|pc|c8|pg|| nt|jaapfr: rien ne va plus\\:)|pg|| nt|ahollan1: favorable layout for slam|pg|| pc|s6|pc|s4|pc|sT|pc|sJ|pg|| pc|c4|pc|cQ|pc|s3|pc|c3|pg|| pc|d3|pc|d6|pc|s5|pc|d7|pg|| pc|cT|pc|cA|pc|sA|pc|c6|pg|| mc|12|pg|| qx|c27|st||md|1SA43HAK986D5432C5,STH752DJT96CJ8763,SKQJ9852HJ3DCKT42,S76HQT4DAKQ87CAQ9|sv|o|mb|1H|mb|p|mb|1S|mb|2D|mb|d|mb|4D|mb|4S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|odysseus69: surprising passivity by North|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d2|pc|d6|pc|s2|pg|| nt|barnets: 6@S looks easy|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c9|nt|barnets: on 3-3 hearts|pg|| pc|c5|pc|cJ|pg|| pc|sT|pc|sK|pc|s6|pc|s3|pg|| pc|c4|pc|cQ|pc|s4|pc|c3|pg|| pc|d3|pc|d9|nt|barnets: two aces|pg|| mc|12|pg|| qx|o28|st||md|2S875HAKJ6DKTCQ742,SAK6HT5DQJ53CKT63,SQT92H432DA9CA985,SJ43HQ987D87642CJ|sv|n|nt|ahollan1: another Polish 1@C with weak NT|pg|| mb|1C!|mb|p|nt|ahollan1: 1@D=a) 0-6 b) 7-11, @C & @D c) 13+, BAL, not 4+@H/@S|pg|| mb|1D!|mb|p|mb|1S!|mb|p|nt|ahollan1: 1@S = 3+ suit [1N would show 18-21]|pg|| mb|1N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|hA|nt|ahollan1: would have been fun to watch play in 1@S |pg|| pc|h5|pc|h4|pc|h7|pg|| pc|s8|pc|s6|pc|sQ|pc|s4|pg|| pc|s2|pc|s3|pc|s5|pc|sK|pg|| pc|d3|nt|jaapfr: was more classic when NS had played the 1nt|pg|| pc|d9|pc|d4|pc|dT|pg|| pc|s7|pc|sA|pc|sT|pc|sJ|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|dA|pc|d2|pc|dK|pg|| pc|s9|nt|jaapfr: but nv no big deal might even win 1 smallest imp|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c7|pc|dJ|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h9|pc|hJ|pc|hT|pg|| pc|hK|nt|serhat: okay folks.. it is time to sleep .. welldone sweden again.. also to Poland for making final..I hope everyone enjoyed this champship..|pg|| pc|c3|pc|h2|pc|h8|pg|| pc|c2|pc|cT|pc|cA|mc|5|pg|| qx|c28|st||md|2S875HAKJ6DKTCQ742,SAK6HT5DQJ53CKT63,SQT92H432DA9CA985,SJ43HQ987D87642CJ|sv|n|mb|1D|mb|p|mb|1H|mb|p|mb|1N|nt|odysseus69: 2D looks final spot|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|sT|pc|sJ|pc|s5|pc|s6|pg|| pc|d2|pc|dT|nt|odysseus69: they have trouble finding diamonds - they probbly that 2C and 2D by east both artificial|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|dA|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h7|pc|hJ|pc|h5|pg|| pc|s7|pc|sA|pc|s2|pc|s3|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|d9|pc|d4|pc|dK|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|cK|pc|cA|pc|cJ|pg|| pc|h2|pc|h8|pc|hK|pc|hT|pg|| pc|c2|mc|7|pg|| qx|o29|st||md|3ST2H52DKJ54CAQJ83,SKQ965H84D632C962,S8743HAQJT763DQC4,SAJHK9DAT987CKT75|sv|b|mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|nt|ahollan1: NS do NOT play Namyats so 4@H is wide range|pg|| mb|p|nt|jaapfr: down 1 here|pg|| nt|jaapfr: with most lines|pg|| pc|c5|nt|jillan: hi all |pg|| nt|jaapfr: beetter not lead a small @C|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|c9|pc|c4|pg|| nt|jaapfr: poor E|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c2|pc|dQ|pc|c7|pg|| pc|s2|pc|sQ|pc|s3|pc|sJ|pg|| nt|jaapfr: a @H and a @C and a small @D would give the contract|pg|| pc|h4|pc|hQ|pc|hK|pc|h2|pg|| pc|h9|pc|h5|pc|h8|pc|hJ|pg|| pc|s4|pc|sA|pc|sT|pc|s5|pg|| nt|jaapfr: so would we not all lead @SA:)?|pg|| pc|cK|mc|8|pg|| qx|c29|st||md|3ST2H52DKJ54CAQJ83,SKQ965H84D632C962,S8743HAQJT763DQC4,SAJHK9DAT987CKT75|sv|b|mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|c7|pc|cQ|pc|c2|pc|c4|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c6|pc|s3|pc|c5|pg|| pc|d4|pc|d2|pc|dQ|pc|dA|pg|| nt|odysseus69: presumably East knows diamond position so club king looks obvious|pg|| pc|cK|pc|c3|pc|c9|pc|h3|pg|| pc|s7|pc|sJ|pc|s2|pc|s5|pg|| pc|sA|pc|sT|pc|s6|pc|s4|pg|| pc|cT|pc|c8|pc|h8|pc|hJ|pg|| pc|s8|pc|h9|pc|d5|pc|s9|pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|o30|st||md|4SK74HQ4DAQT75C987,SQJ8HT9DKJ42CAQ54,ST63HAJD963CKJT63,SA952HK876532D8C2|sv|o|nt|vugraphzaz: Eau de Cologne with East|pg|| mb|p|mb|1C|mb|p|mb|2C|nt|ahollan1: for NS 1@D opening is unbal so 1@C=2+ includes 5@D(332)|pg|| mb|2H|mb|p|nt|jaapfr: entries problems but expecte @S discard but i was completely wrong sorry|pg|| nt|ahollan1: 2@C=5+@C, 5-9 HCP|pg|| mb|2N|nt|ahollan1: Marc referring to the 4711 shape|pg|| mb|p|nt|psyck: The houses in Cologne (Köln) were numbered by the French occupation authority in 22 Dec 1793, and the house of the inventor had got number 4711.|pg|| mb|3C!|nt|jaapfr: even with a @S discard it goes down 2 probably|pg|| mb|p|mb|3N|mb|d|mb|4H|nt|psyck: Eau de Cologne, Kölnisches Wasser|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|jaapfr: i need yes:)|pg|| mb|p|pc|c7|nt|jaapfr: i said the staff that the Chili red wine was too strong and not really great:(|pg|| nt|psyck: I'm told the house number was 47 & 11 was the floor number|pg|| nt|ahollan1: we missed it north had same shape on previous board good catch Roland!|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|cK|pc|c2|pg|| pc|s6|pc|s5|pc|sK|pc|s8|pg|| pc|dA|pc|d2|nt|ahollan1: Closed Room bidding 28|pg|| pc|d6|pc|d8|pg|| pc|s7|pc|sJ|pc|s3|pc|s2|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c3|pc|sA|pc|c8|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d3|pc|s9|pc|d5|pg|| pc|h9|pc|hA|pc|h2|pc|h4|pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|c30|st||md|4SK74HQ4DAQT75C987,SQJ8HT9DKJ42CAQ54,ST63HAJD963CKJT63,SA952HK876532D8C2|sv|o|mb|p|mb|p|mb|1D|mb|p|mb|1H|mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|nt|jillan: hi all :)|pg|| mb|p|nt|barnets: hi jill are you drunk yet ?|pg|| nt|barnets: with the champagne|pg|| nt|jillan: nah, not yet :) but the champagne is i the fridge for tonight|pg|| nt|barnets: send me a glass tks|pg|| pc|s7|nt|jillan: will do....|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|s6|pc|s5|pg|| pc|h9|pc|hA|pc|h2|pc|h4|pg|| nt|jillan: noone is talking about the bridge here what I understand?|pg|| pc|s3|nt|barnets: well victor and I are saying a few words not much to talk about|pg|| mc|10|pg|| qx|o31|st||md|1S94HA963DKQ9C9754,S872HJT5DT7CAQ862,SAJTHQ8DJ8654CKJ3,SKQ653HK742DA32CT|sv|n|nt|jaapfr: anyway good stuff that the Polish team did not surrender the last 16 boards and continued in style|pg|| nt|ahollan1: all 4 tables bid slam on 21|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|1C!|mb|1S|mb|d!|nt|jaapfr: but the Swedes these days too strong for any team|pg|| nt|jaapfr: might even beat Italy and Holland:)|pg|| mb|2S|mb|p|mb|p|nt|vugraphzaz: Holland does not have a bridge team.|pg|| mb|d|mb|p|mb|3D|mb|p|nt|vugraphzaz: Jaap means the Netherlands|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|pc|sK|nt|jaapfr: ty for also that correction:)|pg|| pc|s4|pc|s8|pc|sA|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|sQ|pc|s9|pc|s2|pg|| nt|jillan: hi :)|pg|| pc|s5|pc|h3|pc|s7|pc|sT|pg|| pc|d4|pc|d3|pc|dK|pc|d7|pg|| pc|c5|nt|ahollan1: Jill returns just in time for the offiicial celebration :)|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c3|pc|cT|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|hQ|nt|jaapfr: as born Dutchman (netherlands =Holland= the country of the Dutch) and that for one of the smallest countries in the world|pg|| pc|hK|pc|hA|pg|| pc|c4|pc|c6|pc|cJ|pc|d2|pg|| nt|jillan: in deed :)|pg|| nt|jaapfr: 3 different international names|pg|| pc|h7|pc|h6|pc|hT|pc|h8|pg|| pc|c2|pc|cK|pc|dA|pc|c7|pg|| mc|8|pg|| qx|c31|st||md|1S94HA963DKQ9C9754,S872HJT5DT7CAQ862,SAJTHQ8DJ8654CKJ3,SKQ653HK742DA32CT|sv|n|mb|p|mb|p|mb|1C|mb|1S|nt|barnets: in other room dec finessed the club lead at trcick 1|pg|| mb|d|mb|2S|nt|barnets: and lost a trick in each suit|pg|| nt|barnets: played by east |pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|s9|nt|odysseus69: it vert much looks as if Poland are just going through the motions - many expected ta retiral before this stanza|pg|| nt|jillan: yes, the reason we all have to "suffer" 16 more boards is because on of the Polish pairs had not filled their quota to be considered for e medal|pg|| nt|jillan: otherwise everyone would be celebrating now :)|pg|| pc|s2|pc|sJ|pc|sK|pg|| pc|d2|pc|dQ|pc|d7|pc|d6|pg|| nt|barnets: only 1 imp sepeartes teams in transnational mixed|pg|| pc|s4|pc|s7|pc|sA|pc|s3|pg|| nt|barnets: Milner up by 1|pg|| pc|sT|pc|sQ|pc|h3|pc|s8|pg|| nt|barnets: one board to go here|pg|| nt|barnets: score this set is 36v 29 for Poland|pg|| mc|8|nt|odysseus69: heart discard was fatal|pg|| pg|| qx|o32|st||md|2S976HQ53DAKCT9654,ST43HKT84DT83CAJ7,SQ852HJ972DQ74CQ3,SAKJHA6DJ9652CK82|sv|e|nt|psyck: sounds like triple dutch to me|pg|| nt|jillan: you certainly had a big part of it Roland!!|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|1N|nt|jaapfr: i get now many other names for netherlands in different languages of which some I even do not recognize|pg|| nt|vugraphzaz: Have a look at and you will understand Holland is not the same as the Netherlands.|pg|| mb|p|nt|jillan: i do not understand the reason behind it, but we all know what a terrific job you have done over the years Roland|pg|| mb|2C|mb|p|mb|2D|mb|p|mb|2N|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|jillan: Roland is Walddk2 = Roland Wald|pg|| pc|c5|nt|jaapfr: BBO without Roland is BBO minus imo|pg|| nt|ahollan1: we all know wikipedia is THE final word on the truth [heavy sarcasm]|pg|| nt|psyck: This is Rolands last tourney as vu gr coordinator|pg|| pc|c7|pc|cQ|pc|cK|pg|| pc|d5|pc|dK|pc|d3|pc|d4|pg|| nt|sybarra: all of us who have worked with Roland over the years share you sentiments Jill|pg|| pc|c4|pc|cJ|pc|c3|nt|pebcat: and those that have not|pg|| nt|psyck: The vu gr organisation is beein automated, we will have to wait & see how it works out|pg|| pc|c8|pg|| pc|d8|pc|d7|pc|d2|pc|dA|pg|| pc|c6|pc|cA|pc|s8|pc|c2|pg|| nt|psyck: Roland will of course still be around here at least as a commentator|pg|| pc|dT|pc|dQ|nt|jillan: But Roland what will you do with all your free time now? Play more bridge? Travel the world?|pg|| pc|d6|nt|sybarra: well at least we HOPE so!! |pg|| nt|minnie lee: It was and always be a pleasure to have known Roland! A real champion!|pg|| pc|s6|pg|| pc|s2|nt|pebcat: and cricket guru, we hope|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s7|pc|s3|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|c9|nt|ahollan1: again congratulations to Sweden|pg|| pc|h4|pc|s5|pg|| pc|d9|pc|cT|pc|s4|pc|h2|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h3|pc|h8|pc|h7|pg|| nt|sybarra: some one said to me the bookies are happy re this tourney LOL|pg|| mc|10|nt|jaapfr: and let us not forget the good job Marc did|pg|| nt|sybarra: but congrats to Sweden |pg|| nt|ahollan1: not much change in transnational mixed Canada leads Milner by 11|pg|| nt|ahollan1: other room in our match now on 30|pg|| nt|vugraphzaz: I thanked them all on behalf of BBO, they were happy to hear.|pg|| nt|ahollan1: thanks Marc!|pg|| nt|jillan: see you all there :) |pg|| nt|psyck: Thanks everyone & congrats to Sweden & Poland|pg|| nt|vugraphzaz: Thank you all. Room will be open till closed is finished but I leave myself so can't respond to any message.|pg|| nt|sybarra: who is 3rd? I was asked anyone know?|pg|| nt|sybarra: Monaco 3|pg|| pg|| qx|c32|st||md|2S976HQ53DAKCT9654,ST43HKT84DT83CAJ7,SQ852HJ972DQ74CQ3,SAKJHA6DJ9652CK82|sv|e|nt|ahollan1: on 23 Milner takes 1 imp lead over Canada|pg|| nt|jillan: so Poland may win a second set|pg|| nt|barnets: many congrats again Sweden they played the best bridge |pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|mb|p|nt|barnets: and deserved their victory |pg|| mb|p|pc|c5|nt|odysseus69: yes very well played Sweden- |pg|| nt|barnets: thanks all the operators and all commentators|pg|| nt|jillan: They played outstanding bridge both in th round of 16 against the US, and the semis agains Monaco and now against Poland|pg|| pc|c7|pc|cQ|pc|cK|pg|| pc|d2|nt|bobholl: sweden:):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)|pg|| nt|barnets: and Roland Wald for his hard work|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d3|pc|d4|pg|| pc|c4|pc|cJ|pc|c3|pc|c2|pg|| pc|d8|pc|d7|pc|d5|pc|dA|pg|| nt|jillan: big kiss and hug to Roland!!!|pg|| nt|barnets: and he is now going into retirement|pg|| pc|c6|pc|cA|pc|s2|pc|c8|pg|| nt|barnets: from his organisational duties|pg|| mc|10|nt|jillan: Looking at more cricket so I have been told. not the insects right...... ;)|pg|| nt|barnets: yes right|pg|| pg||