vg|B EC 2011 Final - teams WOMEN,2_3,I,17,32,Kapadokya,48,Netherlands Women 1,6| rs|5CS-1,5SE-1,3DN=,3DN=,4SW-2,5DNx-1,3HW-1,2HW=,3NN-1,3NN-1,3NN+2,3NS=,3NN=,3NS=,4HW-3,4HE-1,2HW+3,2HW+2,1NE=,1NE=,4SE-2,4SE-1,2SW=,2SE=,1NW+1,1NW-1,3SE-2,5CN=,4SW+2,4SW+2,2CW+1,2SW=| pn|BABAC,ARNOLDS,GUMRUKCUOG,VRIEND,Simons,Yavas,Pasman,Kuranoglu|pg|| qx|o17|st||md|3S2HQ9DAQJ2CAKJT52,SAK653HA543D64C83,STHJT876DT98CQ964,SQJ9874HK2DK753C7|sv|o|nt|bobholl: hi all :) dutch have to catch up a lot :( but they will !!(i hope)|pg|| nt|vugraphpl9: hello :)|pg|| nt|danilo1: Hi all|pg|| nt|roswolf: hi all|pg|| nt|mdgraham: good afternoon all|pg|| mb|p|mb|2D!|mb|3C|nt|jcomyn: hi folks - there's a surprising score for you|pg|| nt|danilo1: not for me :)|pg|| nt|henryb: gm|pg|| nt|bobholl: 4@C anyone ?|pg|| nt|roswolf: yes i would have bet on the dutch winning|pg|| mb|4D!|mb|p|nt|roswolf: seems ok to me bob|pg|| nt|danilo1: it is not over yet|pg|| mb|4S|nt|mcarroll: Afternoon John, all|pg|| nt|mdgraham: 4NT now?|pg|| nt|danilo1: 4@D probably = bid ur suit|pg|| nt|mdgraham: bring diamonds into the picture|pg|| mb|d|mb|p|nt|danilo1: Lale will bid 5@C probably|pg|| mb|5C|mb|p|mb|p|nt|vugraphpl9: running scores|pg|| mb|p|nt|danilo1: waw|pg|| nt|jcomyn: you know the turkish players well danilo?|pg|| nt|bobholl: carla (arnolds) not sure a @S coming trough|pg|| nt|danilo1: thk so :)|pg|| pc|sA|pc|sT|pc|s4|pc|s2|pg|| nt|bobholl: carla knows bep has something else but what ?|pg|| pc|d6|pc|d8|pc|dK|pc|dA|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c3|pc|c4|pc|c7|pg|| pc|cT|pc|c8|pc|cQ|pc|sQ|pg|| pc|c9|pc|s7|pc|c2|pc|s3|pg|| pc|c6|nt|bobholl: now that is a @H signal :)|pg|| pc|d3|pc|cJ|pc|s5|pg|| nt|danilo1: @D second trick was good play ... if 2 @H tricks to come .. they will not run away|pg|| pc|cK|pc|s6|pc|h6|pc|s8|pg|| pc|d2|pc|d4|pc|d9|pc|d5|pg|| pc|dT|pc|d7|pc|dJ|pc|h3|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|h4|pc|h7|pc|s9|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h5|pc|h8|pc|hK|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|c5|pc|sK|pc|hT|pg|| pc|h9|pc|hA|pc|hJ|pc|h2|pg|| nt|mdgraham: a journey of 42 imps - starts with a 3 imp pickup|pg|| pg|| qx|c17|st||md|3S2HQ9DAQJ2CAKJT52,SAK653HA543D64C83,STHJT876DT98CQ964,SQJ9874HK2DK753C7|sv|o|nt|ralfwil: hello Martin!|pg|| nt|vugraphpl7: we have a problem|pg|| nt|jr7: Maybee East still is a sleep! :-)|pg|| nt|jr7: :(|pg|| nt|vugraphpl7: they are playing but i have mistake in boards|pg|| nt|ady: how many go through?|pg|| nt|kastan88: 3 best teams from each group (8 teams) qualifying to Swiss A|pg|| nt|jbgood: hi|pg|| nt|kastan88: hej Jon|pg|| nt|ady: thx|pg|| nt|alok_daga: starts with a bang|pg|| nt|alok_daga: A grand for EW,highly biddable|pg|| mb|p|nt|roswolf: hi all|pg|| nt|hawe45: 3 NT - easy to make, but to bid it - I doubt...|pg|| nt|cenglund: Hello everybody|pg|| nt|hawe45: hi|pg|| nt|roswolf: ITALY V NORWAY HERE|pg|| nt|yusufb: hoþbulduk paþam sagolasýn|pg|| mb|2S|an| |mb|3C|nt|alok_daga: playing IMPS wud prefer 2 bid 7dmnds|pg|| nt|alok_daga: 1nt (tr 2 dmnds),acceptance,RKC,5NT 7|pg|| nt|pelu: Hi all wellcome to the first KO-match|pg|| mb|4S|nt|ady: 4@H looks ok for e/w but can beaten if defence finds 2 diamond ruffs|pg|| nt|MolvaM: wecome everyone|pg|| nt|MolvaM: welcome|pg|| nt|MolvaM: avrupa þampiyonasý bayanlar takým finalinde 2. devredeyiz|pg|| nt|MolvaM: maç 3 devreden oluþuyor|pg|| mb|5C|nt|ady: 5@D makes if getting heart right|pg|| nt|jbgood: and 4@s or 5@c playable|pg|| nt|ady: n/s do well in spades in spite of 4-1 split|pg|| nt|ady: sorry of course 3 losers in diamonds for e/w|pg|| nt|hawe45: If 2 @D is a weak-2 - it´s awful|pg|| nt|suketbombi: 5@H here would be a great sucess for E-W unless N-s finds an impossible @D ruff|pg|| nt|vugraphpl7: E:|pg|| nt|pelu: to make 4@S decl has to duck @s 2x, but as u see 5@H close to make - only defense: @DA and small @S to Q - almost impossible to find|pg|| nt|vugraphpl7: W:|pg|| nt|suketbombi: yes|pg|| nt|pelu: Hi Raju wellcome|pg|| nt|vugraphpl7: W:|pg|| nt|xenya: hello everyone|pg|| nt|roswolf: hi vladimir|pg|| nt|xenya: hello Geoffrey|pg|| nt|vugraphpl7: S:|pg|| nt|vugraphpl7: N:|pg|| nt|geot: Hi friends:)|pg|| nt|MolvaM: second half of the round of 16 knockout match|pg|| mb|p|nt|suketbombi: GM peter Thx and welcome all the specs|pg|| nt|roswolf: normal start how enterprising is west "!?|pg|| mb|p|nt|MolvaM: 3. ve son devre 17:40 ta baþlayacak|pg|| mb|5S|nt|alok_daga: 3spades=shortage,I assume|pg|| mb|p|nt|geot: Geoffrey, Vlad, and specs|pg|| mb|p|nt|roswolf: hmm nrway strikes first|pg|| nt|xenya: hello Geo|pg|| nt|mamos: good afternoon|pg|| nt|yusufb: bayanlarýmýza baþarýlar ve þu ana kadarki gosterdikleri müthiþ baþarýdan dolayý tebriklerrrr elleri dogruya gitsin|pg|| mb|p|nt|rmb1: 4@D seems to have stolen the hand|pg|| nt|cenglund: I would not open 2H with 4 cards in the other major in 2nd hand|pg|| nt|hawe45: And so much values in minors|pg|| nt|alok_daga: 4cl by East,now all Forcing|pg|| nt|pelu: the X is the clue to S to find the winning plan|pg|| nt|suketbombi: good board for australia if they make this it will be ahugh bonus not very tuff|pg|| nt|suketbombi: @C ace is off hence let it be doubleon then|pg|| nt|suketbombi: sorry very sorry|pg|| nt|suketbombi: South Africa was dreaming:):)|pg|| nt|jcomyn: mornin|pg|| nt|yusufb: final maçý 16 bordluk 3 devre toplam 48 bord ilk devre sonucu bizim acýmýzdan oldukça güzel|pg|| pc|cA|nt|hajru: Good morning, welcome to the women's final in Poznan, set 1|pg|| pc|c3|nt|fabsayc: 420 is par, use entries for spade finesses|pg|| nt|ralfwil: important to finess in @s immediately|pg|| nt|ady: not the way to beat 4@H|pg|| pc|c9|nt|jr7: Hi all - no names, but we are playing|pg|| pc|c7|pg|| nt|jbgood: and the trump lead doesnt hurt declarer much|pg|| nt|alok_daga: hope bidding 6 does not go unpunished as a flat brd|pg|| nt|alok_daga: Fantoni,Nunes miss this cold grand?|pg|| nt|mamos: NS rying to mess with EWs auction here|pg|| nt|hawe45: 3 NT from West - and North must lead a SMALL @S...|pg|| nt|MolvaM: we start with an exciting deal|pg|| pc|cK|nt|geot: Duboins double was of course a reasonable choice, but no success here|pg|| nt|psyck: Hello everyone|pg|| nt|roswolf: a bit too pushy by west although 5@D would not be a success either|pg|| nt|hawe45: - making with the @H 10 in South|pg|| pc|c8|nt|roswolf: are these the right teams/names?|pg|| nt|hawe45: Ace of @H and a @h will be a deception for North|pg|| nt|xenya: this will be painful for Lavazza|pg|| nt|mamos: 4@h better|pg|| nt|mamos: wow seems odd to sell out to this|pg|| nt|hawe45: No - 4 @H always down, as long as South does NOT take the @D King|pg|| nt|hawe45: Tactic: Write a + - and win|pg|| nt|atabey: bir batara bir batar. bence taktik olarak doðru dileðin yaptýðý|pg|| pc|c4|nt|roswolf: hi CK|pg|| pc|s8|pg|| nt|rmb1: North needed to make more of his club suit in the auction|pg|| nt|vugraphpl7: running scores|pg|| pc|s7|nt|davpro: Well done|pg|| pc|s2|pc|sA|pc|sT|pg|| nt|alok_daga: this 7 ,playing teams by any standard shud br a push.F&N will be v upset I am sure|pg|| nt|davpro: true|pg|| nt|suketbombi: too fast|pg|| nt|pelu: 5@S x in OR hare S only open 1@S and EW could easy fins the @H-fit and bid on to 5@h|pg|| pc|d4|nt|fabsayc: there is more though, some chance of a squeeze for 5|pg|| nt|mamos: letting your opponnets play 2@s-3 seems dubious tactics|pg|| pc|d8|pc|dK|pc|dA|pg|| mc|10|pg|| qx|o18|st||md|4S975H87DA32CJT742,SJTHKQ2D985CAK865,SAQ42HAT53DKQJT7C,SK863HJ964D64CQ93|sv|n|nt|bobholl: 3 is better than nothing |pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|1C!|nt|danilo1: this 3 IMPs may be important for Dutch girls ... good judgement both rooms at the start may be pcychologicaly important|pg|| mb|d|mb|1H|mb|p|nt|mdgraham: indeed - but they won't know that until they score up :)|pg|| mb|2H|nt|danilo1: they know (each room) they made thir best|pg|| nt|bobholl: worth 3@D now ?|pg|| nt|danilo1: if bid ... Dble again|pg|| nt|jcomyn: dont mind him danilo he's only having u on|pg|| mb|3D|mb|p|nt|danilo1: :)|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|mdgraham: about board 17 - everybody at both tables seemed to judge it pretty well. Very fine margins |pg|| pc|c3|pc|cJ|pc|cK|pc|d7|pg|| pc|h5|pc|h4|pc|h7|pc|hQ|pg|| nt|bobholl: small @C now (i would)|pg|| nt|danilo1: 3@D probably np .. .may loose max ... 3@S and 1@H ... should avoid @S finess if (expected) @D back - since cannot risk secon trump back|pg|| nt|jcomyn: trump lead might have been better|pg|| nt|danilo1: y|pg|| nt|bobholl: sure but now won't help anymore|pg|| nt|mcarroll: Trump lead holds it to 3, otherwise 4 makes|pg|| nt|danilo1: hope will make 3 |pg|| nt|danilo1: still time for @D back - to hold on 3|pg|| pc|c5|pc|dT|pc|c9|pc|c2|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h6|pc|h8|pc|h2|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h9|pc|d2|pc|hK|pg|| nt|danilo1: now may afford @S finess|pg|| nt|mdgraham: spade to ace, heart ruff with ace of trumps|pg|| pc|c4|pc|c6|pc|dJ|pc|cQ|pg|| pc|hT|pc|hJ|pc|dA|pc|c8|pg|| pc|s5|pc|sT|pc|sQ|pc|sK|pg|| pc|d4|pc|d3|pc|d5|pc|dK|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s3|pc|s7|pc|sJ|pg|| pc|s2|pc|s6|pc|s9|pc|d8|pg|| pc|cA|pc|dQ|pc|s8|pc|c7|pg|| pc|s4|pc|d6|pc|cT|pc|d9|pg|| pg|| qx|c18|st||md|4S975H87DA32CJT742,SJTHKQ2D985CAK865,SAQ42HAT53DKQJT7C,SK863HJ964D64CQ93|sv|n|nt|kirp: Small slam potential for NS, some interference possible by EW|pg|| nt|hawe45: How to bid 3 NT - I see no way to that contract|pg|| nt|cenglund: There is a risk to end up in 4 hearts|pg|| nt|cenglund: They probably open 1H|pg|| nt|hawe45: It would have more idea to open THIS West-hand with 2 @D|pg|| nt|cenglund: It was a disaster for the South Africans|pg|| nt|hawe45: - but I would´nt do it|pg|| nt|pelu: I 100% agree with Apteker to open 4@s|pg|| nt|suketbombi: would have played @S T to queen in an unlikely event @S 9 drops singleton and @DK is doubleton then think about @CS|pg|| nt|Walddk4: Welcome to Patrick|pg|| nt|patricck: Hi everyone :)|pg|| nt|suketbombi: hi Patrick|pg|| nt|pelu: another wild board|pg|| nt|roswolf: new leaders|pg|| nt|xenya: hello CK|pg|| nt|desert: hi all|pg|| nt|MolvaM: and ew could perhaps have made 3nt|pg|| nt|yusufb: evet 5@c oynatmayý riske etmemesi normal bencede 11 @s biliyorken defansýda fazla yok|pg|| mb|p|nt|ady: 4@H down 2 in open room 11 imps for Netherlands|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: Hans , Christer , Specs good afternoon to all |pg|| nt|geot: An unusual 17 imps against a team of such a standard|pg|| nt|xenya: who is to blame on that deal?|pg|| mb|p|nt|ralfwil: but - at least in teams - declarer should have played @sA and @s10 before the last trumph. a good player can duck @sJ|pg|| nt|geot: West could certainly have bid 4NT, two places to play (minors at first)|pg|| mb|1C|nt|cenglund: Meck opened 1D with the puny collection of high cards|pg|| nt|hawe45: The problem is: You take these two first West-hands and compare. There is TOO much fifference - so partner never will know, what you have, when you open 2 @D|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: 2@D opener , with diferent type of hands|pg|| nt|alok_daga: 1sp 1nt 2hrts,2spades then?|pg|| nt|patricck: A nice start for the Apteker team as EW pushed the Open room pair one level higher|pg|| nt|roswolf: double game + swing|pg|| nt|MolvaM: declared from east of course|pg|| nt|MolvaM: hi martin|pg|| mb|d|nt|fabsayc: double by north|pg|| mb|1H|nt|kirp: As predicted!|pg|| nt|Walddk4: Welcome to Ronny|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: Hi all|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: N/S play either straight forward 2/1 or transfer after 1@c opening|pg|| nt|jbgood: N opened 3 @c and E made a nonleaping Michaels 4@d, so 4@h was wrongsided and got a @d lead|pg|| nt|rmb1: 3NT by South is not bad with spade lead from King|pg|| nt|ady: 12 tricks possible|pg|| nt|rmb1: Yes @H + @D behave well|pg|| nt|rmb1: Meanwhile South could X or bid NT now|pg|| nt|ady: not wild about 2@S from east|pg|| nt|jbgood: 500 in 2@s x - but that will not happen|pg|| nt|mamos: don't know geoffrey|pg|| nt|hawe45: Only + = both hands had the 10 of @S|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: 11 fast reicks for N-S in minor |pg|| nt|cenglund: True, but I am sure they would have opened 1H, but Meck did not allow that|pg|| nt|hawe45: It seems, that a @S-shift will kill 5 @C|pg|| nt|hawe45: Not so fast... - these 11 tricks|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: the 11 trick of @D can be a problem in this hand |pg|| nt|roswolf: 3nt will be reached quickly here|pg|| nt|mamos: Lebensohl or equivalent here|pg|| nt|murat: good morning everybody|pg|| nt|bobholl: hi all :)|pg|| mb|p|mb|1N|nt|oosmanb: Hi everyone|pg|| nt|kirp: S takes ull by the horns|pg|| nt|kirp: bull not ull|pg|| nt|oosmanb: Nice bid by South!|pg|| nt|pelu: when the X show the black suits what is 2@C then?|pg|| nt|patricck: East has taken away North's main suit|pg|| nt|yusufb: 1@h pas diyebilirdi|pg|| mb|2D|nt|roswolf: ah they change|pg|| nt|suketbombi: wnats to get his @S in to picture early and bid @Cs to hilt but his party is spoiled by the 2@C bid East|pg|| nt|blum1956: hi all|pg|| mb|p|nt|jbgood: and now 3 NT?|pg|| nt|roswolf: hi mike|pg|| nt|mamos: Mahaffey EW|pg|| nt|roswolf: at least this will be fast:)|pg|| nt|hawe45: @H-lead is obligatory, otherwise 11 tricks|pg|| nt|pelu: 2@C just tell: be carefull N - bad distribution - |pg|| nt|pelu: N dont belive :)|pg|| nt|patricck: Now there is partnership confidence, having no doubts about partner misinterpreting the bid|pg|| nt|pelu: will S bid 3@S or give up?|pg|| nt|patricck: South is sitting there waiting for a power cut I he doesn't feel happy about the auction|pg|| nt|mamos: 2@c showed majors 2NT was presumably relay|pg|| mb|p|nt|MolvaM: this seems to go -500|pg|| mb|2H|nt|STRIK3R: you might have seen me playing with Olsen on BBO, his nick is James950|pg|| nt|oosmanb: He's actually a regular on BBO |pg|| nt|STRIK3R: yes :)|pg|| nt|rmb1: Nowhere else to go?|pg|| nt|jbgood: 5@c also good|pg|| nt|pelu: would u in S place :)|pg|| nt|suketbombi: :)|pg|| nt|pelu: now N sh accept - his partner passed over 2@c|pg|| nt|geot: South just delay the 3NT bid here, cant really see why she did not bid 3NT over 1S|pg|| nt|hawe45: hi|pg|| nt|jcomyn: we nearly have a football team this morning|pg|| mb|p|nt|fabsayc: is club ace realistic lead|pg|| nt|ady: 3@S North?|pg|| nt|patricck: best defence is to lead @D, A@H and another might lead to a lucky 10 tricks when the K@S falls after East has ruffed|pg|| nt|suketbombi: @DS is the best Start for defence |pg|| nt|pelu: samme bidding to 3@C in OR, but here S passed|pg|| nt|pelu: Piekarek like to X|pg|| nt|patricck: no reason to double here|pg|| mb|p|nt|hawe45: No @S-lead also OK naturally|pg|| nt|xenya: 3N i may be Geoffrey, but certainly not quickly|pg|| nt|MolvaM: but maybe declarer can salvage a 7th trick in clubs|pg|| nt|MolvaM: if defence cant find their club ruff|pg|| nt|MolvaM: prev board was a 6 imp gain for rosenthal when open room found the 3nt|pg|| nt|MolvaM: played by east|pg|| nt|MolvaM: ns can make 4h|pg|| nt|murat: :) |pg|| nt|bobholl: difficult to find that 2@D is not the rigth defence|pg|| nt|hajru: Welcome back everybody|pg|| mb|3D|nt|jameslee 2: K@S lead |pg|| nt|xenya: and not 3N... |pg|| nt|bobholl: niecely played 2 down i saw :)|pg|| mb|p|nt|rmb1: 4@H will be more interesting|pg|| nt|jbgood: even 4@h:) at least on a spade lead|pg|| nt|suketbombi: nice lead :) |pg|| nt|hawe45: Some will be off-side|pg|| mb|p|nt|fabsayc: or duck of heart lead now|pg|| nt|pelu: best attack - now prob down more that 1|pg|| nt|mamos: what options do you think South is thinking about here Hans?|pg|| nt|hawe45: Checking the menu for dinner|pg|| nt|mamos: lol|pg|| nt|MolvaM: so they must take this -2 to gain|pg|| mb|p|nt|ralfwil: a clear duck! If declarer has @hAjxxx why not finess?|pg|| nt|alok_daga: the OR made a helptry thru a 3dmnds,here more logical,end result,same.Diff 2 bid|pg|| nt|xenya: what's going on here|pg|| nt|roswolf: 4@S on a moysian fit is unexpected|pg|| nt|psyck: S got herself worried of the @d unneccesarily|pg|| nt|geot: ex-Norwegian I am not to happy about this auction|pg|| nt|roswolf: 5@C on a moysian is crazy|pg|| nt|MolvaM: now -1|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 6 diamond tricks |pg|| nt|MolvaM: better claim next :)|pg|| pc|c3|nt|fabsayc: i think it is, this play only makes sense if south has heart ace|pg|| nt|geot: 25 HCPs and two balanced hands, seems to "clever" to do something like this|pg|| nt|psyck: looks like 3N would have come home with say a loser in each suit|pg|| nt|atabey: bir seviye yukarý çýkarttýlar ama hala sorunsuz gibi 3@d|pg|| pc|c2|nt|jameslee 2: bad luck to see 11 and not make them |pg|| nt|MolvaM: well. declarer is a fighter obviously |pg|| pc|cK|nt|roswolf: imps back to the coffee drinkers i fancy:)|pg|| nt|jcomyn: club now|pg|| nt|bobholl: or a and small @S :) impossible :)|pg|| nt|murat: i'm moving to OR. have fun all|pg|| pc|d7|pg|| nt|bobholl: jet will find the @C|pg|| pc|hA|nt|patricck: best not to cover|pg|| nt|suketbombi: normaly u lead doubleton to get ruff here it is to shorten the big hand|pg|| pc|h4|nt|jbgood: perhaps N might have tried 3@s over 3 @h?|pg|| nt|MolvaM: I think he will claim now|pg|| pc|h7|nt|fabsayc: yes jack was a mistake|pg|| nt|hawe45: Bad luck for declarer|pg|| pc|h2|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: thats it |pg|| nt|jameslee 2: he is the one that can see them not the others |pg|| nt|hawe45: Now -2 for 3 IMP´s|pg|| nt|hawe45: - if he tries to make it|pg|| nt|MolvaM: bildiðim kadarý ile takýmýmýz 4 kiþi oynuyor. yani þu an masadaki ekip hafta baþýndan bu yana sürekli masada|pg|| pc|h5|nt|hawe45: This would be wrong with 3 @C together with 4 @D|pg|| nt|cenglund: Spade 10 prevent declarer from squeezing East|pg|| pc|h9|nt|MolvaM: really no chance to find the extra trick esp against fredin fallenius|pg|| pc|h8|nt|mamos: one off for push now |pg|| pc|hQ|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: other room 5@C -1|pg|| nt|atabey: 2 kup yapabiliyo. koz çýksa bu sefer de pik düþtüðü için yapýcaktý|pg|| pc|d9|nt|Walddk4: 2 segments of 14 boards in the R32, R16, QF and SF. 3 x 16 in the finals on Wednesday|pg|| nt|patricck: pitch a @C from dummy might be best|pg|| nt|patricck: 28 board matches are of course cutthroat, the best team often wins but the match is short enough to give the underdog a fighting chance|pg|| nt|suketbombi: he is likely to ruff and play the @CT|pg|| nt|pelu: ruff, take @SA and play @C and West is ensplayed|pg|| nt|pelu: bridge is so easy when u see all 52 cards :)|pg|| nt|patricck: We've been seeing the same cards for quite a while now......... hopefully we will see some action soon|pg|| nt|psyck: likely no more tricks in @c than in NT|pg|| pc|dK|nt|ralfwil: what are the best chances? enter dummy on @sA and play a small @h?|pg|| nt|fabsayc: small heart from hand trick 2 looks fine|pg|| pc|d6|nt|cenglund: Mahaffey may discard a spade and then declarer will prevail|pg|| nt|hajru: The NS teamname is wrong, this is the dutch women's team, not the US Joel team|pg|| pc|d2|pg|| nt|alok_daga: clubs,33,hrts 33,Spade K inside ,nv brd not wrth the risk|pg|| nt|geot: and the contract is two levels higher|pg|| nt|MolvaM: c9 is good by the way|pg|| nt|MolvaM: must take their spade now|pg|| nt|MolvaM: avrupa þampiyonasý gibi yorucu bir turnuvada bu þekilde oynamak büyük baþarý|pg|| pc|h3|nt|suketbombi: sure but he knows 2/1/5/5 with east|pg|| pc|h6|pc|d3|nt|cenglund: Now it's -1|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: upps |pg|| nt|hawe45: No push any longer|pg|| pc|hK|pg|| nt|rmb1: @C finesse and @H finesse|pg|| nt|ady: re hi all got disconnected|pg|| nt|rmb1: Not missed much - declarer edging his way towards his contract|pg|| nt|hawe45: West has a weak-2 - and East will keep the @H´s|pg|| pc|c7|pc|c5|pc|dT|pc|c9|pg|| nt|ady: see they chose the 4-3 heart fit looks like 11 tricks|pg|| nt|xenya: but expertly played by N|pg|| pc|hT|pc|hJ|nt|rmb1: More effective auction in OR|pg|| nt|ady: can pick up the hearts but clubs blocked so will hav e to lose 1 more|pg|| nt|jbgood: 11 for at push|pg|| nt|patricck: A@S and Q@S is good enough to make|pg|| nt|yusufb: evet bende 4 kiþi biliyorum ama bir maçýn line up da yabancý bir isim vardý onu anlamadým muhtemel bir yanlýþlýk|pg|| pc|dA|nt|jameslee 2: 5@C =|pg|| pc|c6|pg|| nt|pelu: now its East who is endplayed|pg|| nt|suketbombi: yes |pg|| nt|patricck: well, a small diamond lead declarer needs to finesse the 9, tricky|pg|| nt|psyck: 3N in other room should come home if dec plays for @s 33 with 3@s, 1@h, 2@d, 3@c|pg|| nt|xenya: now another trump |pg|| nt|atabey: bu kýzlara ne desek az. inanýlmaz biþey baþardýlar. þunu da atlatalým da|pg|| nt|MolvaM: þu an ilk hedef bu devreyi berabere bitirmek|pg|| nt|yusufb: 4 kiþi oynamak ve her maçýn son borda kadar heyacanýn sürmesi |pg|| pc|s5|nt|suketbombi: he has all the count tho|pg|| nt|pelu: no he know after the bidding that East has all @Ds|pg|| nt|patricck: not so tricky on the bidding|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|sA|pc|s3|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|d4|pc|c4|pc|d5|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|s6|pc|cT|nt|roswolf: this is a great source for losing imps is to take unusual actions on the hands which are not contested by opps - 3nt was the obvious bid at both south's 2nd + 3rd turns to bid - ...|pg|| nt|roswolf: almost sure to be duplicated in the other room|pg|| pc|d8|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|sK|pc|s7|pc|sT|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|cJ|pc|cA|pc|s2|pg|| pc|c8|pc|s4|pc|s8|pc|s9|pg|| pg|| qx|o19|st||md|1SJ52HKT854DAQ2CA5,S8743HA93D4CJ8642,S6HJ6DT987653CQ97,SAKQT9HQ72DKJCKT3|sv|e|mb|1H|mb|p|mb|p|nt|danilo1: East must play ev. 4@S |pg|| mb|d|nt|bobholl: or N 5@D :)|pg|| mb|p|nt|danilo1: ev. Dble by Vriend now is risk|pg|| mb|1S|mb|p|nt|danilo1: Lale will not defend ... pd has opening bid|pg|| mb|3S|mb|p|mb|4S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|bobholl: sry have to leave cu all (later)|pg|| nt|danilo1: small @H?|pg|| nt|danilo1: guess no|pg|| pc|hJ|nt|vugraphpl9: nope|pg|| nt|danilo1: ... still - possible 2@C loosers|pg|| pc|h2|pc|h4|pc|hA|pg|| pc|s4|pc|s6|pc|sA|pc|s5|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s2|pc|s3|nt|jeanhari: hi all|pg|| pc|dT|pg|| nt|jcomyn: hey folks alright with u if i butt out as too many of us really ok?|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|sJ|pc|s7|pc|d5|pg|| pc|dK|pc|dA|pc|d4|pc|d6|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|s8|nt|jeanhari: only chance is Qx of clubs in north and south having only two diamonds|pg|| pc|d3|pc|dJ|pg|| nt|mdgraham: as long as North covers the @CJ...|pg|| nt|vugraphpl9: Arnolds still thinking|pg|| nt|mdgraham: only practical chance is Qx clubs with North|pg|| pc|c4|pc|c7|pc|cT|pc|cA|pg|| pc|c5|nt|mdgraham: spec suggests, correctly, that A9 with South would do too|pg|| pc|c8|pc|c9|pc|cK|pg|| nt|mdgraham: but nothing works now|pg|| pc|c3|pc|h5|pc|cJ|pc|cQ|pg|| pc|h6|pc|h7|pc|hT|mc|8|pg|| qx|c19|st||md|1SJ52HKT854DAQ2CA5,S8743HA93D4CJ8642,S6HJ6DT987653CQ97,SAKQT9HQ72DKJCKT3|sv|e|nt|mamos: 3Nt NS seems likely|pg|| nt|roswolf: meckwell in the other room|pg|| nt|hawe45: Bridge is an easy game - defense not!|pg|| nt|cenglund: He will establish a spade trick now|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: big swing 12 |pg|| nt|jameslee 2: miss fit for N-S reds againts -blacks |pg|| nt|jameslee 2: part score lets see where|pg|| nt|roswolf: the roof fell in|pg|| nt|xenya: small slip at the end for an extra undertrick|pg|| nt|roswolf: more bite here|pg|| nt|psyck: anyway, imps to the coffee promoters will make the match closer & more exciting for us|pg|| nt|hawe45: OK|pg|| nt|mamos: defence has two more tricks|pg|| nt|MolvaM: dont agree with the second double of fredin |pg|| nt|MolvaM: but what do I know :)|pg|| nt|hajru: well defended by NS, down two.|pg|| nt|MolvaM: bu devreki 3. yorumcumuz zafer þengüler. hoþ geldin zafer|pg|| nt|yusufb: hoþgeldin zafer|pg|| nt|atabey: slm zafer|pg|| nt|sengulerz: hosbulduk.. Mrb arkadaþlar|pg|| mb|1H|nt|cenglund: You could not imagine that he scored a trick in a side suit missing KQJ10|pg|| nt|pelu: a very nice board|pg|| mb|p|nt|kirp: Precision @C by W|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: N/S can make 3@h and E/W can make 3@d, but need accurate play to make 3@H I think|pg|| nt|roswolf: indeed mike -straightforward bd|pg|| nt|psyck: oh, 3N did not make after all|pg|| mb|1N|nt|fann4: The OR (Open Room) in 4@S|pg|| nt|hawe45: Easy game with @S Queen well placed|pg|| mb|d|nt|kirp: 3@H looks ambitious on 43|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: 1@d was suction|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: @H or @s and @c|pg|| nt|rmb1: According to their card, South could open 1NT, not sure why he didn't|pg|| nt|roswolf: indeed and perhaps a share in the complimentary drink -p&p to the UK is the bore though:(|pg|| nt|bobholl: how to bid 6@C |pg|| nt|blum1956: another wild board|pg|| nt|hajru: This looks like a Roland 7@c|pg|| nt|hajru: 2@c is either a relay or a natural suit|pg|| mb|p|nt|oosmanb: 3@D probably for EW|pg|| nt|oosmanb: 3@h might be tricky|pg|| nt|alok_daga: 17 facing 14,a slam for the taking as cards fit.Doubt whether it will be bid|pg|| nt|fann4: E made a try and then stopped (he was facing a weak NT opening)|pg|| nt|MolvaM: yes kibs, the defence was a bit less than perfect|pg|| mb|2C|nt|fabsayc: this 2@D is a new species, at least for me|pg|| nt|kirp: curious to see how high EW get now|pg|| nt|hawe45: Nobody will agree - but life is fantastic. if you open he North hand with 1 @C|pg|| nt|jcomyn: well i have seen worse only one finesse a very good irish grand|pg|| mb|2D|nt|fann4: Similar situation now - not easy for E to drive to slam, though he has 7 controls, a doubleton and some good @D|pg|| nt|psyck: declarer played @h too early, before setting up @c's|pg|| mb|2S|nt|ralfwil: 2@s on the way to 3@d?|pg|| nt|ady: bad diamond split may beat this|pg|| nt|roswolf: 2nt!?|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: other table meck made the 2@H with the sing 8@C lead |pg|| nt|roswolf: still 3 imps to the italians|pg|| mb|3D|nt|hawe45: Might do without finesse - East could have the bare King...|pg|| mb|3S|nt|jameslee 2: but here bidding to finishe |pg|| nt|cenglund: Multi is a dangerous gadget - for both sides|pg|| nt|hawe45: 2 @S: I confirm my 5-card-suit...|pg|| nt|pelu: a veru poor opening, can NS stop in time?|pg|| nt|patricck: might be a thin opening, but it would have been a chunky pass :)|pg|| nt|suketbombi: agree peter|pg|| nt|pelu: Qx 2x are not good vcalues|pg|| nt|bobholl: let them reach 6@C first which is difficult after this start|pg|| nt|jcomyn: so when 5 is played is the k singleton with e or what|pg|| nt|atabey: piki doðru taraftan dediler. dilek nie 2@s demedi anlamadým ama|pg|| nt|yusufb: artýk kýrmýzý beyaz pozisyonda herkes cevap veriyor puana bakmazsýzýn|pg|| nt|sengulerz: doðru taraftan oynamak için:)|pg|| nt|atabey: tedirginlik var galiba. 4@s de demedi|pg|| mb|5D|nt|kirp: E showed 5-7 hcp, so no strain on raise to 3@D|pg|| nt|oosmanb: this just needs @C Ace onside, (or Ax @S?)|pg|| nt|alok_daga: wud rank F&N as 1 of the best in business they not having a gud day in office|pg|| nt|pelu: and the opening suit not better|pg|| nt|mamos: cards lie very friendly for Spades|pg|| nt|MolvaM: maybe there was no agreement as to its meaning. was it negative x? or just some values?|pg|| nt|MolvaM: so apparently 3H confirms 5-5 but can still be min hand|pg|| nt|MolvaM: kibitser: It looks like a T/O, but Fredin LOVES penalty doubles|pg|| mb|d|nt|rmb1: Loose one @D and ruff one, could be just one @D loser|pg|| nt|jbgood: he may lose to the king and ruff one - that would give 10|pg|| nt|ady: yes will have to take care|pg|| nt|roswolf: 3nt looks certain|pg|| nt|roswolf: i assume the 1@S bid denied 4@H|pg|| nt|fann4: Only 11 tricks in NT|pg|| nt|alok_daga: the nt game playing IMPS is ridiculous|pg|| nt|patricck: sure, but the 10@D is a useful filler, I am not saying it is a clear opening, just that it is close to the borderline|pg|| nt|roswolf: alet off for norway|pg|| nt|yusufb: x der|pg|| mb|p|nt|jbgood: sry Robin - not a deliberate copy:)|pg|| nt|roswolf: this auction is very restrained|pg|| nt|bobholl: well done by jet 4@S now ?|pg|| mb|p|nt|psyck: indded, N managed to describe his hand at a low level|pg|| nt|blum1956: Simons missed the @s cue|pg|| nt|blum1956: Pasman may pass now|pg|| nt|bobholl: will pass i fear :(|pg|| nt|jcomyn: doubt it|pg|| nt|jcomyn: my money is on 6|pg|| nt|bobholl: wanna bet :)|pg|| mb|p|nt|rmb1: Yes. Not always true that 3 losers is 10 winners|pg|| nt|MolvaM: cullin has exact cards that upmark was looking for|pg|| nt|MolvaM: no wasted points|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 4 pik dense yapýlabilir miydi|pg|| pc|sK|nt|jameslee 2: now hw has confirm the 5@C also :)|pg|| nt|hawe45: Yes - at the 3-level...|pg|| nt|blum1956: But Simons missed the @h cue as well so she may have the @c AK|pg|| nt|hawe45: Why did´nt South bid 4 @S and not 5 @C???|pg|| nt|sengulerz: Doðu tarafýndan olurdu|pg|| nt|atabey: 4@s olabilir ama 5@d oluyo galiba|pg|| pc|s2|nt|mamos: So Diamonds are 3-3 and soon declarer wil smile|pg|| nt|roswolf: i think that the odds are on north only having 3|pg|| nt|jcomyn: a bad miss i owe you a pint|pg|| nt|bobholl: not glad :(|pg|| pc|s3|nt|STRIK3R: will find the A of @c and @s after 1@d, since 1@h was a freely bid|pg|| pc|s6|pg|| nt|fabsayc: this looks very good for NS, all games down and lots of values|pg|| nt|MolvaM: he could well hold @cKJ and @dQ :)|pg|| pc|c3|nt|ralfwil: 9 tricks on any lead, so a nice stop|pg|| nt|mamos: declarer does have entry problems|pg|| nt|roswolf: yes but i fancy this making|pg|| nt|MolvaM: acaba dilek 2 pik diyebilseydi kuzey 3@d diyebilir miydi?|pg|| nt|sengulerz: çok zor.. demezdi sanýrým|pg|| pc|c5|nt|jameslee 2: not and easy spot to make 9 lets she what can happend |pg|| pc|cJ|nt|pelu: no problem in opening on 11, but u sh have a good suit|pg|| nt|hawe45: Claim|pg|| nt|bobholl: will play A@C now|pg|| pc|cQ|pg|| nt|oosmanb: actually maybe it also needs A@S onside or @D 2-2, so you can get to 2nd @c trick|pg|| nt|yusufb: @h bilemezse batar|pg|| pc|d6|nt|ady: looks to bwe going about it the right way|pg|| nt|mamos: or communication problems is a better way of expressing it|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: 9@C coming back |pg|| pc|dK|nt|roswolf: should overtake and play a spade|pg|| pc|dA|nt|suketbombi: agree also the number of Cards in Major are relevant when u open light|pg|| nt|patricck: I would agree it would be a horrible opening if the @D were J7532, but with J10852 I would not condemn my partner if they chose to open|pg|| pc|d4|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: j@D can come from N |pg|| nt|pelu: 7 tricks: @DAK, @c to Q and @Dj|pg|| nt|MolvaM: wow fallenius played small @h lightning quick|pg|| nt|atabey: tek umut körü bilememesi artýk|pg|| nt|atabey: bilemeyebilir. büyük ihtimal bilemicek zaten|pg|| nt|yusufb: evet bilememesi normal|pg|| pc|s5|nt|mamos: yeah we know it's ok he does not|pg|| nt|roswolf: now declarer just needs to cash tricks|pg|| nt|roswolf: :)|pg|| nt|vugraphplf: The home team's true name now is KONSTANTA. We had input the name SKWARK due to some minor discrepancies in the matchup. We apologize for any inconvenience.|pg|| pc|s8|pc|d5|nt|pelu: in Op S passed over 1@S, and now EW in 2@Sx|pg|| pc|s9|pg|| nt|atabey: trefl dönüþü iyi oldu bir taraftan|pg|| pc|d3|nt|jameslee 2: can make 2@H/2@D/4@C not easy to make the 9th trick |pg|| pc|dJ|pc|dQ|nt|rmb1: Made it look easy|pg|| pc|s7|pg|| nt|atabey: diðer türlü körü tek oynama þekli empastý|pg|| pc|cA|nt|mamos: hmm it is difficult for declarer to be confident that he has the tricks he needs|pg|| nt|roswolf: cash and hope|pg|| pc|c6|pc|c7|nt|MolvaM: well judged by upmark|pg|| pc|cT|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: North endplayed|pg|| pc|sJ|nt|mamos: not much left to do now it's true|pg|| pc|s4|pc|d7|pc|sQ|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|h7|nt|MolvaM: uzun düþünme zamaný?|pg|| nt|sengulerz: aferin Serap'a onör sör onör de yapmadý|pg|| nt|atabey: :) yok artýk|pg|| nt|MolvaM: serap pek puan göstermedi þu ana kadar. asýn yerini bulamayacak|pg|| nt|sengulerz: yorgunluk girince iþin içine o da ýolabilirdi|pg|| nt|yusufb: AKQ @s KJ@D ve @C K:)|pg|| nt|MolvaM: okadar olur|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 16 puan biþey deðil :)|pg|| nt|sengulerz: @s A ýn yerini bilmiyor olabilir|pg|| pc|hK|pc|hA|pg|| nt|atabey: hehee|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h6|pc|hQ|nt|mamos: moment of truth|pg|| nt|roswolf: just the 9|pg|| pc|h4|pg|| nt|MolvaM: iþte|pg|| nt|yusufb: dilek son @s atýnca @s A yeri belli oldu|pg|| nt|atabey: amma enerji yolladýk. kadýna zorla papaz koydurduk :)|pg|| nt|vugraphpl7: N called director|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 219 kiþi asý buldurmama duasýna çýkýnca oluyor iþte|pg|| nt|yusufb: J @h düsündü diye|pg|| nt|atabey: geçicek bunlarý|pg|| nt|yusufb: ama bence bi sonuç cýkmaz|pg|| nt|MolvaM: bu devredeki 4. ve son yorumcumuz tayfun özbey. yorumcu rezervemiz doludur ilginize teþekkürler :)|pg|| nt|MolvaM: hoþgeldin tayfun|pg|| nt|funtay: Herkese merhaba, bol sans bayanlarimiz:)|pg|| nt|yusufb: slmm tayfun hoþgeldin|pg|| nt|sengulerz: hg Tayfun|pg|| nt|atabey: slm tayfun|pg|| mc|10|nt|MolvaM: TD, TD güzel TD, senden yardým umar her bahtý kara |pg|| pg|| qx|o20|st||md|2SAK82H4DAQJT6CQ92,SHKJ9853DK752CKJ4,ST653HAT76D9C8765,SQJ974HQ2D843CAT3|sv|b|nt|jeanhari: so 6 more imps too Kapadoyka as N pre-saved in the other room|pg|| mb|1H|mb|p|mb|1S|mb|2D|mb|2H|mb|p|mb|p|nt|danilo1: Dble (reopening possible)|pg|| mb|d|mb|p|nt|danilo1: 2@S by Lale|pg|| mb|3C|mb|3H|nt|danilo1: ... hmm|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|mdgraham: dbl should really show spades, but theya re not breaking well|pg|| pc|d9|pc|d3|pc|dA|pc|d5|pg|| pc|dQ|nt|mdgraham: this may scrape home|pg|| pc|dK|pc|h6|pc|d4|pg|| pc|s6|nt|jeanhari: 3@H bid questionable... only 8-card fit, not even sure NS had something...|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|sK|pc|h3|pg|| pc|d2|pc|c5|pc|d8|pc|dT|pg|| pc|h4|nt|mdgraham: well, the Dutch ladies may feel they need to start pushing a bit|pg|| nt|danilo1: true|pg|| nt|mdgraham: but this may come down to how West views the club suit |pg|| pc|h5|pc|h7|pc|hQ|pg|| nt|jeanhari: declarer missed a chance to play the 9 of spades imo|pg|| nt|danilo1: why not @HA and @H?|pg|| nt|danilo1: same but ... |pg|| nt|mdgraham: spec says no reason to push yet - I agree, but going into a set 42 down you do feel the need to try to make things less that comfortable for the opposition |pg|| nt|danilo1: no entry for 2@S ruffs and @C finesse ... luckily for N|pg|| nt|mdgraham: usually, of course, after you do the pushing the opposition feel even more comfortable :(|pg|| pc|h2|pc|s2|pc|hK|pc|hA|pg|| pc|hT|nt|danilo1: now must play @H back|pg|| pc|s4|pc|s8|pc|hJ|pg|| nt|mdgraham: hmm - trump, trump...what does South discard?|pg|| pc|h9|nt|danilo1: good @Sdiscard by Mine ... giving -2 option|pg|| pc|s3|pc|s7|pc|d6|pg|| pc|h8|nt|danilo1: she has declarer's count ... so if next @H, can dicard @C|pg|| pc|s5|pc|s9|pc|c2|pg|| pc|c4|nt|danilo1: wd|pg|| pc|c7|pc|cA|pc|c9|pg|| pc|c3|pc|cQ|pc|cK|pc|c6|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c8|pc|cT|pc|sA|pg|| pc|d7|pc|sT|pc|sJ|pc|dJ|pg|| nt|mdgraham: beer card fails :(|pg|| pg|| qx|c20|st||md|2SAK82H4DAQJT6CQ92,SHKJ9853DK752CKJ4,ST653HAT76D9C8765,SQJ974HQ2D843CAT3|sv|b|nt|kirp: Looks like a part score here|pg|| nt|cenglund: Meckwell had a disaster in the OR|pg|| nt|fann4: Alok, I think your criticism is a bit strong - East knows they have 29-31 points between, so how risky is 3NT? I'd say virtually not at all.|pg|| nt|roswolf: a push|pg|| nt|mamos: so anothe rpush|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 5@d makes thanks to 2 kings being well placed|pg|| nt|jcomyn: thats a good start 2 slams|pg|| nt|blum1956: one more slam for the NS|pg|| nt|hajru: I don't think that it ever became clear to south that N was that strong|pg|| mb|1H|nt|bobholl: 2 @S was already showing reverse values i guess|pg|| mb|p|nt|hawe45: Easy defense against 6 @D |pg|| nt|roswolf: lots of points but not enough for a slam|pg|| mb|1S|nt|STRIK3R: can make 3NT as the cards lay|pg|| nt|oosmanb: no stopping now|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: if guessing right in @h's|pg|| nt|ady: e/w can make 4@H but fortunate |pg|| nt|MolvaM: probably wont be bid|pg|| nt|jcomyn: thats my view too|pg|| nt|hawe45: But South had A-10 for the suit bid several times by partner|pg|| mb|2D|nt|rmb1: Can make 4@H if there is only 1 @H loser|pg|| nt|psyck: more or less on a finesse, likely will be bid|pg|| nt|MolvaM: pass by west seems conservative|pg|| nt|atabey: ben serapýn yerinde olsam bi td de ben çaðýrýrým. abuk sabuk itiraz ediyolar die|pg|| mb|2H|nt|fabsayc: hardly recommended but brown would have done well to balance with double|pg|| nt|hajru: Yes, IIRC, 2@d is any minimum, 2@s implies extras. |pg|| nt|jcomyn: could get c suit wrong here|pg|| nt|bobholl: yes she should have bid 4@S iso 5@C|pg|| nt|hawe45: 4 @S (cue) was, what we call tax-free|pg|| mb|p|nt|ady: will hav e to drop honor doubleton heart in north hand and bring in 5 club tricks|pg|| nt|rmb1: X from East? 4@C seems too much|pg|| nt|roswolf: @S partial|pg|| nt|hawe45: I mean: 6 @S|pg|| nt|alok_daga: the fact that the spade suit does not cum into the frame,I found objectionable|pg|| mb|p|nt|kirp: 14-16 hcp, 3@C is simple Stayman|pg|| nt|cenglund: Yes, because there is not way of pitching the losing diamonds|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: 3@C = singleton @C not in the goos spot for N|pg|| nt|hawe45: 6 @H...|pg|| nt|cenglund: Meck hates to bid bad slams, but he did not follow his principle on this one|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: very dificult not to bid 6@H here |pg|| nt|hawe45: Cue-bids might be invented these days|pg|| nt|cenglund: RKCB is not the answer|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: but on info controls could be a good stop from N-S lets see |pg|| nt|hawe45: South has bad values in the side-suits|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: he could bid it directly or not |pg|| nt|jameslee 2: long think |pg|| nt|cenglund: I suppose 3C shows minimum|pg|| nt|fann4: Slam is on here for NS, but the @SKQx opposite shortage looks wasted to South.|pg|| nt|fann4: This can go for 800 in 4@Sx|pg|| nt|fann4: Note E did not enter the auction in the OR|pg|| nt|alok_daga: but AQ10xx,shud appeal when partner splinters|pg|| nt|fann4: NS are clearly in a forcing situation, so S may pass.|pg|| nt|fann4: In which case N will likely press on.|pg|| nt|alok_daga: Pass?his strength yet undisclosed|pg|| nt|fann4: S hates @SKQx for offense, but dbl may be a little premature|pg|| nt|fann4: Alok, 3@S is a splinter, forcing to game.|pg|| nt|alok_daga: 1hrt may be 6,he has 14|pg|| nt|bagman: Hi all|pg|| nt|alok_daga: Hi|pg|| nt|fann4: Hi and welcome Pekka|pg|| nt|patricck: should be a flat board|pg|| nt|hajru: but I think north's bidding would also have been consistent with, say, an 11 count with only 6@c|pg|| nt|bobholl: have to find @C Q may be in 6@H|pg|| nt|blum1956: Now it is Pasman's turn to bid a spade cue after Simons introduces hearts|pg|| nt|bobholl: they play reverse lebensohl i guess so 3@H forcing now|pg|| nt|hajru: Yes, 2N is artificial 8+|pg|| nt|hajru: For insiders: as described by Erik Kirchhoff in IMP a year or two ago|pg|| nt|jcomyn: looks like she is not sure|pg|| nt|MolvaM: seyircilerimiz düþünme konusunda kural nedir onu soruyorlar. bu konuda yorumcularýmýz ne açýklama yapabilir|pg|| mb|p|nt|mamos: Dbl =?|pg|| nt|suketbombi: flat board here 1@H & 2@CS to loose|pg|| nt|roswolf: 6@C would make on a good day|pg|| nt|psyck: 4333 & max 32 hcp, so E took the low road|pg|| nt|roswolf: but no enterprise from the italians|pg|| nt|MolvaM: böylece herkes oyun esnasýnda düþünme veya duraklama konusunda bilgi alýr|pg|| pc|d9|nt|hawe45: This was the solution - now 4 @H and that´s it|pg|| nt|cenglund: Now he cant cue bid 4D|pg|| nt|hawe45: If he does, he might make the slam...!|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: let,s see if S can help N to bid the good contract |pg|| nt|pelu: the runnings scores are yet not running, but I am sure that the polish IT-staff is working hard|pg|| nt|mamos: 2@d either weak @d or 20+ art|pg|| nt|jcomyn: now what|pg|| nt|bobholl: it's over now i fear :(|pg|| nt|hajru: NS convention card at:|pg|| nt|blum1956: probably one more slam missed|pg|| nt|funtay: öbür odayi burdan ayni anda izlemek isteyenler için|pg|| pc|d3|nt|mamos: so North shows balanced hand|pg|| nt|atabey: gereksiz düþünmek faul tabi ama zaferin dediði gibi oturmayý falan düþünmüþ olabilir. yorgunluk|pg|| pc|dA|nt|jbgood: stole it|pg|| nt|ady: needs a club switch now|pg|| nt|mamos: South squeezed out of auction|pg|| nt|cenglund: Provided that 4C was not a query of some kind|pg|| nt|bagman: If memory servers; greco hampson play meckwell type precision where North was limited|pg|| nt|jcomyn: this could be getting serious|pg|| nt|blum1956: there is time to recover - 44 more boards|pg|| nt|bobholl: it is luckily not obvious to find @C Q|pg|| pc|d7|pg|| nt|ralfwil: not the best defence. Either a @d lead or continue with @s|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: @c lead ?|pg|| nt|roswolf: hmm not easy to pick that contract|pg|| pc|dQ|nt|kirp: 3N is fairly lucky to make, 3@C could be 5 CMS looking at 3@S bid to show 4@Hs|pg|| nt|oosmanb: can he play on @C instead of @H ?|pg|| nt|kirp: W showed @S if any 4 crd major, so @S lead is not best usually|pg|| pc|d5|nt|cenglund: They are heading for same destination|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: there they go to 6@H|pg|| nt|pelu: there could come 11 tricks|pg|| pc|c6|pc|d4|pg|| nt|hajru: NS has been playing at this level for at least 30 years, 1 or 2 bad boards to start is not going to affect them|pg|| pc|dJ|nt|kirp: may play on @Hs |pg|| nt|hawe45: I hate to - but have to! - syt it: POOR BIDDING AT BOTH TABLES|pg|| nt|hawe45: say it|pg|| nt|cenglund: I don't think that this slam is unavoidable|pg|| nt|pelu: no more|pg|| nt|MolvaM: turnuvalarda hakemlerin ve apel komitelerinin en baþýný aðrýtan konulardan birisi düþüðnme ve duraklama durumlarý|pg|| pc|d2|nt|roswolf: i want to bid|pg|| pc|c5|pc|d8|pg|| nt|ralfwil: this is what happened!|pg|| nt|atabey: bunda biþey yoktu bence. direk çamur yaptý kuzeydeki|pg|| pc|d6|nt|kirp: small @H best now, but @D finesse works|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: considering his middelcards in @c, playing one round on @h's was more attempting, needed to try @c's if first @h failed?|pg|| nt|oosmanb: Team Angelini picked up more imps in board 2 when the other room bid 3NT instead of 3@D|pg|| nt|kirp: ad hope NY couldn't take 3@Hs and 2@Cs|pg|| nt|oosmanb: a fair punt, but didnt work out|pg|| nt|oosmanb: yes, I guess J@H onside is higher %age than @C 3-3? |pg|| nt|kirp: 3@S lead certainly gave defense little chance to figure out what to do|pg|| nt|kirp: if @H J is onside, then has time to test @Cs and if not 33, then @Ds|pg|| nt|kirp: @D finesse|pg|| nt|oosmanb: Doesnt he need @d finesse in any case? |pg|| nt|hawe45: They are "buried" in their conventions!|pg|| nt|mamos: 2Nt will be "less bad " than 3@c I think|pg|| pc|dK|nt|sengulerz: batsalar bile toplam 17 puanla @d fitini bulmalarý bizim için kötü tabii|pg|| nt|MolvaM: serap burada belli belirsiz düþünmüþ bile olsa birþey çýkmaz. burada kullanýlan terim: masada tempoyu aksatacak kadar duraksama|pg|| pc|h6|pc|hQ|pg|| nt|fann4: Yes, I think they play a lot of Meckwell stuff.|pg|| nt|roswolf: 11 tricks look the max|pg|| pc|h2|nt|cenglund: Both N-S pairs thought that it's a big minus|pg|| pc|h4|nt|sengulerz: öbür tarafta 4@se býrakýlabilir|pg|| pc|hK|nt|jbgood: needed to safety play diamonds to win|pg|| pc|hA|pg|| nt|fabsayc: likely not much difference here since NS on for 4@S|pg|| nt|kirp: still only 8 trix with J@H onside|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: need to get 3@d tricks, so @d finesse is very much needed|pg|| nt|kirp: S should have continued @Hs ,then needed @D finesse|pg|| pc|c7|nt|hawe45: Might make 120 = 8 IMP´s|pg|| pc|c3|nt|jameslee 2: we,ll after all (no score) we shall keep 12-12|pg|| pc|c9|nt|ady: now has to drop doubleton A@S eith east play towards K@S then drop ace 2nd round|pg|| nt|jbgood: still 1 down may be cheap|pg|| pc|cJ|pg|| nt|kirp: another pickup for EW, as they played 1N in OR|pg|| nt|cenglund: A pleasent surprise is waiting for them|pg|| nt|psyck: tuf to find minor 44 fit after 2N opening & 6NT is not a good slam unlike 6@c, so sensible by E to not try I suppose|pg|| pc|hJ|nt|oosmanb: Full 10 imps on offering here|pg|| nt|blum1956: The @cQ is with East as one should expect. In fact South has enough time to ruff out the diamonds|pg|| pc|h7|nt|kirp: duck this to set up count for end position|pg|| nt|atabey: 4@s de batar. trefli nasýl saðlýycak|pg|| pc|s4|nt|ady: but still down 1|pg|| nt|alok_daga: Greco had a problem,5hrts I found the least of all evils|pg|| pc|s8|pg|| pc|h9|nt|hawe45: North needes the @H-finesse earlier - now trouble with @S back|pg|| nt|hawe45: needed|pg|| pc|hT|nt|rmb1: Exit in @C|pg|| pc|s7|nt|mamos: North's rdbl invited South to bid having passed already maybe he should but perhaps feared Spades in West|pg|| pc|s2|pg|| pc|s3|pc|s9|pc|sK|pc|h3|pg|| nt|bobholl: found it :)|pg|| mc|8|pg|| qx|o21|st||md|3S5HK987DQT65CA982,SJ963HJ3DAJ987CQ7,SAK84HQ4DK43CKJT5,SQT72HAT652D2C643|sv|n|nt|danilo1: also wd for declarer .. she tried her best|pg|| mb|1N|mb|2C!|an|majors|mb|d|mb|2S|nt|tweety1: Hello everyone|pg|| nt|danilo1: 2@S Dbled possible (with @S lead)|pg|| mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|danilo1: RE Tweety|pg|| pc|s2|nt|mdgraham: North going for the vulnerable game bonus |pg|| nt|mdgraham: Hi Veysel|pg|| pc|s5|pc|sJ|nt|tweety1: Not easy to make it seems|pg|| pc|s4|pg|| pc|s3|pc|sA|pc|s7|nt|tweety1: Any idea on North's 3nt?|pg|| pc|c2|pg|| nt|danilo1: I do not like 3NT bid ... better to Dble (thk should propose PEN) ... and leave pd decision|pg|| nt|jeanhari: not the best option on this layout :)|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c4|pc|cA|pc|c7|pg|| pc|c9|pc|cQ|pc|cK|pc|c3|pg|| nt|tweety1: dbl 2sp could be pen yes|pg|| nt|danilo1: cash @C .. and @SA and @S|pg|| pc|cT|pc|c6|pc|c8|nt|mdgraham: useful to have a penalty double available against this kind of defensive bidding - and you have AKxx trumps and a reasonables |pg|| pc|d8|pg|| nt|tweety1: but i like this line of play|pg|| pc|c5|pc|h5|pc|h7|nt|mdgraham: @hQ lead|pg|| pc|s6|pg|| pc|d3|pc|d2|pc|dT|pc|dJ|pg|| pc|s9|pc|sK|pc|sT|nt|tweety1: @d Q instead of 10 wld be nice|pg|| pc|h8|pg|| pc|dK|pc|h2|pc|d5|pc|dA|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|h4|pc|hA|pc|h9|pg|| pc|sQ|mc|8|nt|jeanhari: or a diamond from dummy and then exit with a spade, east probably 4513|pg|| pg|| qx|c21|st||md|3S5HK987DQT65CA982,SJ963HJ3DAJ987CQ7,SAK84HQ4DK43CKJT5,SQT72HAT652D2C643|sv|n|nt|oosmanb: Yes excellent play|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: reviewed board 1, N/S play transfer after 1@c opening|pg|| nt|roswolf: 6@S is a sporting contract|pg|| nt|hawe45: Here you must insist on two @S-losers NOT to make 4 @S|pg|| nt|alok_daga: with Qx,Jxx what does he cue?|pg|| nt|roswolf: only 10 5ricks made in the other room -an imp closer|pg|| nt|roswolf: tricks|pg|| nt|hawe45: He did´nt|pg|| nt|mamos: 2NT will be the most common contract I was going to say most popular but most North's won't like it|pg|| nt|bobholl: dekkers in other room didn't bid 2@S or the like so they 'll probably reach 6@H|pg|| nt|atabey: zaten dilek tarafýndan oynanýnca hemen batýyor|pg|| nt|MolvaM: iþte 7 imp daha|pg|| nt|funtay: 19 nolu bord öbür odada rakip 4@s oynuyor ve batiyor|pg|| nt|sengulerz: neden? bir kere yere geçip empas atmasý yetmiyor mu?|pg|| nt|atabey: 2 trefl 1 karo bir kör. hemen veriyo batý tarafýndan|pg|| mb|1N|nt|ady: 4@H was bid and made in OR so poor result for Netherlands|pg|| nt|mamos: which sport is that Geoff|pg|| nt|hawe45: 11 tricks possible|pg|| mb|p|nt|fabsayc: 4nt?|pg|| nt|ralfwil: first slam 6@d or 6@c|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: so 1@h from South now, showing 4+@s|pg|| nt|patricck: NS make 10 tricks in @H and EW can make 9 tricks as a sacrifice in @D |pg|| mb|2C!|mb|p|nt|rmb1: Convention card I have says 2H natural|pg|| nt|jbgood: a direct 3 NT or via 3@h?|pg|| nt|roswolf: not bridge:)|pg|| nt|funtay: bu bord @h atagindan sonra 3nt @cl bilinirse yapiliyor|pg|| mb|2S|nt|fabsayc: i dont like double|pg|| nt|ralfwil: agree|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: 1@s from north show 3-5 @s's they open 1@c with weak hands with 5-5 in @c and @s|pg|| nt|patricck: or 8 tricks sacrificing in spades, same score|pg|| nt|roswolf: some e/w partscore now|pg|| mb|p|nt|jbgood: transfers first|pg|| nt|yusufb: bilemezler dimi:)|pg|| mb|3N|nt|kirp: 2@S can buy the hand now|pg|| nt|mamos: do we know what North's rdbl was? |pg|| nt|hawe45: Yes = @S honor|pg|| mb|p|nt|bagman: S is happy to pass this as i would guess that 2@H denies 3 or more spades|pg|| mb|p|nt|fann4: 1 off on the bad trump break.|pg|| nt|alok_daga: where does the 8th trick cum from?5hrts+2 dmnds|pg|| nt|bagman: Declarer is likely to play the @DJ from dummy after winning @HK hoping to be able to get a spade or a diamond later|pg|| nt|fann4: There is no 8th trick - he will lose 3@C tricks.|pg|| nt|fann4: Now that he is going to be deprived of a @C ruff he should probably win in hand and play a @S up to the K|pg|| nt|mamos: That won't help S much who has such a poor suit|pg|| nt|blum1956: With no help from the bidding 6@h needs some play|pg|| mb|p|nt|ralfwil: W is very happy now|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: 2@s confirm the 5th @s|pg|| nt|kirp: Surprised that W did not act over 1@H|pg|| nt|mamos: South is going to have a peek I'd guess|pg|| nt|roswolf: a diamond lead would give it|pg|| nt|mamos: it won't be a surprise if they bid it|pg|| nt|jcomyn: thats called whistling past the graveyard|pg|| nt|hajru: good lead, but declarer has her 10 tricks before NS have their 4|pg|| nt|hawe45: Problems here - can´t overtake @D|pg|| pc|c6|nt|mamos: but declarer has only seven tricks |pg|| nt|MolvaM: bildirtmiyecez artýk. geçi az önceki elde yorulduk ama milli görev|pg|| nt|funtay: bu zamana kadar bilen bunuda bilir:)|pg|| nt|yusufb: yerde 4@h var diye @c cýktý|pg|| nt|funtay: ama bilemedilerki...:)|pg|| pc|c9|nt|jbgood: same contract we would all have ended up in|pg|| nt|hawe45: 5 on a @H-lead only|pg|| nt|mamos: EW seem to have some misunderstanding here|pg|| nt|hawe45: 2 NT looks strange to me|pg|| nt|hawe45: Why lead the 8, when partner has a @S-picture|pg|| nt|hawe45: But their captain just told me, that E/W play strong @C|pg|| pc|cQ|nt|MolvaM: normal contract|pg|| nt|hawe45: Sorry, yes...|pg|| pc|cK|pg|| nt|yusufb: rakip oynarsa bilemez dedik:)|pg|| nt|atabey: evet. mantýklý atak. trefl bulundu ama körden fire vermedi ona karþýlýk|pg|| nt|sengulerz: @s dönüþünü bulursak batýrýrýz|pg|| nt|sengulerz: muhtemelen de bullurlar|pg|| pc|dK|nt|jameslee 2: diferent bid other table 3@S here 2nt to end in 3nt |pg|| nt|bagman: Declarer's main hope is to score 6 hearts and 2 diamonds; with hearts 4-1 he needs something nice to happen |pg|| nt|suketbombi: chaance to make now|pg|| nt|patricck: yes, a @C ruff was possible|pg|| pc|d2|nt|jameslee 2: x@H lead could come from S |pg|| nt|alok_daga: played xledummy it will make|pg|| nt|fann4: You are wrong. It cannot make.|pg|| nt|suketbombi: he can finese the @Ds and make|pg|| nt|pelu: same start in Or also here East ducked @h10 - and then @H to A and @D finess|pg|| nt|MolvaM: results page|pg|| pc|d5|nt|patricck: In the other room East ducked a trump to get a signal, but when West showed out on the 2nd heart declarer finessed the diamond|pg|| pc|dA|pg|| nt|atabey: 8 lövede henüz. batýrmasý da zor yapmasý da. hadi duaya geçelim |pg|| pc|s6|nt|jameslee 2: not much comunication for the 2 @S finesse required |pg|| nt|jameslee 2: K@C play could duck by S |pg|| nt|bagman: East needs to play a spade in some point to prevent @S-@D strip squeeze; if the defense cashes their 4 tricks and fail to play a spade, W is strip squeezed|pg|| nt|fann4: And easy to see - losing 1 trump, 1@S, 3@C and @DK|pg|| nt|roswolf: this looks horrible|pg|| nt|sengulerz: en iyisini çýktý bence Serap|pg|| nt|arigun: merhabalar|pg|| nt|funtay: 20 nolu brd öbür odada 3@h oynaniyor potansiyel imp bizim tarafa|pg|| nt|sengulerz: @d üzerine oynayýp batar|pg|| pc|s8|nt|mamos: they have lots oif controls |pg|| nt|roswolf: indeed game on|pg|| nt|mamos: declarer still has some hopes of success |pg|| nt|hawe45: Difficult for South to find five discards|pg|| nt|yusufb: merhaba cengiz hoþgeldin|pg|| pc|sT|nt|fabsayc: reminder to east: keep all those hearts, all winners|pg|| nt|oosmanb: This will be over in a flash|pg|| nt|hajru: win @hA, 3 trumps, DQ,J,10 overtaken|pg|| pc|s5|pg|| nt|pelu: strange that bort East plæayers gave N a 2. chancxe to make|pg|| pc|s2|nt|jameslee 2: no sill stuck upp in dummy j@C-A@C |pg|| nt|funtay: slm Cengiz|pg|| pc|h7|nt|psyck: getting better now :)|pg|| nt|roswolf: less horrible now|pg|| nt|atabey: slm cengiz|pg|| pc|s9|nt|ady: takes early trump leads to beat 4@H by e/w more than 1 trick|pg|| nt|MolvaM: this match is 28 boards total. the winning team proceeds to the quarter finals|pg|| pc|sK|pg|| nt|bagman: Having cashed the spade, the defense should take the clubs and lock declarer to his hand|pg|| nt|hawe45: But North MUST have @H Ace - otherwise 9 tricks|pg|| nt|sengulerz: mrb Cengiz|pg|| pc|d4|nt|jameslee 2: what can E play for now ?|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: Kx@S ?|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: jx@S ?|pg|| nt|cenglund: No you can't missguess the spades|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: has to decide how to move the @S |pg|| nt|jameslee 2: x@S to the 9@S |pg|| pc|h5|nt|bagman: If they fail to do that, they have to be careful in the endgame|pg|| pc|d6|pc|d7|pg|| nt|patricck: yes, there wasn't any doubt about which suit to switch to|pg|| nt|hawe45: Really close to a clame!|pg|| pc|s3|pc|sA|pc|s7|nt|mamos: ouch|pg|| pc|c2|pg|| nt|yusufb: serap @h cýksa kesin fire oluyordu @c atagý firemi degilmi belli degil|pg|| pc|c5|nt|cenglund: Now he is down|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: upps can loss 3 more tricks with x@H back|pg|| pc|c4|nt|cenglund: Excellent score for the team Apteker|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: this is Bridge when one has a few options can go rong :)|pg|| nt|hawe45: Both of them (East and West) might have bid better. East has no hand for NT-play, and West never showed the 6th @S|pg|| nt|cenglund: They bid the more sensible 4S in the OR making|pg|| nt|fann4: The defence would have to mess this up really badly to end play themselves.|pg|| nt|roswolf: a bad cardplay error from north|pg|| pc|cA|nt|jbgood: dont think many try 4@h vuln|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: yes absolutly true |pg|| pc|c7|pg|| pc|c8|pc|d8|nt|ady: yes agree|pg|| nt|mamos: un ouch:)|pg|| pc|cJ|nt|bagman: Now the defense must take care that they don't let W get endplayed and don't set up a club|pg|| pc|c3|pg|| pc|cT|nt|bagman: Now it's tough for Jens Auken|pg|| pc|h2|nt|jameslee 2: 4@S its a much more better contract then 3NT|pg|| pc|dT|pc|d9|pg|| pc|d3|pc|h6|nt|mamos: I think that this will be at lots and lots of tables Geoff |pg|| pc|dQ|pc|dJ|pg|| pc|h8|pc|h3|nt|mamos: so predict flat |pg|| pc|hQ|nt|alok_daga: wd|pg|| nt|fann4: You saw the dangers coming, Pekka|pg|| pc|hA|pg|| nt|roswolf: indeed a slightly less than a 50% slam|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|h9|pc|sJ|pc|s4|pg|| pc|hT|pc|hK|pc|hJ|pc|h4|pg|| pg|| qx|o22|st||md|4S532HQ64DAT8CJ953,SQJT9HK3D975CKQ42,SAKHAJT95DQ62CAT6,S8764H872DKJ43C87|sv|e|nt|danilo1: needed to guess all|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|tweety1: nice avoid from 4 @h other room|pg|| mb|1H|mb|p|mb|2H|mb|p|mb|2N|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|jeanhari: no swing here|pg|| nt|mdgraham: East to lead - aggressive diamond or passive spade?|pg|| nt|danilo1: @C KQ as well as @HK good placed .. but no table entries ... may be problem in both 3NT (@S lead) as well as in 4@H|pg|| nt|tweety1: i wld @s|pg|| pc|d3|nt|danilo1: non @S lead (@H or @C) would not surprise me so much ... but @D lead does|pg|| pc|d8|pc|d9|pc|dQ|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|h2|pc|h4|pc|hK|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|sK|pc|s4|pc|s3|pg|| nt|mdgraham: might have played @HA there, just in case singleton king falls - doesn't matter here of course|pg|| pc|h5|pc|h7|pc|hQ|pc|h3|pg|| nt|danilo1: will start with @C first finess - and that will be enough for overtick|pg|| pc|c3|pc|cQ|pc|cA|pc|c7|pg|| pc|cT|pc|c8|pc|c5|nt|danilo1: ... even 2|pg|| nt|tweety1: clm +2|pg|| pc|cK|pg|| mc|11|nt|jeanhari: so two overtricks, even losing the king of hearts...|pg|| pg|| qx|c22|st||md|4S532HQ64DAT8CJ953,SQJT9HK3D975CKQ42,SAKHAJT95DQ62CAT6,S8764H872DKJ43C87|sv|e|nt|STRIK3R: interesting bidding problem for west now, if it goes 1@d, and 2@d from South to show @s and a sidesuite|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: 10 |pg|| nt|bagman: West should have discard the @SA because the !Q was not covered so E had the @SJ left|pg|| nt|bagman: @SQ|pg|| nt|alok_daga: a likely push,|pg|| nt|patricck: It couldn't be @D, you can see those in dummy|pg|| nt|pelu: 12 IMP after mistake in defense and then in play|pg|| nt|roswolf: that will cost|pg|| nt|roswolf: a tempter for n/s|pg|| nt|psyck: they got to a strange contract other room last deal, likely the bidding was not completely entered|pg|| nt|MolvaM: here is a slam hand now|pg|| nt|MolvaM: kamras team reached quite easily in the open room|pg|| nt|jcomyn: 3nt seems obvious|pg|| nt|hawe45: N/S or E/W?|pg|| nt|bobholl: 1@C 1@D 2nt pass migth happen but not probable|pg|| nt|jcomyn: sorry about this folks have been called away but you seem ok|pg|| nt|yusufb: bu bordda iyi|pg|| nt|sengulerz: tek gerçek fire @hdü.. çýkmayýnca Serap yýrttýk:)|pg|| mb|p|nt|hawe45: Suppose West opens 1 @H - would 5 @D be the bid?|pg|| nt|cenglund: The level of bridge seen so far has been rather poor and not what we had expected|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: has 4@H could wait |pg|| mb|p|nt|jbgood: so 3 teams go to the A Swiss and the others to B. Then 27 from A and 5 from B go to the KO rounds|pg|| nt|ady: part score hand|pg|| nt|jbgood: no carry overs|pg|| nt|ady: 2@H about the limit for n/s|pg|| nt|rmb1: Might try 4@S would make if @SKx onside|pg|| mb|p|nt|oosmanb: Fun hand now|pg|| nt|hawe45: At the other table only 3 @D - too friendly|pg|| nt|fann4: They could miss it now|pg|| nt|fann4: But vul N must be tempted to do something.|pg|| mb|1H|mb|p|nt|kirp: 3@H by NS should be the limit, not successfully either|pg|| nt|jbgood: running scores:|pg|| nt|roswolf: muiderberg it looks like|pg|| nt|mamos: lightning pace at this table|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: 5@S same spot |pg|| nt|alok_daga: now the excitement starts with a unnatural 2hrts|pg|| nt|fann4: Shows you!|pg|| nt|fann4: 2@H wasn't unnatural - it was a weak 2.|pg|| nt|hajru: OK, we'll manage|pg|| mb|1N|nt|oosmanb: Well North's initial pass|pg|| nt|oosmanb: has put an upper limit I think|pg|| nt|kirp: gives W a problem, tho' strong@C system helps|pg|| nt|kirp: W knows NS have 8+@Hs ,|pg|| nt|fann4: Maybe not everyone's choice, with A109xxx.|pg|| nt|suketbombi: yes the @H duck was strang apparently happened on other tables too|pg|| nt|pelu: but again easy for us|pg|| mb|p|nt|ady: yes the hand belongs to e/w but 9 tricks the limit|pg|| nt|MolvaM: fredin needs to locate the heart shortage to bid the slam with confidence|pg|| nt|MolvaM: the open room bidding was a bit of a gamble. but successful nevertheless|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 2nt?|pg|| mb|3N|nt|STRIK3R: 8@hs I would say, x from east should show 4@h?|pg|| nt|kirp: 2N is some form of Lebensohl, compete in a minor|pg|| nt|oosmanb: Yes seems like it|pg|| nt|sengulerz: egale bir 4@h eli olarak geçse bu el|pg|| mb|p|nt|kirp: but not as clear in this sequence|pg|| nt|roswolf: difficult call here|pg|| nt|mamos: East's hand seems enormous for this treatment but what do I know|pg|| nt|roswolf: mild slam try showing short spades no doubt|pg|| mb|p|nt|fabsayc: lead critical|pg|| nt|ady: n/s well overboard|pg|| nt|psyck: S making a slam try showing the @h suit & @s shortness, N will signoff with balanced minimum|pg|| mb|p|nt|fabsayc: no diamond lead makes south huge favorite to hold spade queen|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: 5@S on the K@C placed|pg|| nt|ppiglett: hi - better late than never|pg|| nt|MolvaM: onlar 3ntye batarken biz 4@h yapsak|pg|| pc|sQ|nt|kirp: good stop|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: indeed|pg|| nt|suketbombi: yes:)|pg|| nt|suketbombi: a passive defence here is in order @D being frozen suit|pg|| nt|patricck: looks like 4 losers|pg|| nt|sengulerz: :)|pg|| nt|MolvaM: kör empasý için karo asa gider mi yoksa körü açýktan vermeyi mi tercih eder?|pg|| nt|arigun: 3nt problemsiz ama 4@h de sorun cikabilir (gerci @d dagilimi disarda cok uygun onda da problem yok), dekleran firesiz @s atagindan sonra dekleranin yanlis oynamasi heran isleri ...|pg|| nt|arigun: karistirabilir|pg|| nt|yusufb: @h acýktan vermez|pg|| nt|sengulerz: @s sayýsýný doðru anlamaya baðlý.. 4-4 diye düþünürse açýktan @h verip @c den çift empas yapmaya çalýþýr|pg|| nt|funtay: 5imp daha|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 3nt o kadar da problemsiz deðil bence. @dA asa giderse kör empas tutmadý mý batacaðý kesin gibi|pg|| nt|sengulerz: 5-3 se yere geçip @h empasý yapmasý lazým|pg|| pc|sA|nt|rmb1: Its only -1 |pg|| nt|roswolf: and a club switch to follow|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: spec gives me a 6@D cool contract comment |pg|| nt|bagman: In the 2nd position the preempt should be quite pure as there's sort of 50-50 chance that the good cards are held by the partner|pg|| nt|MolvaM: now slam looks easy. just blackwood|pg|| nt|MolvaM: hi peter :) welcome|pg|| nt|desert: Hi Peter :)|pg|| nt|hawe45: The poorest 18-count, I´ve seen for weeks|pg|| nt|hajru: NS at the other table bid both slams, so a nice leady for the Kapadokya team|pg|| pc|s4|nt|suketbombi: yes unless defence opens up @DS|pg|| nt|pelu: down 1 as long as NS dont play @D|pg|| nt|roswolf: north co-operates - this auction needs to slow down|pg|| pc|s5|pg|| nt|ady: 200 to Netherlands could only make 140 east with defensive values might have doubled 4@H|pg|| nt|hawe45: And with 400 in 5 @D|pg|| nt|hawe45: No - East ducks the first @C for sure|pg|| nt|fann4: So 10 imps probably to DEN|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 4h alert means?|pg|| nt|MolvaM: cuebid? or something else?|pg|| nt|desert: They will surely end in 6@C now, i assume 4 He was a cuebid....|pg|| nt|MolvaM: well somebody hask to ask for keycards |pg|| nt|arigun: bakalim sapkada tavsan cikacakmi|pg|| nt|MolvaM: ben körü açýktan vereceði þeklinde bir kehanette bulunayým. kenarda dursun|pg|| pc|d2|nt|jameslee 2: true only 1 discard for the 4th @H not enough for 12 @D|pg|| nt|fann4: Who will have built up a good lead.|pg|| nt|alok_daga: Marty Bergen says AQJ10xx&Jxxx of the OM 2 start a weak 2 here the suit also bad |pg|| nt|xenya: but even 4@H is too high on a @C lead|pg|| nt|roswolf: yup but normal|pg|| nt|MolvaM: and fallenius may think it must not be his job to do that with an aceless hand|pg|| pc|d3|nt|mamos: maybe a little lucky that there was a Spade to cash|pg|| nt|roswolf: these top players dont go wrong in the play of these hands|pg|| nt|roswolf: a great result for mahaffey|pg|| nt|blum1956: this 3NT is far from beautiful|pg|| nt|bobholl: but 18 stays 18 :)|pg|| nt|hawe45: Strange bidding non-vulnerable, no big win possible|pg|| pc|dA|pc|d7|pg|| nt|ralfwil: -1 now. 2@d 2@h and one trumph|pg|| nt|ady: may only be down 1 need to take club ruff|pg|| nt|cenglund: A heart continuation would been fatal|pg|| nt|hawe45: But with some endplay-position, which makes|pg|| nt|cenglund: No endplay any more, whatever is the shift|pg|| nt|MolvaM: ok now|pg|| pc|hQ|nt|mamos: West has a difficult choice over 1@h here some might bid 1NT some x as here some Pass|pg|| pc|hK|pc|hA|nt|cenglund: 3 IMPs to Apteker|pg|| pc|h7|pg|| nt|ady: though if they take club ruff then diamond trick goes|pg|| nt|ady: so down 1 it is|pg|| nt|bobholl: good start :)|pg|| pc|hJ|nt|suketbombi: two rds of @C now and @H A and back:)|pg|| nt|suketbombi: now he did open up @DS|pg|| nt|pelu: 4@H only need @H or @DA right - almost a 75%|pg|| nt|mamos: East chose 1@S rather than 2@d in the OR|pg|| nt|hawe45: South might take the @D Ace before the @C-shift, will work fine here|pg|| pc|h2|nt|MolvaM: 1 imp pick up probably for rosenthal|pg|| nt|hajru: 2NT is forcing, so south has little choice|pg|| nt|hawe45: IF 2 NT is forcing, why then bid 2 NT?|pg|| nt|blum1956: Now it is makeable|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h3|pg|| nt|ady: so the 4@H bid saved an imp|pg|| nt|psyck: on a good day, N would have Axxx Axx Ajx QJx or something & 6@h would have play|pg|| pc|hT|nt|kirp: that settles for 3@D making|pg|| nt|roswolf: today is a bad day:(|pg|| nt|psyck: another swing unexpectedly with @dJ lead in OR same contract|pg|| nt|roswolf: the bidding helped to pinpoint the club lead|pg|| pc|h8|nt|bagman: There were 3 unpurities in S hand: weak hearts, side 4 card major and singleton K|pg|| nt|bobholl: 1 @S isn't fine either|pg|| pc|h6|nt|sengulerz: bundan sonra toparlanmaz bu kaðýt:)|pg|| nt|MolvaM: süresi dolmuþ kehanetleri nereye teslim ediyorduk?|pg|| pc|c2|pg|| nt|sengulerz: kýsmetli @h empasý geçmese iyiydi|pg|| pc|h9|nt|psyck: bidding same or except 3N instead of 4@d|pg|| pc|d4|pc|c3|nt|arigun: sahte barkodcu tanidigim var|pg|| pc|s9|pg|| pc|h5|pc|c8|nt|hajru: She really has no alternative. 1@s would be an unbalanced hand. |pg|| nt|hawe45: Then I would open 1 NT if 15-17|pg|| nt|yusufb: ben 21 nolu elden umutluyum @h cýkýlýrsa @c pas batýya atýlabilir @h kýsa @c uzun diye|pg|| pc|s3|nt|blum1956: not that way|pg|| pc|d9|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s6|pc|s2|nt|fabsayc: i might still be thinking about running the spade trick 1, still the actual layout was much as you should expect|pg|| nt|ralfwil: can we get running scores?|pg|| pc|sJ|pg|| nt|arigun: @h pasi atilacaksa yere oynanan @d ya 10 lu koymak cok kotu bir fikir degil|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c7|pc|c5|nt|roswolf: trying for a squeeze|pg|| pc|c4|pg|| pc|c6|pc|s7|nt|MolvaM: 22. bord pas geçilmiþ gözüküyor tabloda|pg|| nt|funtay: @s cikildi 3ntye|pg|| nt|MolvaM: ilginç|pg|| mc|9|nt|hawe45: Last word on this North hand: I thought, bidding was to tell what your hand is WORTH???|pg|| nt|MolvaM: düzeldi|pg|| pg|| qx|o23|st||md|1SA2HK4DQJT6CAKQT8,ST87HJ9532DAK42C3,S96543HAQTD95C542,SKQJH876D873CJ976|sv|b|nt|danilo1: @D lead with East hand is surpriing |pg|| nt|mdgraham: easy 3NT here too|pg|| nt|mdgraham: not what you are looking for when you are trying to peg back a deficit|pg|| mb|1C|nt|tweety1: NS can gain a few imps here too with overtricks:)|pg|| mb|1H|mb|1S|mb|p|mb|2D|mb|p|nt|tweety1: with minor leads|pg|| mb|2N|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|nt|danilo1: thk Lale would like to bid 1NT ... but guess she must show 5@S |pg|| mb|p|pc|h6|pc|hK|pc|hJ|pc|hT|pg|| nt|murat: good afternoon all..|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c3|pc|c2|pc|c6|pg|| pc|cK|nt|danilo1: time to see @C distrib. ... after @CAK, small @D|pg|| nt|tweety1: wlc Murat|pg|| nt|jeanhari: well done to test the clubs first, tempting to play diamonds right away|pg|| pc|d4|nt|vugraphpl9: hello|pg|| pc|c4|pc|c7|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h3|pc|hA|pc|h7|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h8|pc|s2|pc|h2|pg|| pc|c5|pc|c9|pc|cT|nt|jeanhari: just taking her 9 tricks|pg|| nt|murat: she doesnt have to play heart right away.|pg|| pc|d2|pg|| nt|tweety1: safety play|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|s7|pc|s3|pc|cJ|pg|| pc|c8|pc|s8|mc|9|pg|| qx|c23|st||md|1SA2HK4DQJT6CAKQT8,ST87HJ9532DAK42C3,S96543HAQTD95C542,SKQJH876D873CJ976|sv|b|nt|oosmanb: Well done another optimal contract played by EW|pg|| nt|mamos: wild hand |pg|| nt|mamos: s|pg|| nt|hawe45: Another IMP possible here for Apteker|pg|| nt|fann4: These days most experts prefer to open a weak 2 with a side 4 card major, if it's not too good a suit.|pg|| nt|pelu: what a gift|pg|| nt|suketbombi: yes true + this defence if both wrong|pg|| nt|pelu: so 76% :) I will only give 1% for misdefense|pg|| nt|xenya: good try but a new leader|pg|| nt|roswolf: strange lead in the other room -so the lead changes hands again|pg|| nt|mamos: The boards so far have been scrappy |pg|| nt|bobholl: endplay for -1 :(|pg|| nt|hawe45: Another 3 NT - NOT without problems|pg|| nt|yusufb: @s atagýna iþler zor|pg|| nt|MolvaM: bu bord sorunsuz bir 3nt|pg|| nt|arigun: sorunlu bir 4@s olabilir mi ? :)|pg|| nt|MolvaM: türkiye geçtiðimiz yýllarda takýmlarda ilk avrupa þampiyonluðunu senyörler kategorisinde kazanmýþtý|pg|| nt|funtay: olsun:)|pg|| nt|MolvaM: þimd bayanlarda ilk avrupa takým þampiyonlarýmýzý çýkartmak üzereyi|pg|| nt|MolvaM: üzereyiz|pg|| nt|atabey: o derece de müthiþ ama bu çok daha zorlu bence|pg|| nt|arigun: biz de bu durumda ya senyor olmayi bekleyecegiz ? yok ona tahammulum dersen ameliyat olacagiz|pg|| nt|sengulerz: daha önce de konuþulmuþtur muhtemelen ama bir kez daha belirtmiþ olalým bir TAKIMIMIZIN Avrupa Þampiyonasýnda final oynamasý ve þampiyonluða bu kadar yaklaþmýþ olmasý ...|pg|| nt|sengulerz: gerçektenolaðanüstü|pg|| nt|arigun: genclesip dunya olimpiyat sampiyonu olamayacagimiza gore :)|pg|| nt|atabey: evet olaðanüstü hepimizin göðsünü kabarttýlar. bunu kazanmasalar da aynýydý ama biraz zayýf kaldý rakip. çift hanelere geçemediler daha|pg|| nt|MolvaM: operator? did they give a break?|pg|| mb|2N|nt|rmb1: Again EW might try 4@S|pg|| nt|fann4: But I far preferred the pass made at the other table.|pg|| mb|p|nt|psyck: looks like 3N down on @s lead here, if it can be found|pg|| nt|roswolf: 3nt is solid even though i suspect an upgrade from north|pg|| mb|3H|nt|MolvaM: slam is on the @c finesse, which doesnt work today|pg|| nt|MolvaM: you have 7 solid tricks and pd opens. time to think about a slam :)|pg|| mb|p|mb|3S|nt|oosmanb: Any endplays possible for 10th trick in 4@H? |pg|| nt|mamos: there could be blood spilt here|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 1nt is?|pg|| mb|p|nt|oosmanb: I doubt it, so NS would do well to stop below game|pg|| nt|rmb1: 1@C was 16+ artificial|pg|| nt|fann4: Wow - a disaster for EW in the CR, ending up in 4@H in a 5-1 fit.|pg|| nt|geot: Only the mentioned spade lead is a problem|pg|| nt|hajru: Sorry, phone rang, I was about to say that NS play 2NT as 18-19 and forcing, that creates a lot of clarity in other auctions and they accept that they occasionally end up in a poor 3N with 18 opposite 6, as on the last hand|pg|| mb|3N|nt|fabsayc: 61% for NS on board 6, nobody made 3@C|pg|| nt|oosmanb: but with a 10 card fit, vulnerable, can Fjaelberg put the brakes on |pg|| nt|kirp: 4@H can make if W does not switch to @S when in with the A@C|pg|| mb|p|nt|oosmanb: How? even if @C are stripped East has 4th @d to exit?|pg|| nt|kirp: 8@S|pg|| nt|patricck: more than 1% chance for a misdefence because it could be the opening lead that gives it away. After that has been survived very unlikely the defence will slip,|pg|| nt|roswolf: this will now power home|pg|| nt|psyck: yes, likely an upgrade with a decent 6 carder|pg|| nt|vugraphpl7: yes|pg|| mb|p|nt|oosmanb: Ah right, |pg|| nt|jbgood: guess X shows 4-5+ spades?|pg|| nt|ady: down 1 would sedem unless a slip|pg|| nt|rmb1: 1C-P-1H = S so I guess this X is a transfer to S as well|pg|| nt|mamos: surely 4@h now|pg|| nt|cenglund: A less interesting board |pg|| nt|hawe45: Overtrick is easy: 2 x @H - and a SMALL @D|pg|| nt|xenya: the 1N opening seems to have worked well here|pg|| nt|ppiglett: Forcing and 2D transfer - I'd suggest|pg|| nt|hawe45: Bus do´nt worry NL, they play 3 x 16|pg|| nt|bobholl: 9 or J ?|pg|| mb|p|nt|oosmanb: Well spotted Martin|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: might get to 4 now|pg|| nt|alok_daga: Fantoni,Nunes reach a 4hrts on a 5 1 suit,miss their 5 3 fit,a off day for them|pg|| nt|roswolf: indeed|pg|| nt|blum1956: easy 9 tricks as spades are 4-4|pg|| pc|h3|nt|jbgood: S could never hope to buy the contract in @hs - so perhaps xx in stead of 2 @h to indicate a high @h honor might have worked better|pg|| nt|cenglund: That's what happened in the OR|pg|| nt|MolvaM: turnuva sonuna kadar yani 25 tane filan daha bu tür eller gelse :)|pg|| nt|sengulerz: tam ben yazýyodum onu:)|pg|| pc|hT|nt|oosmanb: So yes important for West to break up endplay, and he will too, has 1@S bid to help him|pg|| nt|kirp: I said 'can make', timing and defense needed to help|pg|| pc|h8|nt|bagman: E knows that W has short hearts and might even hope a heart lead|pg|| nt|MolvaM: kibs tell me: 1NT= 5+ ZZ-points with 5+@H. (A=3 ZZ, K=2 ZZ, Q=1 ZZ)|pg|| nt|MolvaM: ok thanks monika :) you are doing great|pg|| nt|yusufb: hayat bayram olsa insanlar elele tutuþsa:)|pg|| pc|h4|pg|| nt|alok_daga: Assume pp 1sp p 2nt=4trumps+a stiff.AKx treated as a 4card in the OR|pg|| nt|fann4: In my book, the W hand is just a 2@S raise over 1@S|pg|| nt|bagman: Here declarer can cash the @HA and cross ruff 8 additional trump tricks|pg|| nt|bagman: Easy 9 tricks|pg|| nt|fann4: Can one make 10 tricks on the layout?|pg|| nt|bagman: GIB can but E's going to cash his easy 9 :)|pg|| nt|fann4: Yes|pg|| nt|psyck: W got his @s's into the bidding other room, so a swing likely|pg|| nt|hawe45: The overcall = very good for declarer|pg|| nt|atabey: el geldikçe puan alýyoruz. bence 100 olsun da son devreyi oynamasýnlar |pg|| pc|d5|nt|hawe45: South can see 23 HCP - so not much for an entry in North|pg|| nt|pelu: now running score is up :|pg|| nt|ppiglett: 3C probably a good hand and breaking the t/f - tempting for West now I'd suggest.|pg|| nt|ppiglett: Page 558 of the system or just filed under 'Z'?|pg|| pc|d8|nt|mamos: 4 off?|pg|| pc|d6|nt|jbgood: see?|pg|| nt|xenya: suppose N opens 1@C, 1@D from S -- and W overcalls 11S|pg|| nt|MolvaM: looks like zz points have much popularity in sweden|pg|| nt|yusufb: evet týlsým bozulmasa|pg|| pc|d2|pg|| nt|kirp: I would guess it unlikely to make, knowing EW is very sound on all aspects of game|pg|| nt|xenya: 1@S*|pg|| nt|bobholl: yes that helps a lot :)|pg|| nt|hawe45: - only easy after this so-called overcall|pg|| nt|hawe45: I mean, we are NOT allowed to comment on the 1 @H-bid...|pg|| nt|bobholl: we can they have to listen :)|pg|| nt|blum1956: still there are entry problems|pg|| pc|c6|nt|hawe45: If North has given count, no sense for a small @D|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: looking for an imposible @H ruff underlead from AK@D |pg|| nt|hawe45: ??? Shall these two teams play in the next round (18.30...)|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: still Q@D on the other side E no more @H can ruff Hi |pg|| nt|suketbombi: dummy is a real dummy here|pg|| pc|cA|nt|STRIK3R: what line is the best from norths point of view?|pg|| nt|hawe45: Should we say it this way: West was MINIMUM for his 2 @H...|pg|| nt|MolvaM: well as I said. I cant blame them.|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c2|pg|| nt|vugraphpl7: running scores|pg|| nt|psyck: it was not too late for @s shift after winning @c either|pg|| nt|psyck: as has @hA entrtyto play @s again|pg|| nt|geot: And why should East find that? The bidding worked find for N/S.|pg|| nt|MolvaM: þimdi kör gelse tref pasýný bilemez|pg|| pc|cK|nt|psyck: true|pg|| nt|MolvaM: it is on a finesse and 50% is not bad for a warm summer afternoon|pg|| pc|s8|nt|oosmanb: Draw @Hs, K@D ruff a @D, and @c up?|pg|| nt|kirp: good nes and bad news, finesse works, 30 trumps is bad|pg|| nt|mamos: East probably pleased he didnt have to play this hand :)|pg|| nt|blum1956: fortunately for the declarer diamond suit is "frozen" with the defenders|pg|| pc|c4|nt|ady: e/w do well in hearts and could make 10 tricks if clubs not played early|pg|| nt|jbgood: much easier to defent if N knows about the heart king with prd |pg|| pc|c7|pg|| nt|MolvaM: has to try the finesse|pg|| nt|MolvaM: no better chance|pg|| nt|MolvaM: artýk bilir|pg|| pc|hK|nt|fabsayc: non spade lead was a disaster for EW here, but can salvage with heart return knocking out north entry|pg|| pc|h2|nt|hawe45: By playin the @H-suit correctly, West will save 300 - from the 1400|pg|| pc|hA|nt|mamos: well done|pg|| nt|ppiglett: good switch. There was I trying to work out the squeeze oppotunities - I stop now!|pg|| pc|h7|pg|| pc|hQ|nt|mamos: Board 5 (6@S-1) was indeed flat|pg|| nt|bobholl: poor w regretting his overcall :)|pg|| nt|hawe45: Her...|pg|| pc|h6|pc|s2|pc|h5|pg|| pc|c5|pc|c9|nt|hawe45: Players who bid such suits, never regret it|pg|| pc|cT|nt|MolvaM: karo oynayarak risk almadý mý?|pg|| pc|d4|pg|| pc|cQ|nt|suketbombi: declerar will be pleased to get his @D trick in the end:)|pg|| pc|h9|pc|s3|nt|STRIK3R: Jans, tried another 3N on board 6, so antoher 6 IMPs to Angelini|pg|| nt|oosmanb: must keep @D for 2nd exit, and exit @C now, right?|pg|| pc|cJ|pg|| pc|c8|pc|s7|nt|hawe45: There is only one play for the trumps, King doubleton brings nothing|pg|| pc|s4|pc|d3|pg|| nt|mamos: nothing works here|pg|| nt|MolvaM: rahat yapacakken batara gelme riski|pg|| pc|sA|pc|sT|pc|s5|pc|sK|pg|| pc|dQ|mc|9|nt|chessmaste: Declarer does best to leave diamonds well alone. If he plays three rounds of hearts, then I think East may have to find (and it would be brilliant to do so) the discard of a top ...|pg|| nt|chessmaste: club |pg|| pg|| qx|o24|st||md|2SKQT642H9754D73C7,S5HAT82DT954CK842,SJ87HQJDQ8CAQT965,SA93HK63DAKJ62CJ3|sv|o|nt|jeanhari: expecting defense to switch to spades in which casy she has to take her tricks|pg|| nt|jeanhari: case|pg|| mb|p|mb|1C|nt|danilo1: After @CAK, she already had 9 tricks ... so could affort to play @D ... and see ... gratis|pg|| mb|d|mb|1S|mb|2H|nt|tweety1: EW can go over|pg|| mb|p|nt|danilo1: why not 2@S ... 1@S should be 5|pg|| nt|tweety1: I like 2 @s instead of 1|pg|| nt|danilo1: me too|pg|| nt|murat: may I remind you that Kapadokya has only 4 players. They should be exhausted|pg|| mb|p|nt|mdgraham: may be tricky for EW now - if East passes, South can either pass or bid 2@S - difficult to find 3@d EW|pg|| mb|2S|nt|tweety1: also 1 @d by East not dbl|pg|| mb|3H|nt|jeanhari: 2NT by west now?|pg|| nt|danilo1: Dble by East OK for me .. had both M god 3|pg|| nt|jeanhari: could get a 4th now|pg|| nt|tweety1: Murat our ladies do not seem tired hopefully:)|pg|| mb|p|mb|4H|nt|murat: yes :)|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|danilo1: danger now ... once Lale did not bid 2@S, may be tempted to bid 3@S now|pg|| nt|murat: they push them to 4 hearts|pg|| nt|mdgraham: your mask of neutrality is slipping, gentlemen :) |pg|| nt|tweety1: as said|pg|| nt|tweety1: EW went high a bit|pg|| nt|mcarroll: They pushed themselves|pg|| nt|murat: i am told 4hearts is down on CR|pg|| pc|s7|nt|mdgraham: easy double-dummy|pg|| nt|tweety1: a danger to make|pg|| nt|jeanhari: declarer in closed room also in 4@H, lost her way...|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s2|pc|s5|pg|| nt|danilo1: quite possible to make ... onke Q (or J) falls .. .she knows no chance vs 5-1 ao easy 10 top tricks|pg|| nt|danilo1: must start @H now (A or K same|pg|| nt|jeanhari: ruff two spades and hope for QJx in north is a real option!|pg|| nt|tweety1: but makes only if N has QJ very restricted chance but works|pg|| nt|jeanhari: Jxx QJx Qx AQxxxxx in north|pg|| nt|jeanhari: sorry, club less|pg|| nt|danilo1: than need @H 3-3 (with QJx in North - otherwise unblock) |pg|| nt|jeanhari: better chance then QJ alone|pg|| pc|dA|pc|d3|pc|d4|pc|d8|pg|| nt|danilo1: she must know @S 6-3|pg|| nt|tweety1: Tired play other room as Murat said|pg|| nt|jeanhari: for the match it would be good not to find that|pg|| nt|jeanhari: but heart to ace now leaves that option open too|pg|| nt|murat: she can only go down if she's doomed|pg|| pc|s3|pc|sQ|pc|h2|pc|s8|pg|| pc|h8|nt|tweety1: more down here i guess|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|hK|pc|h4|pg|| pc|s9|nt|danilo1: @H to Ace second trick would be surely best play ... leaves all options open|pg|| pc|sT|pc|hT|pc|sJ|pg|| pc|hA|pc|hQ|pc|h3|pc|h5|pg|| nt|jeanhari: heart to ace first was little better, much rewarded, easy to see here|pg|| pc|dT|nt|mcarroll: seems to be playing to minimise undwertricks|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|dK|pc|d7|pg|| nt|tweety1: yes thats what our player did|pg|| pc|d2|pc|h7|pc|d5|pc|c5|pg|| pc|h9|pc|c2|pc|c6|pc|h6|pg|| mc|7|pg|| qx|c24|st||md|2SKQT642H9754D73C7,S5HAT82DT954CK842,SJ87HQJDQ8CAQT965,SA93HK63DAKJ62CJ3|sv|o|nt|fabsayc: so board punted back and forth|pg|| nt|kirp: EW juggernaut continues on bd 6, |pg|| nt|chessmaste: The point is that West must get in twice to lead spades through|pg|| nt|oosmanb: Good point Mark|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: other table playing fast playing the last hand |pg|| nt|fann4: 3@D looks pretty flat|pg|| nt|psyck: but W did clearly ask for @s on the @c's|pg|| nt|roswolf: a lot of mistakes in this match - makes for a rollercoaster ride|pg|| nt|geot: to late with the heart lead, declarer can set up 2 hearts and a total of nine|pg|| nt|roswolf: here a pretty fair slam |pg|| nt|psyck: he could, but he chose to play @c 1st for some reason, a Grosvenor :)|pg|| nt|geot: what is best here, 6D or 6H|pg|| nt|bobholl: sry my knowledge of turkish isn't great :)|pg|| mb|p|nt|mamos: 4 of a major here|pg|| mb|1C|nt|fabsayc: after second club ducked north almost certainly should unblock diamonds|pg|| nt|hawe45: So half of the teams play next round|pg|| nt|bagman: Even though the hearts are blocked there are only 8 tricks in NT|pg|| nt|psyck: These Grosvenor Coups can really demoralize opps, but not these EW here I'm sure|pg|| mb|1N|nt|STRIK3R: 1@d from south 4+@h|pg|| nt|rmb1: So much different seeing all four hands. But North does not know about West's clubs or @HK in South|pg|| nt|ady: 4@S makes just lose 3 trump tricks|pg|| nt|roswolf: this is how they open a bal strongish hand|pg|| nt|blum1956: Dekkers did overcall 1@h on the previous board as well )))|pg|| nt|funtay: brd 22 Kuzey tarafindan 3nt oynaniyor ve karo atak geldi fazla yapariz artik|pg|| nt|yusufb: X degilde 1nt iyi|pg|| nt|yusufb: 1@d sory|pg|| nt|sengulerz: anladýðýmýz kadarýyla @c söz konusu olunca kesme zorunluluðu yok|pg|| mb|2H!|mb|d|nt|MolvaM: support dbl I presume?|pg|| nt|ppiglett: The support double is very popular now I see. |pg|| nt|hajru: Well, what did you expect from a junior?|pg|| nt|bobholl: dekkers in other room also bid 1@H so i fear no dutch gain :)|pg|| nt|hawe45: Hate to say it - but has little to do with bridge|pg|| nt|MolvaM: minör diyelim biz ona|pg|| nt|sengulerz: yok yok @c diyip iyice aþaðýlayalým|pg|| mb|2S|nt|STRIK3R: 1NT from North, 0-2@h's|pg|| nt|rmb1: South has enough shape/points to insist on game|pg|| mb|3D|nt|kirp: does 1N deny 4@S?|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: made 4@H on board 7 in open|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: yes|pg|| nt|oosmanb: 4@H made in the other room, even though East was on lead and led @S|pg|| nt|oosmanb: I mean West was on lead|pg|| nt|mamos: the results service for this tourney is indeed the best ever 120 tables in play in the Open teams and every score on the internet in a ...|pg|| nt|mamos: flash|pg|| nt|pelu: the 4@H - also misdefense in OR here S dusked to many @S , so 2 @D could go on @ss|pg|| nt|suketbombi: some of the matches close but Monaco has runaway with a 41-0 lead against the Indian Texans|pg|| nt|yusufb: evet iþte orda sorun oluyo 1nt kesme zorunlulugu yok diye devamlý kesmeden 5 li renk varken 1nt diyolar|pg|| mb|3S|nt|ady: they might play 3NT might make with fortunate lay of club honors|pg|| nt|rmb1: X of 2@C even by passed hand, is a bit thin|pg|| nt|roswolf: looks like a long auction coming up|pg|| nt|mamos: most interesting contract on that board was 2@hxx ......... by South|pg|| nt|mamos: +1240|pg|| mb|4D|nt|jbgood: transfer?|pg|| nt|rmb1: 3@H might be a transfer or smolen (5+S - 4 H)|pg|| nt|psyck: @h better I think, you can try various lines in @d depending on how it goes if @h were trump|pg|| mb|p|nt|jbgood: I would not think of Smolen with 6 @s:)|pg|| nt|rmb1: Just trying to get North to declare spades|pg|| nt|jbgood: but surely looks like it|pg|| nt|bagman: W has nothing to add here even though he can see that diamonds are likely to run|pg|| nt|yusufb: mecbur kalýnca soylenebilir ama naturel deklere varken niye boyle seyler yapoýlýki?|pg|| mb|4H|nt|hajru: And NS are about to miss their 3rd slam|pg|| nt|bobholl: another slam missed :)|pg|| nt|blum1956: One more slam to miss))|pg|| mb|p|nt|rmb1: I thought East may double 4M based on West's earlier double. But he has a different view of the hand|pg|| mb|p|nt|oosmanb: East discarded a @d, and Nunes ruffed the 4th @D good|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: west thinking of attacking @c's?|pg|| nt|jbgood: is this true?|pg|| nt|rmb1: He may double 5M :)|pg|| nt|rmb1: and North is thinking ... ?|pg|| nt|jbgood: firs willing to play 4@h then 5 @s? Where is dicipline? (but N might have bid 3 NT with his double club stopper|pg|| nt|geot: the 18-20 2@D opening which will likely lead them to slam|pg|| nt|hawe45: Good bid by Simons|pg|| nt|blum1956: This time they will bid it|pg|| nt|bobholl: she already bid 2nt on 19 |pg|| nt|hawe45: North might have bid 4 @H over 3 NT|pg|| nt|bobholl: or 4@C|pg|| nt|hawe45: Yes|pg|| nt|hawe45: Is´nt 5 @S just asking suit-quality - then what´s the problem?|pg|| nt|bobholl: guess this asks for good @S she has them !!|pg|| nt|blum1956: From Pasman's point of view Simons should have the Ace and two kings|pg|| nt|hajru: For starters, she has opened 2NT on a 19 count|pg|| nt|hawe45: Then give her the @D JACK!!!|pg|| nt|blum1956: But if the king is in clubs not in hearts the slam will not be a laydown|pg|| mb|p|nt|MolvaM: the problem with suppX is that pd may correct to spades with 5 card poor spade suit|pg|| nt|yusufb: yapýlýrki|pg|| nt|MolvaM: ilginç 1 kontrat bu|pg|| nt|arigun: 3nt sansli @h bilinirse ki deklerasyondan mumkun south'da KQ@s gorundukten sonra, ama deklere etmesi zor|pg|| nt|atabey: trefl çýkýþýna hemen oluyo ama körde bi sakatlýk olmasýn da|pg|| pc|sK|nt|rmb1: I think 3@H was misunderstood|pg|| nt|ady: crazy bidding|pg|| pc|s5|nt|hawe45: I repeat: Did´nt South ask (only) for @S-quality?|pg|| pc|s7|nt|jbgood: No double:)|pg|| nt|rmb1: no trouble? :(|pg|| nt|ady: very good score for Netherlands even undoubled|pg|| pc|sA|pg|| nt|alok_daga: follow F&N on a regular basis.Dont recollect when they last had such a disastrous set|pg|| nt|bagman: The defense has 3 hearts and a club; declarer can ruff his 3rd club in dummy|pg|| nt|fann4: Claiming time in one second.|pg|| nt|fann4: At this stage it is 19-11 to DEN in vps|pg|| nt|roswolf: yes and it is almost impossible to find a reasonable line that fails on this layout|pg|| nt|arigun: 4@h icin de ayni durum|pg|| nt|arigun: @hQJ tespit elilirse 9 kirmizi+@sA|pg|| nt|atabey: zona geldiler en azýndan. 4@d oynamaktan iyidir buna batmak|pg|| nt|sengulerz: 5-1 @he yapamayacaðýna göre (bi de dbl derlerdi zaten) A,R @hü çekip yapar diye ümit ediyorum|pg|| nt|arigun: butun zonlar @h kararina bagli|pg|| pc|h3|nt|jameslee 2: seems a flat board on a @C lead |pg|| nt|geot: As long as the hearts are so friendly he will be playing for an overtrick in 6@H|pg|| nt|hajru: Yes, Hans. |pg|| pc|h4|nt|jameslee 2: K/Q@C depends on style |pg|| nt|atabey: bence yüzde 99 batýcak. diðer masada nolmuþ bu el?|pg|| pc|hA|nt|roswolf: 4nt now or a majestic leap to the final contract?|pg|| pc|hJ|pg|| nt|hawe45: - and North "had" it|pg|| pc|h2|nt|roswolf: what are trumps?|pg|| nt|blum1956: 3NT was hardly forsing|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|hK|nt|ady: think south should have taken the money when e/w got to the 5 level |pg|| nt|jbgood: A kib points out: Muller was afraid they would run to 6 sp :)|pg|| nt|MolvaM: süper gidiyor|pg|| nt|atabey: aha. yaptý valla|pg|| pc|h5|pg|| nt|funtay: %1 :)|pg|| nt|arigun: wd serap|pg|| nt|sengulerz: 2 saniye sürdü yapmasý:)|pg|| nt|atabey: wddd wd|pg|| pc|dA|nt|jameslee 2: 1@D for E-W = for 11 |pg|| nt|roswolf: @H ok|pg|| nt|psyck: trump set as @h after the puppet response to 2N|pg|| nt|roswolf: indeed|pg|| nt|psyck: E would not bid 4@c if he had @s instead of @h|pg|| nt|psyck: sry mean if he did not have @h support|pg|| pc|d3|nt|MolvaM: upmark needs no support for his heart suit|pg|| pc|dT|nt|xenya: if S is imaginative enough to lead the @D9,,,|pg|| nt|geot: The Norwegians in the lead after winning 11 imps on board 21|pg|| nt|roswolf: on 21 3nt went -3 in the other room so new leaders again|pg|| pc|d8|pg|| nt|sengulerz: @d deblokajý da tamam|pg|| pc|h6|pc|h7|nt|MolvaM: iþte biriç :) kozlarý böyle oynayýnca @dQ da üzmeyecek þekilde yerleþir tabii|pg|| pc|h8|nt|kirp: Should be down 1 now|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: yes|pg|| nt|oosmanb: EW have been ruthless at this table|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: do we know if there is seeding in RR?|pg|| nt|ady: Netherlands runninfg away got 10 imps on hand 27th|pg|| pc|c5|pg|| pc|d9|nt|kirp: Fantoni-Nunes look more ruthless|pg|| nt|mamos: wow Meckwell made 6@hx from the North seat|pg|| pc|dQ|nt|atabey: blokaj yoktu gerçi ama iyi hareket|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d7|pg|| pc|dJ|nt|ralfwil: N was punished after a - for me forbidden - lead from Jxx|pg|| nt|fabsayc: board 8 spade lead is right at imps as best shot to beat hand, but more dubious at match points|pg|| nt|fabsayc: over 50% difference between +1 and +2|pg|| nt|fabsayc: i believe the most important decision at mp is the opening lead, which is not given enough consideration|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: and 2 boards left |pg|| nt|psyck: if E was doubleton @h, he would likely have just bid 3N, so 4@c must be cue with @h|pg|| nt|bobholl: e'll make 7 i guess :(|pg|| nt|MolvaM: bu ne|pg|| nt|funtay: @h?|pg|| nt|yusufb: son kozu cekmeyi unuttu|pg|| nt|MolvaM: undo var mý acaba?|pg|| nt|atabey: çakarsa biþey deðiþmez|pg|| nt|MolvaM: monica?|pg|| nt|sengulerz: operator?|pg|| nt|MolvaM: did she not play the 4th heart?|pg|| nt|arigun: neyse olur yorgunluk heyecan vs, tahtalara vuralim hep beraber nazar durumuna tedbir|pg|| nt|MolvaM: durun bakalým operatör ne dicek|pg|| nt|yusufb: cakarsa @s caktýrýr 9 da kalýr|pg|| pc|s2|nt|xenya: but not for long,,,|pg|| pc|d4|pc|c6|pg|| nt|bobholl: she|pg|| pc|d6|nt|roswolf: slam missed in the other room -new leaders again likely|pg|| nt|MolvaM: ben hala ümitliym|pg|| pc|h9|nt|geot: A small sensation if "Kanin" wins this match even though the team contain of four strong players|pg|| pc|d5|nt|atabey: claim yap serap dicektim. kimse itiraz etmezdi. heyecandan heralde. normal|pg|| nt|MolvaM: bence son kozu çekmiþtir serap|pg|| pc|c9|pg|| nt|yusufb: yorgunluk ve sampiyonluk stresi cok büyük etken|pg|| nt|atabey: olmayan kozla çakmadý ya güneydeki|pg|| nt|sengulerz: hay allah|pg|| nt|atabey: morali bozulmasýn da|pg|| nt|MolvaM: neyse|pg|| nt|MolvaM: nazar boncuðu diyelim|pg|| nt|arigun: bakarsiniz defans da @c@c@c oynar|pg|| nt|atabey: yanýlmadýðýma üzüldüm tabi de bana yüzde 1 die msg atan seyirciler nerde? :)|pg|| nt|sengulerz: Yalçýnýn dediði doðru.. sadece bu elle kalsýn.. ilerdeki ellere yansýmasýn da|pg|| nt|MolvaM: bu elde 4 köre ulaþmak çok büyük baþarý bence. güzel kontrat idi|pg|| nt|funtay: Öbür oada da 4@h gelindi bu el|pg|| nt|sengulerz: @c oynasa bile Kuzey @s çaktýrýrsa gene batýyo|pg|| nt|arigun: bende onun icin israrlar @c@c yazdim :)|pg|| pc|s4|pc|c2|pc|sJ|pc|s3|pg|| nt|rmb1: Expensive|pg|| pc|s8|pc|s9|pc|sT|pc|hT|pg|| pc|c4|pc|cQ|pc|c3|pc|c7|pg|| pc|cA|pc|cJ|nt|yusufb: @c @c @c oynanmaz defans o kadar fahiþ hata yapmaz dummy gozukuyo|pg|| pc|s6|pc|c8|pg|| pc|cT|pc|d2|pc|sQ|pc|cK|pg|| nt|arigun: 2 kere yeterdi yusuf|pg|| nt|MolvaM: yeni board a bakalým|pg|| nt|arigun: bence diger masa 2 batar|pg|| nt|sengulerz: zonda da deðiliz zaten.. en fazla 10 veririz|pg|| nt|arigun: belki koz kontrolunu kaybedip daha fazla|pg|| pg|| qx|o25|st||md|3S8764HKQ4D765CK94,STHAT9873DQ92CAQJ,SAQJ3HJ2DKT43CT83,SK952H65DAJ8C7652|sv|e|mb|p|mb|p|nt|murat: but this line has no chance ?|pg|| mb|p|mb|1H|mb|d|nt|danilo1: as the cards are ... 10 tricks in @H is Easy ... EW will not bid that on their own ... but NS may enter bidding|pg|| mb|1S|mb|d|an|points|mb|2H|nt|danilo1: any good reason for 1@S bid?|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|mdgraham: not much point in South bidding opposite a passed partner - well, she has doubled 1@s|pg|| mb|p|pc|d4|pc|d8|pc|d7|pc|d9|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h2|pc|h5|pc|h4|pg|| pc|h7|pc|hJ|pc|h6|pc|hQ|pg|| nt|mdgraham: ignoring the passed-hand considerations, it is reasonable to play double of 1@s as four spades and to bid 2@s with five |pg|| pc|c4|pc|cJ|pc|cT|pc|c2|pg|| pc|d2|nt|mdgraham: just in case the 1@s bidder is having a little joke|pg|| pc|d3|pc|dJ|pc|d6|pg|| pc|c5|pc|c9|pc|cQ|pc|c3|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c8|pc|c6|nt|mcarroll: 4@H +1 made by Mahaffey |pg|| pc|cK|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|dK|pc|dA|pc|d5|pg|| pc|c7|mc|11|pg|| qx|c25|st||md|3S8764HKQ4D765CK94,STHAT9873DQ92CAQJ,SAQJ3HJ2DKT43CT83,SK952H65DAJ8C7652|sv|e|nt|rmb1: +620+500 = 15IMPs = very expensive|pg|| nt|alok_daga: in a 10 brd set with IMPS 20 in their favour wud be near 21 no?|pg|| nt|fann4: No, I think it's more than 19|pg|| nt|fann4: Yes checking now|pg|| nt|geot: but Lavazza up by 8 now. |pg|| nt|roswolf: well with all these errors they have a good chance even though behind at the moment|pg|| nt|geot: Exciting match|pg|| nt|xenya: how many times has the lead changed hands -- i seem to have lost count|pg|| nt|hawe45: Some unblocking in @S might have given the extra trick|pg|| nt|hajru: I guess NS will see that hand back in one of the upcoming trainng sessions|pg|| nt|hawe45: Only @H-lead kills 6 @D|pg|| mb|p|nt|jbgood: but self inflicted and well deserved|pg|| nt|roswolf: 96 imps in 23 bds is a lot|pg|| nt|psyck: yes, the other room W did not value his 55 well enough to go further|pg|| mb|p|nt|bagman: S probably showed AK bare by leading the @HK; on the @HK, N should signal as to normal Kx lead; when the @HA reveals the position, N should show suit preference how to get in|pg|| nt|roswolf: this could be feisty|pg|| nt|MolvaM: interesting bidding open room|pg|| nt|yusufb: evet @h A cok iyi baþladý|pg|| mb|p|mb|1H|nt|ady: 3NT play wrong way up|pg|| nt|jbgood: a good example why 3NT should be played by W|pg|| nt|fann4: It is in fact 20-10 right now|pg|| nt|roswolf: 4@SX the final contract?|pg|| nt|mamos: gane making for NS here|pg|| nt|bobholl: @S and a@C missing otherwise too :)|pg|| mb|d|nt|bagman: Facing a limited opening, Greco can pass|pg|| nt|fann4: Same pass in the other room|pg|| nt|fann4: A sensible auction in the OR|pg|| nt|bagman: They also play limited openings, I think|pg|| mb|1S|nt|rmb1: 3NT denies outside A/K - but can be 2Q :)|pg|| nt|jbgood: even on a low club lead it is impossible to go right|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: 3@D a bergen style |pg|| nt|hawe45: It will be bid for sure|pg|| nt|mamos: game|pg|| nt|hajru: 1@s values with 0-3 @s|pg|| nt|hajru: hands with long @s start with X|pg|| nt|arigun: bi 3 imp daha aldikmi kim tutar :)|pg|| mb|p|mb|2H|nt|xenya: looks a par here, yes|pg|| nt|MolvaM: north bid 1nt with his fine heart honors and then bid 2@s with a 4card suit. he was lucky to find pd with 4 card spades|pg|| nt|MolvaM: unless 1Nt has a conventional meaning of course|pg|| mb|p|nt|kirp: hard to beat this with N on lead|pg|| nt|ady: both 3NT and 5@D need to beplayed by west|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: 4@S finishe |pg|| nt|jameslee 2: for a 11 flat score |pg|| nt|fann4: I'm not at all convinced about passing the S hand.|pg|| nt|alok_daga: 2spades with hrt,5 3 enterprising|pg|| nt|bagman: If 3@H showed a minimum, E has nothing to add|pg|| nt|MolvaM: here the bidding was more normal|pg|| nt|ppiglett: 2D - constructive raise in H with some defence. East pass for W wil decent defence to 2S. Plusses are available in defence.|pg|| nt|MolvaM: can make it if guesses the spade layout|pg|| mb|p|nt|oosmanb: yeah|pg|| nt|kirp: even after a @H switch by S, one duck and S has no more entries|pg|| nt|oosmanb: too many stoppers in @s, no entry for @H, |pg|| nt|kirp: however there are transport problems|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: 4 more IMPs to Angelini|pg|| nt|bigtrain: 3rd seat 1@H seems like it might disrupt things a bit|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: was almost expecting Olsen to open 2@H|pg|| nt|oosmanb: I was half expecting a 1@H opening|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: not sure if he and Jan open 2@H on 5 card suites|pg|| nt|mamos: 2NT some limit bid I guess|pg|| mb|p|nt|patricck: not a lucky contract, but I agree with Souths bidding|pg|| nt|roswolf: east would have done better perhaps by immediately bidding 4@S|pg|| nt|mamos: maybe not bid|pg|| nt|MolvaM: þimdi sakin bir kontrat|pg|| pc|c8|nt|jr7: I think they are trying to catch the play they are playing now!|pg|| nt|hawe45: I know many players, who would - as happened at the other table - have bid 2 @H over Wests 1 @S|pg|| nt|atabey: serap dummy. geçen elden sonra biraz sakinleþmesi iyi|pg|| nt|yusufb: serapta dummy dinlenir 2-3 dakka:)|pg|| pc|c2|nt|jameslee 2: last board could be a big swing to make the match closer |pg|| nt|fann4: This can easily go 2 down.|pg|| nt|bagman: EW are vulnerable, but I think that this is punishing partner for balancing|pg|| nt|fann4: E did far too much here.|pg|| nt|fann4: And suddenly ANG could pick up 8 or so imps|pg|| nt|alok_daga: ¬ a bad balance at that.1sp pp 2hrts can be worse|pg|| nt|MolvaM: seyirciler 4 kör olduðunu belirtiyorlar|pg|| pc|c4|nt|fann4: Declarer has to guess to play low now for 1 down.|pg|| nt|fann4: I was expecting a trump lead there.|pg|| nt|bagman: W counting points...|pg|| nt|blum1956: I would have led a club|pg|| pc|cQ|pg|| nt|mamos: 9|pg|| nt|bobholl: in @D i count only 11 tricks :) 6@D 2@S 2@C and a@H|pg|| nt|hajru: Finally some good news for the dutch: the opps missed slam on 8 as well|pg|| nt|hawe45: There is an automatic @H/@C squeeze against West|pg|| nt|hawe45: - without the @H-lead|pg|| nt|bobholl: rite :)|pg|| pc|hA|nt|vicky888: should make now|pg|| nt|bagman: He knows that N has at most 15 and that S passed|pg|| nt|xenya: -2 on a @D ruff|pg|| pc|h2|nt|oosmanb: nice play!|pg|| nt|patricck: actually maybe it isn't so bad|pg|| pc|h5|nt|fabsayc: malinowsku operating again with 3NT bid|pg|| nt|fabsayc: this time succesfully|pg|| nt|jbgood: an early unblock by N|pg|| nt|patricck: with no entry to the long hearts North could have grabbled the 2nd heart and played on @D|pg|| nt|mamos: Both Ns pairs in this match may be relieved that this is a push|pg|| pc|h4|pg|| nt|bobholl: don't believe that :)|pg|| nt|hajru: I don't think you need the squeeze: win, give up a spade|pg|| pc|h3|nt|roswolf: SUSPECT ONLY -1|pg|| nt|psyck: true, though they may just double that as cards are here|pg|| nt|hawe45: Will play East for the Ace - hoping @C Ace by West maybe|pg|| nt|mamos: Im told 3@c showed minimum|pg|| pc|hJ|nt|kirp: now some problems for W|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: entry problem in East|pg|| nt|kirp: @D might have worked better|pg|| nt|kirp: than K@C|pg|| nt|oosmanb: small @D or AK/?|pg|| nt|MolvaM: so far he has seen th @hA and @cQJ in east. so might place @sK with west|pg|| pc|h6|nt|ady: maybe some back for Aptekar|pg|| pc|hQ|pg|| nt|kirp: small @D towards J, now W has to hope Q@C dblton|pg|| nt|oosmanb: I think there were problems with small @D to J too, then you dont have tempo for @C tricks|pg|| nt|oosmanb: as south will play another @S, before any @C played|pg|| nt|oosmanb: tricky hand to play|pg|| nt|bagman: N might cash out|pg|| nt|atabey: bitmiþ mi? burda da olmuþtu oyunun ortasýnda|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 4 el görürken öyle toplam 21 onör varken 4köre ulaþmak þart deðildir|pg|| pc|c9|nt|xenya: sorry i didn't notice there's ruff|pg|| nt|MolvaM: will lose 2 spades anyway. so he must play diamonds for a double finesse|pg|| nt|MolvaM: difficult|pg|| nt|ppiglett: But that doesn't matter. Two spades, two clubs, a heart - the problem is diamonds -if S times the hand and finesses against q-J with E - he makes.|pg|| nt|MolvaM: right peter|pg|| nt|MolvaM: I think unlikely, but we shall soon see|pg|| nt|MolvaM: yo bu el için|pg|| pc|cJ|nt|bagman: He knows that W must hold at least one spade|pg|| nt|fann4: There a number of ways to set this 2 tricks, but N has to be careful.|pg|| pc|c3|nt|jameslee 2: 3nt on board 20 can be made to make it a big swing |pg|| nt|fann4: And this is not one of them.|pg|| nt|roswolf: WELL DONE|pg|| pc|c5|pg|| pc|cA|nt|suketbombi: @C shift wud have been killer declerar can still prevail on this lay out|pg|| nt|xenya: no ruff|pg|| pc|cT|nt|ady: 4@S also a make e/w|pg|| nt|bagman: Before setting it 2 tricks you have to set it 1 trick first|pg|| nt|fann4: Agreed.|pg|| nt|bagman: And if you have the setting trick in hand in a nondoubled vulnerable game, you quite often should cash it|pg|| nt|fann4: Declarer needs to take a ruffing finesse in @C to get 8 tricks|pg|| nt|alok_daga: cash hrt Ace play spade |pg|| nt|geot: In the other room N/S was left in 4@H I hear, bad news for the Norwegians|pg|| nt|xenya: so -1|pg|| pc|c6|nt|roswolf: cashing out i mean|pg|| pc|cK|pg|| nt|MolvaM: önceki eli unutalým lütfen|pg|| pc|d2|nt|patricck: the defnece needed to switch to @C because there is no entry to the @S either|pg|| nt|roswolf: no accidents here|pg|| pc|d3|pc|dA|nt|kirp: small @D at trick 2 would work if Q onside or @C Q is onside|pg|| pc|d5|pg|| pc|c7|pc|s4|nt|oosmanb: so two @H tricks for defence eventually|pg|| nt|MolvaM: down now|pg|| pc|sT|pc|s3|pg|| mc|10|nt|funtay: bi önceki ele batti|pg|| nt|yusufb: bu el 6 masadada egale olur bence|pg|| nt|funtay: rakip|pg|| nt|funtay: hemde cok:)|pg|| nt|arigun: ben demedim mi 3 imp daha :)|pg|| nt|sengulerz: Öbür masada deminki 4@hü yapmaya yaklaþmadý bile|pg|| nt|atabey: sende de ne aðýz var cengiz. 3 batmýþ. 3 daha geldi|pg|| nt|sengulerz: @sleri yereçakmaya gitti|pg|| nt|MolvaM: cengizin maþallah dediði deklaran 3ten az batmaz|pg|| nt|arigun: bu sefermasallah demedim insallah dedim paþam|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 7 board kaldý bu devre|pg|| nt|yusufb: @h yere cakýp amacýna ulaþýp 3 batmýþ |pg|| nt|atabey: bu son olsun. bidaha velilerinden kaat getirsinler bizim kýzlarla oynamak için|pg|| nt|yusufb: @s yere cakýp|pg|| nt|MolvaM: sorulara cevap: bu maçýn son devresi saat 17:40ta baþlayacak|pg|| nt|MolvaM: herhalde ara verildi ihtiyaç molasý|pg|| nt|yusufb: yani ne amaçla yere @s cakmaya gitmiþ onu anlamadým|pg|| nt|MolvaM: bu elin açýk seride 4@h oynandýðý söyleniyor seyirciler tarafýndan|pg|| nt|yusufb: 6 da 6 degil 6 da 5 olacak o zaman:)|pg|| pg|| qx|o26|st||md|4S2HAKQ975DT2C6532,SQ8654HJ2DQ54CJT9,SAT973HDA9863CK84,SKJHT8643DKJ7CAQ7|sv|b|nt|tweety1: NS must be careful|pg|| nt|danilo1: swingy board|pg|| mb|1H|mb|p|mb|1S|mb|p|mb|1N|nt|jeanhari: still enough boards to go, but something good must happen for the Dutch ladies soon|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|tweety1: now not:)|pg|| mb|p|pc|c6|nt|tweety1: wd Babac|pg|| nt|mcarroll: quite a misfit|pg|| nt|tweety1: my favourite lead|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|cK|pc|cA|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s2|pc|s4|pc|s3|pg|| nt|danilo1: wd both North and South .. it has been even more difficult for Lale (in North) to pass I thk|pg|| nt|mcarroll: NS resisted temptation well|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|h5|pc|s5|pc|sA|pg|| nt|tweety1: Noise coming from the closed room:))|pg|| nt|danilo1: tuekish or dutch noice Tweety?|pg|| nt|mdgraham: the sort of noise associated with a large penalty?|pg|| pc|c4|pc|cQ|nt|jeanhari: will be difficult for east to believe south hasnt the Q of diamonds|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c9|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d2|pc|d4|pc|d3|pg|| pc|d7|pc|dT|pc|dQ|nt|jeanhari: well played|pg|| pc|dA|pg|| nt|danilo1: --- according to :) .. .thk I can guess|pg|| nt|tweety1: Cant recognize yet Danilo:))|pg|| pc|c8|pc|c7|pc|c3|pc|cT|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|s7|pc|h3|pc|h7|pg|| pc|d5|pc|d6|pc|dJ|pc|h9|pg|| mc|7|nt|mdgraham: -90 not the worst thing that could happen to NS|pg|| pg|| qx|c26|st||md|4S2HAKQ975DT2C6532,SQ8654HJ2DQ54CJT9,SAT973HDA9863CK84,SKJHT8643DKJ7CAQ7|sv|b|nt|ralfwil: and more than that....|pg|| nt|vugraphpl7: running scores|pg|| nt|ralfwil: looks like 100%|pg|| nt|kirp: he was hoping NS would duck k@C and then he could switch to @Ds|pg|| nt|rmb1: 13 back. 5@D played by W in OR|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: 1100 lets see |pg|| nt|jameslee 2: 15 IMps |pg|| nt|jameslee 2: are in play |pg|| nt|jameslee 2: for a 27/26 end |pg|| nt|alok_daga: the play of the cl Q was poor spade Ace,hrt Ace cah,spade|pg|| nt|alok_daga: cash|pg|| nt|fann4: Sorry, I meant 9 tricks, for 1 down|pg|| nt|psyck: The Italians, not unexpectedly, have not only comeback but also gaind a big lead, it will be tough for the Norwegians to comeback now|pg|| nt|roswolf: but a big italian gain|pg|| nt|hawe45: Tou must look for only 3 cards: @C King and @H K-Q|pg|| mb|1H|nt|ralfwil: instead of about 95%|pg|| nt|oosmanb: Potential for Jans to pull some imps back then|pg|| nt|jr7: 4@H in N/S|pg|| nt|ady: swingy srt|pg|| nt|jbgood: same opening in the OR - but W preferred 5@d|pg|| nt|ady: set|pg|| nt|rmb1: Thanks to BBO and EBL for organising. Thanks to operator. Thanks to David and Jon|pg|| nt|ady: thx all|pg|| nt|hawe45: 3 NT is no safe winner|pg|| nt|hawe45: You...|pg|| mb|p|nt|STRIK3R: Yes, playing the K works if AQ is not on same hand|pg|| mb|1S|nt|jr7: 4@S in Ø/V only 2 down|pg|| nt|desert: i have to leave, thx and c u |pg|| nt|MolvaM: bye martin|pg|| mb|p|nt|jameslee 2: specs are on favour of a 3nt -1 on @D lead |pg|| mb|1N|nt|ady: e/w can make 3NT even on a heart lead but unlikely to get there|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: so not such big swing |pg|| nt|hawe45: But how about 2 @H DOUBLED...|pg|| nt|alok_daga: Last brd of the set.Thnks 2 fellow commentators,specs&Monica for the gr8 vugraph|pg|| nt|bagman: Hampson might jump to 3@D|pg|| nt|bagman: if he ever gets to make the 2nd bid|pg|| nt|roswolf: on the last one the norwegians seemed unduly inhibited in the auction|pg|| nt|roswolf: in the other room|pg|| nt|MolvaM: bir keresinde böyle bir kozla 1@h açmýþtým. rakip natürel mi diye sormuþtu|pg|| mb|p|nt|kirp: think tahts what he was hoping for|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: yes|pg|| nt|bigtrain: this might be 14 for a tie|pg|| nt|bobholl: can they show @C guess not|pg|| mb|p|nt|fabsayc: actually cost more than 20%|pg|| nt|ady: 4@S doomed on early heart play|pg|| nt|psyck: yes, strange when E knew 10 card fit there|pg|| nt|roswolf: 1nt now?|pg|| nt|roswolf: or 21C?|pg|| nt|geot: A light 3rd seat opening by Sementa here, in what looks like a partscore. But N/S has 24 HCPs|pg|| nt|roswolf: 2@C|pg|| mb|p|nt|yusufb: bizim konuþtugumuz renklerden rakip zon yapcak nerdeyse:)|pg|| pc|c5|nt|bigtrain: probably only 12 though|pg|| nt|fann4: Maybe, because of the limited non-opening of 1@C, but that should still end things.|pg|| nt|pelu: last board - I will tx our great operator, many acitive kibs, and spec tx to the polish IT-.staff: outstanding work|pg|| nt|psyck: 2@c looked best to me|pg|| nt|roswolf: another anti %view by south|pg|| nt|mamos: These are 28 board matches so we are about 1/3 of the way through|pg|| nt|hawe45: tricks for the defense - did´nt get them in OR|pg|| nt|hawe45: 7 tricks|pg|| nt|hawe45: Same lead as here|pg|| nt|yusufb: en uygun yerde kaldýlar|pg|| nt|atabey: dileðin pas ilginç ama iyi oldu |pg|| pc|c9|nt|oosmanb: They've bought the hand|pg|| nt|ady: well stopped |pg|| nt|MolvaM: stopped in time|pg|| nt|hawe45: 3 NT would have been a winner here - maybe|pg|| pc|cK|nt|ady: cannot fault e/w for not playing 3NT|pg|| nt|fann4: No, these guys don't jump on hands like this.|pg|| nt|MolvaM: team Kamras needs more action boards to try to close the gap|pg|| pc|cA|pg|| nt|vbman: -200|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: 3@D x ? how many off |pg|| nt|hawe45: 12 IMP´s - at least|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: -1 |pg|| nt|patricck: last board? It is a 14 board set isn't it?|pg|| nt|psyck: to show @s fit & extra values|pg|| nt|psyck: unless 2@c natural, in which case NT ok|pg|| nt|roswolf: north has taken a good view to pass probably|pg|| nt|bobholl: just MAY|pg|| nt|hawe45: But not with 4 x @C|pg|| pc|sK|nt|jr7: 1@C is strog, 2@C = diamond|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: that makes 700 for 12 |pg|| nt|vugraphpl7: yes, 14 board set|pg|| nt|MolvaM: still 5 more boards to go incl this|pg|| pc|s2|nt|fabsayc: now north needs to hold 10xx of hearts or another disaster|pg|| nt|kirp: this looks straightforward|pg|| nt|ady: thx all interesting set|pg|| nt|pelu: sorry - wrong - again :(:( - 14 boards - so long way to go - but still tx :)|pg|| nt|hajru: I don't fancy declarer's chances on a @c lead|pg|| pc|s4|nt|psyck: S cannot have more as he did not x 1st, so thats about as high as they were going i guess|pg|| nt|roswolf: north needs to guarantee his club ruff here|pg|| nt|roswolf: she south is a lady|pg|| nt|hajru: This will make in comfort, time for a coffee|pg|| nt|yusufb: pas denebilir bence|pg|| nt|atabey: bir bile batsa 2@s ten iyidir|pg|| pc|sA|pg|| nt|jr7: strong|pg|| nt|cenglund: Should be only 1 down|pg|| nt|jameslee 2: and a match 26/24 |pg|| nt|suketbombi: no 14X3 =42 bds in total|pg|| pc|c8|nt|kirp: 9 or 10 trix|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: wont take long|pg|| pc|cQ|nt|oosmanb: Last hand of the segment, but LOTS more bridge to come!|pg|| nt|oosmanb: Thank you to the organizers, and fellow commentators|pg|| nt|kirp: ciao|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: hade|pg|| nt|jbgood: some really astonishing actions - great show|pg|| nt|ady: well Aptekar got to 3NT in OR surprising so finishing a close match|pg|| pc|c2|nt|fann4: So a likely flat or 1imp board - meaning an excellent result for DEN, who are in 6th position in the A Swiss right now.|pg|| nt|alok_daga: GN all|pg|| nt|bagman: the trump lead was quite standard after the auction; with hearts 3-3 the spades go away for push|pg|| nt|fann4: Whereas ANG are 28th - remember the top 27 go thru, with 5 teams from the B Swiss, to the round of 32.|pg|| nt|fann4: For live updates on a brilliant site go to|pg|| pc|cT|pg|| nt|hawe45: South will take this, play @H 10 and continue @H|pg|| nt|hawe45: Bridge is an easy game - just take your tricks|pg|| nt|funtay: bencede|pg|| pc|sJ|nt|atabey: ben bu kadar zayýf elle 1NT býrakmazdým|pg|| nt|arigun: neden batsinki|pg|| nt|MolvaM: sorunsuz kontrat|pg|| pc|h5|nt|rmb1: More back for Apteker. EW have played well and perhaps deserved a bigger margin|pg|| nt|MolvaM: running scores|pg|| pc|s5|pc|s3|pg|| nt|bobholl: good idea :)|pg|| pc|d7|pc|d2|pc|dQ|pc|dA|pg|| nt|patricck: must check that out, Roland announced 28 boards earlier|pg|| nt|atabey: trefl antre olunca yaptý evet. üstünkörü baktým|pg|| pc|c4|nt|roswolf: another odd line of play|pg|| nt|psyck: She has too many losers for this line of play to work|pg|| pc|c7|nt|oosmanb: Next segment in 15 mins|pg|| pc|c3|nt|fabsayc: club jack is going for another swindle|pg|| nt|fabsayc: but dubious since now both players guard clubs|pg|| pc|cJ|pg|| nt|mamos: not much was right for EW here a chance for the Polish team to get a few imps back |pg|| pc|sQ|nt|bagman: Now declarer has the option to pitch either clubs or spades :)|pg|| pc|s7|nt|roswolf: declarer - north is male|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h7|pg|| nt|bagman: thx all, bye for now|pg|| nt|vugraphpl7: thx all|pg|| nt|fann4: Thanks all, by now|pg|| pc|d4|pc|d9|nt|mamos: ty to our op and to all the spectators and fellow commentators Geoffrey seems to have gone walkabout now|pg|| pc|dK|nt|ady: thx all |pg|| nt|ady: bye|pg|| nt|jbgood: bye all|pg|| nt|psyck: oh , shucks|pg|| pc|dT|pg|| pc|dJ|nt|ralfwil: N shall go down to @sQ and @c10 and leave @h to S|pg|| pc|h9|pc|d5|pc|d3|pg|| nt|mamos: thanks to the EBl and the POlish team for fantastic cioverage and to BBO for bringing uis this coverage|pg|| mc|7|pg|| qx|o27|st||md|1SK3H75DKJT4CK8643,S9875HK4DAQ96CT92,S6HAQ98632D83CQ75,SAQJT42HJTD752CAJ|sv|o|nt|danilo1: since 1@H-1@S is rather automatic for EW (as well as 1NT) .. guess only NS were in danger|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|3H|mb|3S|mb|p|mb|4S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|jeanhari: dont read back my comment previous board, had a diffferent contact in mind :)|pg|| nt|murat: Babac knows what to lead :)|pg|| pc|h7|pc|h4|pc|hQ|pc|hJ|pg|| pc|hA|pc|hT|pc|h5|pc|hK|pg|| nt|tweety1: :)|pg|| nt|jeanhari: even 3! too high|pg|| nt|jeanhari: @S|pg|| nt|murat: can she avoid 2 off ?|pg|| pc|c5|nt|murat: i think it will be same in CR too|pg|| nt|tweety1: dont think|pg|| nt|jeanhari: don't think so after this switch|pg|| nt|danilo1: true pd is passed pd, 3@S looks automatic (and 4@S too) ... too risky not to bid 3@S and find urself faced with 4@H-P-P |pg|| pc|cA|pc|c3|pc|c2|pg|| pc|d2|nt|jeanhari: true.. though pas pas 3@H - pas - 4@H is not that common :)|pg|| pc|d4|pc|dQ|pc|d3|pg|| pc|s8|pc|s6|pc|s4|pc|sK|pg|| pc|cK|pc|c9|pc|c7|pc|cJ|pg|| pc|dK|pc|dA|pc|d8|pc|d5|pg|| pc|s5|pc|h3|pc|sA|pc|s3|pg|| nt|tweety1: seems no swinh this brd. Take a beer|pg|| nt|tweety1: g|pg|| mc|8|pg|| qx|c27|st||md|1SK3H75DKJT4CK8643,S9875HK4DAQ96CT92,S6HAQ98632D83CQ75,SAQJT42HJTD752CAJ|sv|o|nt|patricck: The score sheets on the link seem to be set out for two segments of 14, so probably 28 board match as Roland suggested|pg|| nt|suketbombi: ok only 28 bd K/O?|pg|| nt|patricck: Yes, very cutthroat isn't it ? :)|pg|| nt|psyck: if @s's were going to be 33, there was no hurry to test that|pg|| nt|roswolf: hmm the norsemen and women sinking to the bottom of the fyord|pg|| nt|mamos: declarer let in|pg|| nt|mamos: and knew what to do|pg|| nt|hawe45: In fact a very good slam here|pg|| nt|MolvaM: another part score hand |pg|| nt|yusufb: her egale bord bizi avrupa sampiyonluguna yaklaþtýrýyo|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|pelu: same in mixed-teams|pg|| nt|roswolf: true CK|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 22 puan var sadece ama 6-4 pik fiti varken zon derler muhtemelen|pg|| mb|3H|mb|3S|nt|hawe45: Because of the @C Jack-entry!|pg|| nt|funtay: öbür oada 4@s oynaniyor|pg|| nt|arigun: 4@s in hic sansi yok|pg|| mb|p|nt|atabey: normal. hep böyle eller gelse. 3-5 biþey alýyoruz zaten bu ellerden. son devre oynanmayabilir|pg|| mb|4S|nt|suketbombi: will settle for the good Old 3nt soon here|pg|| nt|ppiglett: Just the one heart - thought that he might try a few more.|pg|| nt|MolvaM: cullin passed?|pg|| mb|p|nt|bobholl: they play support X now i guess|pg|| mb|p|nt|mamos: Strong Club|pg|| nt|hajru: X is 3 card support|pg|| mb|p|nt|MolvaM: 4@s makul|pg|| pc|h7|nt|psyck: a game forcing stayman 2@d bid maybe|pg|| nt|roswolf: looks like it|pg|| nt|psyck: 2@s could be 4 cards I suppose|pg|| nt|psyck: now 3@h - 3@s?|pg|| nt|sengulerz: @h demeden 4@se gelinebilse iyi.. @c çýkýlýrsa olurdu|pg|| pc|h4|nt|MolvaM: that was conservative again|pg|| nt|ppiglett: The joy of knowing E was limited maybe|pg|| nt|MolvaM: rosentahl will get another 2 imps even if 2@h goes down 1|pg|| nt|MolvaM: board 18 was also illustrative|pg|| nt|MolvaM: where cullin passed 1H when they had up to 11 tricks available in diamonds|pg|| pc|hQ|nt|fabsayc: arggh, if you must bid again, double is clear|pg|| pc|hJ|pg|| nt|atabey: sanmam|pg|| pc|hA|nt|roswolf: a firm 3nt no doubt|pg|| nt|psyck: good S did not have slam ambitions here as 5 level is not safe|pg|| pc|hT|pc|h5|pc|hK|pg|| nt|arigun: ona da @d nun ucu problem|pg|| nt|yusufb: o zamanda olmazdýki|pg|| nt|atabey: karonun ucu trefle gider de 4 löve açýkta|pg|| nt|sengulerz: doðru|pg|| pc|c5|pc|cJ|nt|psyck: with this lie, neither @s not NT safe at 5 level|pg|| nt|hawe45: BOTH North-players bid 1 @S - for what reason?|pg|| nt|bobholl: should have unblocked @H |pg|| pc|cK|nt|hawe45: Ah - the lead|pg|| pc|c2|pg|| pc|c6|nt|hajru: For those interested: other results at:|pg|| nt|blum1956: the only difference is that she will come to two off instead of one off|pg|| nt|bobholl: every imp migth count :)|pg|| pc|c9|nt|mamos: EW not close to Slam at either table|pg|| nt|hawe45: I have been told, that the 1 @S-bid is the main-reason, why E/W did´nt bid the slam. One never stops learning|pg|| nt|MolvaM: if he had doubled for takeout I still wonder if they could reach 3@c|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|cA|pg|| nt|pelu: ok I am back with u - multi-tasking :)|pg|| pc|d5|nt|psyck: other room stopped in 4N, so push|pg|| nt|MolvaM: upmark probably wanted to be prepared for a rebid but the bidding did not develop to his expectations|pg|| nt|ppiglett: Should be able to organise -2 - trump promo.|pg|| pc|d4|pc|dQ|pc|d3|pg|| pc|s5|nt|hajru: Every imp does count, it is just that some count more than others|pg|| nt|hajru: While declarer is struggling, what do we think about 3@c from N, considering that her partner is likely to be 3-3-3-4|pg|| pc|s6|nt|arigun: @d yu atmadan belki once @h atip @h kacirma sansini extra deneyebilir|pg|| nt|MolvaM: kuzeyde hala pik rua olurmu acba?|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s3|pg|| pc|sJ|nt|MolvaM: so far they seem to be on track|pg|| nt|MolvaM: spade now|pg|| nt|MolvaM: to lose only 1 imp|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s7|pc|h2|pg|| nt|MolvaM: serap doðru yaptý bence|pg|| nt|sengulerz: daha @s K sorunu var|pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|o28|st||md|2S6HQ987DK865CJ965,SQJT87H65432DTC73,SA952HKDAQJ3CQT84,SK43HAJTD9742CAK2|sv|n|nt|mdgraham: 2 imps |pg|| mb|p|mb|1D|nt|mdgraham: 5 boards to go - the Dutch ladies are not making much of an impression on the deficit - in fact it is increasing|pg|| mb|1N|nt|tweety1: who opens 1nt N hand?|pg|| mb|2D|nt|danilo1: 1NT (if she play with me :))|pg|| nt|tweety1: :)|pg|| mb|2S|nt|danilo1: me .. have that even as system bid|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|tweety1: and who bids 1nt by E's hand? :))|pg|| nt|bobholl: fine stopper :)|pg|| nt|jeanhari: nv fine|pg|| nt|danilo1: and who bids 2@D :)|pg|| nt|mdgraham: gets the nature of the hand across|pg|| pc|s2|nt|danilo1: I prefer pass on 1NT and @D lead|pg|| nt|jeanhari: 2@D = majors so I wont!|pg|| pc|s3|pc|s6|pc|s7|pg|| pc|h3|pc|hK|pc|hA|pc|h7|pg|| pc|sK|pc|d5|pc|s8|pc|sA|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|d2|pc|dK|pc|dT|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h2|nt|danilo1: thk all ways leads to 2@S by West anyway ... (eg. 1NT-Dble-pass-2@S) |pg|| pc|c4|pc|hT|pg|| pc|h8|pc|h4|pc|s5|pc|hJ|pg|| nt|tweety1: this is a tasty defence|pg|| pc|s9|pc|s4|pc|d6|pc|sQ|pg|| nt|danilo1: indeed|pg|| nt|jeanhari: wash|pg|| mc|8|nt|tweety1: but not enuf to set, @d lead cld set it maybe?|pg|| nt|bobholl: than w won't make her 5th @H|pg|| nt|murat: @d lead would be a good start|pg|| nt|murat: so far Turkish ladies are playing a solid game|pg|| nt|danilo1: South (seein xxxx in @D at the table) .. should not give pd @H ruff, but play @DK and @D ... |pg|| nt|tweety1: a break Operator?|pg|| nt|vugraphpl9: yes|pg|| nt|vugraphpl9: ladies went to the bathroom|pg|| nt|danilo1: shower? :)|pg|| nt|vugraphpl9: who knows :)|pg|| nt|tweety1: for discussing their system:))|pg|| pg|| qx|c28|st||md|2S6HQ987DK865CJ965,SQJT87H65432DTC73,SA952HKDAQJ3CQT84,SK43HAJTD9742CAK2|sv|n|nt|suketbombi: me too:) back|pg|| nt|roswolf: an imp to lavazza|pg|| nt|mamos: lol it took up lots of bidding space Hans|pg|| nt|bobholl: in pairs i'd bid it too imps not|pg|| mb|p|nt|hawe45: Seriously: I just learned, that 1 @S spoils the relay-system by E/W - having easily bid slam withou it. Interesting indeed - then 1 @S is a GOOD bid|pg|| nt|mamos: Slam again:)|pg|| mb|1C|nt|fabsayc: michael yuen is one of my friends from vancouver|pg|| nt|psyck: 1 round of @s before the @h would have enabled him to play for the o/t with 2 @s finesses|pg|| mb|1N|nt|patricck: looks like another flat one here, hard imagine anything other than an EW spade game|pg|| nt|suketbombi: will settle for 4@S here E-W doubt N-S will come in in these colours |pg|| nt|blum1956: nv it pays|pg|| nt|bobholl: how many @C can one make ?|pg|| nt|funtay: ufak ufak geliyor impler:)|pg|| mb|p|nt|hawe45: Not if North bids 1 @S...|pg|| mb|2H!|nt|suketbombi: but aptekar has ideas of bidding 3@C i|pg|| nt|MolvaM: on with the quiet boards|pg|| mb|p|nt|suketbombi: DOUBLEEEEE it says :)|pg|| nt|MolvaM: last 3 boards|pg|| mb|2S|nt|patricck: yikes, at that vulnerability with a strong NT behind him? :(|pg|| nt|psyck: a drury seq should get them to 4@h here|pg|| nt|hajru: I think you make at least 6 by ruffing 2@s|pg|| mb|p|nt|blum1956: 7|pg|| mb|p|nt|ppiglett: could have played in 3N by E without a club lead. On a H should make 3.|pg|| nt|sengulerz: nitekim bu oyun 2 imp daha kazandýrdý|pg|| mb|p|nt|atabey: diyorum size :)|pg|| pc|c5|nt|psyck: Duboin conservatively passed 3rd seat, as Vul I suppose|pg|| nt|hajru: Anyway, time for EW to show that their slam skills are better than NS|pg|| pc|c3|nt|fabsayc: wow is 3@S forcing|pg|| nt|suketbombi: best to overtake and Return @C he is not sure tho @SK cud be doubleton|pg|| nt|pelu: close fight in most maches, only 4 with big leads: NL-red +38 (Lowicz), Maroco Z + 33 (India), Kopecky + 31 (Hungary) and Denmark + 23 (Russia)|pg|| nt|psyck: & bad @s suit|pg|| nt|MolvaM: upmark cullin play with great discipline|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|cA|pg|| nt|hawe45: Best to be said about 7 @C - easy to play, @S-suit must work for you|pg|| pc|s4|pc|s6|nt|MolvaM: many pairs would tend to be more undisciplined esp after going down in the slam|pg|| nt|MolvaM: try for 3NT here for example|pg|| nt|MolvaM: gayet güzel kontrat|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|sA|pg|| nt|hawe45: Not 12 sure tricks, and only losing line should be @H to the 10, I think|pg|| pc|c4|nt|xenya: thoughtful lead -- but to no avail|pg|| nt|roswolf: declarer needs to take a little care|pg|| nt|blum1956: 6 is enough to bid of course, the distribution may appear less friendly|pg|| pc|cK|nt|patricck: OK :)|pg|| nt|hawe45: @C to the 10 works better|pg|| pc|c6|nt|ppiglett: They must feel they are behind though after the 6H -1. But then again at this level that might very well be matched|pg|| pc|c7|pg|| nt|hawe45: Best lead for defense, took an entry outside the trump-suit|pg|| pc|sK|nt|hawe45: Sorry - every finesse with one of West´m s 10 will work|pg|| nt|arigun: @h ve @s in partaj olmamasi lehimize, kazara gelinen zon batiyor|pg|| pc|d5|nt|suketbombi: now back to @S and wait|pg|| pc|s7|nt|fabsayc: this hand is for swindlers so should be played really fast|pg|| nt|fabsayc: and swindle on|pg|| nt|psyck: oh oh|pg|| nt|roswolf: not enough care|pg|| nt|xenya: re4ally?|pg|| pc|s2|pg|| nt|blum1956: While any sensible plan works on this particular board it is not that easy to work out the best one|pg|| pc|s3|nt|patricck: actually that was meant for someone else..... this contract is definitely not OK|pg|| pc|c9|nt|pelu: OK for EW :)|pg|| nt|suketbombi: 4 tricks in bag and 1hs @d and more @Cs to loose|pg|| pc|sJ|nt|MolvaM: out of the 8 matches, 4 are effectively over. but 4 matches still close|pg|| pc|s5|pg|| nt|MolvaM: bugün bizim kýzlarýn günü|pg|| pc|h2|nt|xenya: that's better|pg|| pc|hK|nt|hawe45: I can explain the bidding - finishing before midnight, maybe...|pg|| nt|hawe45: Was just told from Swden, that West knows partners hand so good, that he has allready started planning the play...!|pg|| nt|james_h: sir|pg|| nt|james_h: sorry|pg|| nt|MolvaM:|pg|| pc|hA|nt|suketbombi: ok 3@Cs will be make but by E_W:)|pg|| pc|h7|pg|| pc|hJ|nt|roswolf: ah maybe enough|pg|| nt|psyck: ok, he was not sleepy after all|pg|| pc|hQ|nt|mamos: 6@d a better contract?|pg|| pc|h3|pc|d3|pg|| pc|d6|nt|hajru: Next ;-)|pg|| pc|dT|nt|suketbombi: no :(:(|pg|| pc|dA|nt|mamos: so declarer has eleven tricks and a number of ways to try for twelfth his problem is how to best combine chances|pg|| pc|d2|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|d4|pc|d8|pc|s8|pg|| nt|mamos: and his first plan was a success leading twards @hQ|pg|| nt|bobholl: for 7 even less easy :)|pg|| pc|h4|pc|c8|nt|fabsayc: this is why south should have asked about 3@S bid|pg|| pc|hT|pc|h8|pg|| nt|ppiglett: squeezed - again|pg|| pc|d9|pc|dK|nt|ralfwil: must be a big round for EW|pg|| nt|fabsayc: 95% round|pg|| nt|fabsayc: in fact the pattern of all these hands is avoiding overtricks|pg|| nt|vugraphpl7: running scores|pg|| pc|sT|pc|dJ|pg|| nt|arigun: neyse|pg|| mc|8|nt|MolvaM: biraz gelgitli oldu ama neyse|pg|| pg|| qx|o29|st||md|3SQ94HA854DKJT2C42,SAK3HK6DQ9874CAT3,ST75HQ93DA5CQJ986,SJ862HJT72D63CK75|sv|b|nt|vugraphpl9: ok we can start|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|danilo1: 1NT- (1 or 2) looks normal score here (except if third seat opening)|pg|| nt|jeanhari: 1NT-1 is one trick too much for declarer|pg|| nt|mdgraham: @CQ looks normal lead|pg|| nt|bobholl: 3@S 2@C and a@H ?!|pg|| pc|cQ|nt|danilo1: hope not 4th best lead :)|pg|| pc|c5|pc|c2|pc|cA|pg|| nt|jeanhari: decl probably go for spades|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s5|pc|s2|pc|s4|pg|| pc|sA|pc|sT|pc|s6|pc|s9|pg|| nt|tweety1: will be same result I thnk|pg|| pc|s3|pc|s7|nt|mdgraham: this table is not playing by the rules - when you lead Q from QJ9 dummy ALWAYS has K10x |pg|| pc|sJ|pc|sQ|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|dQ|pc|dA|pc|d3|pg|| nt|jeanhari: must go two off as declarer will be squeezed|pg|| nt|danilo1: no :)|pg|| pc|d5|pc|d6|pc|dK|pc|d4|pg|| pc|dT|pc|d7|pc|c8|pc|h2|pg|| nt|jeanhari: no club back?|pg|| pc|h4|nt|danilo1: danger of making now|pg|| nt|tweety1: hmm|pg|| nt|mdgraham: curious line of defence|pg|| nt|vugraphpl9: or two down|pg|| nt|tweety1: MUST put K|pg|| nt|bobholl: carla will :)|pg|| nt|jeanhari: just club, back, decl takes his spade trick and defense has the rest...|pg|| nt|mdgraham: defence got far too busy|pg|| nt|danilo1: @D before @C had not so much sense ... having @HA on her own ... why partner's possible entry away before @C are established|pg|| nt|jeanhari: notrh sort of an opening bid with Ace of hearts|pg|| nt|tweety1: 5 imps to Holland i bet|pg|| nt|jeanhari: need them.... |pg|| nt|bobholl: desperately :)|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h3|pc|h7|pg|| pc|d9|nt|bobholl: ok carla :)|pg|| nt|danilo1: should guess rite ... if @HA at nort, North would have 2A and probably QJ) fifth in @C - enough to open|pg|| pc|c6|pc|hT|pc|d2|pg|| pc|d8|pc|h9|pc|hJ|pc|h5|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c9|pc|cK|pc|c4|pg|| pc|s8|pc|h8|pc|cT|pc|hQ|pg|| pc|c7|pc|hA|pc|h6|pc|cJ|pg|| pg|| qx|c29|st||md|3SQ94HA854DKJT2C42,SAK3HK6DQ9874CAT3,ST75HQ93DA5CQJ986,SJ862HJT72D63CK75|sv|b|nt|suketbombi: defence missed a trick there|pg|| nt|patricck: a triumph, only -1100|pg|| nt|roswolf: anything could happen here|pg|| nt|hajru: This will be interesting, 10 tricks in @h and @c|pg|| nt|bobholl: so @H will gain ? hope so :)|pg|| nt|hawe45: Why not 4 ! ?|pg|| nt|hawe45: 4 @S|pg|| nt|bobholl: 4@S even |pg|| nt|blum1956: Only 9 in clubs with a spade ruff|pg|| nt|hajru: Yes, but then EW can try @s as well|pg|| nt|MolvaM: sonunda 8 el alýndý|pg|| nt|yusufb: 15-20 gün once içime dogmuþ gibi briç magazin dergisine bayanlarda avrupaya gidip 2-3 takým gectigimiz devirler kapandý diye yazý verdim tesadüfde örnek olarak serapla dilekten bi ...|pg|| nt|yusufb: el koydum:)|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|psyck: yes, cards fav for a swing if only 1 get to say 4@S|pg|| nt|mamos: 10-13 2@s|pg|| nt|MolvaM: grue-siverstein at the other table had quite a solid set|pg|| nt|bobholl: 1234 @H ?|pg|| mb|p|mb|1N|nt|MolvaM: 1nt?|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|roswolf: bergen type raise|pg|| nt|psyck: She could not bid game after that limit raise with a min i suppose|pg|| nt|roswolf: surprised no game bid|pg|| nt|MolvaM: some sort of 2pade support apparently|pg|| nt|ppiglett: Have to admit I am a diamond bidder at my first turn as W and then back in to show heart if app.|pg|| nt|hawe45: Double your money|pg|| nt|yusufb: bekliyodum ama iþin gercegi bu kadar büyük baþarý degil:)|pg|| pc|cQ|nt|fabsayc: i think i would be reopening with double on west hand|pg|| nt|hajru: 1@h for me, as I'd have no idea what to do now|pg|| nt|bobholl: X i bid it to make|pg|| nt|atabey: bundan sonra hep böyle inþallah. bikere yapýlabildiðini görünce gerisi gelir|pg|| nt|MolvaM: darýsý açýk ekiplerimizin baþýna|pg|| pc|c5|nt|MolvaM: kibs tell me: 1NT = @s supp without honor|pg|| pc|c2|nt|psyck: knowing a few deals did not go well, maybe she should have tried|pg|| pc|cA|pg|| nt|mamos: it seems that every pair reaches game here but making it has not been so easy|pg|| nt|bobholl: jet passssss|pg|| pc|sA|nt|xenya: this does looks a bit conservative|pg|| nt|roswolf: yup|pg|| nt|hawe45: I better go for offee|pg|| pc|s7|nt|MolvaM: nobody respects the jacks these days|pg|| nt|MolvaM: if pd has no spade honor, maybe better to lead a heart?|pg|| nt|yusufb: su ana kadar 30 bordda verilmiþ sadece 10 imp var|pg|| pc|s2|pc|s4|pg|| nt|mamos: Best defence is to take out this Heart entry now|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s5|nt|MolvaM: not easy to make this|pg|| nt|MolvaM: 3@d would have been a much better spot|pg|| nt|MolvaM: which you would certainly have reached peter :)|pg|| nt|ppiglett: Trump K required.|pg|| nt|MolvaM: this is the penulytimate board of this match|pg|| nt|MolvaM: so Kamras needs 20 imps very quick|pg|| pc|s6|nt|pelu: easy 10 tricks - S can set up 9 with 3 @D-tricks, and late a @C-trick will come|pg|| nt|bobholl: i go for CCCoffe :)|pg|| pc|s9|pg|| pc|s3|nt|geot: not such a great game, though, both clubs and spades must be favourable. |pg|| nt|hajru: another good result for EW. |pg|| pc|sT|pc|sJ|nt|MolvaM: or they will be eliminated|pg|| nt|ppiglett: A lady once suggested I was Mr Right - little did she realise my first name was always!|pg|| nt|MolvaM: :)|pg|| pc|sQ|pg|| nt|mamos: communications just too difficult for declarer|pg|| nt|ppiglett: Hit it, cash the Club Q and play on diamonds |pg|| nt|ppiglett: actually still ok|pg|| pc|c4|nt|psyck: tough to evaluate how useful the holdings in the side suits are going to be, but could have made a general try with 3@h on 3@d|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c8|pc|cK|pg|| nt|MolvaM: oysa bize kalsa 1 bordda verirdik 10 imp yi :)|pg|| nt|yusufb: zonda 12:)|pg|| pc|s8|nt|pelu: it was not safe to play on @C - would go down if @DA in East - @D was the safe suit|pg|| pc|h5|nt|suketbombi: what is the logic in playing @CS when @D play would have yielded sure 9 tricks?|pg|| pc|d4|pc|h3|pg|| nt|atabey: haha. valla. fazlasýný da veririz. aðanýn eli tutulmaz|pg|| nt|yusufb: bordlarda uygun geliyo|pg|| pc|hJ|nt|psyck: they bid 4@s in other room, so that is the last nail|pg|| pc|h4|pc|hK|pc|h9|pg|| pc|cT|pc|cJ|pc|c7|pc|dT|pg|| nt|sengulerz: ne kadar iyi takým olursa olsun þampiyonluk için kýsmet herkese lazým|pg|| nt|atabey: boardlar uygun gelmiyo bence. bizim kýzlar acaip iyi oynuyo. yoksa bu boardlardan kaç imp çýkar. hele kadýnlar maçýnda|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h2|nt|MolvaM: running scores|pg|| pc|h8|pc|h6|pg|| pc|c9|nt|mamos: now the bad break in Diamonds means a loss on the board|pg|| nt|blum1956: Not necessary good - 4@s could be made|pg|| pc|d3|nt|mamos: no more tricks|pg|| nt|bobholl: need not to be good :)|pg|| pc|d2|nt|MolvaM: declarer lost his way?|pg|| pc|d7|pg|| pc|c6|pc|d6|nt|yusufb: ayný bordlarla acýk finalinde durum 27 bordda 120-80|pg|| nt|atabey: al iþte|pg|| pc|hA|pc|d8|pg|| pc|d5|pc|h7|pc|dK|pc|d9|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|dQ|pc|dA|pc|hT|pg|| nt|yusufb: demekki icat etmeye calýþýrsan düz bord falan dinlemiyosun:)|pg|| pg|| qx|o30|st||md|4SJ2H7DQJ7643CK962,S87654HKJTD985CJ8,SKQHA96532DCAT753,SAT93HQ84DAKT2CQ4|sv|o|mb|1N|mb|p|mb|2H|nt|danilo1: knowing that they have confortable lead .... @D instead @C is also psychologically very bad ... risks discussion in - breaking good run|pg|| mb|3H|mb|3S|mb|p|mb|p|nt|murat: 4@c now ?|pg|| nt|mdgraham: sure|pg|| nt|jeanhari: 4@C - 5@C seems most likely as in the other room|pg|| mb|p|nt|tweety1: uff|pg|| nt|danilo1: if West pass 3@S, North may bid 4@S|pg|| nt|bobholl: pasman simons bid and made 5@C|pg|| pc|h7|nt|danilo1: *4@C|pg|| nt|murat: they are tired as normal. the break will be good for them|pg|| pc|hT|pc|hA|pc|h4|pg|| pc|h2|pc|h8|pc|s2|pc|hJ|pg|| nt|jeanhari: not much break after this set|pg|| nt|bobholl: why not 9@H ?|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c8|pc|cA|pc|c4|pg|| pc|h9|pc|hQ|pc|sJ|pc|hK|pg|| pc|cK|pc|cJ|pc|c3|pc|cQ|pg|| pc|d3|nt|murat: yes right. could be 4 off|pg|| pc|d5|nt|danilo1: @D switch may really cost lot ... with no previous board, guess Lale would bid 4@C|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|d2|pg|| pc|h6|pc|dT|pc|d4|nt|tweety1: icy cold 6 @c|pg|| mc|7|pg|| qx|c30|st||md|4SJ2H7DQJ7643CK962,S87654HKJTD985CJ8,SKQHA96532DCAT753,SAT93HQ84DAKT2CQ4|sv|o|nt|ralfwil: a bad score for EW|pg|| nt|pelu: looks stange, but S still in chock after the 3@cX :)|pg|| nt|roswolf: We are now on the last board of the set. Thanks to our operator, Monika -Great Job! Our appreciation to all the organisers for ensuring that this fine event is brought to BBO ...|pg|| nt|roswolf: vugraph. Thanks too to my very learned fellow commentators CK, Vladimir and Geo for their company and perceptive comments and to our specs whose contributions keep us on our toes.|pg|| nt|psyck: Last deal, thanks all & see you in the round of 16 starting in about 1.5 hours.|pg|| nt|xenya: thanks everyone|pg|| nt|roswolf: yes scheduled restart 15.30 CET|pg|| nt|MolvaM: ok last board of the macth|pg|| nt|MolvaM: Rosentahl will probably win unless something dramatic happens|pg|| nt|hawe45: Stop itpls - 4 @S AFTER having bid 5 @C, you are joking |pg|| nt|sengulerz: bi board kazaya geldik.. onun dýþýndaki her eli en iyi þekilde halletti takým|pg|| mb|1N|nt|MolvaM: many thanks to our commentaors peter pigot, and martin (who had to leave early)|pg|| mb|p|nt|geot: tks, and bye all:)|pg|| mb|2H|nt|hajru: It is not obvious how to bid 4@s and it is always good to score plus after you were about to go 500 down yourself|pg|| mb|3H|mb|3S|nt|fabsayc: no maybe even over average|pg|| nt|suketbombi: this one is indeed the last for the set peter:)|pg|| nt|mamos: this is the last board of this stanza|pg|| nt|MolvaM: and our vugraf operator in poznan|pg|| nt|ppiglett: Baggy weak 2.|pg|| nt|blum1956: yes you're right|pg|| nt|bobholl: 2@D pass or 2 nt what would you do|pg|| nt|arigun: @h@c uygun 6@c oluyo ama nasil denecek ki|pg|| nt|yusufb: bulunmasý imkansýz gibi 6@c|pg|| mb|p|nt|MolvaM: and our spectators who helped us with their valuable comments|pg|| nt|ppiglett: Thanks Murat|pg|| mb|p|nt|MolvaM: hope everyone enjoyed the show|pg|| nt|MolvaM: tomorrow we continue with the quarterfinals |pg|| nt|MolvaM: rosentahl will probably pick up 5 imps more here|pg|| nt|hajru: 2@d, partner can easily have a good 9 count, making game a reasonable thing|pg|| mb|4C|nt|suketbombi: thx operator Patrick & peter and also the Kibs|pg|| nt|pelu: now last board of this segment - and again Tx for Operator, kibs and fellow commentators - and again - We cant do that too many times: tx to the outstanding IT-staff - I have never ...|pg|| nt|pelu: seen better servise for kibs and us !|pg|| nt|suketbombi: true peter I second your views|pg|| nt|mamos: Thanks to my felow commentator Hans|pg|| mb|p|nt|roswolf: game hand to finish with|pg|| nt|bobholl: the intermediates are too bad imo|pg|| nt|arigun: north birakmaz 5@c e dbl demeyiz insallah|pg|| nt|yusufb: demeyiz|pg|| mb|5C|nt|mamos: and to our operator in Poland -- great job thank you|pg|| nt|mamos: thanks to you all|pg|| mb|p|nt|pelu: for several decades most of the staff came from Netherland - in the future, the IT-staff from Poland sh be send all over the world :)|pg|| nt|mamos: and to BBO and the EBL for bringing us this tourney and the Polish team for organising the best ever results and webpages|pg|| nt|mamos: this has seemed a difficult set |pg|| mb|p|mb|p|pc|dK|nt|blum1956: 2@d looks better - South may move to 2NT if North prefers 2@s|pg|| nt|arigun: dilegin pass'i cok iyi oldu north myhtemelen 5@c diyecekdi, serap'da gaza gelip dbl :)|pg|| pc|d3|pc|d9|pc|c3|pg|| nt|ralfwil: until now over 90%|pg|| nt|bobholl: disaster on 13 (for holland) 4@H all pass|pg|| nt|blum1956: If North passes 2@d it will clearly be the best contract|pg|| nt|arigun: 4 daha yazin haneye|pg|| nt|MolvaM: diðer masa kontr mu der diyorsun|pg|| nt|arigun: baska nasil alirizki|pg|| nt|sengulerz: zon diyememek de var ama|pg|| nt|arigun: pardon fazla oluyor 6 diyelim|pg|| nt|MolvaM: xx derse 1000 yazar :)|pg|| nt|yusufb: 4@h de oluyo o iyi|pg|| nt|arigun: neden bana guvenmiyorsun zafer regular partnerde degiliz ki :)|pg|| nt|sengulerz: :)|pg|| nt|arigun: hani partnerine guvenmez insan tamam cok normal|pg|| nt|sengulerz: ayarladým diyosun yani.. tamam o zaman|pg|| pc|sK|nt|ralfwil: for NS|pg|| nt|fabsayc: oh of course normal spade lead likely holds to 3|pg|| nt|ralfwil: and no cover on @h10|pg|| nt|fabsayc: i was expecting more +200 for NS on 13, but so far only 1|pg|| nt|fabsayc: two pairs in 4@H making on 33 fit|pg|| nt|fabsayc: not a mp success however|pg|| nt|fabsayc: play seems relatively fast, they must enforce slow penalties :)|pg|| nt|mamos: playing @hK looks right if you win you are home if it loses you are not dead|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s2|nt|roswolf: whoops going too high|pg|| pc|s8|pg|| pc|h4|nt|suketbombi: another pass :) they have tasted Blood :) soon a signal for @CS and declerar will get 4@HS + @DA on good defence|pg|| pc|h7|pc|hK|nt|roswolf: club lead for glory|pg|| nt|MolvaM: seyircilerin önerisi: havaalanýna ustu acýk otobus goturelým taksýme kadar bayraklarla gelelým:)|pg|| pc|hA|pg|| nt|roswolf: hooray|pg|| nt|geot: or J of hearts. but not diamond lead...then 1 imp out for the N/S pair|pg|| nt|xenya: voila :)|pg|| nt|psyck: y, anything but @dT|pg|| nt|geot: yes|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c4|pc|c2|pc|c8|pg|| pc|c5|pc|cQ|nt|ppiglett: ruff the h and play another spade|pg|| pc|cK|pc|cJ|pg|| pc|dQ|nt|suketbombi: @S now|pg|| pc|d8|pc|h2|nt|patricck: no, only -2 |pg|| pc|dA|pg|| nt|mamos: and if you duck you still only have eight tricks|pg|| pc|s3|pc|sJ|nt|roswolf: b7ye all see you back in 90 mins|pg|| nt|psyck: Most imps traded in this matchup :)|pg|| pc|s7|pc|sQ|pg|| pc|h5|pc|h8|pc|c6|pc|hT|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|d5|pc|h3|pc|d2|pg|| pc|d4|pc|s4|pc|c7|pc|dT|pg|| pc|h6|pc|hQ|pc|c9|pc|hJ|pg|| nt|arigun: heryer sað|pg|| mc|11|pg|| qx|o31|st||md|1S73HQ96DKT83CJT53,SA8652HAJ8DAQJ64C,ST9HK432D75CA9862,SKQJ4HT75D92CKQ74|sv|n|nt|bobholl: i'm satisfied with the 5@C from other room :)|pg|| nt|mdgraham: even protecting a lead, it seems a bit passive to pass 3@s with the 6520 North hand|pg|| mb|p|mb|1S|nt|mdgraham: six-five come alive, and all that|pg|| nt|danilo1: thk no question about finding 6@C (previous board) ... 5@C already difficult|pg|| mb|p|mb|3D!|mb|p|mb|4S|nt|danilo1: encouraged with previous 2 ... EW may now bid slam|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|tweety1: No slam found both rooms|pg|| nt|murat: they weren't carried away|pg|| pc|sT|nt|jeanhari: 3@D 10-11, 4 card @S|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s3|pc|s5|pg|| pc|d2|pc|d3|pc|dQ|nt|mdgraham: West probably felt she needed too many exact cards|pg|| pc|d5|pg|| pc|s2|pc|s9|pc|sQ|pc|s7|pg|| pc|d9|pc|d8|pc|dJ|pc|d7|pg|| pc|dA|nt|jeanhari: to get the right cards|pg|| pc|c8|pc|h5|pc|dT|pg|| pc|d4|nt|jeanhari: no way to find out for west|pg|| pc|h3|pc|s4|pc|dK|pg|| pc|h7|nt|danilo1: thk West should choose different bid than 4@S |pg|| pc|h9|pc|hA|pc|h4|pg|| pc|d6|pc|c2|nt|danilo1: probably best 3@H ... and see|pg|| nt|jeanhari: but should have give it a try|pg|| pc|hT|nt|mdgraham: any slam try would probably get 4@c, which isn't exactly what West would want to hear |pg|| pc|h6|pg|| pc|h8|pc|h2|nt|tweety1: one of the hard to find slams|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|hQ|pg|| pc|cK|pc|c3|pc|hJ|pc|cA|pg|| mc|12|pg|| qx|c31|st||md|1S73HQ96DKT83CJT53,SA8652HAJ8DAQJ64C,ST9HK432D75CA9862,SKQJ4HT75D92CKQ74|sv|n|nt|hajru: This is starting to look really bad for the Dutch|pg|| nt|blum1956: this becomes interesting - the pre-match favorite trails 40 IMPs...|pg|| mb|p|mb|1S|nt|bobholl: and the 3nt -1 still to come :(|pg|| nt|blum1956: yes|pg|| nt|hajru: They have 34 boards to recover but so far, they haven't done anything right|pg|| nt|hajru: 2@s is 6-10, 5@s and 4m|pg|| nt|arigun: iste super slam bir solukta der bizim kizla|pg|| mb|p|mb|2N!|nt|funtay: 30 nolu brd 3@sye biraktilar malesef|pg|| mb|p|nt|yusufb: 4 tutuþ davet|pg|| nt|arigun: zaferin yuzunden cok pasif konustu :)|pg|| mb|4S|mb|p|nt|hajru: 3@s is preemptive|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|pc|d7|nt|atabey: devre bitiyo die serdiler|pg|| nt|yusufb: dilek 4@c diyebilirdi gerci serap kabul etmezdi ama|pg|| nt|atabey: ikisi de çok az konuþtu|pg|| pc|d2|pc|d3|nt|fabsayc: 3h was down at least 2, dont understand 4@D bid|pg|| pc|dJ|pg|| pc|s2|pc|s9|pc|sK|pc|s3|pg|| pc|s4|pc|s7|pc|sA|pc|sT|pg|| nt|arigun: serap'in az konuscak varki olmadi ki, 2nt diyebildi ancak ...|pg|| nt|yusufb: karsýda KQXX-XXX-KXX-XXX sadece buna 7 olabilir|pg|| nt|atabey: davet mi eder o el bu saatte|pg|| pc|dA|pc|d5|pc|d9|pc|d8|pg|| pc|d4|pc|h3|pc|sJ|pc|dT|pg|| pc|cK|pc|c3|pc|h8|pc|cA|pg|| mc|12|pg|| qx|o32|st||md|2SKT82HQJT5DJ6CJ63,SA3HK7D98742CAKT8,SQ5H43DAKQT53C952,SJ9764HA9862DCQ74|sv|e|nt|danilo1: with kknown 4-card @S at pd ... ev. @DK could be easy even 7@S|pg|| nt|vugraphpl9: next session start in 35min|pg|| nt|vugraphpl9: last bd now|pg|| nt|murat: thx for the show Kacper|pg|| mb|1D|nt|vugraphpl9: :)|pg|| mb|p|mb|1S|mb|p|mb|2C|nt|bobholl: 2@H 45 nice now :)|pg|| nt|danilo1: true ... not easy to bid slam with KQxx in !X .. but, a try by West was (I think) a must|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|danilo1: *in @C|pg|| nt|jeanhari: I think north may lead a trump :)|pg|| nt|tweety1: afree Danilo|pg|| pc|c2|nt|murat: easy lead for Lale|pg|| nt|tweety1: lovely lead|pg|| pc|c4|pc|cJ|nt|danilo1: automatic lead|pg|| pc|cK|pg|| nt|tweety1: y|pg|| nt|tweety1: makes +1|pg|| pc|d7|pc|d3|pc|c7|pc|d6|pg|| pc|h2|pc|hT|nt|danilo1: still, fast 9 tricks|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h3|pg|| nt|tweety1: next brd pls|pg|| pc|d2|pc|d5|pc|cQ|pc|dJ|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h5|pc|h7|pc|h4|pg|| nt|danilo1: next in 35 min Tweety ...|pg|| pc|s4|nt|vugraphpl9: we have no next bd :)|pg|| pc|s8|pc|sA|pc|s5|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c5|pc|s6|pc|c3|pg|| pc|cT|pc|c9|pc|h6|pc|c6|pg|| mc|9|nt|danilo1: Thanks all my co-commentators ... especially Kacper (our operator), spectators and players|pg|| nt|tweety1: hehe|pg|| nt|mdgraham: thanks all|pg|| nt|tweety1: tx all|pg|| nt|murat: thx everybody. see you|pg|| nt|tweety1: c uy in the last session|pg|| nt|vugraphpl9: thx|pg|| nt|vugraphpl9: see you soon|pg|| nt|danilo1: CU later|pg|| pg|| qx|c32|st||md|2SKT82HQJT5DJ6CJ63,SA3HK7D98742CAKT8,SQ5H43DAKQT53C952,SJ9764HA9862DCQ74|sv|e|nt|bobholl: muiderberg did it's job but no great gain|pg|| nt|hajru: Last board of the set|pg|| nt|arigun: kaldi ki serap'i taniyan bilir koy acik oturuma inim inim inletir nazli ilicagi dahi, yeterki konusma firsati ver :)|pg|| nt|funtay: :)|pg|| nt|MolvaM: evet bu devrenin sonuna geldik|pg|| nt|yusufb: ama dilegin eli ortakta 4-5 koz ve 10-11 puan bilirken hiçmi aksüyon gostermez 4@s sozkonusu diil bence|pg|| nt|MolvaM: Deðerli analizleri ile bizlere ýþýk tutan yorumcularýmýza, ve sevgili izleyicilerimize çok teþekkür ediyoruz.|pg|| nt|funtay: öbür oda da 4@s|pg|| nt|yusufb: aksiyon:)|pg|| nt|MolvaM: thank you monica. you did great :)|pg|| nt|sengulerz: ilk yarý sonunda 39 fark vardý þimdi 44|pg|| nt|atabey: iyi valla. ben kesin -11 die bakýyodum|pg|| nt|yusufb: neyse iyi yýrttýk:)|pg|| nt|arigun: evet devrenin son board'u cok guzel bir devre cikardi bayanlarimiz ellerine saglik|pg|| mb|1D|mb|p|mb|2H|an| |nt|MolvaM: evet umarýz son devre de sorunsuz hallolur|pg|| mb|p|nt|MolvaM: son devre saat 1740 ta baþlayacak|pg|| nt|atabey: çok iyi oynadýlar bravo|pg|| mb|2S|mb|p|mb|p|nt|fabsayc: better to pass with barr hand|pg|| nt|blum1956: They stopped in 2@d on the previous board so 4 more IMPs to the Turkish team|pg|| nt|hajru: back at 2 local time, in about 1.5 hour|pg|| mb|p|nt|vugraphpl7: next set at 14:00|pg|| nt|yusufb: 2@h 5+@h 4+@s 7-9|pg|| pc|dA|nt|ralfwil: agree and if not pass - 1nt|pg|| nt|bobholl: cu than tya :)|pg|| nt|hajru: and the dutch coach has some work to do over lunch|pg|| nt|hawe45: Sorry, but here N/S might be making 4 @H|pg|| nt|vugraphpl7: next set at 16.40|pg|| pc|s4|pc|d6|pc|d8|pg|| nt|hajru: Yes, question is who should bid what and when?|pg|| nt|yusufb: bravoo zaten final oynamalarý en büyük baþarý|pg|| pc|c4|pc|c6|pc|cA|nt|bobholl: but who should take action N this ligth ?|pg|| nt|hawe45: Impossible, sure|pg|| pc|c5|pg|| nt|sengulerz: bi aksilik olmaz da kazanýrsak ÇOK ÝYÝ oynanarak kazanýlan bir þampiyonluk olacak|pg|| nt|arigun: thanks to our great operator Monika as well |pg|| pc|d7|nt|MolvaM: operatörümüz 1640 diyor ama o polonyada. türkiye saati ile 1740|pg|| pc|d3|pc|s6|pc|dJ|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|c3|pc|c8|pc|c2|pg|| pc|c7|pc|cJ|pc|cK|pc|c9|pg|| nt|yusufb: 5@s 4+@h sory|pg|| pc|d4|pc|d5|pc|s7|pc|s8|pg|| pc|s2|pc|sA|pc|s5|pc|s9|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h3|pc|h2|pc|h5|pg|| pc|h7|nt|hajru: bye all, thanks to our operator, back in 1:30h|pg|| nt|blum1956: thanks all, the spectators, the viewgraph and fellow commentators. I am sure the Dutch team will try the best to recover in segments 2 and 3|pg|| nt|blum1956: bye all|pg|| pc|h4|pc|hA|pc|hT|pg|| pc|h9|pc|hJ|nt|funtay: iyi oyun|pg|| pc|s3|pc|sQ|pg|| pc|dK|nt|MolvaM: evet tebrikler|pg|| pc|sJ|nt|fabsayc: huge difference between 2nt making and 3c-1|pg|| pc|sK|pc|d2|pg|| pc|sT|nt|MolvaM: 41 dk sonra bekleriz|pg|| pc|d9|pc|dT|pc|h6|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|cT|pc|dQ|pc|h8|pg|| nt|atabey: wd|pg|| nt|MolvaM: yoo 36 dk|pg|| nt|MolvaM: saat 1740 son devre|pg|| nt|sengulerz: herkese teþekkürler.. görüþmek üzere|pg|| pg||