vg|C EC 2011 Open Teams RR _,6_7,I,21,30,Netherlands Red,0,Apteker,0| rs|4HW-2,4HE=,3NS+2,4HS+1,4HS=,4HS=,4HW=,3DN-1,3NN=,3NN=,4HS-1,4HS-1,5HN-1,4SW+2,4SS=,6HS-5,5DW=,3NE-2,3NW+2,3SE=| pn|Brink,Delmonte,Drijver,Bach,Apteker,de Wijs,Gower,Muller|pg|| qx|o21|st||md|3SAJT62H96DA43CA73,SQ753HK83DJ765CQJ,SK98HQ7D8CKT98542,S4HAJT542DKQT92C6|sv|n|mb|3C|nt|chilloncan: hi bob, hi all|pg|| mb|4D|mb|p|mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|nt|bobholl: their preemptives are very ligth but guess at this V this is a normal hand|pg|| nt|chilloncan: Leaping Michaels by E, though not an ideal shape. still, when they preempt you cant be a purist|pg|| mb|p|nt|ballebodk: i agree in the 3 cl opening, but here it wasnt good and ns miss a good vul 4 sp|pg|| nt|bobholl: ew may even make 4@H|pg|| nt|bobholl: only @D ruff beats it but will they find it ?|pg|| pc|d8|nt|bobholl: seems so :)|pg|| pc|dK|pc|dA|pc|d5|pg|| pc|d4|pc|d7|pc|h7|nt|ballebodk: nice lead - its often a bad thing to establis declarers sidesuit - but here ....|pg|| pc|d2|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c6|pc|cA|pc|cJ|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s3|nt|bobholl: w had to guess @H also difficult after N preempts|pg|| pc|s8|pc|s4|pg|| pc|d3|mc|8|pg|| qx|c21|st||md|3SAJT62H96DA43CA73,SQ753HK83DJ765CQJ,SK98HQ7D8CKT98542,S4HAJT542DKQT92C6|sv|n|nt|ralfwil: hello Martin!|pg|| nt|vugraphpl7: we have a problem|pg|| nt|jr7: Maybee East still is a sleep! :-)|pg|| nt|jr7: :(|pg|| nt|vugraphpl7: they are playing but i have mistake in boards|pg|| nt|ady: how many go through?|pg|| nt|kastan88: 3 best teams from each group (8 teams) qualifying to Swiss A|pg|| nt|jbgood: hi|pg|| nt|kastan88: hej Jon|pg|| nt|ady: thx|pg|| mb|p|mb|1H|mb|1S|mb|2H|nt|ady: 4@H looks ok for e/w but can beaten if defence finds 2 diamond ruffs|pg|| mb|2S|nt|ady: 5@D makes if getting heart right|pg|| nt|jbgood: and 4@s or 5@c playable|pg|| nt|ady: n/s do well in spades in spite of 4-1 split|pg|| nt|ady: sorry of course 3 losers in diamonds for e/w|pg|| mb|4D!|mb|p|mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|rmb1: 4@D seems to have stolen the hand|pg|| pc|h9|pc|h3|nt|fabsayc: 420 is par, use entries for spade finesses|pg|| nt|ralfwil: important to finess in @s immediately|pg|| nt|ady: not the way to beat 4@H|pg|| pc|hQ|nt|jr7: Hi all - no names, but we are playing|pg|| pc|hA|pg|| nt|jbgood: and the trump lead doesnt hurt declarer much|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h6|pc|hK|pc|h7|pg|| nt|rmb1: North needed to make more of his club suit in the auction|pg|| mc|10|pg|| qx|o22|st||md|4SA6HAQJ9DKQCJ9832,SKJT95HT3DJ86CK75,SQ3H854DA7432CAT6,S8742HK762DT95CQ4|sv|e|nt|ballebodk: but still - against 620 !|pg|| nt|bobholl: good start for holland thanks to the (doubtfull) @D lead|pg|| mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|sJ|nt|bobholl: other hand had to lead in other room no preempt there|pg|| pc|sQ|nt|ballebodk: an easy 3 nt - everythings splits perfectily for declarer|pg|| pc|s2|pc|s6|pg|| nt|bobholl: whatever he tries it works :)|pg|| nt|ballebodk: maybe not from declarer wiew - but all he tries will work :)|pg|| nt|bobholl: he has a truly diffcult choice of lines|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h2|pc|hQ|pc|h3|pg|| nt|bobholl: guess he'll start with @H finesse|pg|| nt|bobholl: 8of @C running now ?|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d6|pc|d2|pc|d5|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|d8|pc|d3|pc|d9|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c5|pc|cT|pc|cQ|pg|| pc|s4|pc|sA|pc|s5|pc|s3|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c7|pc|cA|pc|c4|pg|| pc|dA|pc|dT|pc|c2|pc|dJ|pg|| pc|d7|pc|h6|pc|c8|pc|s9|pg|| nt|bobholl: 9 of @S is good but on the next ??|pg|| mc|11|nt|ballebodk: so south plan was basic: hj k in place or dia 3-3|pg|| pg|| qx|c22|st||md|4SA6HAQJ9DKQCJ9832,SKJT95HT3DJ86CK75,SQ3H854DA7432CAT6,S8742HK762DT95CQ4|sv|e|nt|kirp: Small slam potential for NS, some interference possible by EW|pg|| mb|p|nt|ady: 4@H down 2 in open room 11 imps for Netherlands|pg|| mb|1C|nt|ralfwil: but - at least in teams - declarer should have played @sA and @s10 before the last trumph. a good player can duck @sJ|pg|| mb|1S|mb|2D|nt|fabsayc: double by north|pg|| mb|2S|nt|kirp: As predicted!|pg|| nt|Walddk4: Welcome to Ronny|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: Hi all|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: N/S play either straight forward 2/1 or transfer after 1@c opening|pg|| nt|jbgood: N opened 3 @c and E made a nonleaping Michaels 4@d, so 4@h was wrongsided and got a @d lead|pg|| nt|rmb1: 3NT by South is not bad with spade lead from King|pg|| nt|ady: 12 tricks possible|pg|| nt|rmb1: Yes @H + @D behave well|pg|| nt|rmb1: Meanwhile South could X or bid NT now|pg|| nt|ady: not wild about 2@S from east|pg|| nt|jbgood: 500 in 2@s x - but that will not happen|pg|| mb|d|mb|p|nt|oosmanb: Hi everyone|pg|| nt|kirp: S takes ull by the horns|pg|| nt|kirp: bull not ull|pg|| nt|oosmanb: Nice bid by South!|pg|| mb|3C|mb|p|nt|jbgood: and now 3 NT?|pg|| mb|3H|mb|p|nt|STRIK3R: you might have seen me playing with Olsen on BBO, his nick is James950|pg|| nt|oosmanb: He's actually a regular on BBO |pg|| nt|STRIK3R: yes :)|pg|| nt|rmb1: Nowhere else to go?|pg|| nt|jbgood: 5@c also good|pg|| mb|4H|nt|fabsayc: is club ace realistic lead|pg|| nt|ady: 3@S North?|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|rmb1: 4@H will be more interesting|pg|| nt|jbgood: even 4@h:) at least on a spade lead|pg|| pc|sJ|nt|fabsayc: or duck of heart lead now|pg|| pc|sQ|nt|ralfwil: a clear duck! If declarer has @hAjxxx why not finess?|pg|| pc|s2|nt|fabsayc: i think it is, this play only makes sense if south has heart ace|pg|| pc|s6|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h2|pc|hQ|pc|h3|pg|| nt|jbgood: perhaps N might have tried 3@s over 3 @h?|pg|| pc|dK|nt|fabsayc: yes jack was a mistake|pg|| pc|d8|pc|d2|pc|d9|pg|| pc|c9|pc|c7|pc|c6|pc|cQ|pg|| nt|ralfwil: what are the best chances? enter dummy on @sA and play a small @h?|pg|| nt|fabsayc: small heart from hand trick 2 looks fine|pg|| pc|s7|pc|sA|pc|sK|pc|s3|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c5|nt|rmb1: @C finesse and @H finesse|pg|| nt|ady: re hi all got disconnected|pg|| nt|rmb1: Not missed much - declarer edging his way towards his contract|pg|| pc|cT|pc|c4|pg|| pc|h5|pc|h6|nt|ady: see they chose the 4-3 heart fit looks like 11 tricks|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|hT|pg|| nt|rmb1: More effective auction in OR|pg|| nt|ady: can pick up the hearts but clubs blocked so will hav e to lose 1 more|pg|| nt|jbgood: 11 for at push|pg|| mc|11|pg|| qx|o23|st||md|1ST5HAK873DAQT74CA,SQJ9HT5DK9852CQJ5,SK832HQ62DJC98763,SA764HJ94D63CKT42|sv|b|mb|1H|mb|p|nt|chilloncan: sorry all, my connection is very dicey|pg|| mb|2H|mb|p|mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|sQ|nt|bobholl: tell nothing the rigth style slam is impossible|pg|| pc|s2|pc|s4|pc|s5|pg|| nt|bobholl: 8 of @S grows for the 10 th trick :)|pg|| nt|chilloncan: slam could easily be on a finesse or even better, and game is unlikely to fail, so i think exploration is fine|pg|| nt|bobholl: it looks on 2 finesses both wrong :)|pg|| nt|chilloncan: KQx Qxxx Jxx xxx OR Axxx Jxxx Kx xxx|pg|| nt|bobholl: impossible is not the rigth word improbable is closer to the truth :)|pg|| pc|hT|nt|bobholl: sry 10 tricks always there can trump 1 @D low|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h4|pc|h3|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|d3|pc|d4|pc|dK|pg|| pc|h5|pc|h6|pc|h9|pc|hA|pg|| pc|d7|pc|d2|pc|h2|pc|d6|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c2|pc|cA|pc|c5|pg|| mc|10|pg|| qx|c23|st||md|1ST5HAK873DAQT74CA,SQJ9HT5DK9852CQJ5,SK832HQ62DJC98763,SA764HJ94D63CKT42|sv|b|mb|1H|mb|p|nt|kirp: Precision @C by W|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: N/S can make 3@h and E/W can make 3@d, but need accurate play to make 3@H I think|pg|| mb|2H|mb|p|nt|kirp: 3@H looks ambitious on 43|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: 1@d was suction|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: @H or @s and @c|pg|| nt|rmb1: According to their card, South could open 1NT, not sure why he didn't|pg|| mb|4H|nt|oosmanb: 3@D probably for EW|pg|| nt|oosmanb: 3@h might be tricky|pg|| mb|p|nt|fabsayc: this 2@D is a new species, at least for me|pg|| nt|kirp: curious to see how high EW get now|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|ralfwil: 2@s on the way to 3@d?|pg|| nt|ady: bad diamond split may beat this|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|s2|pc|s4|nt|kirp: E showed 5-7 hcp, so no strain on raise to 3@D|pg|| nt|oosmanb: this just needs @C Ace onside, (or Ax @S?)|pg|| pc|s5|pg|| nt|rmb1: Loose one @D and ruff one, could be just one @D loser|pg|| nt|jbgood: he may lose to the king and ruff one - that would give 10|pg|| nt|ady: yes will have to take care|pg|| pc|hT|nt|jbgood: sry Robin - not a deliberate copy:)|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h4|nt|rmb1: Yes. Not always true that 3 losers is 10 winners|pg|| pc|h3|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|d3|nt|STRIK3R: will find the A of @c and @s after 1@d, since 1@h was a freely bid|pg|| pc|d4|nt|fabsayc: this looks very good for NS, all games down and lots of values|pg|| pc|dK|pg|| nt|ralfwil: 9 tricks on any lead, so a nice stop|pg|| pc|h5|pc|h2|pc|hJ|nt|oosmanb: actually maybe it also needs A@S onside or @D 2-2, so you can get to 2nd @c trick|pg|| pc|hA|pg|| nt|ady: looks to bwe going about it the right way|pg|| pc|d7|pc|d5|pc|h6|pc|d6|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c2|pc|cA|pc|c5|pg|| pc|hK|mc|10|nt|rmb1: Made it look easy|pg|| pg|| qx|o24|st||md|2SK632HQ92DA7C9753,SJ875HJ65DJT54CK4,SQ94HK7DK98632CQ6,SATHAT843DQCAJT82|sv|o|mb|p|mb|2D|nt|bobholl: difficult decision for bach bit ligth for leaping micheals|pg|| mb|4C!|mb|p|mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|s4|nt|ballebodk: not a X in east with dob. in spade - but 4 cl showing cl and a major is a little strecht |pg|| nt|chilloncan: another preempt on a hand full of theoretical flaws for the action, though this time NV. zealots of preemption are willing to take the risk that multiple flaws carry because of the ...|pg|| nt|chilloncan: frequent success of pressure. also, sometimnes the flaws themselves may b e merits in disguise, e.g. protecting doubleton queens. of course if they know your style a lot of that is ...|pg|| nt|chilloncan: compromised...|pg|| pc|sT|pc|sK|pc|s5|pg|| pc|dA|pc|d4|pc|d2|pc|dQ|pg|| nt|bobholl: has to handle @H carefully but doublton honour in N seems and is best chance|pg|| pc|d7|nt|chilloncan: 4C is indeed a bit of a stretch, but it is often winning style to stretch a bit when doing so tells your whole hand|pg|| nt|ballebodk: but can declarer make 4 h if he do everything right ?|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|dK|nt|bobholl: yes if he guesses @H |pg|| pc|h3|pg|| nt|bobholl: and @C|pg|| nt|ballebodk: if he play n to Hx in heart he is some of the way :)|pg|| nt|Walddk6: Welcome to Wayne Stuart|pg|| nt|wstuart: Hi folks.|pg|| nt|chilloncan: hi wayne|pg|| nt|chilloncan: declarer seems fated to make|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c7|pc|cK|pc|c6|pg|| pc|h6|nt|chilloncan: he will play N for doubleton trump honor and can presume 3 spades with N from the lead|pg|| pc|h7|pc|hT|pc|hQ|pg|| nt|chilloncan: so whatever club N plays on the second round, W will get clubs right|pg|| nt|wstuart: Yes, he seems to be backed into a friendly lie of the cards here.|pg|| nt|chilloncan: even if S had Qxxx of clubs W would make this|pg|| nt|chilloncan: oh sorry saw W heart spot wrong, though it was the 9|pg|| pc|c5|pc|c4|pc|cQ|pc|cA|pg|| nt|chilloncan: left glasses at paying site yesterday:(|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h2|pc|h5|pc|hK|pg|| mc|10|pg|| qx|c24|st||md|2SK632HQ92DA7C9753,SJ875HJ65DJT54CK4,SQ94HK7DK98632CQ6,SATHAT843DQCAJT82|sv|o|nt|kirp: Looks like a part score here|pg|| mb|p|mb|2D|mb|2H|nt|STRIK3R: can make 3NT as the cards lay|pg|| nt|oosmanb: no stopping now|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: if guessing right in @h's|pg|| nt|ady: e/w can make 4@H but fortunate |pg|| mb|3D|nt|rmb1: Can make 4@H if there is only 1 @H loser|pg|| mb|p|nt|fabsayc: hardly recommended but brown would have done well to balance with double|pg|| mb|p|nt|ady: will hav e to drop honor doubleton heart in north hand and bring in 5 club tricks|pg|| nt|rmb1: X from East? 4@C seems too much|pg|| mb|p|nt|kirp: 14-16 hcp, 3@C is simple Stayman|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h2|pc|h6|pc|h7|pg|| nt|jbgood: stole it|pg|| nt|ady: needs a club switch now|pg|| pc|h3|nt|ralfwil: not the best defence. Either a @d lead or continue with @s|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: @c lead ?|pg|| pc|h9|nt|kirp: 3N is fairly lucky to make, 3@C could be 5 CMS looking at 3@S bid to show 4@Hs|pg|| nt|oosmanb: can he play on @C instead of @H ?|pg|| nt|kirp: W showed @S if any 4 crd major, so @S lead is not best usually|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|hK|pg|| pc|dK|pc|dQ|nt|kirp: may play on @Hs |pg|| pc|d7|pc|d4|pg|| pc|d2|nt|ralfwil: this is what happened!|pg|| pc|h4|nt|kirp: small @H best now, but @D finesse works|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: considering his middelcards in @c, playing one round on @h's was more attempting, needed to try @c's if first @h failed?|pg|| nt|oosmanb: Team Angelini picked up more imps in board 2 when the other room bid 3NT instead of 3@D|pg|| nt|kirp: ad hope NY couldn't take 3@Hs and 2@Cs|pg|| nt|oosmanb: a fair punt, but didnt work out|pg|| nt|oosmanb: yes, I guess J@H onside is higher %age than @C 3-3? |pg|| nt|kirp: 3@S lead certainly gave defense little chance to figure out what to do|pg|| nt|kirp: if @H J is onside, then has time to test @Cs and if not 33, then @Ds|pg|| nt|kirp: @D finesse|pg|| nt|oosmanb: Doesnt he need @d finesse in any case? |pg|| pc|dA|pc|d5|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h5|pc|c6|pc|h8|pg|| nt|jbgood: needed to safety play diamonds to win|pg|| pc|c3|nt|fabsayc: likely not much difference here since NS on for 4@S|pg|| nt|kirp: still only 8 trix with J@H onside|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: need to get 3@d tricks, so @d finesse is very much needed|pg|| nt|kirp: S should have continued @Hs ,then needed @D finesse|pg|| pc|cK|pc|cQ|pc|cJ|pg|| nt|ady: now has to drop doubleton A@S eith east play towards K@S then drop ace 2nd round|pg|| nt|jbgood: still 1 down may be cheap|pg|| pc|dT|nt|kirp: another pickup for EW, as they played 1N in OR|pg|| pc|d3|nt|oosmanb: Full 10 imps on offering here|pg|| pc|c2|nt|kirp: duck this to set up count for end position|pg|| pc|s2|pg|| nt|ady: but still down 1|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|d6|pc|c8|nt|rmb1: Exit in @C|pg|| pc|c5|pg|| pc|c4|pc|d8|pc|cT|pc|c7|pg|| pc|s4|pc|sT|mc|8|pg|| qx|o25|st||md|3SK97HQ6DKJT875C98,SQJT654H985D2CT43,SA832HKJ4DA963CA7,SHAT732DQ4CKQJ652|sv|e|nt|ballebodk: very nice done|pg|| nt|chilloncan: this time W does have heart nine, guess i saw into future, have always been ahead of my time|pg|| nt|wstuart: There's going to be some viscious infighting on this hand.|pg|| nt|chilloncan: predict 4HX|pg|| mb|1C!|mb|1H|nt|chilloncan: good save vs 3N|pg|| nt|bobholl: sry lost connection :) but back now |pg|| nt|wstuart: 5@D will recover those IMPs if they can get ther.|pg|| mb|2C!|an|transfer|mb|2S|nt|chilloncan: yes but not obvious to do so with N holding that hand|pg|| nt|wstuart: I would raise to 2@D with Ish's hand even cul but many would not.|pg|| nt|chilloncan: @@H?|pg|| nt|wstuart: *VUL|pg|| nt|chilloncan: 2H?|pg|| nt|wstuart: 2@H|pg|| mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|chilloncan: welc back bob:)|pg|| pc|cK|nt|bobholl: 9 tricks there for the taking|pg|| nt|wstuart: Does anyone know how N-S play DBL of the 2@S bid there?|pg|| pc|c9|pc|c3|pc|c7|pg|| nt|chilloncan: EW going to be unhappy about their result here|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|c8|pc|cT|pc|cA|pg|| pc|s2|pc|h2|pc|sK|pc|s4|pg|| nt|bobholl: they won't play penalty in this situation they use doubles in almost every way except for penalty :)|pg|| pc|d5|pc|d2|pc|dA|pc|d4|pg|| pc|d3|pc|dQ|nt|ballebodk: its a little funny - if W didnt did 2 sp - i think that E would have bid 4 cl over 3 nt, after 2 sp the misfit signals is reed|pg|| pc|dK|pc|h9|pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|c25|st||md|3SK97HQ6DKJT875C98,SQJT654H985D2CT43,SA832HKJ4DA963CA7,SHAT732DQ4CKQJ652|sv|e|nt|oosmanb: Yes excellent play|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: reviewed board 1, N/S play transfer after 1@c opening|pg|| mb|1N|nt|ady: 4@H was bid and made in OR so poor result for Netherlands|pg|| mb|2H|an| |nt|fabsayc: 4nt?|pg|| nt|ralfwil: first slam 6@d or 6@c|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: so 1@h from South now, showing 4+@s|pg|| mb|3C!|mb|p|nt|rmb1: Convention card I have says 2H natural|pg|| nt|jbgood: a direct 3 NT or via 3@h?|pg|| mb|3D|nt|fabsayc: i dont like double|pg|| nt|ralfwil: agree|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: 1@s from north show 3-5 @s's they open 1@c with weak hands with 5-5 in @c and @s|pg|| mb|p|nt|jbgood: transfers first|pg|| mb|3H|nt|kirp: 2@S can buy the hand now|pg|| mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|nt|ralfwil: W is very happy now|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: 2@s confirm the 5th @s|pg|| nt|kirp: Surprised that W did not act over 1@H|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|jbgood: same contract we would all have ended up in|pg|| pc|cK|pc|c8|pc|c4|pc|c7|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c9|pc|cT|pc|cA|pg|| pc|d3|nt|fabsayc: reminder to east: keep all those hearts, all winners|pg|| nt|oosmanb: This will be over in a flash|pg|| pc|d4|pc|dK|pc|d2|pg|| pc|d5|nt|ady: takes early trump leads to beat 4@H by e/w more than 1 trick|pg|| pc|s5|pc|dA|pc|dQ|pg|| pc|d9|pc|h3|pc|dJ|pc|c3|pg|| pc|dT|pc|s4|pc|d6|pc|h7|pg|| pc|d8|nt|jbgood: dont think many try 4@h vuln|pg|| pc|h9|pc|h4|pc|h2|pg|| nt|ady: yes agree|pg|| pc|d7|pc|h5|pc|hJ|pc|hT|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s6|pc|s2|pc|c2|pg|| pc|s7|pc|sT|pc|sA|pc|c5|pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|o26|st||md|4SJ3HAKQ843D63CQ98,SAQT87H765DT84CK5,SK6HJ2DA9752CJ762,S9542HT9DKQJCAT43|sv|b|nt|chilloncan: perhaps Delmonte was trying to put on a show of strength via 2S to discourage NS from bidding game, whereas 2H wouldnt sound like miuch|pg|| nt|wstuart: They aren't using good/bad or some variation?|pg|| mb|p|mb|1H|mb|1S|nt|bobholl: i guess they often do but after a high colour it is support in competition|pg|| mb|d|nt|wstuart: (For their 2NT bid) It's an interesting situation in that many pairs have several competitive agreements which pertain to that auction.|pg|| nt|wstuart: Lots of choices here for east|pg|| nt|wstuart: 2@S raise, 2@H limit raise, 3@H mixed raise|pg|| nt|ballebodk: yes - if they play fitbid - he has 2 coulors to fit in :)|pg|| nt|bobholl: 3 level is the limit for both sides (3@H can go down on @C ruff)|pg|| mb|2N|mb|3H|nt|bobholl: sry than no @D loser :)|pg|| nt|bobholl: may be|pg|| mb|3S|mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|sA|nt|wstuart: West's 3@S was likely his weakest action over the 4 card LR (2NT).|pg|| pc|s6|pc|s9|pc|s3|pg|| nt|wstuart: Since 2NT forced them to 3@S, his pass would have suggested a not quite minimum overcall.|pg|| nt|bobholl: you could play it also reversed wayne :)|pg|| nt|wstuart: Yes, I was just talking to a spec about that.|pg|| nt|wstuart: They are very close in relative value, but most pairs play pass weaker than bid in these situaions (which is also my pref)/|pg|| nt|bobholl: 3@S migth even go down after 2@H @D bucked and a @S finesse anyway :)|pg|| nt|wstuart: The most important thing, as with most, is to understand the situation and have an agreement about it.|pg|| nt|bobholl: brink drijver have discussed almost every situation and made strange (!?) arrangements |pg|| nt|wstuart: West is going to play east for a bunch of minor HCP. This is because he needs him to have them to have a chance at beating the contract.|pg|| pc|cK|pc|c6|pc|c3|nt|wstuart: He knows there is at most the @SJ in pard's hand and if pard has @H cards, they are onside and declarer will make easily.|pg|| pc|c8|pg|| pc|c5|pc|c2|pc|cA|pc|c9|pg|| pc|c4|pc|cQ|pc|h5|pc|c7|pg|| pc|d4|nt|bobholl: a push :)|pg|| mc|9|nt|wstuart: So, the concept of Card Placing By Assumption works out|pg|| pg|| qx|c26|st||md|4SJ3HAKQ843D63CQ98,SAQT87H765DT84CK5,SK6HJ2DA9752CJ762,S9542HT9DKQJCAT43|sv|b|nt|STRIK3R: interesting bidding problem for west now, if it goes 1@d, and 2@d from South to show @s and a sidesuite|pg|| mb|p|mb|1H|nt|jbgood: so 3 teams go to the A Swiss and the others to B. Then 27 from A and 5 from B go to the KO rounds|pg|| nt|ady: part score hand|pg|| nt|jbgood: no carry overs|pg|| nt|ady: 2@H about the limit for n/s|pg|| nt|rmb1: Might try 4@S would make if @SKx onside|pg|| mb|1S|nt|oosmanb: Fun hand now|pg|| mb|d|mb|2N!|nt|kirp: 3@H by NS should be the limit, not successfully either|pg|| nt|jbgood: running scores:|pg|| mb|3H|nt|oosmanb: Well North's initial pass|pg|| nt|oosmanb: has put an upper limit I think|pg|| nt|kirp: gives W a problem, tho' strong@C system helps|pg|| nt|kirp: W knows NS have 8+@Hs ,|pg|| mb|3S|nt|ady: yes the hand belongs to e/w but 9 tricks the limit|pg|| mb|4H|nt|STRIK3R: 8@hs I would say, x from east should show 4@h?|pg|| nt|kirp: 2N is some form of Lebensohl, compete in a minor|pg|| nt|oosmanb: Yes seems like it|pg|| mb|p|nt|kirp: but not as clear in this sequence|pg|| mb|p|nt|fabsayc: lead critical|pg|| nt|ady: n/s well overboard|pg|| mb|p|nt|fabsayc: no diamond lead makes south huge favorite to hold spade queen|pg|| pc|sA|nt|kirp: good stop|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: indeed|pg|| pc|s6|nt|rmb1: Its only -1 |pg|| pc|s9|pc|s3|pg|| nt|ady: 200 to Netherlands could only make 140 east with defensive values might have doubled 4@H|pg|| pc|s7|pc|sK|pc|s2|pc|sJ|pg|| nt|ralfwil: -1 now. 2@d 2@h and one trumph|pg|| nt|ady: may only be down 1 need to take club ruff|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c3|pc|c9|pc|cK|pg|| nt|ady: though if they take club ruff then diamond trick goes|pg|| nt|ady: so down 1 it is|pg|| pc|d4|pc|dA|pc|dK|pc|d6|pg|| nt|ady: so the 4@H bid saved an imp|pg|| pc|hJ|nt|kirp: that settles for 3@D making|pg|| pc|h9|pc|h3|pc|h6|pg|| pc|h2|pc|hT|pc|hA|pc|h5|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h7|pc|d2|pc|s4|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|d8|pc|d5|nt|fabsayc: i might still be thinking about running the spade trick 1, still the actual layout was much as you should expect|pg|| nt|ralfwil: can we get running scores?|pg|| pc|dJ|pg|| pc|h8|pc|s8|pc|d7|pc|s5|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|c5|pc|c6|pc|cA|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|d3|pc|dT|pc|d9|pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|o27|st||md|1S43HK98DQT842C974,SAKJ87H65DJCAQJ85,SQHAQT742DA75CK32,ST9652HJ3DK963CT6|sv|o|mb|p|nt|chilloncan: he would probably play E for minor suit cards anyway, since the bidding suggests a pinochle deck & E would not choose 2N as a support bid with dubious values in opps suit|pg|| mb|1S|mb|2H|nt|chilloncan: in other words, E is surely minimum, so his hand will probably be pure|pg|| mb|3S|mb|4H|mb|4S|nt|wstuart: 4@H is an interesting call here.|pg|| nt|ballebodk: wouw - that is a very hard 4 h from s !|pg|| nt|bobholl: they probably play double now as i want to bid on :)|pg|| nt|wstuart: Since it has no value as a blocking bid, it's effectively a sacrifice invitation, bringing the preemptor back into the auction.|pg|| nt|chilloncan: he doesnt like his chances defending 3S, and i agree with bob|pg|| mb|5H|mb|p|nt|wstuart: Oh, I though he bid 3@H not 2@H|pg|| mb|p|nt|bobholl: X now will be costly for the dutch :)|pg|| nt|ballebodk: and now - the old saying: the 5-level belongs to the opps :)|pg|| nt|bobholl: that often works :)|pg|| nt|wstuart: It won't be that bad will it? just a 5 IMP swing or so?|pg|| nt|chilloncan: maybe only down one|pg|| mb|p|nt|chilloncan: EW must play clubs, and W must not win first club|pg|| nt|bobholl: poeh :(|pg|| nt|bobholl: i mean :)|pg|| nt|bobholl: no double no trouble |pg|| nt|wstuart: With 4@S now making in the closed room, this will be costly for the Aussies.|pg|| nt|ballebodk: y - thats right - if they find that - then a BIG applaus|pg|| nt|chilloncan: a bit surprised W did not double this|pg|| pc|sT|nt|wstuart: Well, if you think of it in terms of hand ownership, he's not sure.|pg|| nt|bobholl: in the other room ns never played @H so +2|pg|| pc|s3|pc|sK|pc|sQ|pg|| nt|wstuart: Kiwi/Aussie, I'm told. :) sorry about that.|pg|| nt|chilloncan: well hge was certainly expecting to make 4S, and no overtricks or redouble are expected, so it is not clear that X risks very much|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c2|pc|c6|pc|c4|pg|| nt|ballebodk: the defense from N in closed room dont win any goldmedals :) |pg|| nt|bobholl: only -1 now |pg|| nt|wstuart: From west's perspective, he has some HCP and a very distr hand opposite a weak hand with a lot of trumps. He's not sure he can make 4@S, so why does he need to DBL 5@H?|pg|| nt|chilloncan: i would expect 4 spades opposite, and if he has a stiff heart i would expect to make. if not, he could have a minor card or club finese could be on. i would expect to make 4S|pg|| pc|sA|pc|h2|nt|bobholl: he thinks 2@H losers a@C and a @D so he'll be glad until comparing with his teammates bad result|pg|| pc|s2|pc|s4|pg|| nt|wstuart: I think it's a coin flip. therefore, I get them to the 5 level, why should I doubt them when they think they can take 11 tricks?|pg|| pc|dA|pc|d3|pc|d2|pc|dJ|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h3|pc|h8|pc|h5|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|hJ|pc|h9|pc|h6|pg|| mc|10|nt|chilloncan: believing the dutch is perilous:) they bid as much as they can on whatever they have:) good policy|pg|| pg|| qx|c27|st||md|1S43HK98DQT842C974,SAKJ87H65DJCAQJ85,SQHAQT742DA75CK32,ST9652HJ3DK963CT6|sv|o|nt|oosmanb: Well done another optimal contract played by EW|pg|| mb|p|nt|rmb1: Again EW might try 4@S|pg|| mb|1C!|mb|1H|mb|d|an| |mb|2H|nt|oosmanb: Any endplays possible for 10th trick in 4@H? |pg|| mb|4S|nt|oosmanb: I doubt it, so NS would do well to stop below game|pg|| nt|rmb1: 1@C was 16+ artificial|pg|| mb|p|nt|fabsayc: 61% for NS on board 6, nobody made 3@C|pg|| nt|oosmanb: but with a 10 card fit, vulnerable, can Fjaelberg put the brakes on |pg|| nt|kirp: 4@H can make if W does not switch to @S when in with the A@C|pg|| mb|p|nt|oosmanb: How? even if @C are stripped East has 4th @d to exit?|pg|| nt|kirp: 8@S|pg|| mb|p|nt|oosmanb: Ah right, |pg|| nt|jbgood: guess X shows 4-5+ spades?|pg|| nt|ady: down 1 would sedem unless a slip|pg|| nt|rmb1: 1C-P-1H = S so I guess this X is a transfer to S as well|pg|| pc|sQ|nt|oosmanb: Well spotted Martin|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: might get to 4 now|pg|| pc|s2|nt|jbgood: S could never hope to buy the contract in @hs - so perhaps xx in stead of 2 @h to indicate a high @h honor might have worked better|pg|| pc|s3|nt|oosmanb: So yes important for West to break up endplay, and he will too, has 1@S bid to help him|pg|| nt|kirp: I said 'can make', timing and defense needed to help|pg|| pc|sA|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|d7|pc|dK|pc|d2|pg|| nt|jbgood: see?|pg|| pc|sT|nt|kirp: I would guess it unlikely to make, knowing EW is very sound on all aspects of game|pg|| pc|s4|pc|s7|nt|STRIK3R: what line is the best from norths point of view?|pg|| pc|h2|pg|| pc|cT|nt|vugraphpl7: running scores|pg|| pc|c7|pc|c5|nt|oosmanb: Draw @Hs, K@D ruff a @D, and @c up?|pg|| nt|kirp: good nes and bad news, finesse works, 30 trumps is bad|pg|| pc|cK|pg|| nt|ady: e/w do well in hearts and could make 10 tricks if clubs not played early|pg|| nt|jbgood: much easier to defent if N knows about the heart king with prd |pg|| pc|dA|pc|d3|nt|fabsayc: non spade lead was a disaster for EW here, but can salvage with heart return knocking out north entry|pg|| pc|d4|pc|s8|pg|| mc|12|pg|| qx|o28|st||md|2SJT9876HQJ83DA6C9,S32HT7DT9874CKQ87,S54HAK4DKJ532CAJ2,SAKQH9652DQCT6543|sv|n|nt|wstuart: put a @S void out there (or a concealed @C fit and a @C void) and how do you like your defensive chances against a slam?|pg|| mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|mb|2C|mb|p|mb|2D|mb|p|nt|bobholl: when you play against brink drijver you are always under pressure |pg|| nt|wstuart: 3@H, Smolen now, or perhaps 4@H delayed Texas is my bet.|pg|| mb|4S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|chilloncan: yes their policy is to drijv you to the brink|pg|| pc|cK|pc|cA|pc|c6|pc|c9|pg|| pc|s4|pc|sQ|pc|s6|pc|s2|pg|| pc|c3|pc|s7|pc|c7|pc|c2|pg|| pc|sT|pc|s3|pc|s5|pc|sK|pg|| mc|10|nt|bobholl: claim C now|pg|| pg|| qx|c28|st||md|2SJT9876HQJ83DA6C9,S32HT7DT9874CKQ87,S54HAK4DKJ532CAJ2,SAKQH9652DQCT6543|sv|n|nt|fabsayc: so board punted back and forth|pg|| nt|kirp: EW juggernaut continues on bd 6, |pg|| nt|chessmaste: The point is that West must get in twice to lead spades through|pg|| nt|oosmanb: Good point Mark|pg|| mb|p|mb|1N|nt|fabsayc: after second club ducked north almost certainly should unblock diamonds|pg|| mb|p|nt|STRIK3R: 1@d from south 4+@h|pg|| nt|rmb1: So much different seeing all four hands. But North does not know about West's clubs or @HK in South|pg|| nt|ady: 4@S makes just lose 3 trump tricks|pg|| mb|2C|mb|d|mb|2D|nt|STRIK3R: 1NT from North, 0-2@h's|pg|| nt|rmb1: South has enough shape/points to insist on game|pg|| mb|3C|nt|kirp: does 1N deny 4@S?|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: made 4@H on board 7 in open|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: yes|pg|| nt|oosmanb: 4@H made in the other room, even though East was on lead and led @S|pg|| nt|oosmanb: I mean West was on lead|pg|| mb|3H|nt|ady: they might play 3NT might make with fortunate lay of club honors|pg|| nt|rmb1: X of 2@C even by passed hand, is a bit thin|pg|| mb|p|nt|jbgood: transfer?|pg|| nt|rmb1: 3@H might be a transfer or smolen (5+S - 4 H)|pg|| mb|4H|nt|jbgood: I would not think of Smolen with 6 @s:)|pg|| nt|rmb1: Just trying to get North to declare spades|pg|| nt|jbgood: but surely looks like it|pg|| mb|5C|mb|5S|nt|rmb1: I thought East may double 4M based on West's earlier double. But he has a different view of the hand|pg|| mb|p|nt|oosmanb: East discarded a @d, and Nunes ruffed the 4th @D good|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: west thinking of attacking @c's?|pg|| nt|jbgood: is this true?|pg|| nt|rmb1: He may double 5M :)|pg|| nt|rmb1: and North is thinking ... ?|pg|| nt|jbgood: firs willing to play 4@h then 5 @s? Where is dicipline? (but N might have bid 3 NT with his double club stopper|pg|| mb|6H|mb|p|nt|rmb1: I think 3@H was misunderstood|pg|| nt|ady: crazy bidding|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|jbgood: No double:)|pg|| nt|rmb1: no trouble? :(|pg|| nt|ady: very good score for Netherlands even undoubled|pg|| pc|cK|pc|cA|pc|cT|pc|c9|pg|| pc|s4|pc|sQ|pc|s6|pc|s2|pg|| nt|ady: think south should have taken the money when e/w got to the 5 level |pg|| nt|jbgood: A kib points out: Muller was afraid they would run to 6 sp :)|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s7|pc|s3|pc|s5|pg|| pc|c5|pc|h3|pc|c7|pc|c2|pg|| nt|kirp: Should be down 1 now|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: yes|pg|| nt|oosmanb: EW have been ruthless at this table|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: do we know if there is seeding in RR?|pg|| nt|ady: Netherlands runninfg away got 10 imps on hand 27th|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|h7|nt|kirp: Fantoni-Nunes look more ruthless|pg|| pc|hA|pc|sA|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h2|nt|ralfwil: N was punished after a - for me forbidden - lead from Jxx|pg|| nt|fabsayc: board 8 spade lead is right at imps as best shot to beat hand, but more dubious at match points|pg|| nt|fabsayc: over 50% difference between +1 and +2|pg|| nt|fabsayc: i believe the most important decision at mp is the opening lead, which is not given enough consideration|pg|| pc|h8|pc|hT|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h5|pc|hJ|pc|d4|pg|| pc|sT|pc|d7|pc|d2|pc|h6|pg|| pc|c3|nt|rmb1: Expensive|pg|| pc|s8|pc|cQ|pc|cJ|pg|| pc|c8|pc|d3|pc|c4|pc|hQ|pg|| pc|dA|pc|d8|pc|d5|pc|dQ|pg|| mc|7|pg|| qx|o29|st||md|3S9642HJ93D5CQJ863,SAK73HKT872D93CKT,SJ85HA65DT74CA954,SQTHQ4DAKQJ862C72|sv|b|mb|p|mb|3N|an|gambling|mb|p|nt|bobholl: a 3nt opener (solid minor is often bad ) as now on a @C lead |pg|| nt|ballebodk: ups - now is in wrong hand|pg|| nt|bobholl: and w will surely pass|pg|| mb|5D|nt|bobholl: he can save the day by bidding the unlikely 4@H|pg|| mb|p|nt|chilloncan: if this is the version of gambling that features "nothing outside", i am surprised to see EW playing it. that method just begs to wrongside a game. but Qx is definitely not ...|pg|| nt|chilloncan: "nothing" outside, and E has two of them, so maybe their agreement is different|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|wstuart: I don't know how to describe it further - go look it up somewhere.|pg|| pc|cA|nt|chilloncan: kudos to Ish for pulling EW fat out of the fire|pg|| pc|c2|nt|wstuart: Nice 5@D bid, protecting the @CK by bidding the suit he knows his pard has.|pg|| nt|bobholl: q of @C i guess (have J)|pg|| pc|c6|pc|cT|pg|| nt|bobholl: bad guesser as usual|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h4|nt|ballebodk: thats was a little surprising 5 d - if you look at W hand i think that the best shoot for game must be 3 NT |pg|| pc|h9|pc|h2|pg|| nt|bobholl: claiming time |pg|| mc|11|pg|| qx|c29|st||md|3S9642HJ93D5CQJ863,SAK73HKT872D93CKT,SJ85HA65DT74CA954,SQTHQ4DAKQJ862C72|sv|b|nt|rmb1: +620+500 = 15IMPs = very expensive|pg|| mb|p|nt|jbgood: but self inflicted and well deserved|pg|| mb|3N|an| |mb|p|mb|p|nt|ady: 3NT play wrong way up|pg|| nt|jbgood: a good example why 3NT should be played by W|pg|| mb|p|pc|c6|nt|rmb1: 3NT denies outside A/K - but can be 2Q :)|pg|| nt|jbgood: even on a low club lead it is impossible to go right|pg|| pc|cK|pc|cA|pc|c2|pg|| nt|kirp: hard to beat this with N on lead|pg|| nt|ady: both 3NT and 5@D need to beplayed by west|pg|| pc|c9|nt|oosmanb: yeah|pg|| nt|kirp: even after a @H switch by S, one duck and S has no more entries|pg|| nt|oosmanb: too many stoppers in @s, no entry for @H, |pg|| nt|kirp: however there are transport problems|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: 4 more IMPs to Angelini|pg|| nt|bigtrain: 3rd seat 1@H seems like it might disrupt things a bit|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: was almost expecting Olsen to open 2@H|pg|| nt|oosmanb: I was half expecting a 1@H opening|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: not sure if he and Jan open 2@H on 5 card suites|pg|| pc|c7|pc|cJ|nt|jr7: I think they are trying to catch the play they are playing now!|pg|| pc|cT|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|h2|pc|c4|nt|vicky888: should make now|pg|| pc|h4|pg|| nt|oosmanb: nice play!|pg|| pc|c8|nt|fabsayc: malinowsku operating again with 3NT bid|pg|| nt|fabsayc: this time succesfully|pg|| nt|jbgood: an early unblock by N|pg|| pc|h7|pc|c5|pc|d2|pg|| nt|kirp: now some problems for W|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: entry problem in East|pg|| nt|kirp: @D might have worked better|pg|| nt|kirp: than K@C|pg|| nt|oosmanb: small @D or AK/?|pg|| pc|c3|nt|ady: maybe some back for Aptekar|pg|| pc|d3|nt|kirp: small @D towards J, now W has to hope Q@C dblton|pg|| nt|oosmanb: I think there were problems with small @D to J too, then you dont have tempo for @C tricks|pg|| nt|oosmanb: as south will play another @S, before any @C played|pg|| nt|oosmanb: tricky hand to play|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|d6|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h8|pc|hA|pc|hQ|pg|| nt|ady: 4@S also a make e/w|pg|| mc|7|pg|| qx|o30|st||md|4S8HK7D765CAQT6542,SAK43H643DJT2CKJ9,SQJ52HQJT982DK3C7,ST976HA5DAQ984C83|sv|o|nt|wstuart: He knows it's about the @CK - 3NT is played by the wrong side, so he can right-side it by bidding 5@D.|pg|| nt|bobholl: good decision not to pass 3nt|pg|| nt|wstuart: A @C lead vs his pard playing 3NT is 50% to be fatal.|pg|| mb|1D|mb|3C|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|hQ|nt|wstuart: For instance, look what happened in the other room.|pg|| nt|chilloncan: well, E had 2 holdings of Qx, so there is no reason why one of them couldnbt have been in clubs|pg|| pc|h5|pc|h7|pc|h6|pg|| nt|wstuart: Yes but 5@D rated to be cold - from his side.|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|hA|pc|hK|pc|h4|pg|| nt|wstuart: it has to be a net plus to bid 5@D.|pg|| pc|s6|pc|s8|pc|sA|pc|s2|pg|| pc|dT|nt|bobholl: i fear muller de wijs will reach 4@S :(|pg|| pc|dK|pc|dA|pc|d5|pg|| nt|chilloncan: at no time did i criticize the 5D bid. |pg|| pc|dQ|pc|d6|pc|dJ|pc|d3|pg|| pc|d9|pc|d7|pc|d2|pc|s5|pg|| pc|d8|pc|c6|pc|c9|pc|c7|pg|| pc|d4|pc|c2|pc|s4|pc|h2|pg|| pc|c3|pc|cA|pc|cJ|pc|sQ|pg|| pc|c4|pc|cK|pc|h8|pc|c8|pg|| pc|sK|pc|sJ|pc|s7|pc|c5|pg|| pc|s3|pc|h9|pc|s9|pc|cT|pg|| pc|sT|pc|cQ|pc|h3|pc|hT|pg|| pg|| qx|c30|st||md|4S8HK7D765CAQT6542,SAK43H643DJT2CKJ9,SQJ52HQJT982DK3C7,ST976HA5DAQ984C83|sv|o|nt|ralfwil: and more than that....|pg|| nt|vugraphpl7: running scores|pg|| nt|ralfwil: looks like 100%|pg|| nt|kirp: he was hoping NS would duck k@C and then he could switch to @Ds|pg|| nt|rmb1: 13 back. 5@D played by W in OR|pg|| mb|1D!|nt|ralfwil: instead of about 95%|pg|| nt|oosmanb: Potential for Jans to pull some imps back then|pg|| nt|jr7: 4@H in N/S|pg|| nt|ady: swingy srt|pg|| nt|jbgood: same opening in the OR - but W preferred 5@d|pg|| nt|ady: set|pg|| nt|rmb1: Thanks to BBO and EBL for organising. Thanks to operator. Thanks to David and Jon|pg|| nt|ady: thx all|pg|| mb|2C|nt|STRIK3R: Yes, playing the K works if AQ is not on same hand|pg|| mb|d|nt|jr7: 4@S in Ø/V only 2 down|pg|| mb|2H|mb|2S|nt|ady: e/w can make 3NT even on a heart lead but unlikely to get there|pg|| mb|3C|nt|kirp: think tahts what he was hoping for|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: yes|pg|| mb|3S|nt|fabsayc: actually cost more than 20%|pg|| nt|ady: 4@S doomed on early heart play|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|oosmanb: They've bought the hand|pg|| nt|ady: well stopped |pg|| pc|hK|nt|ady: cannot fault e/w for not playing 3NT|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h2|nt|jr7: 1@C is strog, 2@C = diamond|pg|| pc|h5|pg|| nt|fabsayc: now north needs to hold 10xx of hearts or another disaster|pg|| nt|kirp: this looks straightforward|pg|| nt|ady: thx all interesting set|pg|| pc|h7|pc|h4|nt|jr7: strong|pg|| pc|h8|nt|kirp: 9 or 10 trix|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: wont take long|pg|| pc|hA|pg|| nt|oosmanb: Last hand of the segment, but LOTS more bridge to come!|pg|| nt|oosmanb: Thank you to the organizers, and fellow commentators|pg|| nt|kirp: ciao|pg|| nt|STRIK3R: hade|pg|| nt|jbgood: some really astonishing actions - great show|pg|| nt|ady: well Aptekar got to 3NT in OR surprising so finishing a close match|pg|| pc|s6|pc|s8|pc|sA|pc|s5|pg|| nt|rmb1: More back for Apteker. EW have played well and perhaps deserved a bigger margin|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s2|pc|s9|pc|c2|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|dK|pc|dA|pc|d5|pg|| nt|oosmanb: Next segment in 15 mins|pg|| pc|d4|nt|fabsayc: club jack is going for another swindle|pg|| nt|fabsayc: but dubious since now both players guard clubs|pg|| pc|d6|pc|dT|pc|d3|pg|| pc|d2|pc|sJ|pc|d8|pc|d7|pg|| mc|9|nt|ady: thx all |pg|| nt|ady: bye|pg|| nt|jbgood: bye all|pg|| pg||